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Showing 3 results for Shirazi

Gh Mirzabeigi, S Salemi, M Sanjari, F Shirazi, Sh Heidari, S Maleki,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (2 2009)

Background & Aim: Health systems are challenging with increased health demands and limited economic status whilst, nurses shortages is a worldwide issue. Job dissatisfaction among nurses is a main cause for work leaves. The aim of this study was to assess job satisfaction among Iranian nurses and its related factors.

Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 1058 nurses were selected randomly during 1384-5. A two-sectioned self-report questionnaire was used which included demographic data and job satisfaction scale. Data were analyzed in SPSS version 12.0.

Results: Findings showed that only about one third of nurses were satisfied (satisfied & very satisfied) with their jobs (34.30%). In this study, main factors of job satisfaction were job safety (44.5%) as well as working environment and facilities (44.26%). On the other hand, nurses were dissatisfied with their job because of the described job duties (74.75%), managers&apos way of communication (70%), and their social position (70.3%).

Conclusion: Increasing the salary and payment, job equity, modifying working time and shift plans, providing opportunities for the nurses to further their carriers, and continuing education are important issues in increasing job satisfaction.


Leila Amiri Farahani, Tooba Heidari, Fereshteh Narenji, Mohammad Asghari Jafarabadi, Vahideh Shirazi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (24 2012)

Background & Aim: Several factors have been reported to be influential in development of the premenstrual syndrome. There are no studies available on relationship between premenstrual syndrome with body mass index in Iran. This study aimed to determine this relationship among university students.

Methods & Materials: This was a cross-sectional study conducted on a random sample of 500 students living in the dorms of Arak University of Medical Sciences. The participants had not stress, anxiety and severe depression on the basis of the DASS21. Data were gathered using Social Status Questionnaire, including demographic, menstrual status, reproductive and eating habits and body mass index measurement items. The participants completed the abbreviated form of premenstrual syndrome evaluation within seven days of bleeding up to two days after onset of bleeding for one cycle. Using logistic regression analysis, the association was assessed by adjusting for confounding variables.

Results: A majority of the students had normal BMI (<25) (90.8%). The results showed that the risk of premenstrual syndrome in the participants with high BMI was 2.43 times more than the participants with normal BMI (OR=2.43 CI=8.33-1.66).

Conclusion: High BMI increased the risk of premenstrual syndrome. Interventions to decrease the BMI should be designed and implemented in overweight and obese patients with premenstrual syndrome.

Ziba Raisi Dehkordi, Mehdi Raei, Morvarid Ghassab Shirazi, Seyed Ahmad Reza Raisi Dehkordi, Mandana Mirmohammadali,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (6 2012)

Background & Aim: Breast milk provides many healthy nutrients to infants. Support provided by health care provider has positive effects on duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of telephone counseling on continuity and duration of breastfeeding among primiparus women.

Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted on 140 primiparus women referred to the selected health centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2010. The participants were randlomly allocated into two equal groups (each: 70 indviduals). The participants in the intervention group received telephone counseling by one of the researchers. The control group received routine care. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic characteristics and a breastfeeding check list. Exclusive breastfeeding rates were recorded one and three months after childbirth in both groups. Also, the continuity and duration of exclusive breastfeeding were recored three months after childbirth in both groups. Data were analyzed using the Chi-square test, Fisher&aposs exact test, standard logistic regression and linear regression in the SPSS-16 and the Win Pepi.

Results: The average duration of exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group (8.05±3.99) was significantly more than the control group (6.23±4.03) (P=0.008). In the third month of delivery, continuity of exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group was more than the control group (P=0.03). Results also showed that telephone counseling was effective in the duration of exclusive breastfeeding (P=0.02).

Conclusion: Telephone counseling was effective in continuity and duration of exclusive breastfeeding. Using this inexpensive and easy method can help to increase exclusive breastfeeding, especially in primiparus women.

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