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Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-1999)

Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-1999)

Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-1999)

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Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-1999)

Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-1999)

Z Monjamed, F Nik Shekarnia, S  varaei, N Bahrani,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

This study is a descriptive research in order to determine educational facilities and present the kinds of program staff development of nursing officeinhospitalsofuniversity of medical sciences and health services in Tehran, IRAN. The purpose of this research was determinated of the educational space (clossroom, library, Lecture and conference room), educational equipment, educational staff patterns, kinds of nursing staff development program and comparing between educational facilities and present the kinds of nursing development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran. The units that participated in this research was 41 educational facilities and kinds of nursing staff development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran (Tehran, Iran and shahid Beheshti) and no samphing was made. The tools was check list and Questionnarie. Each variable compared with educational standards of hospitals. (Standard 1100% excellent, desire was above 75% and undesired was under 75% and each 100 active bed haveing one educational supervisor).The finding indicated that scale confirmity with standard about educational space in three university was 50% (undesirable) and about educational equipment was 56% (undesirable) and about educational staffing pattern was 79% (desirable) and present kinds of nursing staff development was 56.5% (undesirable). The finding indicated that university medical of science Iran 66.5%, Shahid Beheshti 59.76% and Tehran 55.3% Scale confirmity with stundards have prossess.
Z Parsa Yekta, M Zaceri Moghadam, M Mahmoodi, N Dehghan Naeiri,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

This study is a descriptive -analytical research which is designed to evaluate clinical skills of Nurses in coronary care units in affiliated hospitals of Tehran medical sciences University.The specific objectives of this research are as follows: Determining clinical skills of nurses in coronary care unit in the fields of patient assessment, intrepretation of Electrocardiogram, and ABG test administration, Iv therapy, educating the clients , caring the patients under cardiac catheterization and resuscitation ofcardio-pulmonary disorders. The population involved 50 nurses who were working in the coronary care units. The sample and population were the same. The researcher collected the data during a period of 3 months and observed the subjects minimum two full working shifts.The results indicated that nursing skills of the majority of the subjects towards the patientassessment was at weak level, one half of them had high level skill ofEKG interpretation(+90%), Meanwhile 2/3 of the subjects (68%) had a very weak skill (0-20%) in the field of ABGtest interpretation. One half of them had a medium skill for administration ofthe IV drugtherapy and all of them were at very weak levelforpatienteducation skills. More than one halfof these nurses had a good skill about nursing care of the patients under cardiaccatheterization. Finally, the last objective (Cardiac resuscitation skill) was not analysed due to afew cases.
F Ramezanzadeh, F Vasegh Rahim Parvar, Z Monjamed, M Mahmoodi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

The objectives of this research are determine the difference in the effect of "Syntocinon" and "Syntocinon and Methergine" on postpartum blood loss as well as the side effects arising from administration of methergine.The number of subjects, under study was 108. The subjects were divided into two grups of 54. All subjects received an intramuscular injection of 10 units of Syntocinon after delivery of baby, while one group received, in addition, an intramuscular injection of 0.2 mg. of Methergine, after delivery of placenta. Then the amount of hemorrhage within 24 hours after delivery, determined by Higham's pictorial chart, the postpartum hemorrhage (P.P.H.) determined visually and experimentally, the difference of hemoglobin and hematocrit measured before and 24 hours after delivery, in two groups were compared. The statistical tests showd no significant difference between any of the particulars of the subjects in the two groups.As shown by the results, that the average hemorrhage in "Syntocinon" group was 145.56 ml. Meanwhile, there were three cases of postpartum hemorrhage (5.6%) in this group. The average hemorrhage in "Syntocinon and Methergine "group was 130 ml. wih two cases of postpartum hemorrhage (3.7%). The statistical tests showed no significant difference between average hemorrhage and cases of postpartum hemorrhage (p = 0.5, df=l) in both groups. These findings were objectively confirmed by the comparison between hemoglobin and hematocrit before and 24 hours after delivery in both groups, suggesting no significant difference between the two groups as regards, pre-and post delivery hemoglobin and hematocrit differences.The findings also suggest that there is no significant difference between the groups as regards the incidence of nausea, vomiting, chest pain, dyspnea, headache, mild and severe after-birth pains, backache, Systolic blood pressure of 140 (mmHg) and higher as well as diastolic blood pressure of 90 (mmHg) and higher. However, There have always been significant differences between the average systolic and diastolic blood pressures as measured 6,15,30 and 45 minutes as well 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours after delivery of placenta, as compared to pre delivery ones (p<0.05).
A.a Nazari,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

Smoking is one of the social - economic problems of the world. Looking through mass producton of cigarettes, and frequency advertising, the ratio of smokers are going higher during past years. Also studying on causes of smoking and how to prevent people from smoking, some countries have been successful in reducing thier smokers up to 50% . In this study, the main goal was How many medical boy students are involved smoking at Semnan University of Medical Sciences and health services. Statistic group were 320 medical - boy students, they were asking by questionnaires, which had 24 questions .The analytic Ratio showed that 14.4% of students were smoking as a habit, 67.4% were using as a fun and 7.2% were used one or two single cigarettes every other day . Also, 45.7% of the subjects have smoked at least once during their life time.More than 90% of these boys were around 23 years of age and 43.5% started their smoking, when they began to study in college. So this subject will prove the important factors of preventive measure and risk factors on that society.
Z Monjamed, N Sharifi, N Bahruni, A Memari,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

To study and determine the educational needs of nurses after graduation in order to make them further capable, aims at promotion of their occupational standards and betterment of this profession. By means of this study we can identify their needs and make necessary planning to reduce the resultant shortcommings and problems. The present research is a descriptive and analytical study conducted to survey the educational needs of nurses regarding non-pharmacological methods of controlling chronic pans in patients at medical surgical wards of the hospitals of Tehran University Medical of Sciences. A total of 119 nurses working at one of these wards participated in this research. The tool for gathering the information was a three-part questionnaire. The first part deal with individual particulars, the second part was about questions regarding the feeling needs of nurses an the third part was about questions regarding the educational needs of nurses. The findings showed: As for the feeling needs, nurses needed training , as for the level of educational needs regarding the concept of pain (69.7%), characteristics of chronic pains (52.9%), guided imagery method (50.4%) of nurses were in need of a high level of training and regarding the progressive muscle relaxation (68.9%) of nurses were in need of a medium level of training. The results revealed the connection between some individual particulars with the level of educational need, to the extent the age, clinical work experience, work experience in medical and surgical ward and the type of ward affected the level of educational need, and by using the Pearson Coefficient a meaningful statistical difference appeared, in other words, as the years of service increases , the level of knowledge decrease and the educational needs rise up.
R Memarian,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

Considering the improvment of technology and development in medical and basic medical science. Continuation of learning in community are necessary. The method is to create a cooperative learning environment for students. Students support in exprience, past information about subject reaction and holistic theory and practice helping notice, problem based learning bridge between theory and practice step intervention strategies P.B.L. which include eight steps: helping problem definition, Data collection, problem formulation, intervention, Assessment of learning needs, independent study, Reporting back review of in dependent study, in this paper, this method was investigated with some examples . Using this method in education of science , particularly medical science will improve the translation of science in education and producing science in research.
H Riazi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

In the majority of cases, making the exact diagnosis and finding the main organic cause of pain is difficult, although the pain being present and causes some anxiety and fear in human life. Though pain relief and pain control have caused many pain clinics to he established in worldwide, hypnosis therapy could be presented as well as the other means, as a new and effective way to control pain. On the other hand, it is a noninvasive method. Hypnotism is the science of affecting on perceptions and behaviors of human by the means of hypnotical trance and instructions.Hypnotical trance is the situation of profound relaxation. 80-90% of the people could be hypnotized in different levels of light, moderate, and profound hypnosis. Hynotism has a variety of uses, one of which is to relief pain. In this way it has been used effectively in painful conditions such as: labour and delivery, surgical operations, dentisty, burns, migrain headaches, neck and back pains, joint pains or Chronic pain like that in cancers with a special concern to autohypnotism. It should be noted that in painful conditions without a diagnosis , hypnotism must never he used to relief pain.
B Khodakarami,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

This study is a cross -sectional descriptive analysis research, that hasbeen carried out in orerto studdy complications during pregnancy and delivery in over -weigt mothers in : Tehran Maternity or over had come for delivery ,They were studdiedd simultaneously . The -devices usedd in this research are Questioner, Checking the mothers and babies documents and teir biographies ,delivery observation and to measure The mothhers andbabiesweights. The results indicated that some of the complication such as Cesarian}breechpresentation ,Macrosome baby ,preeclampisia ,Hypertension in mithers (B.P. 140/90)ANDedamarelatedd to the mothers over weight. The ither complications such as "Toolong stages of delivery or, premature labour ,postate and adamage to the delivery chhanel "were observed more commonly in over weight group.
Shiva.s Bassampour,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

Nurses must know about effect and indication ofl.V-Fluid Therapy. Priciples of WMuid therapy consist of:Appropriate solutions and the rate of administration of fluid, types of parenteral solutions and the factors that indicate whether a solution is appropriate or not, definition of smolarity andm smolality and how to use the standard formula. Knowing a pateint's body fluid concentration , or fluid status, is one way to determine how I.Vsolutions will infuse in specific situations. Cellularmembrance are permeable, water will shift into a compartment with a higher concentration or osmolality. The appropriate rate to infuse a solution depends on severalfactors, including the paitent's condition and type of solution. Other specific considerations ofpatients include: weight, urinary output, laboratory values, kidney Junction, length of illness, and assessment of skin turgor.
H Riazi, Gh Sadri, M Saeedi Jam,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

The study of Prevalence of Low Birth Weight newborns in Hamadan's Maternity hospitals during the first 9 months in 1374.The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prevalence of low birth weight infants in Hamadan. For this reason the whole births during the first 9 months in year 1374 in Hamadan's maternity hospitals was studied and each of LEW infant was Considered as a "Case". Inspite of each LBW, two babies with normal weight was selected as Control group. The total number of records which were studied were 9145. Results showed that the prevalence of LBW is 10.8% . The statistical tests indicates that there is association between the newborn's weight and the type of pregnancy (Singleton or multiple), mother's age, gravidity and maternal disease.(P<0.0001). No relationship was found between the newborn's sex and his or her weight at birth.
H Emamzadeh Ghasemi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

This is a quasi-Experimental research, which carried out inorder to determine the effect of applying executive in - service education model on quality of nursing care. For this purpose /email's general surgery unit in Bagiatalah hospital was selected (randomaizly) in order to case unit, and then in Najmieh hospital a unit control wasselected with same characteristic 0/the case unit. 30 sample 0f patients were selected/or quality control in each unit(inafterandbeforeintervention).Datagatheredwithducomentation checklist, patient assesment checklist, educational needs questionnaire and nursing practice evaluation checklist.The planning of educational performed based on quality of nursing care and educational needs assesment of nurses in case unit. Then researcherwithheadnurse applied planned educational model for one month and then the headnurse continued it for two more months in case unit. In this model headnurs lead nurses during executive educational model. After applied this educational model and quality control of nursing care in each unit, finding showed that significant quality care increased in case unit (20%), also it showed significant increased 250%. In quality of patient education (The scale of quality nursing care) incare unit rather than other. In this way hypotesis of research is confirmed (P=0/002) that executive in - service education model can increase quality of nursing care.
R Karimi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

The present is a descriptive study aimed at an investigtion into the incidence of bacterial infections in the respiratory system of infans under mechanical ventilation. Use of this instrument is inevitable in cases of respiratory failure or delay, and the air passage should be kept clean by means of a trachea suction thus the problem of pulmonary infection due to handling and entering of particles from the environment to the lungs may not be ignored. In this research, 756 culture samples were prepared from 27 subject infant (one day to 12 months old), in four stages from the onset of setting the tube in the trachea, in a period of 24 hours at senen locations for suction on the patient, including pulmonary secretions, oral secretions, the suction agent's hands, the suction catheter, the adhesive tape used for fixing the trachea tube, normal saline solution and connection between the catheter and the suction tube. Out of 27 infants, ten of them (37%) stayed alive until the end of 72 hours, and 17 of them (63%) passed away, the death of Jive (29%) of whom was inevitable in view of the illness diagnosis but 12 (70%) of them were those whom the mechanical ventiltor could have prevented from dying.The research findings report the results of cultures of samples from infants who stayed alive until each of the foursome stages and which were, respec tively,27,25, 22 and 10 in number, as follow:The result of culturing pulmonary secretions of the infants in foursome stages respectively reported contaminations of 27%, 52%, 77.3% and 100%.A comprehensive investigation shows that in more that 50% of cases, these tools may transfer microorganisms to the patient and such death and 100% contamination of pulmonary and oral secretions of the patient at the fourth stage of sampling are justified. The various types of microorganisms observed during this research.Which Could be harmful, when there microorganisms enter into the resperatory tract of patiento.
F Yosefi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

This research is a descriptive study. The purpose of conducting this survey was to estimate the prevalence of dental carvies by calculating the mean of Decay- Missing • Filling Teeth (D. M. F.) and ( indices for about and children in the province ofzanjan in 1990.Independent variable was age and dependent were Decayed - Missed and Filled teeth.The total population of 300 were studied and chosen as sample size and consist/69 females and 131 males of those 200 people were chosen from urban (Zanjan) and 100 from rural (Dizeg-Abad).The results of this study shows thefolowing indications.1. At age 5-6 years old 100% were carries free in permanent teeth. While at age / 2 only 5% in urban and 6.5% in rural were carvies free.2. The mean of D.M.F at age 12, 15 and 35-44 were seen between urban and rural but it was significant by applied T.Test.Besides D.M.F. the investigator also tried togather some deta in some aspects of "knowledge", "Attitude" and "Practice", (KA.P) in regards of population oral health, by using multiple questionnaire.The analysis of deta indicates the following findings*3. Around 40% of the arban population who wereinterviewed indicated that they brush theirteeth daily (once a day), 50% after each and 7% occasionally.And around 28% of rural popution answered that they had the habit for daily beashing, and 20% after each meal and 46% occasion' ally.The X2 test were performed between these two categorize and the result was highly significant.
Z Daneshvar,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

Sleep is not often used to indicate Pain Relief in infants.If Infants and childeren "s sleep Patterns are Distured by Painful Procedures they dont experience Restful sleep . Further more if Pain and lack of sleep are Continuous, other more global! Functional beheriors Such as Sociability and Consolability may be affected because lack of and disturbed sleep were Cues of infant Pain.There fore if rest Ful sleep is increased, Pain is decreased. Similar Study in adults were observed that who received Patient Controlled analgesia had less nocturnal awakehing and less interference with spontaneous move ment such as moving and walking secandory to build and repair tissue.Several abutt studise Provide evidence of tissue remeval a ssocited with release of the growth hormone during deep sleep and %70 of the total Secretion of this hormone occurs during sleep .in this Case Study infant 's increased sleep was used as an indicator of Pain relief for an 8-month old female infant with respiratory Failure Secondary to Sepsis. A sleep activity record documented total hours of sleep and longest hours of Sleep after nonana Igesic and analgesic interventions to mediate the infant 's Pain, sleep appeare to be a useful indicator of the afficacy of pain treat ment for infants.
P Yavari,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (6-2000)

Hyperhomocysteinemia is a condition which , in the absence of kidney disease , indicates a disturpted sulfur amino acid metabolism , either because of vitamin deficiency (folate , B12 and B6 ) or a genetic defect. Epidemiologicevidence suggests that mild Hyperhomocysteinemia is associated with increased risk of arteriosclerotic disease and stroke . Hyperhomocysteinemia is an independent risk factor for CHD .Vitamin therapy with the above vitamins can reduce homocysteine level efficiently.

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