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Showing 2 results for Family-Centered Care

R Karimi, Z Daneshvar, As Sadat Hoseini, A Mehran, M Shiri,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (11-2008)

Background & Aim: Due to the fact that family centered care have a crucial role in pediatric nursing, it seems compatibility of nurses&apos and parents&apos perception about parents&apos needs can lead to deliver higher quality care. The aim of this study was to compare parents&apos and nurses&apos perceptions about needs of hospitalized children&aposs parents.

Methods & Materials: This is a cross-sectional survey. One hundred and fifty parents and 80 nurses were selected using convenient sampling method. Data was gathered using Kristjánsdóttir&aposs "parental needs of hospitalized children" questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical (Chi-squared & Mann-Whitney U tests) methods.

Results: Research findings showed that there was significant difference between both parents&apos and nurses&apos perceptions about parents&apos needs (P=0.012). Both groups believed that parents&apos needs are met partially in hospitals. There was not meaningful difference between the parents&apos and nurses&apos perceptions concerning meeting parental needs (P=0.666). Based on their perceptions, understanding of parents&apos needs help them to meet their requirements in health care facilities. There was a significant difference between parents&apos and nurses&apos perceptions regarding parents&apos need (P=0.018).

Conclusion: Parents and nurses recognized all of the parents&apos needs to be important there were also deficits in meeting these needs. Therefore, parents&apos cooperation with health care team is necessary to facilitate the recovery of sick children as well as meeting parents&apos needs.

Azar Aran, Farokh Abazari, Jamileh Farokhzadian, Mansooreh Azizzadeh Forouzi,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background & Aim: Family-centered care is a concept for describing the approach to caring for children and their families in health services and its main element is the involvement of parents in child care. This study aimed to compare the perception of family-centered care from the perspectives of nursing staff and mothers of hospitalized children in children’s wards.
Methods & Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study conducted on 82 mothers of hospitalized children and 60 nurses working in children’s wards of Afzalipour hospital in Kerman in 2017. In this study, a questionnaire on the family-centered care perception from the perspectives of nurses and mothers was used for data collection. Data were analyzed through SPSS software version 20 using t test, analysis of variance and Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: Average scores for the perception of family-centered care from the perspective of nurses (3.17±0.79) and of the mothers (2.47±0.85) had significant differences between the two groups (P<0.001). In two groups, the highest average was related to the area of cooperation and the lowest average was related to the support area.
Conclusion: Findings showed nurses’ and mothers’ perceptions of family-centered care were positive but nurses have significantly more positive perception than mothers. This can be promising and nursing staff are required to be diligent about mothers’ participation in care so that the child receives better care.

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