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Showing 24 results for Pregnancy

B Khodakarami,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

This study is a cross -sectional descriptive analysis research, that hasbeen carried out in orerto studdy complications during pregnancy and delivery in over -weigt mothers in : Tehran Maternity or over had come for delivery ,They were studdiedd simultaneously . The -devices usedd in this research are Questioner, Checking the mothers and babies documents and teir biographies ,delivery observation and to measure The mothhers andbabiesweights. The results indicated that some of the complication such as Cesarian}breechpresentation ,Macrosome baby ,preeclampisia ,Hypertension in mithers (B.P. 140/90)ANDedamarelatedd to the mothers over weight. The ither complications such as "Toolong stages of delivery or, premature labour ,postate and adamage to the delivery chhanel "were observed more commonly in over weight group.
A Rezaipour, Z Taghizadeh, S Faghihzadeh, Sh Bazzazian,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2003)

Unintended pregnancy is a world wide problem that affects women, their families, and society. From a total of 175 million pregnancies per year 75 million of them are unintended. This cross-sectional study was undertaken to determine prevalence of unintended pregnancies and pertinent factors and suggests an appropriate solution. A sample of 400 women who were seeking pregnancy tests in laboratories of hospitals affiliated of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, at the obstetric and gynecologic ward, and who had positive tests were selected by the Poisson random sampling method. Women who were found to have diseases such as hydatidiform mole were excluded. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Pregnancy intention was measured using NSFG 2001 questionnaire. Descriptive and analytic tests (chi-square, Fisher exact, t-test) were used to analyze the data. Prevalence of unintended pregnancy was 47.5%, of whom 36.3% hadn’t used contraception methods. Fear of side effects (66.7%) was the most prevalent reason of not using contraception. The main reason for unintended pregnancy was economical problems (42.6%). 63.7% of women with unintended pregnancy had used one of contraceptive method but 86.8% of users had used that method in an incorrect way. Also the results indicated that the age of women, educational status, number of children, husband’s age and education were associated with contraceptive use. The results indicated that prevalence of unintended pregnancy is high and the contraceptive methods weren't used or were used incorrectly by most of them (91.6%). This may show the necessity of training women about contraceptive methods and side effects of unintended pregnancy. Due to the important role of health care providers they should be trained to give such consultation to women.
Shahnaz Golyan Tehrani, Mehrnaze Geranmayeh, Ozra Cheraghi, Abas Mehran,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (2-2008)

Background & Aim: Postpartum depression is a severe and pervasive sadness with labile mood that affect 8-15% women after delivery. It can negatively impress mother-infant bonding. There are a lot of factors which make women vulnerable to postpartum depression so that controlling them can prevent from the postpartum depression incidence. Several researches have shown an association between serum cholesterol reduction and depression. The aim of present study is to determine relation between postpartum depression with total serum cholesterol changes before and after child birth in Lahijanian women in years 2006-2007.

Methods & Materials: This research sought a descriptive-analytical design. Samples consisted of healthy Primigravidia women (101 persons) with normal labor, normal delivery at term, married, and a medium to high socio-educational level, without history of a depressive disorder, and metabolic disorders or hyperlipidemia. The excluded were the women with maternal or fetal complication before delivery, having problem with accepting infant gender, fetal death and being depressed during pregnancy. All women were visited in two stages: 3 weeks before the expected delivery and also 6 weeks after delivery. On both visits the Beck depression inventory and serum cholesterol registration questionnaire were completed. Data were collected using a questionnaire which had three sections: demographic characteristics, the Beck depression inventory and laboratory tests. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Spearman correlation coefficient and t-test) by SPSS computer software.

Results: Findings indicated that serum cholesterol declined considerably in the postpartum period, also it was shown that there was a significant correlation between reduced serum cholesterol and postpartum depression (r=-0.331, P<0.001).

Conclusion: Serum cholesterol reduction has a relation with postpartum depression.

F Abbaszadeh, A Baghery, N Mehran,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (8-2009)

Background & Objective: However, pregnancy is a common event among reproductive-age women, it is often stressful. Physical and emotional changes can alter the ability of women to carry out their usual roles. The aim of this study was to assess quality of life in pregnant women and its related factors.

Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 600 pregnant women referred to the prenatal clinics of Kashan University of Medical Sciences were selected randomly. Then they were asked to complete the Short Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36) to assess the quality of life. The results were analyzed using t-test, c2, and ANOVA in SPSS.

Results: Results showed that the mean of quality of life in pregnant women was 61.18 13.21 (27.96-92.62). A higher score represented a better health status. Statistically significant differences were found in all of the quality of life dimensions in pregnant women except for social functioning (P<0.005). Quality of life was correlated with age (P=0.002), gestational age (P=0.017), gravidity (P<0.001), number of deliveries (P<0.001), income (P<0.001), husband&aposs support (P=0.017) and life satisfaction (P=0.011).

Conclusion: Results of this study showed that the quality of life in pregnant women was low. Thus, it is important for primary care providers to be aware of the changes in health status of pregnant woman to help them to promote their quality of lives.


A Khaledan, Sh Mirdar, Ns Motahari Tabari, M Ahmad Shirvani,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (5-2010)

Background & Aim: Exercise is an integral component of physical and mental health. Attention to exercise in women, regarding their physiologic situation is essential. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a specific aerobic exercise program on fetal growth in pregnant women.
Methods & Materials: In this clinical trial, 39 pregnant women in 24-32 weeks of gestation were enrolled. The participants were randomly allocated to experimental (n=18) and control (n=21) groups. Women with single pregnancies and intact amniotic membranes were included. Women who had any contraindications for exercise were excluded from the study. Exercise program included stretching and flexibility exercise and aerobic exercise (constant walking for 30-45 minuets) three days a week for eight weeks. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, c2, t-test, Kolmogro-smirnov and repeated measurements. P<0.05 was considered to be significant.
Results: The results showed a 1.37% increase in the newborns&apos weight in the intervention group however, the difference was not statistically significant. The average of head circumference and newborns&apos length in the intervention group&aposs newborns were 0.21cm and 0.09cm more than the control group&aposs newborns, respectively. These differences were not statistically significant too (P>0.05).
Conclusion: There were no reductions in the growth of the fetuses following the exercise activities. This kind of exercise has no adverse effect on fetal growth.

Masoomeh Shakeri, Shiva Fekri, Ali Shahnavaz, Elham Shakibazadeh,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (8-2012)

Background & Objective: Appropriate physical activity help to promote women&aposs health during pregnancy. Providing appropriate educational programs for pregnant women seems to be necessary. This study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of a group educational program on pregnant women&aposs physical activity.

Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted among 280 nulliparous women. The participants were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Women in the experimental group participated in eight 90-minute group-based educational classes. Those in the control group received routine care. Data were collected at baseline and at the end of the educational program. Data were analyzed using the Chi-squared test and the t-test in the SPSS.

Results: There were no statistical differences on age, body mass index, education level, employment status, and physical activity between the two groups at baseline. The physical activity score was more in the experiment group (37.38±14.89) in compare with the control group (13.7±11.12) after the intervention (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The group-based educational program seems to promote physical activity during pregnancy. These kinds of programs should be implemented in prenatal clinics.


Nahid Mehran, Fatemeh Abbaszadeh, Azam Bagheri, Mehdi Noroozi,
Volume 18, Issue 5 (2-2013)

Background & Aim: Preterm birth is the main cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity so, prevention of preterm labor is a priority in health care. This study aimed to determine relationship between house works with preterm labor.

Methods & Materials: In this case-control study, 150 term pregnant women (control group) and 150 preterm pregnant women (case group) delivered in Izadi hospital in Qom were selected in 2008-2009. The data were collected using the "physical activity in pregnancy" scale. Data were analyzed using the Chi-squared test, t-test, and logistic regression. The P-value less than 0.05 was considered as significant level and the adjusted OR was reported for all variables. We used the SPSS- 16 for analyzing the data.

Results: According to the findings, there was no significant relationship between house work regarding duration and severity of activity in pregnancy with preterm labor.

Conclusion: There was no relationship between house work in pregnancy and preterm labor. Further studies are recommended.

Kobra Abouzari Gazafroodi, Fatemeh Najafi, Ehsan Kazemnejad, Fatemeh Rahimikian, Mamak Shariat, Parvin Rahnama,
Volume 18, Issue 5 (2-2013)

Background & Aim: Pregnancy can conflict with sexual function that can be affected by physical and psychological changes during pregnancy. The aim of this study was to compare sexual functions between nulliparous and multiparous pregnant women referred to health centers in Eastern district of Guilan.

Methods & Materials: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Guilan during 2009-2010. We used convenient sampling method to select 554 pregnant women. Data were gathered using a questionnaire including demographic characteristics, sexual function and fear of harm to fetus. The SPSS-16 was used to analyze the data by the Mann-Whitney U and Generalized linear models. The level of significance was set at 5%.

Results: There was no significant difference between nulliparous and multiparous pregnant women regarding sexual function in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy (P=0.353, P=0.251). There were significant differences between nulliparous and multiparous pregnant women regarding sexual desire (P=0.002), arousal (P=0.01), orgasm (P=0.01), pain (P=0.02) and sexual function total score (P=0.016). There was significant difference between nulliparous and multiparous pregnant women regarding sexual function (P=0.008).

Conclusion: Sexual counseling and rehabilitation programs should be compiled as part of the comprehensive care of prenatal care especially for multiparous pregnant women.

Majid Mohammadshahi, Mehrnoush Zakerzadeh, Samira Hashemi, Fatemeh Haidari,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (7-2013)

  Background & Aim: There is little information regarding relationship between maternal dietary pattern and infant anthropometric parameters at birth. This study was carried out to determine relationship between dietary patterns in pregnancy with infants' anthropometric parameters .

  Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 94 pregnant women (GA: 37-40 weeks) referred to Ahvaz Razi hospital were selected. Anthropometric parameters were measured. The dietary intakes were assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Factor analysis was used to identify dietary patterns. Statistical analysis was done in the SPSS. 

  Results: In this study, three major dietary patterns including "healthy", "traditional" and "western" dietary patterns were identified. After adjusting of confounders (age, physical activity, energy intake, pregnancy weight gain and infant sex), the relationship between dietary patterns with birth weight, height and head circumference were exhibited in three models. The relationship between healthy dietary pattern and infant weight, height and head circumference at birth was significantly positive in all models (P<0.05). Western dietary pattern had significant negative relationship with head circumference in the model 1 and 2. Moreover, it had negative relationship with birth weight in the model 1 (P<0.05). Traditional dietary pattern did not show any significant relationship with anthropometric parameters at birth.

  Conclusion: The present study found significant relationship between maternal dietary patterns with anthropometric parameters at birth. Further prospective studies are suggested to confirm the findings.


Nikzad Iesazadeh, Reza Salimi,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (8-2014)

  Background & Aim: One of the key factors affecting the physical and mental health of fetus is peace. According to Quran, this factor is a fundamental Principle in different fields of Islamic Ethics and law and it also affects all orders and Prohibitions. That’s because of conditions that are ordained during Pregnancy Period and of course it affects the benefits and losses of the Person in next Periods of growth. This study assessed the fundamental role of peace during pregnancy and fetal life from the perspective of the holy Quran and its priority to other functions of marriage .

  Methods & Materials: This study is a retrospective review which was performed by searching library sources and 15 relevant sources were found. The concept of peace in holy Quran can be followed by keywords such as, Assurance / Etminan (Raad/28), tranquility/ Sakineh ( Fath/24), inhabitancy / Sakana (Tobeh/103), Security / Amniyat (Thein/3), Permanency / Sobat( Forghan/47). In addition, Keywords such as, Health, Pregnancy, and Sprit were studied too . 

  Results: Meanwhile, the topic of marriage and finding a family (including matrimony, spousal time, pregnancy and reproduction) is a composition of religious orders and prohibitions. According to some studies based on the Quran's verses and his successor’s anecdote considerable results such as reproduction, correct sexual satisfactory, moral and psychological peace was achieved. Relaxation in pregnancy phase is very important and vital process for the embryonic formation particularly in view of his/her future corporeal and spiritual life. Such standpoint is firmly emphasized by Islamic orders due to healthy generation among the human being .

  Conclusion: Aquiring spiritual relaxation and developing it according to psychological guidelines and strategies of the holy Quran is necessary to achieve a peaceful and satisfactory condition during pregnancy and birth of a healthy and righteous child .


Arezoo Karimi, Salman Daliri, Koroush Sayeh Miri,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (10-2016)

Background & Aim: Violence during pregnancy affects both mother and fetus. This study was performed to investigate the relationship between physical, sexual and psychological violence during pregnancy and low birth weight in the world as a meta-analysis.

Methods & Materials: This study is a meta-analysis that was performed on articles published in Persian and English languages from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 2015. Articles were extracted by searching in the databases of Scopus, Medline, EMBASE, Pubmed, Web of Science, Google scholar, Science Direct, Irandoc, Magiran, Medlib, and SID using key words of violence during pregnancy, low birth weight, physical, sexual and psychological violence and their compounds. The results of studies were combined using a random effects model in the meta-analysis. The heterogeneity of studies was evaluated using the I2 index and meta-regression, and the data analysis was performed using STATA software v.11.2 and SPSS software v.16.

Results: Of 254 found articles, 16 relevant articles with the sample number of 117287 people were included in the study. The results of meta-analysis showed that physical OR:1.61 (CI95%:2.04–2.28), psychological OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) and sexual violence OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) during pregnancy, lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers.

Conclusion: Physical, psychological and sexual violence during pregnancy lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers. Therefore, maternal screening and counseling by trained general practitioners and professionals before and during pregnancy are recommended.

Background & Aim: Birth weight is one of the most important indicators for evaluating the community health status.Violence during pregnancy affects both mother and fetus and leads to irreversible consequences. This study was performed to investigate the relationship between physical, sexual and psychological violence during pregnancy and low birth weight in the world as a meta-analysis.

Methods & Materials: This study is a meta-analysis that was performed on articles published in Persian and English languages from the beginning of 1995 to the end of 2015. Articles were extracted by searching in the databases of Scopus, Medline, EMBASE, Pubmed, Web of Science, Google scholar, Science Direct, Irandoc, Magiran, Medlib, and SID using key words of violence during pregnancy, low birth weight, physical, sexual and psychological violence and their compounds. The results of studies were combined using a random effects model in the meta-analysis. The heterogeneity of studies was evaluated using the I2 index and meta-regression, and the data analysis was performed using STATA software v.11.2 and SPSS software v.16.

Results: Of 254 found articles, 16 relevant articles with the sample number of 117287 people were included in the study. The results of meta-analysis showed that physical OR:1.61 (CI95%:2.04–2.28), psychological OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) and sexual violence OR:1.26 (CI95%:1.02–1.56) during pregnancy, lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers.

Conclusion: Based on the results, physical, psychological and sexual violence during pregnancy lead to an increase in the rate of low birth weight infants in the exposed mothers. Therefore, the relevant authorities are recommended to identify at-risk mothers and control their exposure toviolenceby implementing educational and interventional programs, maternal screening and counseling by trained general practitioners and professionals before and during pregnancy.

Narjes Sadat Borghei, Ali Taghipour, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (7-2017)

Background & Aim: Mothers during pregnancy face many concerns. Identifying mothers’ strategies to manage those concerns can help healthcare providers to promote their mental health. The aim of this study was to explore pregnant mothers’ strategies for the management of their concerns during pregnancy.

Methods & Materials: This qualitative study was conducted in Gorgan city during 2014-2015. The study participants were 20 pregnant women and three of their husbands as well as three experienced midwives who were selected using purposive sampling and interviewed through semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed through conventional content analysis using the MAXQDA software.

Results: Data analysis led to the emergence of five main categories including the utilization of purposive knowledge acquisition, reliance on the leverage of spirituality, thinking management and stress control, the effort to maintain and improve familial interactions and emotional preparation for pregnancy.

Conclusion: The five strategies used by pregnant women to manage their concerns, were identified in this study. Midwives can play an important role in implementing these strategies and empowering pregnant women.

Mehrnegar Azogh, Mansour Shakiba, Ali Navidian,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background & Aim: In pregnancy following stillbirth, the parental relationship and attachment to the dead child are denied, and this can impair the mother’s attachment to the new child. The present study aimed to determine the effect of cognitive behavioral training on maternal-fetal attachment in subsequent pregnancy following stillbirth.
Methods & Materials: This quasi-experimental study was performed on 100 pregnant women with the history of stillbirth, referred to health centers in Zahedan in 2017. Mothers were selected using convenience sampling and assigned into two groups of 50 each. Data were collected by a demographic questionnaire and the Cranley maternal-fetal attachment scale. After pre-test, the intervention group received 4 sessions of cognitive behavioral training during 4 weeks. After 8 weeks, the post-test was performed for two groups and data were analyzed using independent t-test, chi-square, Fisher's exact and ANCOVA tests through the SPSS software version 21.
Results: The mean score for maternal-fetal attachment was not significantly different in the baseline but was significantly higher in the intervention group (92.36±11.89) than in the control group (80.90±16.36) after the intervention (P<0.001). The adjustment for the pre-test score, optimism and visit numbers in ANCOVA the mean score for maternal-fetal attachment in the post-test were still significant (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Considering the effect of cognitive behavioral training on the promotion of maternal-fetal attachment, it is recommended that this training be integrated into the care program for pregnant women with a history of stillbirth.
Kheirolnesa Mojahed, Ali Navidian,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background & Aim: Waterpipe smoking during pregnancy is a health problem, and interventions must be designed for its cessation. The present study was conducted to examine the effect of motivational interviewing (MI) on self-efficacy to quit hookah smoking in pregnant women.
Methods & Materials: The randomized clinical trial was conducted on 140 pregnant women who smoked hookah and lived in the marginal settlements in Zahedan in 2017. The convenience samples were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. Data were collected using demographic characteristics and self-efficacy to quit hookah smoking questionnaires. Participants in the intervention received four group sessions of MI, while those in the control only received usual recommendations for quitting hookah smoking. The post-test was performed eight weeks after the completion of the intervention. Independent t-test, paired t-test, Chi-square, and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used for data analysis through the SPSS software version 21.
Results: The demographic characteristics and gestational age of women were comparable between two groups, but the duration of hookah consumption in the intervention was more than the control (P=0.008). While the mean score of self-efficacy of two groups in pre-test was alike, in the post-test the score of self-efficacy in the intervention (60.85±7.25) was higher than the control (22.77±3.79) (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Given that MI approach has a positive effect on self-efficacy to quit hookah smoking, it is suggested that this counseling strategy is integrated into health care programs for pregnant women smoking hookah.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT201609240299954N5
Jamileh Malakouti, Mojgan Mirghafourvand, Hanieh Salehi Pour Mehr, Farshid Shamsaei, Masoumeh Safari Komeil,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2018)

Background & Aim: Given the importance of the physical and mental health of pregnant women and the negative effects of worry on maternal and fetal health, identifying the factors affecting the reduction of worries is necessary. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine maternal worries and their relationship with coping strategies.
Methods & Materials: This analytical, cross-sectional study was performed on 465 pregnant women 14-40 weeks referred to health centres in Hamadan in 2015-2016. Data were collected using the obstetric and socio-demographic characteristics questionnaires, the Billings and Moos Coping Strategy and the Cambridge Worry Scale (CWS). Descriptive and inferential statistics including Spearman correlation and One-way analysis of variance were used to determine relationship between worries and coping strategies. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The mean (SD) of worry score was 25.8 (15.1), with achievable scores of 0 to 80. Thus, 67.3% were not worried, 30.1% expressed a small amount of concern and 2.6% had a great deal of concern. The comparison of the total score of coping strategies and the two subscales of problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies in the three groups indicated that only the emotion-focused strategy score was different in these groups (P<0.005).
Conclusion: The findings of the study indicate that there is a direct correlation between maternal worries and use of emotion-focused strategy. Therefore, it is suggested that midwives help pregnant women to reduce worry by training coping strategies in order to increase the use of problem-focused strategy.
Behjat Tallebi, Zahra Moudi,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background & Aim: Pregnancy during adolescence is in conflict with the identity structures of adolescents, that can have a negative effect on maternal mental health, and especially cause stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of neonatal care education on perceived stress in adolescent mothers.
Methods & Materials: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 116 adolescent pregnant women referred to Zahedan health centers in 2016. Samples were selected by the convenience sampling method and assigned into two groups of 58 people each. The pre-test was performed before the first session using demographic and perceived stress questionnaires. The intervention group received three educational sessions on neonatal care and stress reduction methods. Routine prenatal education was provided to the control group. A post-test was performed at 38 week of pregnancy and 30 days after delivery. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney, Monte Carlo and Fisher tests through the SPSS software version 21.
Results: Before the intervention, the stress score for the intervention group was higher than that for the control group (P=0.007), but the mean score of perceived stress for the intervention group significantly decreased at the 38th week of pregnancy and 30 days after delivery, compared to the control group. According to the Mann-Whitney test, the decrease was significant (P˂0.001).
Conclusion: Considering the effect of the neonatal care education on reducing stress in adolescent mothers, it is recommended that this type of educational intervention be integrated into care program for adolescent pregnant mothers.
Zahra Khalili, Maryam Navaee, Mansour Shakiba, Ali Navidian,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2019)

Background & Aim: The experience of domestic violence has negative consequences on the mental health of pregnant women, and interventions must be designed to reduce these negative consequences. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of supportive-educational intervention on psychological distress among pregnant women subjected to domestic violence.
Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted on 100 pregnant women subjected to domestic violence, referred to comprehensive health centers of Zahedan for receiving prenatal care in 2018. Eligible women were selected by the convenience sampling method and randomly assigned into two groups of intervention and control. The intervention group received four supportive-educational individual sessions during two weeks. The control group received routine care during this period. Data were collected in two groups by the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and Hurts, Insults, Threaten, Screams (HITS), before the intervention and four weeks after the intervention. The data were analyzed by statistical tests using the SPSS software version 21.
Results: The results showed that the mean score of psychological distress of pregnant women dropped from 30.9±4.58 to 22.18±3.81 (mean change score -8.72±3.93) in the intervention group and from 25.22±4.15 to 24.06±4.16 (mean change score -1.16±1.48) in the control group. Analysis of covariance demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean score of psychological distress of pregnant women exposed to violence between the two groups after the supportive-educational intervention (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the supportive-educational intervention is effective in reducing psychological distress in pregnant women subjected to violence. Therefore, it is recommended to integrate supportive-educational interventions into prenatal care for pregnant women subjected to violence in order to improve fetal and maternal health.
Roghaiyeh Nourizadeh, Eesa Mohammadi, Masoumeh Simbar, Ahmad Reza Baghestani,
Volume 25, Issue 4 (1-2020)

Background & Aim: Some women, throughout their life cycle, experience unintended pregnancy and had to decide on continuing or terminating it. Although the decision-making process always recurs, few studies have so far shed light on this complex, and context-based process. The aim of the present study was to explore Iranian women’s decision-making process to abort or continue an unintended pregnancy.
Methods & Materials: This was a qualitative study using grounded theory approach. Data were collected through unstructured, in-depth interviews with 29 participants in Tabriz from March 2016 to May 2017. The participants were selected through the purposeful sampling method and data collection were continued until reaching data saturation. Data analysis was carried out concurrently with the data collection, using the MAXQDA software version 10.
Results: Data analysis gave rise to four axial categories: “perceived threats”, “resistance mixed with indecision”, “values and supportive resources”, as well as “acceptance and confirmation of decision”. This means that the decision-making process among women with unintended pregnancy initially starts with a perceived threat as a main concern leading to their resistance towards accepting such a pregnancy, then exposure to threats arising from abortion can cause indecision and uncertainty in practicing abortion. In this respect, given the social support, women affected by religious values make efforts to choose the procedure with the least harm and threats and maximum acceptability and confirmability. “Confirmation of decision” is as well the outcome of the interactive process of decision-making.
Conclusion: What can differentiate the theory of decision-making on abortion or continuation of an unintended pregnancy from the general theories of decision-making is its sociocultural confirmability. Social acceptance of abortion and childbearing in line with moral evaluation of fetal development directs the confirmability process of decision-making about unintended pregnancy.
Leila Shabakhti, Camelia Rohani, Mahsa Matbouei, Narges Jafari,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Background & Aim: Tokophobia was introduced as a psychiatric disorder for the first time in 2000. The purpose of this study is to answer four questions: What is tokophobia and how does it occur? What is the global prevalence of tokophobia? What are the symptoms of tokophobia? and what are the strategies for the control and treatment of tokophobia?
Methods & Materials: This systematic review was conducted by searching articles in English and Persian published between January 2000 and January 2018 on international databases; PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and domestic databases; Magiran and SID, along with a manual search in resources.
Results: After reviewing 151 articles, finally 16 were included in the study. The results indicate that tokophobia is a severe and pathological fear of childbirth. In the categorization of psychiatric disorders, it is classified as a specific phobia based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). The etiology of tokophobia is multifactorial, and its prevalence in pregnant women was reported around 14 percent among 18 countries. The signs and symptoms of the disorder are insomnia, crying, restlessness, depression, anxiety and severe worry about childbirth. Psychological strategies, cognitive behavior therapy and medication have been proposed to reduce the fear of childbirth in women in different studies.
Conclusion: As a guide, these results can assist the healthcare team members to recognize and screen at-risk women as well as to perform nursing interventions and psychotherapy in the prenatal and delivery stages.
Azam Maleki, Mahboubeh Ashtari, Parisa Molaie,
Volume 28, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background & Aim: Compliance with health behaviors during pregnancy plays an important role in the health of mothers and their neonates. The aim of the study was to determine factors predicting adherence to COVID-19 health protocols among pregnant women in Zanjan province in 2020.
Methods & Materials: A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted on 2336 pregnant women referred to comprehensive health centers in Zanjan province in 2020. The samples were selected by the multi-stage sampling method. Data were collected by telephone using a researcher-designed questionnaire on health practices and overall perception of COVID-19 disease. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression model were used at the confidence level of 95% through the SPSS software version 16.
Results: Most women were in the second trimester of pregnancy and living in the urban areas. Considering the median score as a cutting point, the participants’ adherence level was 46.5% over the median score and at a desirable level. The handwashing adherence was 84.7% and mask use was 76.6%. Location, age, education, occupation, household income, and family history of COVID-19 disease were the most important predictors of compliance with COVID-19 health protocols (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Adherence to health protocols was at a relatively desirable level in almost half of the participants. It is suggested that education and support programs be designed and implemented for young and low-income groups living in rural areas.


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