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Showing 4 results for Stressor

A Rahimi , F Ahmadi , Mr Akhond ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2004)

Introduction: Nurses as the main members of treatment-and-care team play an important role in improvement and promotion of health in society. Job stress is a recognized and integral part of modern nursing which has destructive effects on both nurses and patients.

Materials and Methods: The present descriptive and analytical study aims to determine the level of nurses&apos job stress in Tehran in 2004. It also tries to identify factors affecting job stress from nurses&apos point of view. A total of 111 nurses working in two educational and non-educational hospitals in Tehran were studied. The sampling was simple, i.e. the subjects volunteered to participate in the study. A questionnaire with 2 sections was developed. In the first section we asked about personal and professional characteristics and the second section was designed to evaluate job stress in following 5 categories: management, economy and welfare, mentality and social affairs, occupational health and ergonomics. There was also an open-ended question asking about nurses&apos attitude toward job stress. The questionnaire items were to be answered on a scale ranging from 0 to 4. We used descriptive statistics and Chi square statistical test to analyze the collected data.

Results: The results showed that 44.1% of samples had high levels of job stress while 54.1% suffered from medium and 1.8% from low levels of job stress. There was a significant relationship between hospital type and job stress job stress in the educational hospital was higher compared to the noneducational hospital. There was also an inverse relationship between years of experience and job stress.

Conclusion: Due to high percentage of the subjects with high to medium levels of job stress, employment of preventive and precautionary procedures regarding job stress is recommended.

T Taghavi Larijani , N.d Sharifi , A Mehran , Sh Nazari ,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (6-2006)

Background & Aim: Epilepsy as the most important chronic neurological disease affects on child and his/her family therefore it can lead to occur some stresses in family particularly in parents. This study has been done to determine ideas of parents with epileptic children about stressors and their coping with this agent in those who come to the optional therapeutic centers in Tehran.

Methods & Materials: This is a descriptive-analytical research which 400 parents with epileptic children were selected based on aim. The method of collecting data was by questionnaire for literate persons and by interview for illiterates whose research tool was questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared in three parts (demographic information’s, stressors questions, and coping questions for parents with epileptic children. The data was collected in one stage and analyzed with SPSS software. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (t-test, analyze variance) have been used.

Results: Statistical analysis showed that there is significant differences in stress between parents (p=0.001). The most percentage (86%) of fathers in comparison mothers (81.9%) have moderate level of stress and least percentage (5.4%) fathers and (4.4%) of mothers have low level of stress. The level of stress in parents showed significant correlation with personal variables. Most percentage (69%) of fathers and mothers (66.1%) have low-moderate level of coping and it has significant correlation with some personal variables. The analyze variance test showed that there was significant and converse relationship between stress and coping in parents with epileptic children and increasing stress lead to decrease coping. Conclusion: The results of this study have been shown that the stress in father of epileptic children is more that mothers however there is no significant differences in the level of coping.

T Taghavi Larijani , F  ramezani , A.r  khatoni , Z  monjamed ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (5-2007)

Background & Objective: Nursing and Midwifery students experience different and numerous sources of stress. Stress is a complex phenomenon that may be experienced by all. Nursing and midwifery students have multiple sources of stress due to their work environment. In order to reduce their stress and prevent the complications, all sources of stress should be recognized. This study was carried out to compare sources of stress between midwifery and nursing students of Tehran universities of medical sciences.

Methods & Materials: This is a cross-sectional study. All senior midwifery and nursing students of Tehran and Shahid Beheshti Universities were invited to participate in the study (n=380). Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic section (15 questions) and sources of stress of educational environment, clinical environment, and social-personal problems (54 items). Data were analyzed using SPSS and tested with chi-square test.

Results: 363 students participated in the study. Research findings showed that the followings are the most cited sources of stress among the students: ambiguous professional view, incompetent professional knowledge after graduation, caring for terminally ill patients, discordance between theory and clinical education, concerns about employment. Also results showed that there were significant differences between some sources of stress and the study programs.

Conclusion: The nursing and midwifery students had numerous sources of stress in the educational, clinical, and social-personal domains of their life that can affect their physical and psychological health and cause learning problems. Using appropriate approaches to control and manage these sources of stress are recommended

E Sadeghian, A Heidarian Pour,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (8-2009)

Background & Objective: Assessment of mental health is one of the most important aspects of assessing health status. Entering to the university is a challenging life event for young adults because students encounter with changes in social communication, expectations and roles. As a result, they are susceptible for experiencing stress and anxiety that could affect their functions. The aim of this study was to determine the mental health status and related stressors among Hamadan Medical Sciences University Students.

Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 180 medical sciences&apos students were selected using stratified sampling method. Data were collected using the Stressor questionnaire and the SCL90. Data were analyzed by SPSS.

Results: The study showed that 57.1 percent of the students were female. The ages ranged 18-22. Most of the students (94.8 percent) were single. Most of the students had no mental disorders (66.1%). Mild and moderate mental disorders were 29.4& and 4.4%, respectively. Mean of mental health score was 72.99 (±46.02). Mental health status was correlated with marital status, concerns about family, changes in religious activities, concerns about the future, working in the hospitals, problems with friends, sexual problems, and the number of experienced stressors (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Experiencing stressors threatens students&apos mental health status and provide a potential cause for mental disorders.


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