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Showing 7 results for Breast Cancer

L Hasani, T Aghamolaei, Ss Tavafian, Sh Zare,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Background & Aim: Early diagnosis of breast lumps through breast self-examination (BSE) is important for early detection of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate factors predict the BSE behavior using Health Belief Model constructs in women referred to health centers in Bandar abbas, Iran.

Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 240 eligible women were randomly selected from eight health centers. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire including demographic characteristics and Champion&aposs Health Belief Model Scale (CHBMS). The CHBMS measures the HBM concepts of susceptibility (3 items), seriousness (6 items), benefits (4 items), barriers (8 items) and self-efficacy (10 items). All items were ranged in a Likert scale ranging from ‘‘strongly disagree (score: one)&apos&apos to ‘‘strongly agree (score: five)&apos&apos.

Results: A total of 240 women took part in the study. The mean age of participants was 37.2 (SD=6.1). Of all, 32.5% had high school education and 95.8% were married. The results showed that 31.7% of the women had performed the BSE however, only 7.1% had performed it regularly. Perceived BSE benefits, perceived BSE barriers and perceived BSE self-efficacy of the participants who performed the BSE were significantly higher than those who did not (P<0.03). The results from regression analysis indicated that the perceived BSE self-efficacy and perceived BSE barriers predicted breast self-examination behavior (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that perceived BSE barriers and perceived BSE self-efficacy were influencing factors in predicting the BSE behavior. Therefore, in order to improve self-efficacy and decrease the barriers, BSE training programs are strongly recommended.

Afsaneh Sahraee, Azita Noroozi, Rahim Tahmasebi,
Volume 19, Issue 2 (11-2013)

  Background & Aim: Although breast self-examination (BSE) is no longer recommended for screening of breast cancer, its training and practicing is a gateway to health promotion and provides women with knowledge and attitudes that set the stage for clinical breast examination and mammography screening later in life. The aim of this study was to recognize predicting factors of the BSE based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the locus of control model among women aged 20-50 years old.

  Methods & Materials : Inthis cross-sectional study,400 women were selected through theconvenience sampling method from health centers. Data were collected using four questionnaires including the Champion’s Scale, health locus of control, and demographic and functional questionnaires. Data were analyzed in the SPSS using independent T-test, Chi-squared test, logistic and linear regression models.

  Results: The results showed that 10.9% of the participants reported performing BSE regularly. Perceived self-efficacy was the strongest positive predictor in the BSE performance (Exp (B) =1.863). Awareness had direct and indirect effects on the BSE. The locus of control did not predict the BSE (p=0.05).

  Conclusion : Improving self-efficacy, especially in young women, and increasing awareness about cancer among women is necessary to increase the rate of the BSE.

Zohreh Khakbazan, Robab Latifnejad Roudsari, Ali Taghipour, Eesa Mohammadi,
Volume 20, Issue 3 (11-2014)

  Background & Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in both developed and developing countries. Long-term prognosis of breast cancer strongly depends on the stage of disease at diagnosis. More than three months after detecting breast symptoms by Iranian women, they go to visit a doctor. The understanding of life-threatening symptoms and the subsequent responses are differently affected by social interaction networks as well as cultural and social contexts. This study aimed to explore the role of social interactions on health-seeking behaviors among Iranian women with breast cancer symptoms .

  Methods & Materials: A qualitative study was conducted using purposive sampling method. Twenty Iranian w omen who attended the Cancer Institute in Imam Khomeini hospital at Tehran University of Medical Sciences and complained of symptoms of breast cancer were recruited to the study du ring 2012-2013. Data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth interviews. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed using conventional content analysis in the MAXqda . 

  Results: The results revealed three themes including: 1) effectiveness of social learning 2) seeking social support and 3) feedback with a supportive approach which included seven categories of informative social learning, reliable social learning, selective disclosure, seeking information, seeking emotional support , giving reassurance and social support for decision making .

  Conclusion: E ffective social learning and supportive interactions have influential role on health seeking behavior. Thus it is necessary to improve public awareness and correct clients' social beliefs about breast cancer to shorten the patients' delay .


Mohammad Eghbali, Shokoh Varaei, Seyedeh Fatemeh Jalalinia, Mozhgan Aalam Samimi, Kiarash Sa’atchi, Mir Saeed Yekaninejad,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2015)

  Background & Aim: Approximately 75% of patients with cancer experience acute nausea and vomiting (24 hours after chemotherapy). The aim of this study was to determine the effect of auricular acupressure in relieving acute nausea and vomiting among women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy .

  Methods & Materials: This study was a posttest only randomized clinical trial conducted on 48 women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy in Imam Khomeini and Hazrat Rasoul Akram hospital. Before chemotherapy and after obtaining informed consent, the patients were randomly allocated into intervention and control groups. Intervention group received routine medications for controlling nausea and vomiting as well as auricular acupressure. Meanwhile, the control group received only the routine medications. The data were gathered using demographic and Morrow Standard questionnaire and were compared using statistical tests in the SPSS-21 . 

  Results: T he results showed that using auricular acupressure led to a decrease in the number and the intensity of nausea at acute phases (P=0.001). Acupressure application did not lead to any complications in the patients .

  Conclusion: According to the results of this study, using auricular acupressure on Shenmen, Point zero, stomach, Brainstem, and cardia points can relieve nausea and vomiting at acute phase of chemotherapy. It is suggested that nurses use this pressure technique as a complementary treatment for relieving nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.


Samira Moradipour, Mohammad Ali Soleimani, Maryam Mafi, Mohammad Reza Sheikhi,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (1-2019)

Background & Aim: Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in women and is regarded as a chronic disease with various psychological complications including death anxiety. This study aimed to examine the effect of Benson’s relaxation technique on death anxiety among women with breast cancer.
Methods & Materials: In this randomized clinical trial, 100 patients with breast cancer referred to Velayat Hospital in Qazvin in 2017 were selected using the consecutive sampling and randomly assigned into groups of experimental and control. A questionnaire on demographic information and the Templer Death Anxiety Scale were used. Benson’s relaxation technique was taught to the patients in the experimental group. Afterward, they were asked to perform the technique for three months and were monthly followed up using checklists. The Templer Death Anxiety Scale was completed again by both groups. Data were analyzed via the SPSS software version 23 using descriptive and analytical statistics.
Results: There was no significant difference in demographic variables between the two groups (P>0.05). Before the intervention, no statistically significant difference was observed between the mean scores of death anxiety in the patients of the experimental group (46.4±10.3) and the control group (49.6±10.07) (P>0.05). However, after the intervention, a statistically significant difference was observed between the mean scores of death anxiety in the experimental group (44.5±10.2) and the control group (48.9±11.2) (P<0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that Benson’s relaxation technique is effective in reducing death anxiety among patients with breast cancer.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20170610034435N8
Tahereh Abdian, Fatemeh Ebrahimi, Sareh Ghorbani, Najmeh Abedishargh,
Volume 29, Issue 4 (1-2024)

Background & Aim: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world, imposing significant physical problems and psychological burdens on sufferers. Education is one of the ways to reduce the psychological problems of these patients. Therefore, the current study was conducted to compare the efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and Positive Psychology (PP) in enhancing the mental health and resilience among women with breast cancer.
Methods & Materials: This study employed a two-group quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest design, involving 60 women with breast cancer at Khatamolanbia cancer center in Jahrom during 2020-2021. Participants were selected through convenience sampling and randomly assigned to either the Acceptance and Commitment Training group (focused on accepting uncontrollable factors and committing to enriching life) or the Positive Psychology group (emphasizing individual abilities and positive emotions). Prior to and one week following the sessions, participants completed questionnaires evaluating resilience and mental health. Data analysis was performed using MANCOVA with a significance level set at 0.05.
Results: Based on the MANCOVA findings, there was no statistically significant difference in resilience and mental health scores (F=2.318, P=0.110) between the two intervention groups after adjusting for pretest scores. However, clinically significant improvements were observed in mental health and resilience for 75% and 42% of the ACT group, and 65% and 46% of the Positive Psychology group, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the findings, both group therapies, ACT and Positive Psychology, are effective in enhancing resilience and mental health in breast cancer patients. These findings provide more opportunities for healthcare providers to tailor interventions to the characteristics of caregivers and the personality characteristics of the patients.

Zahra Fotokian, Sobhan Rahimi Esbo, Zahra Jannat Alipour, Ali Pourhabib, Fatemeh Ghaffari, Mojtaba Qanbari Qalesari, Shahrbanoo Keyhanian, Mohsen Vakili Sadeghi,
Volume 30, Issue 3 (9-2024)

Background & Aim: Post-treatment follow-up care for breast cancer is crucial in reducing mortality rates, minimizing treatment costs, and enhancing patients' quality of life. This study aims to identify the psychosocial factors affecting post-treatment follow-up care in breast cancer patients.
Methods & Materials: This descriptive-analytical study involved 180 breast cancer patients from Babol and other cities of western Mazandaran province. Participants were selected using a simple random sampling method between 2021 and 2022. Data were collected through personal information questionnaires, the Zigmond Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Psychological Distress Thermometer, the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Scale, and a post-treatment breast cancer follow-up care checklist. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS version 18, employing descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
Results: The average age of the participants was 51.49 years (SD=12.01). The mean and standard deviation scores for depression, anxiety, and psychological distress were 6.16±2.71, 10.70±4.13, and 5.98±2.54, respectively. The results showed that individuals with higher levels of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and fear of recurrence are less likely to engage in follow-up care (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The results suggest that health policymakers should address the psychological challenges faced by breast cancer patients. Specifically, providing insurance coverage for the screening and treatment of mental health problems may improve mental well-being, encourage self-care behaviors, and promote overall health.


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