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Showing 3 results for Facilities

Z Monjamed, F Nik Shekarnia, S  varaei, N Bahrani,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (12-1999)

This study is a descriptive research in order to determine educational facilities and present the kinds of program staff development of nursing officeinhospitalsofuniversity of medical sciences and health services in Tehran, IRAN. The purpose of this research was determinated of the educational space (clossroom, library, Lecture and conference room), educational equipment, educational staff patterns, kinds of nursing staff development program and comparing between educational facilities and present the kinds of nursing development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran. The units that participated in this research was 41 educational facilities and kinds of nursing staff development program of nursing office in three medical science university in Tehran (Tehran, Iran and shahid Beheshti) and no samphing was made. The tools was check list and Questionnarie. Each variable compared with educational standards of hospitals. (Standard 1100% excellent, desire was above 75% and undesired was under 75% and each 100 active bed haveing one educational supervisor).The finding indicated that scale confirmity with standard about educational space in three university was 50% (undesirable) and about educational equipment was 56% (undesirable) and about educational staffing pattern was 79% (desirable) and present kinds of nursing staff development was 56.5% (undesirable). The finding indicated that university medical of science Iran 66.5%, Shahid Beheshti 59.76% and Tehran 55.3% Scale confirmity with stundards have prossess.
Z Monjamed , T Ghorbani , F Mostofian , R Oveissipour , S Nakhost Pandi , M Mahmoudi ,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2005)

Introduction: Level of job satisfaction reflects positive or negative attitude of person toward his/her job and is influenced by many factors. Job satisfaction of nursing personnel directly affects their quality of care. Attention to this issue means attention to community health.

Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive, cross sectional research, conducted to identify the level of job satisfaction of nursing personnel of health, therapeutic and medical education centers of the entire country in the year 2001. Sample size was 4000 and nurses were selected through random stratified sampling method. Data collection tool was questionnaire of Herzberg job satisfaction which was sent by mail. Job satisfaction was classified into three levels: low (0-33.33%), moderate (33.34-66.67%) and high (66.68-100%).

Results: We received back a total of 3029 questionnaires. Results showed that the majority of nurses had moderate level of job satisfaction in domains of working place situation (62.9%), relationship with colleagues (69.6%), professional situation (74.3%), supervision and administration (57.6%), managerial policies (50%) and personnel life in relation to the job (80.6%). Job satisfaction level was low in domains of job security (63.5%) and salary and benefits (77.3%). 2 test showed a significant relationship between age, job position, level of education, job experience, over time working, type of over time working, type of accommodation and participation in continuing education programs and job satisfaction.

Conclusion: As a whole, the level of job satisfaction of majority of nursing personnel was moderate and the majority of subjects were not satisfied with welfare possibilities of their job. According to the research results it is recommended that the authorities try to increase the salary and financial benefits of nursing personnel and also to develop welfare possibilities of this class of community.

Nasrin Galehdar, Marzieh Hasanpour, Ashraf Kazemi,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (4-2021)

Background & Aim: Designing healthcare spaces and physical facilities requires the identification of the patient's family needs, and it is considered an important component of nursing theories. The aim of this study was to explain the needs of family caregivers of patients undergoing gynecological surgery for physical facilities and equipment in hospital.
Methods & Materials: This study is based on the results of the qualitative part of a large hybrid study on the development and implementation of a need-based service delivery program for the caregivers of patients undergoing gynecological surgery in 2017. The selection of participants was purposefully done with maximum variation. The study data were collected using 31 (16 caregivers, 6 nurses, 4 doctors, 3 patients and 2 service workers) in-depth interviews and observations and analyzed by the conventional qualitative content analysis using the Zhang and Wildemuth approach.
Results: Data analysis led to the development of the theme "need for physical facilities", which fell into two categories "need for proper physical structure in the hospital" with the following subcategories: "need for care facilities behind the operating room door", "need to provide welfare facilities in the hospital for caregivers", "need for welfare facilities in the surgical ward", "necessity of allocating rooms to the similar patients", and category "need for appropriate hospital facilities and equipment" with subcategories "caregiver’s need for facilities and amenities", and "caregiver’s need for facilities and amenities for the comfort of the patient".
Conclusion: The results show the importance of having a physical structure tailored to the needs of family caregivers as well as the availability of appropriate facilities and equipment in hospital. One of the limitations of the study was preventing men from visiting patients in the women’s hospital. It is recommended that the needs of male companions and the necessity of their presence according to the cultural context be studied. Also, a new architectural design is suggested to create a suitable therapeutic environment and positive effect on patients’ improvement and increase patient and family satisfaction.

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