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Showing 7 results for Pregnant

F Jamshidi Evanaki , Z Khakbazan , Gh Babaei , T Seyed Noori ,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (7-2004)

Introduction: Cesarean section (CS) is more dangerous than normal delivery for mothers and neonates. Rates of CS in our country are very high, especially in Guilan province (57.6% in urban areas). The claim that a major reason for these high rates is maternal request, hidden behind of the routine medical diagnoses, was the basis of present study.

Materials and Methods: A total of 210 pregnant women in Rasht who were at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy and had chosen CS as their delivery method without previous history of CS or any medical reason were included in this study. Cluster sampling was performed at health-treatment centers of Rasht. Data were collected by interview and a questionnaire was completed by the investigators. Statistical analyzing was performed by descriptive and analytic methods (Chi square and Fisher exact test).

Results: The majority of participants (68.6%) had moderate knowledge about benefits and harms of CS and most had taken their information from relatives and friends. The majority of women (71.4%) had moderate attitude toward CS. More than 50% of the mothers had chosen CS for following reasons, in decreasing order of frequency: child&aposs health, fear of pain, stress and anxiety, prevention of genital tears, fear of vaginal exams, prevention of deformity and relaxation of genitalia and shortening of delivery time. There was a significant relation between some of the demographic factors or obstetrical history, level of knowledge and kind of attitude with some of the reasons of choosing CS for example, age, level of knowledge (both p<0.05) and kind of attitude (p=0) with fear of pain.

Conclusion: Reasons for choosing CS by the medically low risk mothers are not medically acceptable and midwives and the other health workers can successfully explain this to mothers. They can also support pregnant women informationally, emotionally and socially in different ways such as holding childbirth preparation classes. In this way they can influence women&aposs decision about method of delivery and promote mothers&apos and neonates&apos health by decreasing CS rates.

F Rahimikian, M Mirmohamadaliei, A Mehran, K Aboozari Ghforoodi, N Salmaani Barough,
Volume 14, Issue 4 (3-2009)

Background & Objective: High rates of cesarean delivery have worried health policy makers. One of the main reasons for cesarean section in Iran is cesarean election. Health Belief Model (HBM) is one of the most powerful models used in health education programs. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of education designed based on HBM on choosing delivery mode among pregnant women.

Methods & Materials: In this experimental study, 128 nulliparous women were recruited from Shahrood health care centers and private gynecologists' offices. Samples were randomly allocated into two equal groups. Women in the experimental group participated in two 40-minutes educational classes which were designed based on HBM. Data were gathered both before and after the classes, and then were analyzed using SPSS.     

Results: The results indicated that there were no significant differences between two groups in demographic characteristics, infertility history, disease history, perceived susceptibility, and perceived benefits and barriers. After the intervention, significant differences were found between perceived  susceptibility (P<0.001), perceived severity (P<0.001), perceived barriers (P=0.004), with practice (choosing the delivery mode) (P<0.001).

Conclusion: The results showed that using HBM in program designing was effective in the pregnant women's decision-making toward delivery mode.

Sh Varaei, N Mehrdad, N Bahrani,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2009)

Background & Aim: Breastfeeding is the most cost-effective, health-promoting, and disease-preventing activity that new mothers can perform. Many researches have focused on identifying factors that influence breastfeeding initiation and duration. An important and modifiable factor is the perceived self-efficacy of mothers for breast feedings. It refers to a mother&aposs perceived ability to breastfeed her newborn and is a dominant variable in the duration of breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between self-efficacy and breastfeeding.

Methods & Materials: A descriptive, longitudinal, analytic approach was used in this study. The three-part questionnaire was administered to the eligible pregnant women (437 pregnant women) who were at least in 37 weeks of gestation and intended to breastfeed. They were then contacted again at one and four months postpartum to determine their infants&apos feeding level and method. The questionnaire was re-administered to the participants at that time.

Results: The results showed that 80.4 percent of participants had exclusive breastfeeding during one month. There was no significant relationship between antenatal breastfeeding self-efficacy and the breastfeeding. The self-efficacy was significantly related to breastfeeding outcomes at one month. Mothers with high self-efficacy were significantly more likely to breastfed their babies exclusively at one and four months postpartum than the mothers with low self-efficacy.

Conclusion: Maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy is significantly related to breastfeeding duration and level. Measuring breastfeeding self-efficacy not only identifies high risk mothers, but also provides important information to health care providers in providing support to new mothers.


F Bastani, R Zarrabi,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (1-2011)

Background & Aim: Gestational diabetes is a major concern during pregnancy. Psychological factors such as self-efficacy play important role in adherence of the treatment, control of blood glucose, and the outcomes of the pregnancy. The main purpose of this study was to determine correlations of self-efficacy in women with gestational diabetes attending to educational medical centers of Iran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran.

Methods & Materials: In this descriptive correlational study, we recruited 100 women aged 15-49 years old with gestational diabetes and singleton pregnancies using consecutive sampling method. Data were collected using Diabetic Self-Efficacy scale.

Results: The mean age of the women was 31 years. The majority of the women (66%) had moderate economic status and more than half (60%) had no higher education. Sixty eight percent of the study participants were obese or overweight. About 33% of the participants were nullipara and 69% had wanted pregnancies. The results showed that 43% of the women had low self-efficacy. The self-efficacy scores were significantly correlated with education (P=0.005) and occupation (P=0.016).

Conclusion: Self-efficacy is an important determinant of self-management and self-control in gestational diabetes. Regarding low self-efficacy among the women, it seems that implementing educational-counseling strategies to enhance self-efficacy can be helpful to promote optimum self-care among women with gestational diabetes

Ali Navidian, Shahindokht Navabi Rigi, Mahmoud Imani, Parvin Soltani,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2016)

Background & Aim: The physiological and psychological changes in pregnancy, can affect the lives of couples. The present study aimed to determine the effect of sex education on the marital relationship quality of pregnant women.

Methods & Materials: This study is a quasi-experimental. In this study, 100 pregnant women referred to health centers in Zahedan in 2015, were selected and assigned into two groups of intervention and control (50 in each group). Data collection tool was the perceived marital relationship quality components questionnaire. Questionnaires were completed by the both groups before and six weeks after the sex education sessions. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS software version 20.

Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05) in terms of age, the duration of marriage, gestational age and gravidity. In post-test measurement, the mean of the total score of marital relationship quality and components such as satisfaction, sexual excitement, love, commitment, intimacy, and trust, were significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group. Analysis of covariance also showed that the total score mean for the marital relationship and its components had significant difference in the pregnant women in two groups, after sex education (P<0.001).

Conclusion: Given the effectiveness of sex education in the improvement of marital relationship quality in pregnant women, this educational intervention is recommended to be integrated into the education program and prenatal care of pregnant women in order to improve the couple’s relationship quality in pregnancy.

Razieh Karrabi, Maryam Farjamfar, Foroughossadat Mortazavi, Ali Mohammad Nazari, Shahrbanoo Goli,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background & Aim: Pregnancy is one of the enjoyable and evolutionary aspects of women’s life, which is often associated with many stresses and concerns. Counseling is one of the most appropriate interventions to reduce concerns and increase the decision-making power of pregnant women. This study aimed to determine the effect of solution-focused group counseling on pregnant women’s worries.
Methods & Materials: A randomized clinical trial was conducted on 108 pregnant women with gestational age of 6 to 19 weeks and a score of worry ≥55, from May to September 2017 in health centers of Sabzevar University of Medical. The intervention group received a solution-focused counseling and the control group received routine prenatal care. Concerns of pregnant women were evaluated before, after, and two months after the intervention using the Farsi version of Cambridge Worry Scale. The data were analyzed using t-test, chi-square, and repeated measure analysis of variance through the SPSS software version 22. A P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The mean score of worry before the study was 58.9±5.9 for the intervention group and 58.8±4.37 for the control group, and no significant difference was observed. After the intervention, these values for the intervention group and the control group were 34.6±13.3 and 57.7±8.78, respectively. Two months after the study, these values were 31.1±10.1 and 54.6±10.9, respectively. The analysis of variance with repeated measurements showed that pregnant women’s concerns about childbirth, fetal health, maternal health, and family relationships were significantly reduced after the intervention and two months later (P<0.001). Women’s worries about socioeconomic issues were not significantly reduced after the intervention and two months later in comparison with the control group (P=0.563).
Conclusion: The solution-focused counseling is an effective way to reduce pregnant women’s concerns about maternal and fetal health, family relationships and childbirth. It can be used in conjunction with pregnancy care.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20180123038485N1
Nasibeh Sharifi, Anvar-Sadat Nayebinia, Afsaneh Raiesifar, Tayebeh Rashidian, Zeinab Raiesifar, Azita Fathnezhad-Kazemi,
Volume 29, Issue 3 (10-2023)

Background & Aim: Infectious diseases represent a significant health concern within human communities. Considering the importance of pregnancy, the present study was conducted with the aim of exploring the health behaviors exhibited by pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods & Materials: This qualitative study employed the conventional content analysis approach to examine a cohort of 16 pregnant women in 2021. The research was conducted within the health centers of Ilam, employing the purposeful sampling technique and unstructured interviews to collect the data. Simultaneous to the data collection, conventional content analysis was employed to analyze the data. MAXQDA version 10 software was utilized for data management purposes.
Results: The participants had a mean age of 30 years, while the average gestational age was 30.38 weeks. Through analysis, three main themes and eight categories were derived from the collected data. The main themes identified were as follows: 1- self-care practices for disease prevention, 2-  the adverse effects of the pandemic on pregnancy, and 3- changes in the healthcare system.
Conclusion: The results of the present study highlight the emergence of a novel form of self-care among pregnant women as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The adverse effects of the pandemic, such as quarantine measures, were associated with the development of negative ruminations within pregnant women. Following the quarantine restrictions, significant modifications were observed in the ways through which women sought health-related information and engaged in daily activities. Moreover, alterations were made to care policies. Paying attention to the comprehensive health needs of pregnant women, including both physical and mental health, is imperative within the context of pandemic-related health services.


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