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Showing 2 results for Qualitative Content Analysis

Ali Fakhr-Movahedi, Reza Negarandeh, Mahvash Salsali,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Background & Aim: Nurses are informed from patients needs using effective mutual communications. This study aimed to explore the communication strategies between nurses and patient.

Methods & Materials: This study had a qualitative approach with the content analysis method. Participants included 23 nurses, patients and their families in medical and surgical wards of Imam Khomeini hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected using interviews and observations. The first and second interviews were conducted unstructured. The semi-structured interviews were then conducted according to the derived concepts from the first and second interviews. We used observation in order to gain a deeper understanding and verifying data from interviews. The observations focused on the interactions between nurses and patients during mutual communications.

Results: A final theme was emerged through the data analysis: adaptation of nurses&apos attitudes and performances. This theme derived from three main categories: caring according to acute needs of patients, creating a professional realm, and participation. The caring according to acute needs of patients included subcategories such as identifying patients&apos acute needs and nurses&apos communication behavior. Creating the professional realm implicated on the clarifying roles and maintaining of privacy communication. Participation was defined as the audience and content.

Conclusion: The findings showed that nurses, in response to the underlying conditions of nursing care, assimilate their attitudes and performances to be able to meet their professional needs and their patients&apos needs. In fact, the main character of nurse-patient communication is nurses&apos active role and patients&apos passive role.

Minoor Lamyian, Fatemeh Zarei, Ali Montazeri, Ebrahim Hajizadeh, Raziyeh Maasoumi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2016)

Background & Aim: Females’ quality of sexual life is one of the key issues of sexual and reproductive health. This is a subjective concept and defined as individual’s perception of sexual aspect of life. The aim of this study was to explore the factors affecting Iranian women’s quality of sexual life.

Methods & Materials: This qualitative study was conducted by conventional content analysis. Data were collected by 17 in-depth, unstructured interviews and 14 sexual life narratives through purposeful sampling among married and reproductive aged women from five university-affiliated health centers in Tehran and Shiraz. Constant comparative method was used to analyze data.

Results: According to the participants’ experiences, 3 themes emerged as direct factors affecting the quality of sexual life including ‘preparation before sexual relationship’, ‘couple’s interaction and harmony in sexual relationship’ and ‘previous sexual relationship outcomes’. ‘Marital life status’ and ‘passive sexual socialization’ were explored as the factors which can conceptualize the context of females’ quality of sexual life.

Conclusion: In this study, factors affecting females’ quality of sexual life were identified. Attention to these factors is suggested to design appropriate interventions by health care system in Iran.

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