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Showing 18 results for Self-Care

Sh Baraz , E Mohammadi , B Broumand ,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (5-2005)

Introduction: In patients who have a chronic disease such as end stage renal disease for which cure is not a realistic goal, maximizing functioning and well-being should be a primary objective of care. However, functioning status in the dialysis patients is often lower than normal.

Materials and Methods: This study is aiming to determine the effect of self–care educational programs on decreasing problems and improving quality of life of dialysis patients. This study was a quasi-experimental research in one group (pretest-posttest) accomplished in the educational hospitals of Iran and Tehran medical sciences universities from 2003 to 2004. A total of 32 patients were chosen on the basis of a non-randomized sampling. Each patient was assessed in two sessions before starting the dialysis treatment by questionnaires about educational requirements and quality of life and a checklist of common problems in dialysis patients. In order to validate the results, the laboratory variables were analyzed as a two months average prior to the education. The authors designed an educational program on the basis of existing problems and then determined the characteristics of each person under study and the required education was presented in two sessions. After the educational period was ended, the laboratory variables (average two months) and quality of life two months after education were analyzed and also the checklist were studied in two stages with a time interval of two weeks (third and fifth weeks).

Results: There was a significant decrease in serum urea, uric acid, serum creatinine, K, weight gain, systolic blood pressure, edema, skin itching and local vascular problems. Also, there was a significant improvement in the patients’ quality of life.

Conclusion: Self-care educational programs have a positive influence on decreasing the problems and improving the quality of life of dialysis patients.

M Morowatisharifabad, H Nadrian, H Soleimani Salehabadi, Ss Mazloomy Mahmoodabad, M Asgarshahi,
Volume 15, Issue 3 (12-2009)

Background & Aim: Self-care activity is a key factor in managing Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in order to reduce disability caused by the disease. Predisposing factors including knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy are introduced as determinants of self-care behaviors in the forth phase of PRECEDE model, i.e., ecological and educational assessment. This study aimed to assess the relationship between the predisposing factors and self-care behaviors in patients with RA in Yazd, Iran.

Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, a convenience sampling was used to recruit 181 outpatients with RA referred to a rheumatology clinic in Yazd, Iran. Data were collected by conducting interviews with the participants using a survey questionnaire included knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy, as predisposing factors and self-care behaviors items. Reliability and validity of the instruments were examined and approved. The statistical tests included bivariate correlations, Mann-Whitney U test, and linear regression.

Results: Knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy scores were 71.7%, 66.9%, and 47.5%, respectively. The total predisposing factors score was 62.3%. There was a significant positive correlation between the self-care behaviors with attitude and self-efficacy. However, there was no significant correlation between the patients&apos knowledge and self-care behaviors. Totally, the measures explained 39.3% of total self-care behaviors variance within which the self-efficacy was the strongest predictor (β=0.41).

Conclusion: Regarding the high power of predisposing factors, especially self-efficacy, in predicting self-care behaviors and the low scores of self-efficacy, health promotion planners should pay more attention to predisposing factors of self-care behaviors especially the self-efficacy in designing health promotion programs.


E Shakibazadeh, A Rashidian, B Larijani, D Shojaeezadeh, Mh Forouzanfar, A Karimi Shahanjarini,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (3-2010)

Background & Aim: Regarding the importance of determining the determinants of diabetes self-care, this study aimed to examine two major determinants of self-care activities, i.e. perceived barriers, and perceived self-efficacy among type two diabetic patients in Tehran, Iran.
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 128 patients were recruited to the study using convenience sampling. The validated diabetes instruments were completed by the patients. The included participants aged older than 18 years. Data were analyzed using bivariate correlation and path analysis.
Results: The mean score of the perceived barriers and perceived self-efficacy were 3.05 and 2.18, respectively. The maximum score of self-care was 4.18. There was a positive correlation between self-efficacy and the self-care (r=0.22 P<0.01). Positive correlations were also found between education with self-efficacy and self-care (r=0.28 P<0.05), (r=0.29 P<0.05). There was a negative correlation between perceived barriers and self-care behaviors (r=-0.68 P<0.000). Using serial multiple regressions and path analysis, we had a final model (RMSEA=0.05 GFI=0.95 CFI=0.98 P=0.44 and Chi-Square=26.5). This model showed that perceived barriers were the strongest predictor for self-care behaviors. Perceived barriers mediated the effect of self-efficacy on the self-care behaviors.
Conclusion: The intervention efforts that address the studied determinants related to self-care behavior could potentially impact type two diabetic patients&apos self-care activities. These determinants should be mentioned in the program developing.


Khodayar Oshvandi, Khodadad Keshmiri, Mohsen Salavati, Zahra Emkanjoo, Saeid Musavi,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2013)

  Background & Aim: Several studies have shown that the self-care activity of patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator is inadequate. This study was conducted to assess the effect of an educational program based on the Orem’s self-care model in self-care ability of the patients .

  Methods & Materials: This clinical trial was conducted among 66 patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Four educational sessions were held based on the patient's needs and Orem’s self-care model. Data was collected using a self-report questionnaire at baseline and one month after the intervention. Data were analyzed using statistical tests (x2, t-test, paired t-test) in the SPSS-18 . 

  Results: There were no significant differences in the self-care awareness, tendency to self-care, self-care skills, and self-care ability between the control and intervention groups. After the intervention, the self-care awareness score remained 22.06 ± 3.26 in the control group and increased (28.69 ± 1.51) in the intervention group (P<0.000). There was also significant difference in the tendency to self-care between the control (25 ± 3.31) and intervention (28.9 ± 1.33) groups (P<0.000). The self-care skills differed significantly between the control (14.9±3.06) and intervention (29.03±1.15) groups after the intervention (P<0.000). After the intervention, the self-care ability was also significantly different among the control (61.96±8.06) and intervention (86.63±2.93) groups (P<0.000) .

  Conclusion: The results of this study showed that implementing educational programs based on the Orem’s self-care model can improve self-care ability in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Applying this method is recommended in nursing interventions to promote health status of the patients .


Mahnaz Khatiban, Fatemeh Shirani, Khodayar Oshvandi, Alireza Soltanian, Ramin Ebrahimiyan,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (4-2014)

  Background & Aim: Insertion of chest tubes is a necessary measurement in chest trauma. The trauma patients need specific skills for self-care. This study aimed to determine the effect of using supportive-educative system on self-care skills in trauma patients with chest drainage system .

  Methods & Materials: In this quasi-experimental study, 62 trauma patients with chest-tube were selected from three surgery wards of Besat hospital in Hamadan from December 2012 to May 2013. Two wards were randomly allocated into the experiment group (n=31) and one ward was allocated into the control group (n=31). Participants were selected using convenience sampling. The supportive-educative system was designed based on the patients’ needs and was implemented to the experimental group in three consecutive days. The study instruments included self-care needs assessment form and self-care skills checklist. Measurements were completed once the patients were admitted to the wards and three days later by an external observer. Data were analyzed using t-test, Chi-squared test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests with a 95% confidence level in the SPSS-16 . 

  Results: There were no significant differences between the two groups in the study variables at baseline (P>0.05). Although self-care skills in both control (P<0.01) and experiment (P<0.001) groups were improved, using educative-supportive system led to better self-care skills in the intervention group in compare to the control group (P<0.001) .

  Conclusion: In general, self-care skills of patients with chest drainage system could be improved by supportive-educative system. The improvement in the control group can be attributed to self-care trainings conducted routinely by doctors and nurses .


Mohammad Ali Soleimani, Reza Negarandeh, Farideh Bastani,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2015)

  Background & Aim: The ultimate goal of self-care behavior is patients' empowerment. There are limited studies on perspectives of patients with Parkinson's disease on self-care. This study aimed to explore for the process of self-care in patients with Parkinson’s disease during 2011 to 2013 .

  Methods & Materials: This exploratory qualitative study was carried out using grounded theory method. Data were collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews and field notes. We interviewed with 12 patients with Parkinson 's disease and four family caregivers . Participants were selected from two neurology clinics. Interviews were conducted at participants' homes or nursing homes. Data were analyzed using the Corbin and Strauss (2008) approach . 

  Results: Concepts of study were identified using a micro and general analysis. The 'fear of becoming crippled' was identified as a main concern. Strategies used in response to context included 'independency', 'spiritual care', 'informed self-care' and ‘seeking treatment’. 'Striving for taking independent self-care' was the most important process. Demographic, familial and social factors had important roles in self-care processes of patients with Parkinson's disease .

  Conclusion: The process of self-care in patients with Parkinson’s disease depends on the context and severity of the signs and symptoms. Health care providers especially nurses can support patients with Parkinson's disease in achieving maintain independence in self-care. In addition, attention to self-care behaviors with focus on person as self-care agent can considerably increase control and management of life .


Ali Navidian, Masomeh Moradgholi, Asadollah Kykhaee, Farshid Saeedinegad,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (9-2015)

  Background & Aim: Psychological and social factors such as attachment styles may influence chronic diseases through self-care behaviors. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between attachment styles and self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure .

  Methods & Materials: In this correlational study, 180 patients with heart failure hospitalized in CCUs and Post CCUs of educational hospitals in Zahedan in 2014 were selected through convenience sampling. Data collection tools included the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR-R) questionnaire and Self-Care of Heart Failure Index (SCHFIV6.2). Data were analyzed in the SPSS-20 using the descriptive statistics, independent T-Test, Pearson's correlation and regression analysis . 

  Results: The mean and standard deviation of self-care behaviors score of the group with secure attachment style (62.89 ± 12.66) was significantly higher than the group with insecure attachment style (40.43 ± 16.11) (P<0.05). Also, the regression model showed that the score of anxiety, attachment avoidance and age were as predictors of the self care scores in patients .

  Conclusion: Regarding the relationship between attachment styles and self-care behaviors and the low level of self-care in patients with insecure attachment style, psychological interventions should be considered through long-term treatment of chronic heart failure .


Mahdieh Azizi, Narges Arsalani, Farahnaz Mohammadi Shahboulaghi, Samaneh Hosseinzadeh, Asadollah Rajab,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (1-2017)

Background & Aim: Diabetes is a chronic disease that needs lifelong special self-care behaviors. Adolescents with type 1 diabetes need self-care education for the control of diabetes and the prevention of its complications. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the impact of self-care education on the control of diabetes complications, medications and HbA1C in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

Methods & Materials: This study is a non-randomized clinical trial (IRCT2015051322258N1) carried out on seventy four adolescents aged 12-18 years old with type 1 diabetes referred to the Iran diabetes association. They were selected using convenience sampling method and allocated into two groups (intervention: 34 people, control: 40 people). An educational intervention was performed in five sessions for the intervention group. After education, the patients were trained and followed up using mobile services for three months. The instruments consisted of a demographic characteristics form and a section of the self-care behaviors scale evaluating medications and the control of complications. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software v.18.

Results: Before the education, no significant difference was observed in the mean scores of medications and control of complications and level of HbA1C between the two groups of intervention and control (P>0.05). After the education, there was a significant difference between two groups in the mean scores of medications and control of complications and level of HbA1C (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Self-care education and the follow up after educational sessions can lead to the reduction in diabetes complications and HbA1C level among adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

Background & Aim: Diabetes is a chronic disease that needs lifelong special self-care behaviors. Adolescents with type 1 diabetes need self-care education for the control of diabetes and the prevention of its complications. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the impact of self-care education on the control of diabetes complications, medications and HbA1C in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

Methods & Materials: This study is a non-randomized clinical trial (IRCT2015051322258N1) carried out on seventy four adolescents aged 12-18 years old with type 1 diabetes referred to the Iran diabetes association. They were selected using convenience sampling method and allocated into two groups (intervention: 34 people, control: 40 people). An educational intervention was performed in five sessions for the intervention group. After education, the patients were trained and followed up using mobile services for three months. The instruments consisted of a demographic characteristics form and a section of the self-care behaviors scale evaluating medications and the control of complications. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software v.18.

Results: Before the education, no significant difference was observed in the mean scores of medications and control of complications and level of HbA1C between the two groups of intervention and control (P>0.05). After the education, there was a significant difference between two groups in the mean scores of medications and control of complications and level of HbA1C (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Self-care education and the follow up after educational sessions can lead to the reduction in diabetes complications and HbA1C level among adolescents with type 1 diabetes.

Maryam Heidari, Sara Sarvandian, Khadijeh Moradbeigi, Neda Akbari Nassaji, Mona Vafaizadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (4-2017)

Background & Aim: Besides medical treatment, self-care education is necessary for patients with heart failure. The aim of this study is to compare the effect of telenursing and education without follow-up in the caregivers of heart failure patients on the self-care behavior and clinical status of heart failure patients.

Methods & Materials: This clinical trial (IRCT2016080829184N2) was performed on 66 heart failure patients referred to the clinic of Taleghani hospital in Abadan in 2015-2016. The patients were randomly divided into three groups: control, intervention-1 and intervention-2 groups. Control group did not receive any intervention. Patients and caregivers in the intervention-1 group received verbal education, and caregivers in the intervention-2 group received continuous phone follow-up plus verbal education. Self-care behavior, fatigue severity and exercise tolerance were assessed in the patients by the self-care behavior questionnaire, fatigue severity scale and six minutes walking test at baseline and the end of 3 months. Descriptive statistics, chi-square, paired t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA and Scheffe post hoc test were used to analyze the data using the SPSS software v.18.

Results: At baseline, three groups were consistent in terms of demographic variables and three variables. At the post-test, there was a significant difference between the intervention-2 group with the control group and intervention-1 group in self-care behavior (P<0.001) and the patients’ fatigue score mean (P<0.004). But, no significant difference was observed between three groups in the patients’ exercise tolerance score mean.

Conclusion: Telenursing for the caregivers of heart failure patients can lead to the improvement of self-care behavior and decrease in fatigue among the patients.

Nazanin Shahedi Joghan, Jamileh Mohtashami, Fatemeh Alaee Karahroudi, Nezhat Shakeri, Raziyeh Beykmirza,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (1-2019)

Background & Aim: Stoma in children causes physiological and psychological changes and reduces self-esteem and quality of life. The aim of study is to determine the effectiveness of self-care skills training on self-esteem and quality of life in 8-12 year old children with stoma.
Methods & Materials: This study is a non-randomized clinical trial with pretest and posttest design, performed in selected hospitals (Mofid, Hazrat Ali Asghar and Medical Center) in Tehran in 2016-17. A total of 36 children aged 12-8 years with stoma, were selected using the convenience sampling method and divided into two groups of intervention (n=18) and control (n=18). Self-care skills training was performed in six sessions of 45 minutes for the intervention group. The control group received routine care. The Cooper Smith questionnaire and the Kindle quality of life questionnaire were used in this study. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics using the SPSS software version 16.
Results: The repeated measures analysis of variance showed a significant difference in the quality of life score means over time (P<0.005) and between the two groups of intervention and control (P<0.015). Also, there was a significant difference in the self-esteem score means over time (P=0.004) and between the intervention and control groups (P=0.004).
Conclusion: Self-care skills training for 8-12 year-old children with stoma, has increased their self-esteem and quality of life. Therefore, nurses can use self-care skills training for similar patients.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20160802029166N2
Zahra Farsi, Masoud Chehri, Armin Zareiyan, Fatemeh Soltannezhad,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (7-2019)

Background & Aim: Efforts to improve self-care in patients with heart failure provide better treatment outcomes and longer life expectancy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a caring program based on Pender model on health-promoting self-care behaviors in patients with heart failure.
Methods & Materials: In this single-blind randomized controlled trial, 48 patients with class II or III heart failure, referred to Golestan hospital in Tehran in 2017-2018, were recruited by the purposive sampling method and were randomly assigned to an intervention or a control group. For the intervention group, a caring program based on the Pender Health Promotion Model was conducted in six sessions. Data were collected by the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile and the Self-Care Heart Failure Index, before and after the intervention. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyze the data by the SPSS software version 16.
Results: The mean scores of the dimensions (except self-actualization) and the total score of health-promoting behaviors and self-care in the intervention group were higher than in the control group after the intervention (P<0.05). In addition, after the intervention, the mean scores of the dimensions and the total score of health-promoting behaviors and self-care significantly increased in the intervention group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Implementing a caring program based on Pender model increases the self-care and health-promoting behaviors of patients with heart failure. Therefore, application of this caring program is recommended for this group of patients.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20150801023446N17
Lyli Bayati, Majid Kazemi, Tabandeh Sadeghi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (10-2019)

Background & Aim: Providing self-care education to patients and their family leads to improvement in the quality of life and increase in participation in self-care programs. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of education by peer and nurse on self-care in hemodialysis patients.
Methods & Materials: In this quasi-experimental study, 105 hemodialysis patients from three selected hospitals in three cities of Isfahan province (Zarinshahr, Falavarjan and Mobarakeh) were selected by the simple random sampling method from February 2016 to September 2016. Three centers were randomly assigned to three groups including education by peer, education by nurse and control. The individual face-to-face education was provided by the peer or the nurse to hemodialysis patients, and the control group only received routine education. Data gathering tool was the hemodialysis patients’ self-care questionnaire which was completed for three groups before and one month after education. The data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 18 through Chi-square test, paired t test, the analysis of variance and Tukey’s post-hoc test at the significance level of P<0.05.
Results: There were no significant differences between the three groups in age, duration of dialysis, gender, and level of education (P>0.05). The Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests showed that the effect of nurse intervention on self-care improvement was significantly more than peer intervention and the control group (P<0.001) and also the effect of peer intervention on self-care improvement was significantly more than the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Education by a nurse is effective in the self-care behaviors of hemodialysis patients and will improve these behaviors. Also, using peer experiences has advantages for hemodialysis patients such as easy, low-cost and effective education, based on life experiences and lack of need for special equipment.
Sahar Rostampour, Fatemeh Erfanian Arghavanian, Masoumeh Kordi, Mohammad Taghi Shakeri, Farideh Akhlaghi, Seyyed Mohsen Asghari Nekah,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2020)

Background & Aim: Gestational diabetes mellitus is the most common medical disorder during pregnancy that has many negative psychosomatic effects on the pregnant women and their fetus. According to existing studies, the role of counseling and husband’s support in gestational diabetes has been less studied, so the present study aimed to determine the effect of couples' supportive counseling on self-care behavior in women with insulin-treated gestational diabetes.
Methods & Materials: In this randomized clinical trial, 64 pregnant women (26-30 weeks of gestation) with gestational diabetes referred to the diabetes clinic of Umm al-Banin Hospital in Mashhad in 2018-2019 were divided into the intervention or control groups using the 4-way blocking method. For the women and their husbands in the intervention group, couples' supportive counseling was conducted by the researcher in the form of three one-hour sessions with one week interval. A diabetes self-care questionnaire was completed in two stages, before and four weeks after the intervention for both groups, and data were analyzed by independent t-test and paired t test using the SPSS software version 16.
Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in pre-intervention self-care scores (P>0.05). After the intervention, the difference between the mean of self-care scores before and after the intervention in the intervention group was 12.09±7.56 and in the control group was 0.00±3.60, which a significant increase was observed in the self-care score for the intervention group compared to the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Couples' supportive counseling helps to promote self-care behavior in patients with gestational diabetes and can be used as an effective method to reduce the adverse consequences of gestational diabetes.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20181002041202N1
Parvaneh Asgari, Esmail Shariat, Mostafa Gholami, Fatemeh Bahramnezhad,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (6-2020)

Background & Aim: Self-care plays an important role in the management of care for patients with chronic renal failure. In order to provide effective education, it is necessary to identify problems, concerns and challenges in this group of patients. The aim of this study was to explore the challenges of self-care in the patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Methods & Materials: This study is part of a research project on adherence to treatment regimen in hemodialysis patients referred to hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2019. Patients with the highest and lowest mean (SD) scores of self-care were selected by the purposeful sampling method and finally, 22 in-depth semi-structured interviews were performed with 18 interviewees. All data were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the conventional content analysis approach proposed by Graneheim and Lundman.
Results: Findings from the data analysis included four categories: "the mismatch between the view of patient and the view of nurse", "missing loop training", "culture: a double sword ", and "dual role of religious beliefs".
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that patients undergoing hemodialysis faced many challenges in self-care. They had difficulty in understanding the meaning of self-care and its implications. There is a need to plan for educating these patients and also changing their religious and cultural beliefs.
Marzieh Sadeghizadeh, Behnaz Bagherian, Hamed Vahidi, Sakineh Sabzevari,
Volume 27, Issue 2 (7-2021)

Background & Aim: Self-care education is one of the effective ways to improve the quality of life and health in patients with heart failure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying the specific situation theory on the quality of life in patients with heart failure.
Methods & Materials: In a clinical trial study, 80 patients with class 2 or 3 heart failure, referred to 12 Farvardin hospital in Kahnooj in 2018 were included. Data collection tool included a three-part questionnaire: demographic variables, Left Ventricular Dysfunction Scale to assess patients' quality of life, and Self-care Heart Failure Index. The questionnaires were completed at the first visit and three months after follow-up. Data was analyzed using independent and paired t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation through the SPSS software version 20.
Results: Before the intervention, there was no significant difference in the scores of quality of life and self-care between the two groups. After the intervention, the mean score of quality of life and self-care dimensions increased (P<0.001). Regarding self-care after the intervention, the highest score was related to self-care confidence with mean and standard deviation of 21.43 and 3.30 respectively, and the lowest score was related to self-care management with mean and standard deviation of 17.45 and 5.5 (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Paying attention to the dimensions of self-care based on a specific situation theory can lead to a better understanding of these patients’ problems and appropriate planning, and in turn improvement of the quality of life. Since in this study, most of the participants were illiterate, using visual teaching aids, adjusting the schedule according to the patient's conditions and readiness, and if necessary, family involvement can have positive results. It appears necessary to consider the underlying factors in the implementation of self-care programs, especially in people with lower levels of education and income.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20141109019862N6
Shima Kohansal, Fariba Tabari, Shahrzad Ghiyasvandian, Shima Haghani, Kamran Roudini,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Background & Aim: Anxiety is one of the most common complications in cancer patients that can affect the physical and mental health of patients and disrupt the treatment process. For this reason, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy need education about the disease and ways to cope with its complications and problems. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of video and written training methods on anxiety in patients with gastric and esophageal cancer undergoing outpatient chemotherapy.
Methods & Materials: This study is a randomized clinical trial that was conducted on 58 patients with gastric and esophageal cancer who underwent outpatient chemotherapy in Shariati and Imam Khomeini hospitals in Tehran. Participants were randomly assigned to either the video training group (n=28) or the written training group (n=30). Data was collected using the Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory (STAI), at the beginning of the study and then weekly for 12 weeks. The SPSS software version 20 was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that the level of anxiety in both groups was significantly lower compared to before the intervention (P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the anxiety mean score between the video group (56.07±9.85) and the written group (56.40±8.13) after the intervention (P=0.89).
Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that self-care education using video and written methods reduces the anxiety of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and both methods can be effective in reducing patients' anxiety.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20181115041669N1
Seyyedeh Azadeh Moosapour, Nasrin Elahi, Noorollah Tahery, Mohammad Hosein Haghighizadeh, Ali Ehsanpour,
Volume 27, Issue 4 (1-2022)

Background & Aim: Self-care and self-management, as two effective strategies play an effective role in controlling pain and quality of life. Therefore, considering the characteristics and dimensions of these two concepts, this study aimed to compare the effect of self-care education and pain self-management on the nature of pain and quality of life in patients with sickle cell disease.
Methods & Materials: In this clinical trial study, 75 patients with sickle cell disease, referred to the thalassemia clinic of Baqaei hospital 2 in Ahvaz and Shahid Beheshti hospital in Abadan, were selected and randomly divided into three groups of 25 people (self-care, pain self-management and control groups). The two intervention groups (self-care and pain self-management) were divided into groups of five people, and received specific training during four sessions for three months. The nature of pain and quality of life of patients were assessed four times (before the intervention, one month, two months and three months after the intervention) using the McGill Pain Questionnaire and Quality of Life Questionnaire. The SPSS software version 22 was used to analyze the data.
Results: The results showed that pain self-management and self-care programs were effective in improving the quality of life and pain of patients with sickle cell. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the two intervention groups in the nature of pain and quality of life.
Conclusion: Self-care and pain self-management have similar effects on reducing patients’ pain and improving their quality of life.
Clinical trial registry: IRCT20160726029086N5
Narges Nargesi Khoramabad, Akbar Javadi, Rasool Mohammadi, Atefe Khazaee, Akbar Amiri, Nasrin Moradi, Ronak Garavand,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2022)

Background & Aim: Today, COVID-19 has become a serious threat to global health. Due to their certain conditions, hemodialysis patients are more at risk than others. Therefore, self-care in these patients is more necessary. We aimed to assess the self-care of hemodialysis patients against COVID-19 disease and the factors influencing self-care.
Methods & Materials: In this cross-sectional study, 219 patients referred to the dialysis ward of selected public hospitals in Lorestan province, were selected by the census method and examined. Patients' information was collected by a demographic questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire on self-care against COVID-19. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software version 22, with the significance level of 0.05.
Results: The mean score of self-care against COVID-19 in patients was 186.33, and most patients had a good level of self-care. There was a significant relationship between the self-care score and place of residence (P<0.001), and comorbidity (P=0.044). Among the multiple sources of information, there was a significant difference in the self-care score between cyberspace (P=0.047), and family and relatives (P<0.001). Also, comorbidity, urban residence, and academic education level significantly predicted self-care.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, developing proper training programs is suggested considering the factors influencing self-care. Also, capacities such as cyberspace and patients' families should be used to make the training more effective.


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