Background & Aim: The Clinical Teaching Partner model (CTP) integrates theoretical knowledge with professional skills and brings the reality to workplaces. Closing educational and practical aspects in nursing discipline has been a challenging goal for nursing which requires cooperation between faculty instructors with nurse practitioners such collaboration will led to development and promotion of nursing discipline. Therefore selecting an effective and efficient approach in order to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical experiences would be crucial for nursing profession. This study was conducted in order to investigate the effect of CTP on nursing students&apos clinical skills outcome.
Methods & Materials: A quasi experimental, only post test design was applied. Study sample consisted of 1) three faculty instructors, 2) seven registered nurse practitioners who were staff nurses in three pediatric wards and voluntarily participated in the study and 3) fifty two nursing students which were in the 5th semester of nursing BSc. program and had eligible criteria to enter the study. Students were allocated randomly to the intervention (n=28) and control (n=24) groups. Participants in the control group, initially started their internship period in 3 pediatric wards and were evaluated by faculty instructors regarding their clinical skills at the end students in the intervention group, then started their clinical training course in the same ward as control group, but their clinical education was conducted by the nurse practitioners who voluntarily participated in the study and trained initially in the nursing faculties&apos skill lab. Students&apos clinical skills were evaluated by nursing mentors via some instruments at the end of the educational period in addition, clinical education outcomes and nursing students&apos satisfaction of achievement to apprenticeship goals were assessed at the end of the training period. Data were analyzed using the statistical tests including Chi square, Fisher exact test, Mann-Whiney U, and t-test in SPSS.
Results: Considering students demographic characteristics, both groups were homogenous. There was a significant difference in the students&apos clinical skills between two groups (P<0.001). A significant difference was shown in the nursing mentors and faculty instructors&apos satisfaction of application of cooperative education method between both groups (P=0.004). No significant differences were found between students&apos satisfaction of reaching to educational outcomes between both groups (P=0.058). There were also no statistical differences between nursing mentors and faculty instructors&apos satisfaction of achieving to clinical education outcomes (P=0.109).
Conclusion: According to this study, CTP is an effective approach in clinical education and development of clinical skills for nursing students therefore,
application of this method is recommended in clinical nursing education.
In the many definitions that are accompanied with nursing, in addition to the scientific aspect, art has always been mentioned. Since Florence Nightingale introduced nursing as an art, several theorists have emphasized the aesthetic aspect of nursing in their literature. However, many experts believe that the word "art" has been accepted in nursing without deep thought and criticism.To judge the statement: "Nursing is an art", it seems that it is necessary to review the similarities and differences of "art" concept in nursing and other fields literature. Art has a complex and multidimensional meaning that is the backbone of many theories presented however, they each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Nursing has artistic properties but this characteristic is referred to as folk art and not to specific features of art. In comparing these theories with the concept of art used in nursing, it is essential to note that art in nursing refers to skills of nursing. In other words, nursing is not a kind of fine art.From the aesthetic perspective, nursing can be easily defined as a form of art however, we must put great importance in the inseparable words of "aesthetic" and "art of nursing". With such a connection, we are able to introduce and capture the true spirit of both art and nursing. In this article, we have reviewed the most important definitions and theories of art as a "specific term", and as "skill", where they have linked nursing to art. Moreover, we have discussed their similarities and differences.
Background & Aim: It is crucial to assess communication skills among health workers using valid culture-based instruments. This study aimed to develop and assess psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Communication Skills Scale among Zanjan Health Volunteers.
Methods & Materials: In this study, a total of 191 health volunteers participated in a self-rating assessment of the Communication Skills Scale (CSS). Moreover, 14 experts were asked to rate each item based on the relevance, clarity, and simplicity. Through a literature review, we developed an instrument with 43 items. The validity of the instrument was determined using the impact item method, content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), face validity and exploratory factor analysis. Reliability of the instrument was reported by Alpha Cronbach coefficient. The CSS finally contained 35 items, divided into two categories: general and specific communication skills.
Results: Of 43 items, those with impact item index over 1.5, CVR over 0.51, and CVI over 0.79 were considered as valid while the rest were discarded resulting in a 35-item scale. Factor analysis was carried out to determine the relationship among the items of the CSS. Exploratory factor analysis reduced the list of items to 30, which were divided into seven groups with a minimum eigenvalue of 1 for each factor, capable of predicting 68.8% of the variance. Internal reliability of the scale was determined by alpha Cronbach coefficient (0.91).
Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the CSS is a valid and reliable instrument for assessment of the communication skills among health volunteers in Zanjan. These findings could be used for developing similar instruments in other health worker groups.
Background & Aim: Cancer is the most common childhood chronic medical illnesses that can affect quality of life of the children and their families. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of coping skills training on quality of life among parents of children with leukemia.
Methods & Materials: This non-randomized clinical trial was conducted from March to June 2013. Ninety eight parents of children with leukemia who were referred to two selected hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences were enrolled to study using convenience sampling method. The participants were allocated to two experimental (n=48) and control (n=50) groups. Data were collected through two questionnaires including demographic characteristics of the parents and children, and the Persian version of the Caregivers Quality Of Life index Cancer. Coping skills training including social communication skills was performed through small group discussion (5-8 members) in four 2-hours sessions for the experimental group. The questionnaires were completed four weeks after the intervention by the parents. Data were analyzed using the independent t-test, paired t-test, Fisher's exact test and Chi-squared test in the SPSS-16.
Results: The results showed significant increase in the overall quality of life after the intervention (P<0.001). The quality of life of parents in the experimental group was improved significantly in comparison with the control group (P=0.045). Mental/emotional burden (P<0.001) and lifestyle disruption (P<0.001) decreased significantly after the intervention.
Conclusion: The coping skills training affected the quality of life among parents of children with leukemia . Effective educational interventions may help to increase the quality of life of parents who have children with Leukemia.
Background & Aim: Depression is common among nursing and midwifery students. Problem-solving is a short-term intervention that can be used to treat psychological problems. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of problem-solving skills training on depression scores among nursing and midwifery students .
Methods & Materials: This was a clinical trial. Nursing and Midwifery st udents (n=900) studying at Tabriz and Urmia universities were recruited in the study during 2 010-2011. The Beck Depression Scale was administered in both schools. Ninety two students who achieved a score above 10 in the Beck Depression Scale were selected. One school was randomly allocated to the intervention group and the other one was allocated to the control group. Students in the intervention group received six sessions of problem-solving skills training within three weeks. T he questionnaire was completed by the participants in both schools after the intervention. Data were analyzed using the independent t-test .
Results: After the intervention, the Beck Depression Inventory score in the intervention group decreased from 18.60 to 13.41 (P<0.01). There were no differences in the control group before and after the intervention (P<0.01) .
Conclusion: The problem-solving skills training program reduced depression scores. Providing information and using the problem-solving skills training are recommended .
Background & Aim: Patients’ assessment is fundamental to nursing practice and the more precise assessment nurses can perform, the better outcomes patients can achieve. Better practice requires suitable knowledge, skills and attitude regarding the importance of physical assessment. This study aimed to determine correlation between knowledge-skill and the importance of physical assessment in nurses employed in hospitals.
Methods & Materials: In this descriptive correlational study, 300 nurses employed in the medical, surgical, ICU and CCU wards of hospitals affiliated to Kerman University of medical sciences, were chosen conveniently in 2016. The data collecting instrument included demographic data, knowledge-skill and the importance of physical assessment items. Data were analyzed by the SPSS software version 19 using correlation coefficient test, linear regression and ANOVA.
Results: The mean score of knowledge-skill was 3.14(±0.74) and the median (mode) score of importance was 4(0.52). There was a significant and positive correlation between knowledge-skill and the importance of physical assessment. The nurses had higher knowledge-skill scores for those skills that they had considered more important. The most effective variable on the correlation between knowledge-skill and importance was education.
Conclusion: Nurses’ self-assessment of their skills in performing physical assessment was at a low level but they considered all skills important. Effective educational programs can fulfill the nurses’ needs for physical assessment skills.
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