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Showing 1 results for Smolality

Shiva.s Bassampour,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2000)

Nurses must know about effect and indication ofl.V-Fluid Therapy. Priciples of WMuid therapy consist of:Appropriate solutions and the rate of administration of fluid, types of parenteral solutions and the factors that indicate whether a solution is appropriate or not, definition of smolarity andm smolality and how to use the standard formula. Knowing a pateint's body fluid concentration , or fluid status, is one way to determine how I.Vsolutions will infuse in specific situations. Cellularmembrance are permeable, water will shift into a compartment with a higher concentration or osmolality. The appropriate rate to infuse a solution depends on severalfactors, including the paitent's condition and type of solution. Other specific considerations ofpatients include: weight, urinary output, laboratory values, kidney Junction, length of illness, and assessment of skin turgor.

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