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Showing 4 results for Strategies

N Salmaani Barough , T Taghavi Larijani , Z Monjamed , N.d Sharifi , ناصر Bahrani ناصر ,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (2-2005)

Introduction: Stress is a complex and physiologic phenomenon that sometimes can be a source of problem. If an individual could not cope with stress, it would be a threat to physical and psychological health. Inclination to cope with stress is a positive way which helps one to improve his/her health.

Materials and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental study with the aim of determining the effect of education of methods of coping with stress on rate of stress among women working at Tehran University of Medical Sciences. After primary study, 138 cases were chosen through census sampling. The collection tool was Chaudron stress scale. The statistical tests included t test and 2. Data were analyzed by SPSS software.         

Results: The result showed that there was no significant difference between level of stress before and after education in domains of job stress (p=0.22), life health stress (p=0.53), personal life stress (p=0.44) and personality stress (p=0.1). Also the statistical result of X2 did not show significant correlation between variables such as type of school, age, duration of work, marital status, number of children, educational level and housing condition with job stress.

Conclusion: The result showed that work environment is an important source of stress for working women. It could have undesirable effects on physical and emotional health of women. It seems that short term education can not decrease the stress of women therefore it is necessary to organize different long-term education programs, consultation and other strategies to reduce stress.

Sh.s Basampour , A.r Nikbakht Nasrabadi , S Faghihzadeh , F Monjazebi ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (1-2006)

Background & Aim: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by a broad spectrum of physical and psychological impairments. Fatigue is a common and disabling symptom for individuals with MS 75%-90% of individuals with MS reported problems with fatigue. They describe fatigue as a frustrating and overwhelming symptom that can be disabling.

Methods & Materials: Assessing the usage and efficiencies of fatigue reducing strategies in patients referred to multiple sclerosis association of IRAN. This is a cross-sectional survey study of 100 patients who were selected randomly. The method of collecting data was by asking and answering and the research tool was a questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared in four parts. Part one included the disease and demographic questions. Part two included Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS). Part tree included Fatigue Reducing Strategies and part four included Fatigue Relief Scale. The data were collected in one stage, and analyzed with SPSS software. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (fisher exact test, chi square test, correlation coefficient, meant, standard deviation) have been used.

Results: The Findings of this study represented that the majority of subjects (63%) were suffering of severe fatigue symptom. The most frequently used strategies to relive fatigue were lie down (51%), watching TV (30%), frequent rest (28%) and sitting without doing any thing (28%). But the most effective strategies were sleeping (8.17), daily nap (8.4), take a shower with lukewarm water (7.25), avoiding heat (7.16), exercising (7.14), praying (7.0) and socialization (7.0). Results also showed that fatigue have been affected by some variables such as education level, having child, number of children, job status, daily working hours, dwelling place and time of bed-ridden. Findings also suggested that all strategies will be useful when the highest level of fatigue has been experienced (p=0.532, r=-0.063).

Conclusion: The most common strategies were not necessarily the most effective ones. Most frequently used strategies were included sleeping, napping, warm water bathing, heat avoidance, and exercising. However more physically active strategies such as exercise and socializing were more effective strategies. The patients should be suggested that to try variety of strategies such as walking and exercising besides sleeping and resting to relive the fatigue. Patients should be instructed to monitor the intensity of their fatigue and also be encouraged to maintain that level of activity which is in balance with efficient rest period.

R Roshan Chesli , B Sanjabi , K Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaee , M.a Asghari Moghaddam , M Atrifard ,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (7-2006)

Background & Aim: Pain is the most common compliant of the patients and its reduction or elimination had been always demand of most patients and health care providers. Various methods have been proposed to pain, which we can mention to attention deviation strategies. The study aims to compare these strategies and choose the most effective one method for control the pain.

Methods & Materials: The research is a quasi-experimental one by which 230 students of one of the universities of Tehran were called out and participated in the test of tolerance to cold pressure induced pain. 120 participants that their tolerance were a point of standard deviation lower than the whole group were selected and were randomly set in 4 groups (3 experimental groups and 1 control group). These groups composed of 30 people were instructed a method of attention deviation (like desirable imagery, application of concentration point, counting down). The participation’s in control and experimental groups were tested by cold pressure and data were analyzed by SPSS through descriptive indices and One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

Results: Results show that the average score of pain toleration in experimental groups were significantly higher than control group (p<.001). Meanwhile the average point of pain toleration in desirable imagery group were significantly higher than the average point of application of concentration point, counting down groups (p<.001).

Conclusion: The attention deviation strategies were effective in increasing of the experimental pain toleration.

Ali Fakhr-Movahedi, Reza Negarandeh, Mahvash Salsali,
Volume 18, Issue 4 (2-2013)

Background & Aim: Nurses are informed from patients needs using effective mutual communications. This study aimed to explore the communication strategies between nurses and patient.

Methods & Materials: This study had a qualitative approach with the content analysis method. Participants included 23 nurses, patients and their families in medical and surgical wards of Imam Khomeini hospital of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected using interviews and observations. The first and second interviews were conducted unstructured. The semi-structured interviews were then conducted according to the derived concepts from the first and second interviews. We used observation in order to gain a deeper understanding and verifying data from interviews. The observations focused on the interactions between nurses and patients during mutual communications.

Results: A final theme was emerged through the data analysis: adaptation of nurses&apos attitudes and performances. This theme derived from three main categories: caring according to acute needs of patients, creating a professional realm, and participation. The caring according to acute needs of patients included subcategories such as identifying patients&apos acute needs and nurses&apos communication behavior. Creating the professional realm implicated on the clarifying roles and maintaining of privacy communication. Participation was defined as the audience and content.

Conclusion: The findings showed that nurses, in response to the underlying conditions of nursing care, assimilate their attitudes and performances to be able to meet their professional needs and their patients&apos needs. In fact, the main character of nurse-patient communication is nurses&apos active role and patients&apos passive role.

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