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Hamed Rezaei Nasab, Roohollah Ranjbar, Abdolhamid Habibi, Mohammad Taher Afshoon Pour,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2018)

visfatin secreted by various factors, including cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 is affected. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of eight weeks of combined training (resistance circular - aerobic) visfatin concentration, IL-6 and TNF-α in obese men with type II diabetes.
Methods: The population of the research was all men with diabetes type II in District 2 of Ahwaz. Twenty four patients with diabetes type II, aged 40-55 years and fasting blood glucose lower than 200 mg /dl were selected by purposive sampling. First, the anthropometric variables and body composition were measured, then subjects were randomly divided into two groups (experimental, n=12 and control, n=12). Combined exercise training was done for 8 weeks (5 days/week, 30 to 50 minutes) for experimental group. To analyze the changes in the covariance analysis and dependent t test measured variables at a significance level of p≤05.
Result: After eight-week combined exercise training, fasting blood glucose and plasma visfatin significantly decreased p≤05. But no significant changes were observed in the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α p≥05. Also, the inverse relationship between plasma visfatin with IL-6 and TNF-α was observed (P≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: Eight weeks of combined training despite a positive effect on plasma visfatin, due to no significant changes in plasma IL-6 and TNF-α in patients with type 2 diabetes, it seems this type of exercise in reducing obesity and visceral fat and thereby reducing plasma visfatin is appropriate, but the potential change in IL-6 and TNF-α does.

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