Showing 59 results for Ai
Nosratollah Zarghami, Radina Eshtiaghi, Ali Khosrowbeygi, Dian Dayer, Jamai Hallaji,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)
Diabetes is a common endocrine disease with complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy which has its monitoring through biomarkers desirable. At present, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAic) is used for monitoring the long term control of glucose levels in diabetic patients. However, absence of a standardized range, has led to investigations that recently have suggested insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) as a good biomarker for monitoring blood glucose levels in diabetics. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between IGF-I and HbAic in Type 1 diabetes.
Methods: We designed a cross-sectional case-control study. The study composed of 26 newly diagnosed patients with Type 1 diabetes (15 male and 11 female mean age, 23.7±9.1 years) and 26 healthy controls (9 male and 17 female mean age, 24.1±4.4 years). Levels of fasting plasma glucose (FPG), HbA]C) IGF-I and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) were measured in both groups. FPG was measured by enzymatic glucose oxidase method and the colorimetric method was used to measure HbAlc. Determination of total serum levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 were done using immunoassay methods. P-value<0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: The mean value of IGF-I concentrations in type 1 diabetics was significantly lower than controls (p< 0.05). A reverse correlation was observed between IGF-I and HbAic. Conclusion: The study indicates that in poorly controlled diabetics, levels of FPG and HbAic rise concurrent with a drop in levels of IGF-I decreases. Our study also showed a significant correlation between IGF-I and HbAie. Therefore, IGF-I could be indirectly used as a biomarker for controlling glucose levels in diabetics.
Behzad Shamsi, Mahin Hashemipour, Sayed Hossein Saadat, Sayed Mohammad Hasan Emami, Zahra Abdyazdan, Akbar Hasanzadeh, Khosrow Khaibi, Sasan Haghighi, Silva Hovsepian,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)
Increased prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori (HP) infection is a common feature in diabetics, which is attributable to the presence of diverse predisposing factors. In this study, the prevalence of HP infection has been investigated in type 1 diabetic children.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, anti-HP antibody (IgG) was measured in 75 type 1 diabetics (aged 2-18 years) and the results were compared with 75 healthy children who were matched for age, sex and socio-economic status. In seropositive diabetic patients with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, gastroduodenoscopy was performed to establish the diagnosis.
Results: Sera were positive for anti-HP in 22.7% of diabetics versus 17.3% in controls (P>0.05). No significant difference was observable between seropositive and seronegative diabetic groups as regard to age, sex, age at onset of diabetes, number of outpatient visits during the last 6 months, HbAlc and insulin requirements. Gastrointestinal symptoms were more common in diabetics than the healthy controls the prevalence of these symptoms, however, did not differ significantly between seropositive and seronegative diabetics.
Conclusion: The study indicated that type 1 diabetes is not associated with increased risk of HP infection. Further studies are required to investigate the impact of HP infection treatment on the glycemic control in diabetic children.
Fargol Boya, Bagher Larijani, Mohammad Pajouhi, Jamshid Lotfi, Mohammad Mehdi Noraii, Fatemeh Bandarian,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)
At least 2 million people are affected by type II diabetes mellitus in Iran. Neuropathy is one of the commonest complications of diabetes affecting the quality of life of patients and can result in foot ulcer and amputation. The current study aimed to examine possible factors that could alter development of diabetic neuropathy.
Methods: In this case-control study, 110 diabetic patients were selected from Shariati hospital diabetes clinic. Michigan Neuropathic Diabetic Scoring (MNDS) was used to distinguish cases from controls. The neuropathic status of patients was confirmed with EMG-NCV. Multiple factors were compared between the two groups including ACE-I consumption, blood pressure, serum lipid level, sex, smoking, method of diabetes control and its quality.
Results: Statistically significant relations were found between neuropathy and age, gender, quality of glycemic control and duration of diabetes (P values: 0.04, 0.04, 0.000 and 0.005, respectively). No correlation existed between atherosclerotic risk factors (high BP, hyperlipidemia, cigarette smoking) and diabetic neuropathy.
Conclusion: In this study, hyperglycemia was the only modifiable risk factor for diabetic neuropathy. Glycemic control can decrease the incidence of neuropathy and delay its progression leading to improvement in the quality of life in diabetics. Aged and male diabetic patients and those with poor diabetes control are groups in most need of regular foot exam and more practical educations.
Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Parvin Mirmiran, Masoud Mirhosseini, Fereidoun Azizi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (16 2004)
Background: Although dietary guidelines recommend increased intake of grain products to prevent chronic diseases, epidemiologic data regarding whole-grain intake associated with metabolic syndrome is sparse. This study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship between whole-grain intake, metabolic syndrome and metabolic risk factors in Tehran adults population.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 827 subjects aged 18-74 were randomly selected from participants of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study. Usual dietary intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and two 24-hour dietary recalls. BMI, FBS, blood pressure, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, high LDL, low LDL, metabolic syndrome (according to ATP III guidelines) and hypertension (based on JNC VI) were assessed subjects were categorized on quartile cut-points of whole and refined grain intake.
Results: Mean (±SD) consumptions of whole- and refined grains were 93±29 and 201±57 g/d, respectively. Compared with subjects in the lower quartile category, those in the upper category of whole-grain intake had lower prevalence of metabolic risks. Conversely, those in the higher category of refined grain intake had higher prevalence of metabolic risk factors, except for diabetes. After controlling for confounders, a significant decreasing trend was observed for the risk of having hypertriglyceridemia [odds ratios among quartiles: 1.00,0.89, 0.74, 0.61, respectively], hypertension and metabolic syndrome. Higher consumption of refined grains were associated with higher risk of having hypercholestrolemia [1.00, 1.07, 1.19, 1.23), hypertriglyceridemia [1.00, 1.17, 1.49, 2.01), hypertension and metabolic syndrome.
Conclusion: Whole grain intake is inversely and refined grain intake is positively associated with the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Recommendations to increase whole-grain intake may reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
Gholam Hossein Ranjbar Omrani, Mahmood Soveid, Hassan Rajaii, Abdo Assamd Sadegholvaad,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (16 2004)
Background: Chronic complications of diabetes causes substantial mortality and morbidity. The incidence and rate of progression of these complications depends on ethnic factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of late complications of diabetes and its relation to blood glucose control in a group of diabetic patients from South of Iran.
Methods: In this retrospective study, medical records of all diabetic patients who were followed regularly during a 12 year period at outpatient clinics of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences were investigated. Information regarding age, sex, type of diabetes, duration of disease , mean fasting and postprandial blood sugar, complications (eye, kidneys, peripheral nerves, foot, cardiovascular, cerebrovascular), and timing of complications with regard to duration of disease were collected.
Results: The study population included 392 patients (205 males and 186 females), 300 patients had type 2 and 92 had type 1 diabetes. The mean age at diagnosis was 20.412.8 years for type 1 and 47.510.4 years for type 2 patients. 95% of patients developed at least one chronic complication during the follow-up period. The incidence rates of eye , renal, and peripheral nerve complications were 51.5, 44.7, and 68.8 percent respectively. Diabetic foot problems occurred in 16.8 percent of cases and it led to amputation in 8.4 percent (33 cases) of patients. The incidence rates of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications were 49.7 and 15.3 percent respectively. The development of eye, renal, and peripheral nerve complications was related to blood sugar control.
Conclusion: Our diabetic patients developed chronic complications early and at a higher than expected rates. Future studies and more emphasis on prevention methods are recommended.
Hasan Fallah Huseini, Bagher Larijani, Hossein Fakhrzadeh, Bita Radjabipour, Skahin Akhondzadeh, Taiebeh Toliat, Ramin Heshmat,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (16 2004)
Background: Previous clinical and experimental studies suggest the valuable effect of antioxidants on lipids status. The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of silymarin treatment as an antioxidants on lipids profile in type II diabetic hyperlipidemic patients.
Methods: A 4-month randomized double blind clinical trial was conducted in 54 non-insulin dependent diabetic hyperlipidemic patients in a two well – matched groups. First group (n=29) received 200mg silymarin tablet 3 times a day plus standard therapy, while the control group (n=25) received placebo tablet 3 times a day plus standard therapy. The patients were visited monthly and fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL cholesterol, triglyceride, SGOT and SGPT were determined at the beginning and at the end of the study after four months.
Results: Results revealed that in silymarin treated patients, fasting blood glucose, LDL and total cholesterol, triglycerid, SGOT, SGPT and glucose level at the end of the study were significantly decreased as compared to beginning of the study. In placebo treated patients fasting blood glucose level at the end of the study were significantly increased as compared to beginning of the study.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the silymarin as an herbal antioxidant have beneficial effects on reducing glucose and lipids profile in type II diabetic patients
Anu Chandra, Abbas Ali Mahdi, Wajih Rizvi, R.k. Singh, Sohail Ahmad, L.c. Mishra,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (17 2004)
Background: up to know many herbal medicines with different oral formulations have been recommended for diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 4 herbal hypoglycemic agents include garlic (Allium sativum) neem (Azadirachta indica), tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) on blood glucose, antioxidant enzymes and metal ions in diabetics
Methods: Crude extracts of herbal agents was prepared and each one was given to one group of diabetic rats. Two group of diabetic rats received insulin and glibenclamide. As controls, two groups of healthy and diabetic rats received saline. Body weight, fasting blood glucose, antioxidant enzymes and metal ions were measured before and after the study.
Results: All agents including herbal preparations, insulin and glibenclamide reduced the levels of blood sugar and lipid peroxide when compared with diabetic control. These agents also increased levels of antioxidant enzymes in diabetic rats. Antioxidant enzymes decreased significantly in diabetic controls. Metal ions increased in diabetic rats treated with herbal agents, insulin and glibenclamide but decreased in diabetic controls.
Conclusion: Above mentioned herbal plants may be useful in the treatment of diabetes as they not only have hypoglycemic effect but they also protect rats from free radical mediated cellular injury by improving the activity of antioxidant enzymes. They also improve the levels of metal ions which are associated with antioxidant enzymes.
Farzad Najafipour, Feraidun Azizi, Masoumeh Zareizadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (17 2004)
Background: Diabetes type 2 is one of the most prevalent reasons of Hyperglycemia. Different areas experience varying degrees of epidemic intensity. Diabetes is one of the most important causes of death and disability in most countries and imposes heavy financial burdens on people and governments. Although much research has been conducted on its prevention and treatment. It has been recognized as a hereditary disease, the genes causing it or its mode of inheritance are not yet known. Because of the significant role they play in metabolism of glucose, several genes have suggested, but the main cause of the disease has not yet been identified. Our objective is to investigate the epidemic aspects of the hereditary diabetes in people aged 20 years and over.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 14687 subjects, in the urban setting of east Tehran between 1379 and 1380. Of 407 families, 180 agreed to and completed related questionnaires and underwent the necessary tests 180 diabetic families, with at least one member suffering from diabetes type 2, were studied closely in order to clarify the degree of spread and family background. Analysis was performed using Chi Square and t-test.
Results: Of 1612 subjects, 497 had diabetes, including 802 women and 792 men (p<0. 001). Most of the diabetics (approx. 79%) were between the ages of 41-70 years old with the highest (55.3%) and lowest (6.2%) rates in the age groups of 51-60 and 20-30 years respectively. Diabetes was more prevalent among siblings with 53% in comparison to the prevalence among offsprings-44%. The prevalence of Diabetes type 2 in first-degree relatives was more frequent between sister and brother (52.7%), followed by that between father and daughter (36%).
Conclusion: It is recommended that the related authorities implement strategies, including screening of families, with a view to identify those at risk and reduce related complications.
Hossein Fakhrzadeh, Rasoul Pourebrahim, Fatemeh Bandarian, Ramin Heshmat, Fouruzan Djalilpour, Masoumeh Noori, Ozra Tabatabaie, Farzaneh Zahedi, Iman Rahimi, Sara Ghotbi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (17 2004)
Background: Cardiovascular disease is one of the major leading cause of death in Iran. There is a strong association between parental history of cardiovascular disease clustering of risk factors in the offspring. Detection and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors since childhood is essential to reduce the incidence of disease in adulthood. This study was performed to identify major cardiovascular risk factors in middle school-aged children and their parents in high risk compared to control families.
Methods: The middle schools of the 6th of Tehran were divided randomly into two groups. A total of 169 high-risk children with their families were recruited from the first group while 105 control children with their families were recruited from the second group of schools. Coronary risk factor survey was performed in the participants.
Results: Prevalence of increased total- and LDL-cholesterol and high FBS were higher in high-risk parents and children. Prevalence of increased BMI was higher in fathers and children of high-risk families. More fathers in high-risk families were smoker. The means of waist circumference and WHR were significantly higher in high-risk fathers. The means of total- and LDL- cholesterol were significantly higher both in parents and children of high-risk group. The means of FBS were significantly higher in fathers and offspring of high-risk families.
Conclusion: Cardiovascular risk factors are more prevalent and clustered in high-risk families. Screening of these families is essential to prevent progression of cardiovascular disease since childhood and reduce its burden in adulthood.
Mostafa Najafi, Seyed Mahmood Mirhoseini, Maryam Moghani Lankarani, Shervin Assari, Seyed Abbas Tavalaie,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (17 2004)
Background: Family satisfaction in subpopulations referred to the endocrine clinic including diabetic and non diabetic patients and their spouses are compared in the present study. This study also assesses the correlation between family satisfaction and variables such as age, sex, educational level, economic status, type of diabetes, duration of the disease, type of therapy and dosage of drugs. A comparison of the frequency of sexual dysfunction between diabetics and non-diabetic pairs was also done.
Methods: In this case- control study, 400 subjects were selected as simplified non-randomized method from outpatients referred to the Shahre Kord endocrine clinic in 2002. We assigned samples to group I (diabetic patients, n=100), group II (diabetic patients spouses, n=100), group III (non-diabetic patients, n=100) and group IV (non-diabetic patients spouses, n=100). Groups I and II were similar in sex, socioeconomic status and educational level. GRIMS family relationship questionnaire was used to evaluate family satisfaction.
Results: Family satisfaction for diabetics in comparison with non-diabetics (P=0.05), diabetics in comparison with their spouses (P=0.003), and non-diabetics in comparison with their spouses (p=0.002) were significantly less. There was no significant difference between family satisfaction in diabetic and non-diabetic patients spouses (p>0.05). Relative frequency of sexual dysfunction was 76% and 29% and relative frequency of decreased libido was 32% an 12%, in diabetic and non- diabetic couples, respectively. Family satisfaction was less in patients with diabetes type I and whom using higher dosage of drugs.
Conclusion: This study emphasized on the attention to the family as a part of approach to the diabetic patients. According to our results, it is recommended to focus the most attention in this field to the patients with type I diabetes and who consume more amounts of drugs.
Mohammad Ali Boroumand, Leila Sam, Seyed Hesameddin Abbasi, Mojtaba Salarifar, Ebrahim Kassaian, Saeedeh Forghani,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (17 2004)
Background: This study was performed to evaluate the prevalence and risk factors of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Iranian population.
Methods: Between March 2003 and December 2003, 202 nonpregnant women with diabetes type 2 who were between 31 to 78 years old and had no abnormalities of the urinary tract system were included. We defined ASB as the presence of at least 105 colony-forming units/ml of 1 or 2 bacterial species, in two separated cultures of clean-voided midstream urine. All the participants were free from any symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI). Risk factors for developing bacteriuria was assessed and compared in participants with and without bacteriuria.
Results: In this study, the prevalence of ASB was 10.9% among diabetic women. E.coli was the most prevalent microorganism responsible for positive urine culture. Most of the isolated microorganisms were resistant to Co-trimoxazole, Nalidixic acid and Ciprofloxacin. Pyuria (P<0.001) and glucosuria (P<0.05) had meaningful relation with bacteriuria but no association was evident between age (P<0.45), duration of diabetes (P<0.09), macroalbuminuria (P<0.10) and HbA1c level (P<0.75), and the presence of ASB.
Conclusion: The prevalence of ASB is more prevalent in women with type 2 diabetes, which pyuria and glucosuria can be considered as risk factors in this regard. Routine urine culture can be recommended for diabetic women even when there is not any urinary symptom.
Asal Ataie Jaafari, Farideh Tahbaz, Hamid Alavi Majd, Hasan Joodaki,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (17 2005)
Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in Iran and hypercholesterolemia is one of the most important risk factors. This problem could be partially managed by dietary modifications such as supplementation of diet with dairy products and probiotic bacteria. The aim of this study was to comprise the effect of consuming a probiotic yoghurt and ordinary yoghurt on serum cholesterol levels in mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia.
Methods: This randomized cross-over trial was conducted on 14 healthy subjects aged 40-65 years with total serum cholesterol 200-300 mg/dl. We asked the subjects to avoid consumption of yoghurt for a two-week pre-study period and add 300 g/day of milk to their diet. Then they were randomly allocated to 2 groups to receive either 300 g of ordinary yoghurt (fermented with S.thermophilus and L.bulgaricus) or probiotic yoghurt (fermented with a starter composed of L.acidophilus and B.lactis plus bacteria in ordinary yoghurt) for 6 weeks as substitution for milk. After a wash-out period of 7 weeks, the cross-over was made (those consuming probiotic yoghurt, changed to ordinary yoghurt and vice versa) and the study lasted for another 6 weeks. Anthropometric measurements, a 3-day dietary recall and blood lipid tests were done at the beginning (after a 2-week elimination period of yoghurt from diet) and at the end of each period.
Results: Comparison of weights, BMIs and dietary confounding factors during the period of consuming ordinary yoghurt and probiotic yoghurt, did not show any significant differences. Consumption of probiotic yoghurt in comparison with ordinary yogurt caused a significant decrease in total serum cholesterol (P=0.049). Comparison of other blood lipid criteria did not show any significant differences between these two periods.
Conclusion: Consumption of the yoghurt containing two probiotic bacteria, L.acidophilus and B.lactis, in comparison with ordinary yoghurt causes reduction in total serum cholesterol in mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia.
Homayon Sheikholeslami, Kamal Boostani, Sima Hashemipoor, Fatemeh Hadjmanoochehri, Amir Ziaii,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (17 2005)
Background: Several studies and research have shown a higher prevalence of celiac disease (CD) and elevation of serum antibody (AGA-IgA & IgA-tTG & EMA-IgA ) in patient with diabetes mellitus type I (T1DM) in versus general and non-diabetic population. Thus screening of CD is recommended in T1DM). This study was conducted to compare frequency of celiac disease in patients with T1DM and healthy persons.
Methods: As a case-control study,60 patient with T1DM that reffered to endocrine clinic of Qazvin’s Boo-Ali hospital , in nearly one year period were enrolled as case group. 60 non-diabetic healthy subjects with age and sex matched, were selected as control group. Blood levels of Total IgA, AGA-IgA and IgA-tTG were measured in all of them, subjects who had elevated of both AGA-IgA and IgA-tTG underwent an upper GI endoscopy and biopsy was done from distal part of duodenum.
Results: Any one in case group hadn't IgA deficiency. 14 subjects in control and 12 subjects in case group had positive AGA-IgA that there was no significant difference between them . 2 subject of case group had positive IgA-tTG. Duodenal biopsy in 1 of 14 cases who had elevated AGA-IgA )1 of 2 cases who had elevated IgA-tTG) , revealed total villous atrophy indicating CD (Type IIIC with revised Marsh criteria 2001) and in other cases pathologic findings were normal or with nonspecific changes.
Conclusion: Frequency of CD in T1DM in our study is 1.67%. There is not any significant difference between case and control groups in prevalence of Celiac disease . But we conclused that screening with AGA-IgA is not a reliable screening test for CD , because there is not significant difference between T1DM and general population .
Bagher Larijani, Farid Abolhasani, Mohammad Reza Mohajeri-Tehrani, Ozra Tabtabaie,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (17 2005)
Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic metabolic diseases with several organ damages that dearese life span. Prevalence of known diabetes appears to be increasing in most countries, presumably due to increasing the prevalence of risk factors such as obesity, lower physical activity and improved diagnosis. WHO expect the number of adults (20 years and older) with diabetes rises up to 300 millions in 2025. In view of the worldwide geographic differences in diabetes and lack of documented informations about prevalence of diabetes in Iran, we assigned this study.
Methods: The base of our study for assessment of prevalence of diabetes in Iran was results of ״Health and Disease Study in Iran, 1999״. We used epidemiologic model (DisMod) for estimating the incidence of diabetes in Iran.
Results: The prevalence of diabetes in over 20 years of Iranian population in 2000, was 1.6 million or 4.67%. Also it is estimated up to 100000 persons have been affected by type II diabetes.
Conclusion: The true limitation of our study was limitations of documents about estimated of proportion of true prevalence to prevalence of known diabetes.
Mahdi Zamani, Mohammad Amin Tabatabaiefar, Arezoo Savabi Esfahani, Fereidoon Mostafavi, Arya Sotoudeh, Bagher Larijani,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (17 2005)
Background: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is an autoimmune disease in which T-cell mediated selective pancreatic β- cell destruction occurs. Half the risk of T1DM development is given by the HLA gene region while the remaining risk is assigned to non-HLA genes , probably those engaged in the formation of antigen interaction complex. The CD4 gene product, which is among the most prominent T-cell surface receptors with a key role in antigen processing, could be regarded as a strong candidate.
Methods: We investigated the possible association of the CD4 gene polymorphism with T1DM using the candidate gene approach. The pyrimidine- rich pentanucleotide repeat polymorphism residing in the promoter region of the CD4 gene was studied. In the present study 92 Iranian T1DM patients and 108 healthy matched control individuals were screened by PCR technique.
Results: The analysis of our results shows the protective association of CD4*A3 (RR= 0.159, 95% CI: 0.036-0.707 Pc=0.025) and the susceptible role of CD4*A5 (RR= 7.379, 95% CI: 1.630-33.414 Pc=0.010) with T1DM.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that the certain CD4 alleles are associated either negatively or positively with T1DM in the Iranian population.
Ahmad Esmaill Zadeh, Seyed Masood Kimiagar, Yadollah Mehrabi, Leila Azadbakht,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (18 2005)
Concept of dietary patterns is new in the filed of nutritional epidemiology. However, it has not been focused to the extent that foods or nutrients have been considered. Although, identifying the association between nutrients and foods intake with chronic diseases is valuable yet, recent evidences have shown that the clinical trials that have used nutrients are not too successful to indicate the effects of that nutrient on the disease risk. On the other hand, the studies used dietary patterns have shown the significant effects on disease risk. Therefore, using dietary patterns analysis is an efficient method to identify diet-disease relations. However, it should be kept in the mind that dietary patterns are different across gender, ethnics, cultures and regions. It is, therefore, recommended that investigators in different countries need to assess their own community dietary patterns and emphasize on these patterns when trying to reduce chronic disease risk. The current study has been conducted to review the studies that have assessed the association of dietary patterns and chronic disease risk.
Asal Ataie-Jafari, Saeed Hosseini, Ramin Heshmat, Mohammad Parviz, Sormeh Raees-Zadeh, Mehdi Yousefi, Mohammad Pajouhi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (17 2006)
Background: The risk of cardiovascular diseases increase in diabetic patients. So, it is important for patients to achieve the optimal lipid levels. Nutrition including consumption of anthocyanins plays a primary role in reducing the risk of heart disease and hypertension. In this study, we assessed the effect of concentrated sour cherry juice (SCJ) consumption as a rich source of anthocyanins on lipid profile and blood pressure of type II diabetic patients.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study 16 type II diabetic women with fasting blood sugar ≥110 mg/dl and LDL-C ≥100 mg/dl were recruited and consumed 40 g/day of SCJ for 6 weeks. Measurements of weight, lipid profile and blood pressure were done in baseline and after completion of the study. A 2-day food records was completed by patients so. The Wilcoxon test was used for statistical analysis.
Results: Mean (± SD) age, weight, total cholesterol, LDL-C, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 53.6±8.8 years, 72.8±14.9 kg, 213.9±27/0 mg/dl, 118.4±14.7 mg/dl, 129.1±15.7 mmHg and 81.7±8.1 mmHg respectively in the beginning of the study. After consumption of SCJ, a significant decrease (P<0.05) in weight, total cholesterol, LDL-C, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was seen. Changes in serum triglyceride and HDL-C concentrations were not significant statistically.
Conclusion: It is concluded that SCJ consumption may modify cardiovascular disease risk factors in diabetic type 2 patients.
Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Leila Azadbakht,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (17 2007)
Background: Limited data are available relating intake of fruits and vegetables to inflammatory markers and risk of metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between fruits and vegetables intake and C-reactive protein (CRP) and the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome.
Methods: Fruits and vegetables intake were assessed using a validated semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire in a cross-sectional study of 486 Tehranian female teachers aged 40-60 y. Anthropometric measurements were done and blood pressure was assessed according to standard methods. Fasting blood samples were taken for biochemical measurements. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines.
Results: The reported mean daily intake of fruits and vegetables were 228±79 and 186±88 g/d respectively. Both fruits and vegetables intake were inversely associated with plasma CRP concentrations. After statistically controlling for age, BMI and waist circumference, mean plasma concentrations of CRP across increasing quintile categories of fruits were 1.94, 1.79, 1.65, 1.61 and 1.56 mg/L respectively (P for trend <0.01) and of vegetables were 2.03, 1.82, 1.58, 1.52 and 1.47 mg/L respectively (P for trend<0.01). These inverse associations remained significant after additional control for other potential confounding variables and dietary factors. After controlling for potential confounders individuals in the highest quintile of fruits intake had 34% (95% CI: 20%-46%) lower and those in the highest quintile of vegetables intake had 30% (95% CI: 16%-39%) lower chance of having the metabolic syndrome compared to those in the lowest quintiles.
Conclusion: In this study higher intake of fruits and vegetables were associated with lower risk of metabolic syndrome part of this association may be mediated through CRP. These findings support current dietary recommendations to increase the intake of fruits and vegetables as a primary preventive measure against cardiovascular disease.
Nosratollah Zarghami, Ghorban Mohammadzadeh, Fereidoon Mamaghani, Reza Hajhosaini, Abbas Mohajeri,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (17 2007)
Background: Leptin is a peptide strongly correlated with adiposity and is a potential determinant of obesity and its complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between serum leptin levels and different anthropometric indices among obese women.
Methods: This analytical descriptive study consisted of 106 women with different grade of obesity (BMI ³ 25 kg/m2) and 38 women with normal weight (BMI ≤ 25 kg/m2).serum leptin and glucose levels were measured via enzyme immunoassay and glucose oxidase methods respectively.
Results: The mean (± SE) serum leptin concentrations in apparently healthy women with normal weight ,overweight, obese grade I, and obese grade II were 6.88 ± 0.56, 39.30 ± 1.73, 46.60 ±1.04, and 48.22± 3.31 ng/ml respectively. There was a dramatic increase in serum Leptin concentration when the BMI was increased. There was statistically significant differences between all groups in serum leptin concentration (P<0.001). There was a direct and significant correlation between serum leptin concentration and BMI in obese subjects (r= 0.736, P< 0.001). There was no significant correlation between leptin with age, and leptin with WHR neither in normal weight group nor in different grades of obesity groups.
Conclusion: Our findings showed that the serum leptin levels continuously raised with increasing degree of obesity and among different anthropometric indices serum leptin concentration has significant correlation with BMI.
Mohammad Ali Ghaffari, Taibeh Ghiasvand,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (18 2007)
Background: The oxidative modification of low density lipoprotein (LDL) may play an important role in atherogenesis. Mechanism of LDL oxidation and factors that determine its susceptibility to oxidation is unknown. Copper is account as an attributing factor in LDL oxidation atherosclerotic lesions. The binding of copper ions to LDL is usually thought to be a prerequisite for LDL oxidation by copper. The aim of study was to investigate the effect of Naringin and Quercetin on copper bound to LDL and furthermore effect of this binding on the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modification.
Methods: LDL was isolated from EDTA-plasma by ultracentrifugation using a discontinuous gradient. The oxidizability of LDL was measured by thiobarbitoric acid reactive substances (TBARS) after addition of CuSO4 in absence and/or presence of Naringin and Quercetin. Finally effect of Naringin and Quercetin on formation of LDL-copper complex was studied by gel filtration.
Results: This study showed that Naringin suppresses formation of TBARS and LDL-copper complex, whereas Quercetin enhances formation of TBARS and LDL-copper complex.
Conclusion: Results revealed that Naringin with inhibition of binding of Copper to LDL may decrease the susceptibility of LDL oxidation in counter to this ion and thus may have a role in prevention of atherosclerosis. But Quercetin with stimulation of binding of copper to LDL may increase the susceptibility of LDL oxidation to this ion and thus may have a role in progression atherosclerosis.