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Showing 4 results for Akrami

Javad Heidari, Seyed Mohammad Akrami, Ramin Heshmat, Parvin Amiri, Hossein Fakhrzadeh, Mohammad Pajouhi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (17 2006)

Background: Uncoupling protein-2 (UCP2), one of the mitochondrial transporter memborane protiens, is suggested as a contributor gene for obesity. A common G/A polymorphism in the UCP2 promoter region is associated with obesity and diabetes.
Methods: As a cross-sectional study, 75 healthy 25-64 years volunteers were randomly selected from Tehran University of Medical Sciences population Lab. DNA was exracted from blood samples then polymorphism and A & G Allel frequencies were determined via PCR and RFLP. The correlation between genotype and such clinical and biochemical parameters as BMI, serum cholesterol and TG was investigated. Results were compared with other similar surveys.
Results: The frequencies of the UCP2 -866G/A genotypes in 75 Iranian normal population were AA: 7 (9.4%), GA: 41 (54.6%), and GG: 27 (36%).
Conclusion: Significantly higher HDL cholesterol was detected in people with GG allele (P=0.02) as compared with GA and AA alleles. 866 UCP2 G/A genotype frequencies in our study were significantly different as compared with Japanese population but no with European studies that may emphasize on genetical similarity between Iranian and European Caucasians populations.
Hassan Mirzaei, Taghi Golmohammadi, Seyed Mohammad Akrami, Mahmood Doosti, Manochehr Nakhjavani, Ramin Heshmat, Parvin Amiri,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (19 2006)

Background: Peroxisome Proliferators- Activated Receptor-Gamma2 (PPAR- γ2) is a nuclear receptor that regulates adipocyte differentiation, lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of the Pro12Ala polymorphism at the PPAR- γ2 gene in Iranian population with obesity.
Methods: The genomic DNAs of the 156 subjects including obese and healthy isolated from EDTA whole blood. Pro12Ala polymorphism detected by Polymerase Chain Reaction – Restriction Fragment Length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).
Results: In the obese group , one sample (1.3%) was as homozygote Ala/Ala genotype , 24 samples (30.8%) were Pro/Ala heterozygote and 53 samples (67.9%)as Pro/Pro genotype were identified . in the control group , one sample (1.3%) was as Ala/Ala genotype , 12 samples (15.4%) were Pro/Ala genotype and 65 samples (83.3%) were Pro/Pro genotype. allele frequencies of Ala in obese subjects (qAla=%16.7)were significantly different from those in control subjects (qAla=%8.9).
Our results revealed that Pro12Ala polymorphism in PPAR- γ2 gene associated with obesity in the Iranian population and presence Ala allele cause to significantly higher BMI and lower fasting blood sugar.
Seyed Mohammad Akrami,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (17 2007)

Basic sciences attract specific attention of medical professionals worldwide. Medical genetics can bridge between clinical observations and basic sciences via specific focus on the molecular aspects of diseases. Importance of genetic counseling as the main part of management of inherited disorders should be realized by all physicians. This paper provides genetic counseling essentials with main focus on the endocrinopathies and metabolic disorders especially diabetes mellitus and its complications. This paper may help the endocrinologists to have more attention on these rules for referring rare familial or syndrome cases. High ethnicity variations and high rate of consanguineous marriage in Iran as well as increase in the incidence and prevalence of such disorders highlight the importance of molecular studies of such disorders in our country.

Sommayeh Rashid Shomali, Vahideh Montazeri, Seyed Mohammad Akrami, Ramin Heshmat, Bagher Larijani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (18 2007)

Background: High prevalence of consanguineous marriages has been reported in Iran. Since this pattern of marriage may increase the prevalence of diseases with autosomal recessive pattern of expression, the study was assigned to determine this among patients referred to diabetes and osteoporosis clinics of Dr Shariati hospital, Tehran, Iran.   

Methods: The consanguineous marriage was studied among 1789 couples of three successive generations via Questionnaire.

Results: The prevalence of consanguineous marriages in three successive generations was 9%, 17% and 19%, respectively with an increasing pattern of prevalence. Overall the prevalence of first cousins marriage was 10% with 69% among consanguineous marriage group. The higher the level of education, the lower the prevalence of consanguineous marriage.

Conclusion: In view of the increasing prevalence of consanguineous marriage that may be followed by some trouble consequences about disease expression, it seems necessary to provide facilities for genetic counseling before marriage for youth.

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