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Mojdeh Mirarefin, Azadeh Aminpour, Hossein Fakhrzadeh, Farideh Tahbaz, Alireza Abadi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (17 2007)

Background: Fortification of corn with folic acid has beneficial effects on hyperhomocysteinemia and heart disease. Folate fortification was contributed to an increase in average folate status and a reduction in serum homocysteine concentration.

Methods: In this randomized clinical trial 17 men and women aged 61±5 years old with hyperhomocysteinemia with mean homocysteine concentration of 15/32±6/13 µmol/L were recruited. Subjects received fortified bread which contained 100µg folic acid daily for 8 weeks. Three-day food record, food frequency questionnaire and BMI (Body Mass Index) data at baseline and week 8 were completed. Plasma homocysteine and serum folate at baseline and week 8 were measured. All dietary and statistical analyses were undertaken using Nutritionist III and SPSS release 15.0 software with paired t-test.

Results: Mean plasma homocysteine concentration decreased significantly in hyperhomocysteinemic subjects after daily consumption of folate fortified bread for 8 weeks (P<0.001).After 8 weeks serum folate concentration increased %26 (P=0.06). Mean BMI, energy and other components of dietary intake did not change significantly. Dietary vitamin C decreased significantly (P<0.001).

Conclusion: Daily consumption of folic acid fortified bread, with 100 µg folic acid, in hyperhomocysteinemic subjects for 8 weeks led to significant decrease in plasma homocysteine and an increase in serum folate.

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