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Showing 6 results for Bastan Hagh

Shahin Yarahmadi, Bagher Larijani, Mohammad-Hassan Bastan Hagh, Mohammad Pajouhi, Farzaneh Zahedi, Reza Baradar-Jalili, Mohammad Reza Amini, Kazem Zendehdel,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (18 2001)

Background: Studies of the metabolic effects of Ramadan fasting on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are inconclusive.
Methods: Fifty-seven volunteers with type 2 diabetes underwent anthropometric and biochemical evaluation before and on the 14th and 28th days of Ramadan. Biochemical markers were measured by standard laboratory methods. Anthropometric measurements followed WHO criteria. Statistical analysis was by ANOVA for repeated measurements and Friedman’s two-way ANOVA, using SPSSv6 software.
Results: Daily cholesterol intake increased in all subjects (p<0.03). Body mass index increased (p<0.03) in women, but body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio both decreased (p<0.01) in men. Blood pressure, fasting blood glucose and serum fructosamine did not change during the study. Plasma insulin (p<0.05), C-peptide (p<0.01) and insulin resistance (p<0.01) decreased only in men. Total and LDL cholesterol increased significantly in all subjects during the study.
Conclusion: Ramadan fasting does not alter carbohydrate metabolism or tissue insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes patients, given appropriate dietary education and rescheduling of oral hypoglycaemic medication. Lipid profile is unfavourably altered due to changes in both diet and biochemical response to starvation. Anthropometric indices improve in men but not women, possibly because of reduced physical activity in the latter.
Bagher Larijani, Mohammad Hasan Bastan Hagh, Mohammad Pajouhi, Mojgan Afshari, Mansoureh Khani, Masoumeh Shagareyan,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (18 2001)

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic disorder with multiple disabling long- and shorter-term complications, the majority of which can be controlled if not prevented. The management of diabetic patients is a major drain on both health budgets and time.
Methods: We reviewed the records of 101 patients with diabetic foot ulcer, who had received treatment at either Doctor Shariati or Imam Khomeini hospital.
Results: Out of 101 patients (56.4% male and 43.6% female) with diabetic foot ulcer, 34.7% had eventually undergone amputation.
Conclusion: Our findings highlight the need for control and prevention programmes aimed at reducing the risk factors for and complications of diabetic foot ulcer.
Shahin Yarahmadi, Bagher Larijani, Ebrahim Javadi, Mohammad-Hassan Bastan Hagh, Mohammad Pajouhi, Reza Malekzadeh, Mahmood Mahmoudi, Aliereza Shafaei, Mohammad-Reza Mohajeri-Tehrani, Ali Rajabe, Mohammad Farshadi,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)

Celiac disease and typel diabetes mellirus have been linked to the same HLA markers and chromosomal loci, which may account for the concurrence of the two disorders in a significant number of patients. This study was designed to investigate the frequency of anti-gliadin antibodies, a marker for celiac disease, in diabetic patients.
Methods: In this study, 182 diabetic patients (52 with typel and 130 with type2 diabetes) were screened for anti-gliadin IgG by indirect immunofluorescence. Age range was 3-29.5 and 42-65 years for type 1 and type 2 diabetes groups.
Results: Anti-gliadin IgG was found in 1.9% and 1.5% of patients with type land type 2 diabetes. In Tehran, 0.02% of healthy blood donors have been reported to be seropositivitive for anti-gliadin IgG.
Conclusion: The prevalence of anti-gliadin seropositivity in type 1 and type 2 diabetics, was respectively 30 and 24 times higher than the general population of Tehran. This concurs with other reports indicating higher occurrence of celiac disease in diabetic populations. The rather low sensitivity and specificity (both around 80%) of the antigliadin antibody test has made it a suboptimal diagnostic test. However, it is quick and inexpensive and can be suitable for screening programs. We recommend the test in all at-risk populations including diabetics.
Mohamad-Hasan Bastan Hagh, Bagher Larijani, Ali-Reza Khalilyfard, Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Ramin Heshmat, Nasim Khaleghian, Gazal Khoshechin,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the commonest cause of renal failure, blindness and non traumatic amputation. According to ADA, prevention of DM complications is possible through monitoring and control of blood glucose levels.
Methods: The Betachek strip, produced in Australia, is able to determine biood glucose level with no need for electronic glucometer devices.
Results: In this study, we compared venous and capillary blood glucose levels as determined by lest strips with measurements of enzymatic method (the standard laboratory kit). The mean capillary and venous blood glucose measured by the strip test was 21.85 mg/dl (P< 0.0001) and 17.9 mg/dl (P< 0.002) respectively that was 11.13% more than the standard method.
Conclusion: In this study, standard method had higher correlation with venous samples glucose level, than capillary samples (as measured by Betachek) (0.84 vs. 0.824). This difference was statistically significant (P< 0.0001).
Good correlation between the Betachek strip and the standard enzymatic method of blood glucose measurements, advocate its usage in home setting.
Fariba Mohseni, Mansoureh Hesam, Farid Abedin Dorkoosh, Mahmood Mahmoudy, Mohammad Reza Roueeni, Mohammad Hasan Bastan Hagh, Bagher Larijani, Morteza Rafiee Tehrani,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (17 2005)

Background: All contemporary methods of insulin administration are non-physiological. Insulin is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract because of its peptide nature. The aim of the present study was to examine the absorption of oral insulin from gastrointestinal tract, using novel oral formulation- adding a delivery agent superporouse hydrogel (SPH) and SPH composite (SPHC) in combination with insulin.
Methods: Capsules containing insulin and SPH &SPHC were administered orally, to 15 non-diabetic subjects in order to assess its biological effects and safety. Plasma glucose, insulin and c – peptide serum levels were determined, at timed intervals up to 4 h.
Results: In the present study, we showed that AUC of exogenous insulin in polymer -insulin group was higher than sub-cutaneous regular insulin group. It means that addition of SPHC polymer caused increase in insulin absorbtion.In addition, Insulin Tmax in polymer group was longer than sub-cotaneaus insulin group. Blood glucose AUC in sub-cotaneaus group was higher than polymer group.AUC C-peptide serum level in polymer group was higher than sub-cutaneous group.
Conclusions: Insulin in combination with a novel delivery agent, SPH and SPHC, given orally is absorbed through the GI tract in a biologically active form. This was demonstrated by suppression of endogenous insulin secretion.
Fariba Mohseni, Mansoureh Hesam, Farid A. Dorkoosh, Mahmood Mahmoudy, Mohammad Hasan Bastan Hagh, Bagher Larijani, Morteza Rafiee Tehrani,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (18 2005)

Background: All contemporary methods of insulin administration are non-physiological. The euglycemia that is achieved in at the expense of the adverse effects of systemic hyper-insulinemia, emphasize the importance of devising methods to deliver insulin physiologically and directly into the portal circulation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the oral absorption of insulin from gastrointestinal tract, using novel oral drug delivery system delivery based on superporouse hydrogel (SPH) and SPH composite (SPHC) in combination with insulin.
Methods: This study has been done based on interventional clinical trial in healthy volunteers. Capsules containing insulin and SPH &SPHC in various combination were administered orally, to 15 non-diabetics subjects in order to assess this biological effects and safety. Serum glucose, insulin and C - peptide levels were determined, at predetermined timed intervals up to 4 h.
Results: An increase in serum insulin level was demonstrated in all subjects that used polymer plus insulin. The nadir of serum glucose level appeared after 60 - 120 min following the ingestion of polymer plus insulin. Serum C - peptide levels were suppressed while exogenous insulin was absorbed at the same time. No adverse effects were detected during the trial and several weeks following the trial using SPH based drug delivery system.
Insulin in combination with novel delivery agents, SPH & SPHC, given orally was partially absorbed through the GI tract in a biologically active form. This was demonstrated by serum glucose lowering effect of the delivery system as well as a suppression of plasma C-peptide which also represented a decrease in endogenous insulin secretion.

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