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Showing 1 results for Dantalab Esmaeili

Ali Delpisheh, Hosein Azizi, Elham Dantalab Esmaeili, Lotfali Haghiri, Gholamali Karimi, Fariba Abbasi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (3-2015)

Background: According to the importance of the family physicians program results in rural areas and government decision to apply this program in urban areas of Iran, This study aimed to determine the quality of care and blood sugar control, blood pressure and blood lipids in diabetic type &Iota&Iota patients in rural areas covered by family physicians. Methods: In this study, 380 patients 30-76 years old with medical records in the health centers of the malekan-Iran in rural areas in 2013, after informed consents were enrolled. Data were collected by interview and HbA1c examinations and using a standard questionnaire. Data analyzed by SPSS19 version. Multivariate logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios adjusting for diabetes complications and related risk factors. Results: Results showed that 68% Study participants was women’s and average age of patients was 57.86±11.9 and sex ratio of females to males was almost 2.2 with 1. Final analysis showed that HbA1c levels more than 7% (PHbA1c=0.002), cholesterol over 240 mm/dl (Pcholesterol=0.04) and hypertensive over 140/90mm/Hg (PHTN=0.007) 1.52, 2.44 and 1.44 times increased risk of diabetes complications, respectively. Conclusions: The quality of care and blood sugar control in diabetic patients was lower than compared to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) standards, but our results are near to results of Country studies.

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