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Showing 9 results for Haghighi

Massoud Amini, Mehrdad Hosseinpour, Gashtasb Sattari, Sasan Haghighi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (18 2001)

Background: Oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), but is time-consuming and difficult to perform. We investigated the value of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) in screening for diabetes mellitus and IGT.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, we measured the HBA1C levels of 497 people referred for OGTT. We calculated the sensitivity and specificity of HbA1C at 1, 2, 3 and 4 SD above the normal mean. We plotted receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves after assigning our subjects to the diabetic, IGT, ‘diabetic+IGT’, or normal group, based on WHO criteria for OGTT.
Results: HbA1C levels (mean ± SD) in the four groups were 9.2±1.5, 8.4±1.3, 7.9±0.8 and 6.8±0.7 percent in the diabetic, diabetic+IGT, IGT and normal groups, respectively. All differences were statistically significant (p<0.0001). ROC curve analysis showed that HbA1C levels above 7.5% (mean + 1SD) gave the best combination of sensitivity and specificity for the detection of diabetes (97.53% and 73.8%), IGT (66.37 and 69.44%), and diabetes+IGT (80.22% and 86.66%).
Conclusions: An HbA1C level of >7.5% is an optimal cutoff point for diabetes screening programs.
Behzad Shamsi, Mahin Hashemipour, Sayed Hossein Saadat, Sayed Mohammad Hasan Emami, Zahra Abdyazdan, Akbar Hasanzadeh, Khosrow Khaibi, Sasan Haghighi, Silva Hovsepian,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)

Increased prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori (HP) infection is a common feature in diabetics, which is attributable to the presence of diverse predisposing factors. In this study, the prevalence of HP infection has been investigated in type 1 diabetic children.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, anti-HP antibody (IgG) was measured in 75 type 1 diabetics (aged 2-18 years) and the results were compared with 75 healthy children who were matched for age, sex and socio-economic status. In seropositive diabetic patients with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, gastroduodenoscopy was performed to establish the diagnosis.
Results: Sera were positive for anti-HP in 22.7% of diabetics versus 17.3% in controls (P>0.05). No significant difference was observable between seropositive and seronegative diabetic groups as regard to age, sex, age at onset of diabetes, number of outpatient visits during the last 6 months, HbAlc and insulin requirements. Gastrointestinal symptoms were more common in diabetics than the healthy controls the prevalence of these symptoms, however, did not differ significantly between seropositive and seronegative diabetics.
Conclusion: The study indicated that type 1 diabetes is not associated with increased risk of HP infection. Further studies are required to investigate the impact of HP infection treatment on the glycemic control in diabetic children.
Mahin Hashemipour , Ghasem Ali Javanmard, Hamid Hourfar, Roya Kelishadi, Silva Hovsepian, Sasan Haghighi ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (16 2004)

Background: Increased echogenicity of pancreas, due to hemosiderosis, is a frequent finding in  - thalassemic paitents. Hemosiderosis also leads to  - cell dysfunction. So diabetes and glucose intolerance are common consequences of hemosiderosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of increased pancreas echogenicity (IPE) with insulin sensitivity in  - thalassemic children aged 10-20 years.
Methods: After exclusion of thalassemic paitents with diabetes or familial history of diabetes, pancreas ultrasonography was performed in 42 -thalassemic children and they were divided into 2 groups with normal (21) and increased (21) pancreas echogenicity. Serum ferritin was measured, as well as serum insulin and glucose values, during an OGTT, at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. A control group was selected randomly (n= 23). Insulin Sensitivity Index and Fasting Glucose/Insulin Ratio were calculated and the data were analysed using t-test and ANOVA statistical methods.
Results: Serum feritin differed significantly between 2 groups of thalassemic paitents (P<0.005), but the insulin and glucose values were not significantly different among studied population (P>0.05). Serum feritin was inversely correllated with ISI in patients IPE and 28.6% of them had IFG, as compared to patients with normal echogenicity (P<0.05).
Conclusion : Regarding the detection of all IFG cases among thalassemic paitents with IPE and the relation of feritin with ISI in this group, pancreas ultrasonography may be used to investigate the early stages of diabetes in these patients. however after conducting further studies with larger sample size and on older paitents are recommended.
Azamsadat Tabatabaei, Negar Horri, Mahboubeh Farmani, Sasan Haghighi, Badrolmolouk Forghani, Masoud Amini,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (17 2004)

Background: Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complication in diabetic patients. Erythromycin mimics the effects of the gastrointestinal hormone Motilin in gastric contractile activity and insulin secretion. In this study, we compared the effects of Erythromycin and Metoclopramide on glycemic control and constipation in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: As a clinical trial, thirty-nine type 2 diabetic patients with constipation were divided into two groups. Patients in group 1 (n=24) were treated with erythromycin (400 mg/day before sleep) and participants in the second group (n=15) received metoclopramide (10mg 3 times / day before each meal) for 3 months. FBS, 2hPP BS, HbA1c and the frequency of defecations during a week were measured and compared before and after the intervention. Results: In Erythromycin treated group, 2hPP BS decreased from 199.7 ± 47.0 before treatment to 174.0±46.3 after intervention (P=0.01) and a significant improvement in constipational symptoms was observed in both groups. Conclusion: It seems that Erythromycin not only can improve symptoms of constipation but may have a role in glycemic control in type 2 diabetic patients.
Negar Horri, Mahboubeh Farmani, Sasan Haghighi, Goshtasb Sattari, Zahra Pournaghshband, Masoud Amini,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (17 2006)

Background : Women with polycystic overy syndrome (PCOS) are sussceptible for developing type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases. In view increased prevalence of T2DM in patients with PCOS and priority of prescription agents capable to decrease insulin resistances for them, It is important to diagnose PCOS in T2DM patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of PCOS in T2DM women.
Methods : Using ‘1990 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Conference of PCOS’ criteria, 157 premenopausal women with T2DM were assigned into PCOS and non – PCOS groups after they were examined for the evidences of clinical PCOS. A questionnaire on reproductive history was completed and the waist circumference, weight, height and BP were measured for each participant. Biochemical tests were performed in both groups, but hormonal measurements were requested only for PCOS group.
Results : The prevalence of PCOS was high (about 8%) among subjects. Patients with PCOS had significantly lower age at the onset of diabetes, higher BMI and waist circumference. The differences in BP, serum TG, HDL, LDL, cholesterol and HbA1c were non – significant between 2 groups and insulin resistance is more.
Conclusion : PCOS is prevalent in diabetic women and Insulin resistance is more likely in those with both PCOS and T2DM resistant than whom with diabetes alone. Emphasis on reducing insulin resistance may be of benefit to achieve a better diabetes control in these patients.
Fereshteh Kalantari, Silva Hovsepian, Sasan Haghighi, Masoud Amini,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (17 2007)

Background: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors among type 1 diabetic patients referring to Isfahan Endocrine & Metabolism Research Center.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the prevalence of CVD risk factors including dyslipidemia, smoking and hypertension was determined in type 1 diabetic patients aged 15-30 years.  Serum cholesterol <170 mg/dl, LDL<100 mg/dl , HDL>35 mg/dl , TG<150 mg/dl, systolic blood pressure<120 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure<80 mmHg were considered as optimal control levels.

Results: Among 219 studied diabetic patients (mean age=22.5±10.3, female/male=120/99), the mean cholesterol and HDL-C level was higher in women (176±34.9, 46.4±34.1) than men (162.9±32.4 vs. 41.5±10.1) (P<0.05). The prevalence of smoking, hypercholesterolemia, LDL>100 mg/dl, HDL<35 mg/dl, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension was 6.9% (n=15), 47.4% (n=104), 53.5% (n=117), 22.8% (n=50), 18.3% (n=40) and 7.7% (n=17), respectively. HDL<35 mg/dl was more prevalent among men as compared with women but cholesterol> 170 was more frequently detected in women (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Considering the rather high prevalence of CVD risk factors in type 1 diabetic patients in Isfahan, and in view of modifiability of these risk factors, educating patients on appropriate glycemic control and increasing physical activity is necessary as well as close monitoring of these risk factors.

Behzad Foruotan, Sahar Molzemi, Hoosin Harati Por, Shahram Molzemi, Nahide Bolbol Haghighi, Fatemeh Sadat Alam Al-Hoda, Amir Hossein Ashenaii, Seyed Reza Mousavi, Mohammad Reza Jafari, Mohsen Choopani Moghaddam,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (7-2014)

Background: Finding effective drugs is considered for healing diabetic wounds by researchers. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the wound healing effects of palmatine in the healing of skin wounds in normal and diabetic rats. Methods: In this study 16 male Wistar rats were dهvided into four groups (Negative control, Positive control, The first experimental,The second experimental) . A 4 cm2 wound was created in the left side of the spinal cord in each of these groups and the process of wound healing was macroscopically evaluated. Results: The wounds of the diabetic groups (the diabetes was coused by streptozocin) showed longer healing process in comparison with the normal groups and the wound healing in the experimental groups which were treated by palmitine was faster in comparison with the control group. Conclusions: the results showed that palmatine speeds the wound healing up in normal and diabetic samples.
Mehdi Zarei, Mohamadreza Hamedinia, Amirhossein Haghighi, Raha Noorafshar, Sara Amini,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (1-2017)

Background: The purpose of this study was to compare effects of three combined aerobic-resistance exercise training protocols with different intensities on metabolic control and Visfatin levels in men with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: 43 male patients with type 2 diabetes were randomly divided into 4 groups (three combined aerobic-resistance exercise training groups 1, 2, 3 and control). Training groups performed combined aerobic-resistance exercises for 12weeks, 3 times a week with given intensities )group 1:resistance 50-60% one repetition maximum- aerobic 70-80%maximum heart rate, group 2:resistance 60-70% one repetition maximum- aerobic 60-70% maximum heart rate and group 3:resistance 70-80% one repetition maximum- aerobic 50-60% maximum heart rate). Blood sampling to determine the levels of Visfatin, insulin, HbA1c, fasting glucose before and after 12weeks, were conducted.
Results: Visfatin levels and HbA1c in all training groups and fasting glucose in 2 combined training groups significantly decreased compared with control group (P<0.05). Vo2max was significantly increased in all training groups (P<0.05). No significant difference were observed between groups in body weight, Body mass index, fat mass, insulin levels and resistance insulin.
Conclusion: 12 weeks of combined aerobic-resistance exercise training protocols with were executed intensities through decreasing Visfatin and HbA1c levels and improving aerobic capacity could be helpful in patient with type 2diabetes. In addition to the above benefits, combined exercise training protocols of with intensity of 60-70% maximum heart rate–intensity 60-70% repetition maximum due to reducing fasting blood glucose could give greater benefits to patients.
Roya Askari, Amir Hosein Haghighi, Neda Badri,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (5-2018)

Background: Increasing blood glucose levels is associated with a reduction in the antioxidant defense of the body. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of aerobic resistance exercises with and without ginger on some of the oxidative and antioxidant indices in type 2 diabetic women.
Methods: Twenty-two type 2 diabetic women with a mean age of 49.47±4.36 years, BMI 31.3±16.3 kg / m2, height 0.56±0.04 meters were selected randomly and they were divided into two experimental and control groups. Both groups performed 12 weeks, 3 sessions per week, exercises with intensity of 75-85%, 1RM in 8 stations, and after 5 minutes of rest, aerobic training exercises with an intensity of 75-85% of MHR. A daily group of 800 mg capsules of ginger rhizome powder and the other group consumed capsules containing wheat flour. 24 hours before and after training, MDA, TAC, SOD, GSH, HbAlc, glucose and insulin and body composition were measured.
Results: 12 weeks of combination exercise caused a significant decrease in glycosylated hemoglobin, insulin resistance, insulin resistance, lipid percentage, and a significant increase in TAC and GSH compared to baseline (P <0.05), while SOD and MDA Did not have any significant effect.
Conclusion: Combined exercise with and without zinc seems to improve antioxidant and some of the body composition indices in type 2 diabetic women.

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