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Showing 2 results for Kelishadi

Mahin Hashemipour , Ghasem Ali Javanmard, Hamid Hourfar, Roya Kelishadi, Silva Hovsepian, Sasan Haghighi ,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (16 2004)

Background: Increased echogenicity of pancreas, due to hemosiderosis, is a frequent finding in  - thalassemic paitents. Hemosiderosis also leads to  - cell dysfunction. So diabetes and glucose intolerance are common consequences of hemosiderosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of increased pancreas echogenicity (IPE) with insulin sensitivity in  - thalassemic children aged 10-20 years.
Methods: After exclusion of thalassemic paitents with diabetes or familial history of diabetes, pancreas ultrasonography was performed in 42 -thalassemic children and they were divided into 2 groups with normal (21) and increased (21) pancreas echogenicity. Serum ferritin was measured, as well as serum insulin and glucose values, during an OGTT, at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. A control group was selected randomly (n= 23). Insulin Sensitivity Index and Fasting Glucose/Insulin Ratio were calculated and the data were analysed using t-test and ANOVA statistical methods.
Results: Serum feritin differed significantly between 2 groups of thalassemic paitents (P<0.005), but the insulin and glucose values were not significantly different among studied population (P>0.05). Serum feritin was inversely correllated with ISI in patients IPE and 28.6% of them had IFG, as compared to patients with normal echogenicity (P<0.05).
Conclusion : Regarding the detection of all IFG cases among thalassemic paitents with IPE and the relation of feritin with ISI in this group, pancreas ultrasonography may be used to investigate the early stages of diabetes in these patients. however after conducting further studies with larger sample size and on older paitents are recommended.
Parisa Hajihashemi, Leila Azadbakht, Mahin Hashemipor, Roya Kelishadi, Ahmad Esmaillzadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (7-2016)

Background: Whole-grain foods have been reported to affect serum levels of inflammatory cytokines. However, we are aware of no study examining the effect of whole-grain intake on inflammatory biomarkers among children

Objective: The present study aimed to determine the effect of whole grain intake on serum levels of inflammatory biomarkers in overweight or obese children.  

Methods: In this randomized cross-over clinical trial, 44 overweight or obese (BMI>85th percentile for age and sex) girls aged 8-15 y participated. After a 2-wk run-in period, subjects were randomly assigned to either intervention or non-intervention groups. Subjects in the intervention group were given a list of whole grain foods and were asked to obtain 50% of their grain servings from whole grain foods each day for 6 weeks. Individuals in the non-intervention group were also given a list of whole-grain foods and were asked not to consume any of these foods during the intervention phase of the study. A 4-wk washout period was applied following which subjects were crossed over to the alternate arm for an additional 6 wk. Fasting blood samples were taken before and after each phase of study to quantify markers of systemic inflammation.

Results: Mean (±SD) age of study participants was 11.2±1.49 years. Mean weight and BMI of subjects was 51.2±10.2 kg and 23.5±2.5 kg/m2, respectively. No significant effect of whole-grain intake on weight and body mass index (BMI) was seen compared with the non-intervention group. We found a significant effect of whole grain intake on serum levels of hs-CRP (changes from baseline in intervention group: -0.55 vs. 0.20 mg/L in non-intervention group, P=0.03), soluble inter-cellular adhesion molecule-1 (-121 vs. 23 μg/L, P=0.02), serum amyloid A (-0.59 vs. 0.32 mg/L, P=0.02) and leptin (-11.5 vs. 36.8 ng/L, P=0.02) after 6 weeks. A trend toward the significant effect of whole grain intake on serum levels of sVCAM-1 (-166 vs. -32 μg/L, P=0.07) was also observed.

Conclusion: This study provides evidence supporting the beneficial effects of whole-grain foods on biomarkers of systemic inflammation in obese children.

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