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Khodayar Oshvandi, Mozhgan Jokar, Mahnaz Khatiban, Javad Keyani, Mohammad Reza Yousefzadeh, Ali Reza Sultanian,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2014)

Background: Patient education as an integral aspect of communication between health care providers and patients plays an important role in patient health management Teach Back (TB) is a method of interactive education. Using the teach-back technique not only improves patient’s knowledge and understanding, but also increases patient’s adherence to disease management. Furthermore, self-care education to diabetic patients has always been a key strategy for successful control of diabetes. The aim of this study is assessment the effect of self care education based on Teach Back method on promotion of self care behaviors in type II diabetic patients of Hamadan city, 2012. Methods: This interventional quasi-experimental study was performed by choosing 70 type II diabetic patients Random permutation divided into two experimental (n=35) and control (n=35) groups. Educational programs base on TB designed for patients in the intervention group included four sessions. Before and one month after the educational intervention, the results were evaluated. Participants responded to the knowledge and SDSCA questionnaires. Information was collected through interviews and self report, and then data were analyzed by SPSS-20. Results: The results indicated a positive impact of TB on knowledge (p< 0.001) and self-care behaviores (p<0.001) among patients of the intervention group. Conclusion: The results showed the positive effect of education program based on Teach Back method to increase self management among diabetic patients, while implementing such programs seem to be effective in the treatment and prevention of diabetes complications.

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