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Showing 7 results for Talebi

Iraj Nabipoor, Farhad Vafaju, Mohammad-Saïd Mohajeri, Houman Salimepour, Shahram Abutalebi, Peyman Andalib, Mojtaba Jafari,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (17 2003)

Background: Diabetes mellitus, the most common metabolic disorder of childhood, has important physical and emotional complications this urges the role of patient education and self-monitoring. Diabetes is costly since patients have to do several lab tests and spend a lot on treatment.
Methods: 150 patients with IDDM entered this cross-sectional study. The metabolic control and degree to which these patients were utilizing available facilities were determined and compared with same surveys from Germany, France, USA, Australia, and Saudi Arabia.
Results: 91.3% of patients had no glucometer thus were unable to do self-monitoring. HbA1C had been regularly determined in only 8.66%. Insulin therapy was improper or inadequate in 59.1%. The quality of metabolic control was significantly poorer than the other mentioned nations (P< 0.001).
Conclusion: The study advocates educational programs for diabetics. Complete insurance coverage and free weekly lab tests are also suggested.
Alireza Safarzade, Khadije Esmailpour, Elahe Talebi-Garakani, Rozita Fathi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (3-2014)

Background: Adiponectin and omentin-1 are adipokines with insulin-sensitizing properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training on serum levels of adiponectin and omentin-1 in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods: Twenty four male Wister rats (12-14 weeks’ old) were randomly divided into three groups: non-diabetic control, diabetic control, and diabetic training. The rats in diabetic training group were subjected to a resistance training program (3 days/wk, for 4 wk) consisted of climbing a ladder carrying a load suspended from the tail. Following four weeks resistance training serum glucose, insulin, lipid profile, adiponectin, and omentin-1 concentrations were measured. Results: Serum levels of omentin-1 and adiponectin were significantly lower in diabetic control group compare with non-diabetic control group (P<0.001). After 4 weeks of resistance training serum adiponectin levels was significantly higher in diabetic trained group compared with diabetic control group (P= 0.028), but we did not find any significant difference in omentin-1 levels between two diabetic groups. Morever, we did not find any significant difference in serum lipid profile among all groups. Four weeks resistance training did not change serum glucose and insulin concentrations in diabetic rats. Conclusion: This study indicated that resistance training could increase serum adiponectin levels in diabetic rats without significant changes in lipid profile, glucose, insulin, and omentin-1 concentrations. It seems low intensity and short term duration of resistance training had important roles in failure of significant changes of omentin-1, glucose, and insulin concentrations.
Alireza Safarzade, Fakhri Baradaran-Jam, Elahe Talebi-Garakani, Rozita Fathi,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (7-2015)

Background: kallikrein 7 (KLK7), a serine protease with a chymotrypsin-like specificity, is able to cleave human insulin in the A- and B-chain. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise training on plasma KLK7 concentration and insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in normal and overweight sedentary women.

Methods: Twenty-eight sedentary women, aged 24-60 years, voluntary participated in this study and according to body mass index status divided into normal (n=15) and overweight (n=13) groups. All subjects completed an 8-week progressive aerobic exercise training program (running with 40- 80% Heart rate reserve). Metabolic and Anthropometric (body weight, BMI, body fat percentage) parameters in addition to plasma KLK7 concentrations were measured at baseline and end of training program.

Results: Body fat percentage significantly decreased (P<0.05) and maximum oxygen consumption increased (P<0.05) by this training program in both training groups. At baseline, plasma KLK7 concentration in overweight women was significantly higher compared with normal weight group (P<0.05). Plasma KLK7 concentrations significantly increased after 8-week aerobic exercise training only in normal weight group (P<0.05). Changes in plasma KLK7 concentrations were not correlated with changes in insulin concentration and insulin resistance index (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Aerobic exercise training could be an effective factor to increase plasma KLK7 concentration in sedentary women. These data do not support a role of plasma KLK7 in insulin resistance alterations.

Rozita Fathi, Sajjad Aslani Moghanjoughi, Elahe Talebi Garakani, Alireza Safarzadeh, Hassan Seyghal,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2015)

Background: Visfatin is an adipokine secreted from visceral adipose tissue and involved in glucose homeostasis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight-week resistance training on plasma visfatin levels and its relation to insulin resistance in insulin-resistant male rats.

Methods: In this experimental study twenty-four Wistar male rats­ (220±20 gr) were acclimatized with lab condition then were randomly divided into three groups: Control (C), Insulin-Resistant control (IRC) and Insulin-resistant Training (T) groups. Insulin-resistance status induced by %10 fructose solution during 5 weeks. Resistance training group subjected to a three-day per week resistance training program for 8 weeks. Plasma visfatin, insulin, glucose levels, and insulin resistance index were assessed 48 hours after experimental period. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and statistical significance was set at P<0/05

Results: The results showed that insulin resistance induction significantly increased plasma visfatin, glucose, insulin levels and insulin resistance index (P<0.05). On the other hand, resistance training significantly decreased plasma visfatin, glucose, and insulin levels (P<0.05) but visfatin was not altered significantly (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Based on the findings, visfatin increases in diabetes and insulin resistance and is correlated with insulin resistance. The change in plasma visfatin levels was not significant following resistance training and it was not correlated with insulin resistance index. Therefore, visfatin may not have a role in metabolic improvement induced by exercise training.

Leila Zamanpour, Ebrahim Banitalebi, Seyed Ehsan Amirhosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2016)

Background: The purpose of this study is to the comparison of the effect of 12 weeks of sprint training and concurrent aerobic and strength training on high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and insulin resistance in women with diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

Methods: 52 overweight female type 2 diabetic patients (age; 45-60 years old and fasting blood glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l)) were assessed for eligibility. Participants were assigned to intense interval training group (N=17), concurrent resistance- endurance training group (N=17) and control group (N=18). The combined strength-endurance group did 12 weeks, three sessions per week endurance training with 60 % of maximal heart rate and two session resistance training with 70 % 1-RM. Intense interval training group did three session/week of 4-10 repetition of all out 30s Wingate on ergometer were included 10 weeks of concurrent resistance- endurance training and intense interval training.

Results: The results showed that following sprint training, there were significant changes in hs-CRP (p<0.001), but it wasn’t significant following concurrent training (p=0.062). According to results, TNF-α change were not significant in intense sprint (p=0.11) and concurrent training (p=0.23). Differences were not significant for the fasting blood glucose in the intense interval training groups (p=0.000). Serum insulin levels showed significant increases in the SIT (p<0.000) and concurrent training (p=0.000) significantly. The data showed significant differences in insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in intense interval training (p=0.000) and concurrent resistance- endurance training (p=0.008). ANCOVA test showed no significant difference in fasting blood glucose concentrations (P=0.171).

Conclusion: Intense sprint training compare to concurrent strength-endurance training can have better inflammatory status for patients with type 2diabete.

Mohammad Moradi, Aliasghar Ravasi, Musa Khalafi, Vahid Talebi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (3-2018)

Background: Nesfetin-1 is known as the peptide which interfere in appetite and glucose hemostasis. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of two kinds of acute exercise to nesfatin-1 gene expression of diabetic rats.
Methods: In this study, has utilized the diabetic vistar staggy rats with STZ (12 week-age, 220-240 gr-weight). Animals were divided into four group: high DIABETIC MALE RATSintensity interval exercise (HIIE-0), control (C-0), (witch immediately has murdered after the exercise) and high intensity interval exercise (HIIE-2), and control (C-2), (which has murdered 2 hours after the exercise). HIIE group activated on the treadmill with 25 and 14 meter/minute in the 12 interval-one-minute period.
 Results: After removing hypothalamus and extraction of RNA, has down RT.PCR. The Independent T test analyzed and level of significance has been considering at 0/01 The exercise activity caused the significant increase of gene expression in the HIIE-0 group (P=0/001). But there was not significant increase in the HIIE-2 group (P=0/234).
 Conclusion: The results of this study displayed that one session of high intensity interval activity caused an increase immediately after the exercise in the hypothalamic nesfatin-1 gene expression of vistar staggy rats.
Mahdi Ghafari, Mohamad Faramarzi, Ebrahim Banitalebi,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (5-2018)

Background: Lipid metabolism disorder in muscle plays an important role in creating insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Perilipin 3 (PLIN3) is one of PLIN proteins in regulation of muscle lipolysis. The purpose of this study was compared two different endurance training intensities on perilipin 3 protein expression in skeletal muscle, serum insulin levels and glucose in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Method: 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups. Low and high and high-intensity and control group. Endurance training was applied three times a week for eight weeks. The low-intensity exercise group was trained to the treadmill by running at a speed of 60 percent of vo2max and high-intensity training 85%Vo2max. The expression of the plin2 protein was analyzed by Western blot technique. To determine the significance of differences between the groups, the results were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α= 0.05).
Results: Direct comparison between the groups by ANOVA showed significant differences in perilipin 3 (p=0.0006). Tukey's post hoc test showed that there was a statistical difference between the mean values of the diabetic control group and high-intensity endurance group (P = 0.01). Perilipin 3 not significantly increased in low-intensity exercise compared to the control group (P=0. 67). Also, the comparison between groups showed, there was significant difference between the three groups. The serum levels of glucose and insulin (respectively p=0.001 and p=.001).
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the Effects of with high-intensity endurance training increase the expression perilipin 3 in diabetes rats.

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