Hossein Madani, Nargol Ahmady Mahmoodabady, Akbar Vahdati,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (18 2005)
Background: Type 1 diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease probably caused by various factors such genetics, environmental stresses, viral infections and diet. The disease is associated with damage to pancreatic insulin-producing β cells. Many researches have been performed to study the therapeutic effects of herbal medications on diabetes mellitus. The protective effects of some plants such as Cuminum cyminum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Saliva sclarea, Allium ampeloprasum etc in diabetes induced rats were reported. Dill with the scientific name of Anethum graveolens, is a plant from umbellifera. This family which contains flavonoid compounds.
Methods: In this research, effects of hydroalchoholic extract of this plant on blood glucose level, lipids and lipoproteins in Alloxan-induced diabetic rats was investigated. Fifteen adult male rats, weighing 200-250 gr, were used in three five member groups. Rats in the control group, received physiological serum. as intraperitoneal (IP). In diabetic control group (DCG), diabetes was induced using Alloxan monohydrate at a dose of 120 mg/kgbw. In addition to diabetes induction just like DCG, the treated diabetic control group (TDCG) rats were dosed with 300 mg/kgbw hydroalcoholic Anethum graveolens extract. All rats received all materials via intraperitoneal injection (IP). 48 hours after the last IP, blood sample was taken from each animal via cardiac puncture to measure blood factors.
Results: The results indicated significant reduction in glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and VLDL levels in TDCG rats compared to DCG rats. Due to the use of dill extract, HDL level was significantly increased.
Conclusion: Effect of Anethum graveolens is related to antioxidant compounds. This compounds affect glucose absorbtion and beta cells regeneration. The results of this research indicate that using hydroalcoholic extract of Anethum graveolens could effectively decrease blood sugar levels.
Nargol Ahmadi Mahmoodabadi, Hossein Madani, Parvin Mahzooni, Akbar Vahdati,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (19 2006)
Background: Artichoke with the scientific name of Cynara scolymuse is a plant from compositae family. In this research, the effect of hydro alcoholic artichoke extract on serum glucose, lipids and lipoproteins and prevention of type 1 diabetes mellitus was investigated.
Methods: Twenty mature male Rats with mean weight of 200-250 gr in four groups were arranged. Rats in the control group, received physiological serum. The Second group (diabetic) received 120 mg/kgbw Alloxan monohydrate. The Third group (diabetic + Glibenclamide) received 0.5 mg/kgbw Glibenclamide in addition of the similar treatment with second group. The Fourth group (Alloxan monohydrate + Cynara scolymus), received 120 mg/kgbw Alloxan monohydrate with 300 mg/kgbw of Cynara scolymus simultaneously. Prescribing materials in all groups was done as interaperitoneal injection(IP). Fourty eight hours after last IP, blood sample was taken from each animal via cardiac puncture to measure blood factors.
Results: The results indicated significant reduction in glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, VLDL and LDL levels in the treated group with extract and Alloxan monohydrate simultaneously as to compared diabetic group. Also, the result indicated significant increase in HDL level. Hydroalcoholic Artichoke extract could not reduce blood glucose level as compared with Glibenclamide, but had similar effects on other factors in comparison with Glibenclomide.
Conclusion: Artichoke contains antioxidants compounds, that plays a protective role on beta cells against Alloxan. The results of this research indicate that hydro alcoholic extract of Cynara scolymus could effectively prevent type 1 diabetes mellitus.