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Leila Zamanpour, Ebrahim Banitalebi, Seyed Ehsan Amirhosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2016)

Background: The purpose of this study is to the comparison of the effect of 12 weeks of sprint training and concurrent aerobic and strength training on high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and insulin resistance in women with diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

Methods: 52 overweight female type 2 diabetic patients (age; 45-60 years old and fasting blood glucose ≥ 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l)) were assessed for eligibility. Participants were assigned to intense interval training group (N=17), concurrent resistance- endurance training group (N=17) and control group (N=18). The combined strength-endurance group did 12 weeks, three sessions per week endurance training with 60 % of maximal heart rate and two session resistance training with 70 % 1-RM. Intense interval training group did three session/week of 4-10 repetition of all out 30s Wingate on ergometer were included 10 weeks of concurrent resistance- endurance training and intense interval training.

Results: The results showed that following sprint training, there were significant changes in hs-CRP (p<0.001), but it wasn’t significant following concurrent training (p=0.062). According to results, TNF-α change were not significant in intense sprint (p=0.11) and concurrent training (p=0.23). Differences were not significant for the fasting blood glucose in the intense interval training groups (p=0.000). Serum insulin levels showed significant increases in the SIT (p<0.000) and concurrent training (p=0.000) significantly. The data showed significant differences in insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) in intense interval training (p=0.000) and concurrent resistance- endurance training (p=0.008). ANCOVA test showed no significant difference in fasting blood glucose concentrations (P=0.171).

Conclusion: Intense sprint training compare to concurrent strength-endurance training can have better inflammatory status for patients with type 2diabete.

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