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Showing 1 results for khoshechin

Mohamad-Hasan Bastan Hagh, Bagher Larijani, Ali-Reza Khalilyfard, Arash Hossein-Nezhad, Ramin Heshmat, Nasim Khaleghian, Gazal Khoshechin,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (16 2004)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the commonest cause of renal failure, blindness and non traumatic amputation. According to ADA, prevention of DM complications is possible through monitoring and control of blood glucose levels.
Methods: The Betachek strip, produced in Australia, is able to determine biood glucose level with no need for electronic glucometer devices.
Results: In this study, we compared venous and capillary blood glucose levels as determined by lest strips with measurements of enzymatic method (the standard laboratory kit). The mean capillary and venous blood glucose measured by the strip test was 21.85 mg/dl (P< 0.0001) and 17.9 mg/dl (P< 0.002) respectively that was 11.13% more than the standard method.
Conclusion: In this study, standard method had higher correlation with venous samples glucose level, than capillary samples (as measured by Betachek) (0.84 vs. 0.824). This difference was statistically significant (P< 0.0001).
Good correlation between the Betachek strip and the standard enzymatic method of blood glucose measurements, advocate its usage in home setting.

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