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Showing 5 results for Adipokine

Shahab Alizadeh, Khadijeh Mirzaei, Seyed Ali Keshavarz,
Volume 16, Issue 6 (10-2017)

Background: The adipokines omentin-1, vaspin, and retinol binding protein-4 (RBP-4) are mediators of body composition and adipose tissue that contribute to metabolic changes caused by obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the association between serum levels of these adipokines with body composition indices and metabolic status in different phenotypes of body size.
Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, a total of 350 women, including 127 metabolically healthy (MH) subjects and 223 metabolically unhealthy (MUH) subjects participated. The subjects were considered as MH in the presence of at least 4 of the five following metabolic indices: TG ≤ 1.70  mmol/L, LDL-C≤ 2.60 mmol /L, TC≤ 5.20 mmol /L, HDL-C≥1.30, and HOMA-IR≤ 1.95; otherwise subjects were considered as MUH.
Results: The results showed that serum levels of omentin-1 have a significant positive association with MHS (OR = 1.04, p <0.0001). Even after controlling the confounding factors of age, sex and weight, this relationship was still significant. Plasma levels of vaspin and RBP-4 were not significantly related to MHS. Furthermore, there was a significant correlation between omentin-1 and body mass index (r = 0.31, p = 0.02) and body fat percentage (r = 0.32, P = 0.02) in MH subjects. In the healthy group, serum levels of RBP-4 were positively correlated with fat percentage (r = 0.68, p <0.0001) and body fat mass (r = 0.74, P <0.0001) and were negatively correlated with fat-free mass (r = -0.74, P <0.0001) and total body water (r = -0.76, P <0.0001). There was no statistically significant correlation between serum vaspin levels and body composition indices in both groups.
Conclusion: Serum levels of adipokines may be an appropriate predictor for metabolically healthy status. Further studies in this field can reveal possible mechanisms.
Laleh Ranjbar, Farzaneh Taghian, Mehdi Hedayati,
Volume 17, Issue 4 (5-2018)

Background: Apelin is an Adipokine which is recently discovered and widely secreted from white adipose tissue and in fat and overweight person, apelin values and gene expression increase .In this study, the effect of one period aerobic exercise and vitamin D consumption on weight, plasma apelin values and insulin resistance in overweight women was researched.
Method: In order to doing this reasearch 40 women whom have over weight  with , average old , weight , height, BMI and WHR respectively : (30.37 ± 6.91) years old , (74.89 ± 12.97) kg , (157 ± 7.02) m , (30.08 ± 3.95) kg/m2 , (0.81 ± 0.07). After passing the medical sepration dived to 4 experimental group: 1st experiment group (aerobic exercise) n=10, 2nd experimental group (aerobic exercise and vitamin D) n=10, 3rd experimental group (vitamin D) n=10 and control group n=10. At first body composition was measured th included: BMI, WHR, weight, waist and hip size. After that the blood sample was taken from triables. (Fasting) and amount of the apelin, glucose, insulin, vitamin D, triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL and HDL were measured. Then experimental group 1 and 2 were encounterd and emotionalized by an aerobic exercise (treadmill) after 10 weeks all of the measure mented conversionxls were measure again befor the test. For comparisoning of the groupa that befor and after the test was used from –t test and if was used from the variance test for comparisoning two group.
Results: results showed that after 10 week of aerobic exercise an vitamin D using : BMI, WHR, apelin, cholesterol, LDL, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance were reduced, a triglyceride also decrease and HDL had a significant increasing.
Conclusion: Result confirmed the positive effect of the aerobic exercise on body compositions apelin and plasmas Lipoprotein and also showed that using vitamin D using in obese people and people who have overweight can be beneficials.
Khalid Mohamadzadeh Salamat,
Volume 17, Issue 6 (10-2018)

Background: The relationship between adipokines, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes has been well documented. However, the effect of exercise training modalities on some of the new adipokines and their association with insulin resistance is not clear. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of endurance and progressive resistance training on serum adiponectin, vaspin and insulin resistance in overweight and obese men.
Methods: 33 overweight men (mean BMI= 27.3 kg/m2) were randomly divided into 3 groups of n=11, including; 1- continues training, 2- progressive resistance training and 3-control. The training protocols was lasted to eight weeks, three days a week in continues and progressive resistance training groups. Before the beginning of the training and 72 hours after the last training session, blood samples were collected for measuring serum adiponectin, vaspin, glucose and insulin.
Results: There was a significant decrease in insulin levels and a significant increase in serum adiponectin and vaspin in both groups of continuous and progressive resistance training (P<0.05). After the training, there was a significant difference between the groups in the concentration of adiponectin (P= 0.001) and vaspin (P= 0.021). However, there was no significant difference between continuous and progressive resistance training groups in any of the variables.
Conclusion: It seems that progressive resistance training like the endurance training, improves anti-inflammatory indices and insulin resistance of overweight and obese men.
Sajjad Ramezani, Marefat Siahkouhian,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (6-2024)

Background: This review aims to investigate and analyze recent studies related to the effects of various exercise training on adipokines secreted from adipose tissue in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: Search in Persian and Latin databases PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Magiran, and SID with the keywords aerobic exercise, resistance training, High-intensity interval training, diabetes, Adipokine, Leptin, Adiponectin, and Resistin, resistance training, intense interval training, aerobic exercise, combined exercise, adipokine, leptin, adiponectin and resistin were performed to retrieve articles published in the period from 2010 to 2023.
Results: The results obtained from the study showed that aerobic exercise with moderate intensity (60 to 80%) reduces the leptin levels of diabetic patients, however, the effect of combined exercises (aerobic and resistance) is much greater than other types of exercises. In addition, aerobic exercises with moderate intensity (50 to 70%) lead to an increase in adiponectin levels in diabetic patients, however, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) had a greater effect in increasing adiponectin levels than other exercises. Also, studies showed that all three types of activities, aerobic exercise (50-70% intensity), intense intermittent exercise, and resistance exercise (30-70% 1RM) have the same effects in reducing the resistance levels of diabetic patients.
Conclusion: Aerobic exercises with medium and high intensity and especially combined exercises (aerobic and resistance) while improving adipokines, decreasing leptin and resistin levels, and also increasing adiponectin in diabetic patients.
Masoumeh Nezhadali,
Volume 24, Issue 6 (2-2024)

Background: Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by  by insulin resistance and inadequate insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. Insulin resistance is the most important characteristic of type 2 diabetes, in which the peripheral tissues, including the liver, skeletal muscles, and fat tissue, shows a lower response to the presence of insulin and insulin function is impaired. Adipose tissue, in addition to storing fat, synthesizes and secretes several bioactive peptides and molecules called adipokine and cytokine, which play an important role in regulating metabolism, inflammation, obesity and diabetes.

Methods: In the present study,  Search in Persian and Latin  databases PubMed, Science Direct, Google scholar SID, Magiran with the keywords Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, Adipokine, Adiponectin, Leptin, Resistin, TNF-α, IL-6 , RBP-4, Chemerin, Vaspin, Visfatin, Omentin, Aplin were performed to retrieve articles published from 2011 to 2024.

Results: The results show that adiponectin levels decrease in patients with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance.  Elevated levels of leptin and retinol-binding protein-4 play an important role in the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Based on the evidence, adiponectin,  resistin, TNF-α, interleukin-6, vaspin and visfatin are associated with insulin resistance and T2D.  Contradictory results have been reported on the relationship of omentin, apelin and chemerin with insulin resistance and T2D.

Conclusion: Adipocytokines could be considered as a biomarker for predicting and early diagnosing insulin resistance and T2D.

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