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Showing 2 results for Anthropometric Measurement

Bagher Larijani, Maryam Ghodsi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (5-2005)

Leptin is a 16-kD protein which is secreted from white adipocytes and, its discovery has generated enormous interest in the regulation of energy balance. Leptin has been implicated in the regulation of food intake, energy expenditure, and whole-body energy balance in animals and human. Plasma leptin levels correlate with fat storages and respond to changes in energy balance. It was initially proposed that leptin serves a primary role as an anti-obesity hormone, but this role is commonly thwarted by leptin resistance. The profound effects of leptin on regulating body energy balance, make it as a prime candidate for drug therapies of obesity in humans and animals. Despite the recent achievements in unearthing the role of leptin in the pathophysiology of obesity, many important questions still remained that must be responded. More studies with follow-up designs and genetic evaluations are warranted to understand the comprehensive role of leptin in human. In this letter we have a review of known effects of leptin on human obesity up to now.
Hossein Fakhrzadeh, Maryam Ghodsi, Anahita Hamidi, Alireza Moayyeri, Ramin Heshmat, Rasool Poorebrahim, Masoumeh Noori, Bagher Larijani,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (8-2005)

Background: It is well recognized that an increased body weight is often associated with increased blood pressure. Moreover, leptin an adipocyte-derived hormone is strongly suggested to have an important role in pathogenesis of the obesity. We aimed to evaluate the levels of serum leptin in association with obesity and hypertension in a sample of Iranian obese children.
Methods: Children from all the primary schools of a distinct of Tehran were screened for obesity. Children with a waist circumference equal to or above 90th percentile for their age and height were invited for the study. Anthropometric measurements were done and blood samples for fasting serum leptin levels were collected from 563 enrolled obese children. Multivariate linear regression analysis was used to evaluate relationship of various factors with obesity.
Results: Mean Serum leptin levels were 8.65 ±2.18 (ng/ml). Serum Leptin levels were higher in girls than boys (P=0.009). There were significant correlations between body mass index (BMI) and serum Leptin levels, child age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure lost their association with serum Leptin level in multivariate linear regression analysis.
Conclusion: BMI is independently associated with Leptin levels among obese children. This may affirm a role for this hormone in the pathogenesis of childhood obesity. It seems unlikely that plasma Leptin be a major mediator of association between obesity and hypertension. However, severe hyperleptinemia may act as a risk factor for increased blood pressure.

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