Mohammad Alidousti, Gholamreza Davoodi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (7-2004)
Background: Obesity is associated with many metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, for example, a direct and indirect relation has been established between obesity and diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and atherosclerosis. But whether regional fat distribution contributes independently to risk remained unclear. This study was designed to determine relation between central obesity and acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
Methods: In this case-control study, body mass index (BMI) and waist to hip ratio (WHR) were calculated in 420 participants (140 cases and 280 controls). BMI and WHR means were evaluated in subgroups according to age, sex and cardiac risk factors. Odds ratio (95% CI) of the MI incidence in obese participants (BMI≥27 and/or WHR≥0.85) were compared with non obese subjects in each subgroups.
Results: Mean BMI mean in the case group (27.9±4.9) was more than control group (25.8±4.9) P≤0.05). The obese individuals had more chance of AMI (OR=3.2 CI=3-3.3). This chance increased with central obesity (OR=3.4 CI=3.2-3.6). Risk of AMI in younger obese participants (OR=4.3 CI=2.8-6.8) was more frequent than older ones (OR=2.1 CI=1.7-2.4). Central obesity increased risk of AMI in women (OR=3.6 CI=3.1-4.4) more than men (OR=2.2 CI=1.7-2.5).The excess risk of AMI in obese participants in associated with major cardiac risk factors was as following: hypertension (OR=18.4 CI=9.8-22.1), diabetes (OR=9 CI=4.2-14.1), hyperlipidemia (OR=6 CI=2.1-8.4), positive familial history (OR=2.6 CI=2.1-3.4) and smoking (OR=1.2 CI=0.9-1.7).
Conclusion: There is a strong association between BMI, WHR and risk of AMI. Central obesity comparing with general obesity has stronger relation with AMI incidence especially in women and younger subjects. In addition, cardiac risk factors except smoking aggravated correlation between obesity and AMI.
Shiva Faghih, Shahreyar Eghtesadi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (5-2005)
Background: Prevalence of obesity is increasing globally , and it is proved that obesity is associated with cordiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and breast cancer. This study was carried out among 150 female students of Shadid Beheshti university who were resided in Velekjad dormitory, in order to assess the rate of obesity among them .
Methods: As a cross-sectional study height, weight, waist circumference and hip circumference were measured . Food frequency and socioeconomic questionnairs were completed . BMI and WHR were used to assess the general and central obesity respectively.
Results: Mean standard deviation of age, BMI, WHR, WC were 260 31 (months), 21.42 2.56 (kg/m2), 0.79 0.04 and 75.71 7.10 (cm) respectively. Among subjects , 40.5% had WHR more than 0.8 , 9.3% were overweight, 62.1% normal and 28.6% underweight. Of whom, 37.8% weren't exercising at all.
There was a negative correlation between BMI and consumption of butter , milk , meat (p<0.001 for all) and egg ( p<0.01) ,between WHR and consumption of egg and butter (p<0.01 for both of them) and also between WC and cosumption of butter (P<0.001) and milk (P<0.01).
Conclusion: Although prevalence of general obesity among the subjects was low, central obesity (based on WHR) was significant, so lifestyle modifications such as nutritional changes and increase physical activity among students is recommended.