Mohammad Moradi, Aliasghar Ravasi, Musa Khalafi, Vahid Talebi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (3-2018)
Background: Nesfetin-1 is known as the peptide which interfere in appetite and glucose hemostasis. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of two kinds of acute exercise to nesfatin-1 gene expression of diabetic rats.
Methods: In this study, has utilized the diabetic vistar staggy rats with STZ (12 week-age, 220-240 gr-weight). Animals were divided into four group: high DIABETIC MALE RATSintensity interval exercise (HIIE-0), control (C-0), (witch immediately has murdered after the exercise) and high intensity interval exercise (HIIE-2), and control (C-2), (which has murdered 2 hours after the exercise). HIIE group activated on the treadmill with 25 and 14 meter/minute in the 12 interval-one-minute period.
Results: After removing hypothalamus and extraction of RNA, has down RT.PCR. The Independent T test analyzed and level of significance has been considering at 0/01 The exercise activity caused the significant increase of gene expression in the HIIE-0 group (P=0/001). But there was not significant increase in the HIIE-2 group (P=0/234).
Conclusion: The results of this study displayed that one session of high intensity interval activity caused an increase immediately after the exercise in the hypothalamic nesfatin-1 gene expression of vistar staggy rats.