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Showing 4 results for Glut4

Mohammad Sharif Bagheri, Vahid Valipour Dehnou, Ahmad Hematfar,
Volume 18, Issue 6 (9-2019)

Background: Increased expression of HDAC5 reduces the expression of GLUT4 in slow-twitch fibers, and this mechanism has not been studied in diabetes. Therefore, the purpose of study was to investigate the effect of six weeks endurance training on protein levels of GLUT4 and HDAC5 in soleus muscle in diabetic rats.
Methods: For this purpose, 32 male Wistar rats (weight: 245±9.4 g) were randomly divided into 4 groups: diabetic, diabetic and training, training, and control. At 8 weeks of age, diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. The endurance training was carried out five times per week for 6 weeks. 24 hours after the completion of the protocol, the mice were sacrificed and their soleus muscle was extracted. Then, the protein levels of GLUT4 and HDAC5 were measured using ELISA method. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data at a significant level of P<0.05.
Results: Results showed significant differences between control and training (P=0.008), training and diabetic training (P=0.004), and training and diabetic (P=0.0005) groups in GLUT4 levels. But, in HDAC5, results showed that there is not significant differences only between control and training groups (P=0.99), and there are significant differences among other groups (P<0.05). Also, there is a significant inverse relationship between the protein levels of GLUT4 and HDAC5 (P=0.012, r =-0.439).
Conclusion: It seems that six weeks moderate intensity endurance training increases protein levels of GLUT4. But endurance training only can decreases protein levels of HDAC5 in diabetes.
Mahdi Faramoushi , Ramin Amirsasan,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2022)

Background: Over the years type 2 diabetes, in addition to causing irreversible effects on various parts of the body, also causes liver dysfunction and increases the risk of heart failure, but due to the lack of physical symptoms, less attention has been paid. So, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of 8 weeks of endurance training on diabetic indexes and myocardial GLUT4 and liver enzymes of type 2 diabetic rats.
Methods: A total number of 24 rats (220±20) were divided randomly into three groups; 1-Non-diabetic Control group (NC, n=8). 2-Diabetic Control group (D, n=8) To induce type 2 diabetes, high-fat diets were given to rats for two weeks, then streptozotocin (Aldrich company) at a dose of 37 mg / kg in citrate buffer M0.1 (PH4.5) after 6 hours of intraperitoneal fasting was injected, For the healthy control group, the same amount of buffer was injected. Also, aerobic exercise groups ran 5 times a week and 8 weeks on a motorized treadmill. Diabetic index’s, myocardial GLUT4 (Western blotting) and liver enzymes (ELISA) of rats were measured.
Results: Endurance training significantly decreased fasting blood glucose, insulin resistance index (both P= 0.00). It also caused a significant increase in insulin (P= 0.01) and insulin sensitivity index (P= 0.00) compared to the diabetic control group. On the other hand, the amount of GLUT4 in the training group increased significantly (P= 0.01). The results also showed that in comparison with the diabetic control group, ALT and AST did not increase significantly in diabetics with endurance training (P= 0.30, P= 0.5, respectively).
Conclusion: Based on the results, it seems that endurance training significantly increases the level of GLUT4 in the heart and significantly decreased diabetic parameters such as fasting glucose, HOMA-IR index and liver enzymes.
Leila Rahmani, Mohammad Rahman Rahimi, Shamseddin Ahmadi , Hassan Faraji,
Volume 24, Issue 4 (10-2024)

Background: Glucose transporter4 (GLUT4) is the main glucose transporter in skeletal muscle. Impaired GLUT4 expression plays a role in the disorders of glycemic homeostasis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the combined effects of aerobic training and vitamin D3 supplementation on Glut4 protein levels and insulin resistance in the soleus muscle of diabetic rats with STZ and high-fat diet.
Methods: In 40 male Wistar rats type 2 diabetes was induced by 6 weeks high-fat diet followed by streptozotocin injection. Then rats were randomly divided into five groups: Healthy control (HC), Diabetic control (DC). Diabetes+Aerobic training (DAT), Diabetes+Vitamin D3 (DVD) and Diabetes+Aerobic training+ Vitamin D3 (DVDAT). The rats underwent eight weeks of aerobic training and vitamin D3 supplementation. 24h after last session of training and, the rats were anesthetized and soleus muscle was isolated for measurement of Glut4 protein concentrations and serum levels of insulin, glucose, vitamin D3 index were measured.
Results: One-way ANOVA showed that GLUT4 protein levels in DC group was significantly lower than HC group (P<0.001), but in DVDAT group was significantly higher than DC group (P<0.04) and DVD group (P<0.005). Also in DAT group was significantly higher than DVD (P<0.018). The HOMA-IR index also in DVDAT, DAT and DVD groups was significantly lower than DC group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: It seems that Eight weeks of aerobic training with vitamin D3 supplementation improves glucose metabolism in diabetic rats via increasing Glut4 protein levels and improving insulin resistance index.
Mrs Fateme Saebi, Hossein Abednatanzi, Mohamad Ali Azarbayejani, Mrs Mandana Gholami,
Volume 24, Issue 6 (2-2024)

The aim of the present study was to study the changes in GLUT4 gene expression in soleus muscle tissue and insulin resistance index after HIIT and royal jelly in type 2 diabetic obese rats. Methods: The statistical sample of the present study was 36 obese diabetic male rats. After 20 weeks of feeding with a high-fat diet, the rats became diabetic by intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg/kg of STZ. Diabetic rats were grouped into 4 groups: control, intermittent exercise, royal Jelly, HIIT-Jelly. Eight weeks HIIT, five sessions per week with 2-minute HIIT of 80 to 90% and one-minute rest interval were performed. Royal jelly was given by gavage with a dose of 100 mg/kg before training. Findings: Data analysis using one-way and two-way analysis of variance and post-hoc test showed that compared to the control group, HIIT led to a significant decrease in glucose and insulin resistance index HIIT and royal jelly led to a significant increase in GLUT4 gene expression in soleus muscle compared to the control group (P=0.001). Conclusion: HIIT and royal jelly were effective in reducing insulin resistance index and expression of genes effective in glucose consumption in soleus muscle. Also, HIIT and royal jelly led to an increase in GLUT4 gene expression in the soleus muscle compared to the control group, which is important in glucose consumption in diabetics.

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