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Showing 1 results for Gemfibrozil

Farzad Najafipour, Mehri A.koukhi, Kazem Ghodousi, Masoumeh Zareizadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (8-2004)

Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common human metabolic disease. Chronic hyperglycemia and carbohydrate metabolism disorder accompany with plasma lipid and lipoprotein disorder. Cardiovascular disease is one of the macro vascular complications of diabetes type 2 which leads to high morbidity and mortality. Dyslipidemia is one of the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients. High TG and low HDL-C levels are the most prevalent type of dyslipidemia. Low levels of HDL-c considered as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Methods: In this study 40 type 2 diabetic patients (13 male - 27 female) were included. Lovastatin and Gemfibrozil were recommended separately for 2 months and HDL-C were measured at the baseline and after taking drugs. In all patients BS, TG and TC at the baseline before and after these drugs were normal and so were not any change in their diet. Laboratorial findings gathered and analyzed. The relationship between increase level of HDL and decrease of TC with taking Lovastatin and Gemfibrozil were studied. Results: The averages of TC and HDL-C before taking drug as linear were 36.5mg/dl and 174.56 mg/dl and after taking Lovastatin as linear were 43.3 mg/dl and 150.44 mg/dl. The average of TC and HDL-C after taking Gemfibrozil were 43.33mg/dl and 146.36mg/dl. 18.54 % increase in HDL-C and 13.82% decrease in TC were seen with Lovastatin and 18.54% increase in HDL-C and 16.05% decrease in TC were found with Gemfibrozil. Conclusion: In this study no difference was observed between the effect of Lovastatin and Gemfibrozil in increase of HDL-C (P=0.449). Also there was no difference between the effect of Lovastatin and Gemfibrozil in decrease of TC (P=0.992). The increase of HDL-C after taking Lovastatin had relation with sex and HDL-C increased in females (P=0.006) Also the increase of HDL-C after taking Gemfibrozil had relation with sex and females had more affected (P=0.035).

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