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Showing 2 results for High Intensity Interval Exercise

Mousa Khalafi, Ali Asghar Ravasi, Fatemeh Shabkhiz, Mohammad Moradi, Yashar Zarei,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (5-2016)

Background: Irisin was identified as a myokine secreted by exercise which plays an important role in energy metabolism and regulation of metabolic diseases such as diabetes. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of high intensity interval exercise (HIIE) and moderate intensity continuous exercise (MICE) on serum irisin and Subcutaneous UCP-1 in diabetic male rats.

Methods: In this study, 29 diabetic Wistar rats (12 week- age, 220-240 gr- weight) were assigned to 5 groups: immediately and 2 hours after high intensity interval exercise (HIIE0, HIIE2), immediately and 2 hours after moderate intensity continuous exercise (MICE0, MICE2) and control (C). Both MICE groups performed on the treadmill with intensity 60-65% vo2max for 40 minutes and both HIIE groups with intensity 90-95% vo2max in the 12 interval-one minute period and 1 minute rest intervals. ELISA was used to measure serum irisin and subcutaneous fat UCP-1. One-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test has used to data analysis, the level of significance has been considered at P≤0/05.

Results: Data analysis showed serum irisin levels in the HIIE0 group and subcutaneous fat UCP-1 in the HIIE2 significantly increased compared to the control group (p˂0/05). However, there was no significant difference between other research groups (P>0/05).

Conclusion: It seems high intensity of exercise had important roles in significant changes of serum irisin levels and subcutaneous fat UCP-1in diabetic rats.

Mohammad Moradi, Aliasghar Ravasi, Musa Khalafi, Vahid Talebi,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (3-2018)

Background: Nesfetin-1 is known as the peptide which interfere in appetite and glucose hemostasis. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effects of two kinds of acute exercise to nesfatin-1 gene expression of diabetic rats.
Methods: In this study, has utilized the diabetic vistar staggy rats with STZ (12 week-age, 220-240 gr-weight). Animals were divided into four group: high DIABETIC MALE RATSintensity interval exercise (HIIE-0), control (C-0), (witch immediately has murdered after the exercise) and high intensity interval exercise (HIIE-2), and control (C-2), (which has murdered 2 hours after the exercise). HIIE group activated on the treadmill with 25 and 14 meter/minute in the 12 interval-one-minute period.
 Results: After removing hypothalamus and extraction of RNA, has down RT.PCR. The Independent T test analyzed and level of significance has been considering at 0/01 The exercise activity caused the significant increase of gene expression in the HIIE-0 group (P=0/001). But there was not significant increase in the HIIE-2 group (P=0/234).
 Conclusion: The results of this study displayed that one session of high intensity interval activity caused an increase immediately after the exercise in the hypothalamic nesfatin-1 gene expression of vistar staggy rats.

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