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Showing 2 results for L-Carnitine

Ali Mohammad Sharifi, Maryam Ghaderpanahi, Seyed Ziaedin Hosseini Mazhari,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (5-2007)

Background: Cardiovascular disease including hypertension are complications of long-standing diabetes. A few Studies had shown the positive effects of L-carnitine on hypertension. In this study, the possible effects of L-carnitne on nitric oxide (NO) levels and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity in serum as well as systolic blood pressure (SBP) in diabetic and normal rats were studied.

Methods: In this study forty rats were used in four groups including non-treated control (C), L-carnitne treated control (CT), diabetic (D) and L-carnitne treated diabetic (DT). Diabetes was induced in rats by injection of stereptozotosin. Both of C & D groups had a free access to food and water and CT & DT groups were received daily dose of L-carnation in drinking water. At the end of 12 weeks SBP, serum NO and ACE activity were measured.

Results: Systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased in DT group compared to D group. Serum ACE activity was also significantly decreased in DT group compared to D group and the serum NO levels were significantly increased in DT & CT groups compared to D & C groups respectively.

Conclusion: Finally it could be concluded that L-carnitine may reduce SBP in diabetic rats via elevation of serum NO levels and reduction of serum ACE activity.

Mahdi Angouti, Hamid Rajabi, Reza Gharakhanlou, Mohammad Reza Dehkhoda,
Volume 20, Issue 2 (1-2021)

Background: Diabetes causes nerve tissue damage and ultimately death of nerve cells, especially in important areas such as the hippocampus. It seems that exercise training and anti-inflammatory supplements can moderate this condition. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic training exercise and L-carnitine consumption on the levels of hippocampus CNTF and CNTFR proteins in diabetic rat.
Methods: 45 Wistar rats between 250 to 300 gr were randomly divided into six groups, including healthy control groups, sham, diabetic control, diabetes + aerobic exercise, diabetes + L-carnitine supplementation and diabetes + aerobic exercise + L-carnitine supplementation. L-carnitine supplements were divided. Diabetic groups underwent subcutaneous injection of 55 mg / kg STZ. supplementary groups received 100 mg of L-carnitine per day orally. The aerobic exercise program was performed for 6 weeks and 5 days a week. The research variables were measured 24 hours after the last training session by the ELISA technics in the hippocampal tissue. The statistical method of one-way analysis of variance and Toki post –hoc test were used to analyze the data.
Results: The present study showed an significant increase in CNTF and CNTFR protein levels of hippocampal tissue after aerobic exercise and L-carnitine consumption (P = 0.001), which greater effect found in combination manner.
Conclusion: Due to the effect of aerobic exercise and L-carnitine supplementation alone and in interaction with each other on hippocampal tissue, the use of this method can be considered as maintaining neural tissue in diabetes.

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