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Showing 14 results for Quality of Life

Mehri Delvarianzadeh, Hossein Bagheri, Farideh Sadeghian,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (6-2006)

Background: Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases need continual medical care and self care education, and nutritional therapy account as an integral part of dietary management. This study carried out to investigate the effect of diabetes dietary counseling on quality of life in type II diabetic patients.
Methods: As a Randomized Clinical Trial, 144 patients with type II diabetes aged 35-65 years were recruited from patients referred to Imam Hossein Hospital dietary clinic and randomly assigned in case and control groups. A dietary schedule consisting 50-60% carbohydrate, 10-20% protein and less than 30% fat was prescribed at the first orally in a 30-minute counseling session then in written form for case group, while the control group was left without any intervention. The quality of life score was estimated in both groups via using the Short-form 36-Item (SF-36), before dietary counseling and one mouth after the dietary counseling, and the quality of life score between both groups were compared. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: Average age was 52.1±10 years. Before dietary counseling, the quality of life among 46% of subjects was assessed to be poor and 52% claimed their health status poorer than the last year. Independent-Samples T-Test with P<0.05 revealed significant difference in weight, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, blood sugar before and after breakfast, blood cholesterol and triglyceride, after dietary counseling in both groups. Also, this test with P<0.05 revealed significant difference in the quality of life score in general and in each dimensions, after dietary counseling in both groups. Paired-Samples T-Test revealed significant increase in the quality of life score in general and in each dimensions on pre and post dietary counseling in case group, but didn’t observe in control group. Conclusion: According to the results, it was revealed that dietary counseling can promote the quality of life in patients with type II diabetes in all dimensions. So, it seems dietary counseling program is essential in prevention and decrease of type II diabetes complications.
Maryam Peimani, Zahra Monjamed, Mansooreh Asgharpour,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (6-2006)

Background: Neuropathy is one of the most common and dangerous complications of diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy account as the most common cause of mortality among patients. Many studies suggest that neuropathy have a negative effect on quality of life. Although there is limited evidences about relationship between diabetic neuropathy and quality of life in Iran, so this study was conducted to investigate this interaction among a group of patients.
Methods: As a descriptive-analytical study, 304 diabetic patients with neuropathy was selected via convenience sampling method. The data were collected through interview and physical examination. The tool of data collection was the information sheet of medical records and questionnaire that consisted of three parts, demographic and disease characteristics, list of neuropathic complications of diabetes and questions about dimensions of quality of life. The reliability evaluated via test-retest method and validity assessed via content validity method.
Results: the results revealed that tingling (96.1%) and pain (92.1%) in the case of sensory neuropathy were the most common complains. Sexual dysfunction (72.4%) and gastrointestinal problems (70.4%) account the most common symptoms in view of autonomic neuropathy. The results revealed that quality of life among all patients was fairly desirable and there was a significant relationship between neuropathy and quality of life (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, there is a significant relation between neuropathy and quality of life in diabetic patients. Our results suggest that nurses and educational supervisors should pay attention to promote different dimensions of quality of Life in diabetic patients with neuropathy.
Aliakbar Nejati Safa, Begher Larijani, Behnam Shariati, Homayon Amini, Adeleh Rezagholizadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2007)

Background: The prevalence of depression in diabetic patients is 2-3 times more than general population. The quality of life (QOL) and glycemic control are two important outcome measures of diabetes management. The aim of this research is to study the relationship between depression, glycemic control and QOL in a sample of Iranian diabetic patients.

Methods: One hundred diabetic patients who were referred to diabetes clinic of Dr. Shariati Hospital were included in the study consecutively. The depression subscale of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-D) were used to determine depression. The World Health Organization Quality of life brief version questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to measure QOL. The status of glycemic control was evaluated through measuring HbA1c. Other measured variables included:  demographic variables, smoking, diabetes type, body mass index, duration and complications of diabetes and previous history of depression. The linear regression method was implemented to analyze the data.

Results: Depression was observed in 28% of the patients. Glycemic control had a reverse significant correlation with diabetes complications. No significant relationship was found between HbA1c and scores of HADS-D. WHOQOL-BREF subscales scores had no significant relationship with glycemic control. There was a significant relation between scores of HADS-D and WHOQOL-BREF subscales.

Conclusion: Improving quality of life (QOL) is one of the main outcomes in the management of diabetes. According to the result of this study, depression had a prominent relationship with QOL. Thus, careful management of depression may be necessary to improve QOL of diabetic patients.

Mahtab Alizadeh, Azam Rahimi, Masome Arshinji, Farshad Sharifi, Seyed Masoud Arzaghi, Hossein Fakhrzadeh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (1-2014)

Objective: The present study describes assessing physical health status of old people in different age groups in Tehran metropolitan area. The outcomes of this study could help to health policy makers to develop of better health policy in gerontology field by determine of priorities of care in different age groups of old people and effect of socio-economic components on elder’s’ physical health. Method: This was a cross sectional study in 2010. The participants were (N=402) aged 60 years old and over which have underrepresented from Shahid Beheshti university. The survey methods were via face- to-face interviews, and just in a few cases as telephone interviews. The instrument to data collection included demographic questionnaire, SF-36 short form and ADL tools. Data analyzed by Stata and SPSS Ver.15 through t-test, one-way ANOVA. Regression models applied as well. Findings: Based on the results 45% of elderly were in (60-69) years old, 36.5% were in (70-79) years old, and 18.5% were 80+ years old. The median age was 71.5±8.9 years. Regarding ADL, 18.2% of elderly were dependent 22.3% were semi dependent, and 59.5% of participants were independent to do activity of daily living. Regarding physical functioning, 29.6% of elderly had severe limitation 32.6% had moderate limitation, and 37.8% had no limitation in their physical function. Components of age, sex, marital status, education, job, income, insurance, housing, and living with whom had significant association with physical health status in old people. Although based on regression model and considering in effect of conflict variables, age and sex had more effect to predict of activity of daily living in old people. Age, sex, to be alone, and financial problems were the most predictors on physical function in aged people. Conclusion: The important components that effect on physical health of elderly related to fragile elderly from aspect of socio economic factors. Based on the results of this study aged elderly and old women were more disable to do Activity of Daily Living (ADL). Regarding physical function age, sex, living with whom, and financial dependency were significant components in relation with physical function. In other words, older people, women, elderly who did not live with their spouse, and elderly who were dependent in financial aspect to others had more difficulty in physical function.
Zeinab Shayeghian, Parisa Amiri, Maria E. Aguilar-Vafaie, Mahmoud Parvin, Kobra Roohi Gillani,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (1-2014)

Background: Cognitive and emotional deficits in alexithymia lead to various problems in somatic disorders and other medical conditions for example Diabetics. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of alexithymia on relationship between self-care and control of blood sugar in type 2 diabetes patients within the Iranian social and cultural context. Methods: The present study was a cross-sectional investigation. The study sample consisted of 100 (60 females and 40 males, aged 40 to 70 years) type 2 diabetic outpatients visiting Labbafinejad hospital during the year 2012. Measures for data collection included demographic, anthropometric and clinical questionnaires, the short scale for diabetes self-care activities and the diabetes-related quality of life. Blood tests were performed to obtain HbA1c levels and other laboratory measures related to the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS16 software. Results: Pearson product correlation results yielded significant negative associations between self- care activities and alexithymia as well as HbA1c levels in type 2 diabetes patients. Results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that diabetes-related self-care activities explained 40% of HbA1c variance and alexithymia added explanatory variance above and beyond self-care, to jointly explain 58% of HbA1c variance. Conclusion: Based on the present findings, diabetes-related self-care and alexithymia predicted HbA1c levels in patients with type 2 diabetes. Given the evidence on the additive validity of alexithymia in the prediction of HbA1c levels found in the present study, attention to emotional competencies and disorders of Iranian diabetic patients may effectively contribute to their control of diabetes.
Sahar Ghashghaie, Ghasem Naziry, Rabrert Farnam,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (5-2014)

Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common and expensive chronic disorders, which produce lots of limitation in patients' activities. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Mindfulness – Based Cognitive Therapy ( MBCT) in improving the Quality of Life in outpatient with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: In this experimental research, 42 outpatients with type 2 diabetes were selected and matched according to age and sex. Then patients were assigned randomly to experimental and control group. Ware & Sherbourne quality of life questionnaire was performed for both groups in pre-test and post-test sessions. The experimental group participated in 8 sessions of MBCT course which was held once a week and each session lasted for 2 hours. Univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance (with controlling for pre-test scores) were applied to data. Results: There was significant difference between experimental and control groups in post test scores of quality of life and all of its scales. Experimental group acquired higher scores. Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that MBCT can improve the quality of life in diabetic patients.
Esmat Mosayebi, Maryam Sharifi, Mahgol Tavakoli,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (7-2014)

Background: One of the important indicators of diabetes treatment and control is enhancement of quality of life in patients with diabetes. Therefore, in recent years, quality of life in these patients regarded by therapists and researchers and increased studies in this field. The aim of this study was collection and integration of these studies results to investigate the effect size of sport and psychological interventions on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes by meta-analysis method. Methods: For this purpose, 25 acceptable studies (15 psychological interventions, 10 sport interventions) in terms of methodology (hypothesis, research method, statistic population, volume of sample, sampling method, instrument measure & statistic analysis method) selected, and meta-analysis performed on them. Research instrument was checklist of meta-analysis. Results: The study findings showed that the rate of effect size of psychological interventions on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes was d=0.95 (p<0.00001) and the effect size of sport interventions on quality of life in this patients was d=2.2(p<0.00001). According to Cohen’s chart both effect sizes of sport and psychological interventions were high. Conclusion: psychological and sport interventions can be effective on improvement of quality of life in patient with 2 diabetes.
Habibeh Matin , Babak Rastgarimehr, Mohammad Eshagh Afkari , Mahnaz Solhi , Mohammad Hosein Taghdisi, Morteza Mansourian, Zahra Shafieyan , , Mostafa Qorbani , Hamid Asayesh , Hamid Jafaraliloo ,
Volume 13, Issue 6 (9-2014)

Background: increasing the population of aged, Consequently Increasing rate of chronic disease and to decreasing quality of life level caused many problems in different communities. The important aim of this study was surveying the effect of an educational intervention by use of the educational components of precede model on quality of life in the elders. Methods: This semi-empirical research was performed on 54 aged people in two group-case and control- for the Aged in 2009. In this study two questionnaires the designed questionnaire based on PRECEDE model and the questionnaire on the quality of life standard of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL) were used and the quality of life of the aged people in two groups before and after one month from the educational interference was evaluated. Independent t-test paired T-test, one way ANOVA, was used for data analysis. Results: The average total score of the quality of life of the aged people of test group, showed a meaningful difference before and after educational interference with a p quality less than 0.05, but there wasn’t a meaningful difference between total scores of two groups. Though the relationship of attitude (predisposing factors), enabling factors (skills) and behavioral factors with quality of life of a p quality less than 0.05 was meaningful. But knowledge (predisposing factor) and reinforcing factors didn’t show a meaningful relationship with the quality of life. Conclusion: It seems that the health, education and health promotion programs are effective on quality of life in the aged people.
Pouran Varvani Farahani, Davood Hekmat Pou, Mohamad Reza Rezvanfar, Afsaneh Talaei,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2016)

Background: Noticing to high prevalence and complications rates of Diabetes Mellitus and its effect on quality of life, and also considering low quality of life, can cause low self-care and increase complications among these patients. The goal of this study is comparing the effect of multimedia education with live successful experiments on quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients.

Methods: This is a semi experimental study. First 160 type 2 diabetic patients were selected First 160 type 2 diabetic patients were selected and then randomly allocated into two tests and one control groups. Research tools were self-statement demographic and WHO-QOL Brief questionnaires which were completed before interventions. For first test group educational classes with multimedia method (group discussion, educational film and slides) were hold in 5 sessions each in 45 minutes. For second test group education was based on narrating of live successful experiments by the patients who controlled their diabetes and answer to questions of the patients. After 3 month WHO-QOL Brief questionnaires which were completed again. All data were analyzed with SPSS version 20 software.

Results: There was no significant difference in means of quality of life among three groups before interventions (p= 0.194). There was significant difference in means of quality of life among three groups after interventions (p= 0.04). There were significant differences between the means of quality of life in first test group (P≤0.001) and second test group (P≤0.001) before and after interventions.

Conclusion: Qualities Of Life in first and second test group were increased more than control one. 

Marzieh Jahandar, Morteza Badeleh, Mohammad Taghi Badeleh, Shahram Mohamad Khani,
Volume 15, Issue 6 (7-2016)

Background:  This study was planned to investigate the effectiveness of a short Cognitive Behavioral Group Intervention for Diabetes Mellitus Disease (CBGI-CHD) on quality of life and illness Perception in patients with type 2 diabetes disease.

Methods: Twenty eight patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who were the members of Iran Diabetes Association, were selected through voluntary accessible sampling .Type 2 diabetes patients were randomly assigned in a 12-week (2.5 –h sessions) cognitive behavioral group intervention for Diabetes Mellitus Disease (n=14) or to a control group (n=14) that received usual care. Quality  of life were  measured  using a Persian version quality of life questionnaire(WHQOL-BREF)  , illness Perception  were measured Using a brief  Illness Perception Questionnaire( brief IpQ ) before and directly after intervention. Data were analyzed with SPSS 19 software, descriptive statistics, covariance analysis and

Results:  Experiment group showed significant increases in quality  of life and illness Perception at post–test, compared with control group (p< %5).In addition ,intervention in, quality of life dimensions  was significant for The experimental group .(p< %5).except the environment dimension.(P>%5).

Conclusion: The results indicate that CBGI-CHD can improve quality of life and illness Perception in patients with type 2diabetes mellitus. The future researches with longer pursuing periods for reviewing efficacy continuation is suggested

Zohreh Vares, Hamid Asayesh, Zahra Aliakbarzade Arani, Fatemeh Sharififard,
Volume 16, Issue 5 (10-2017)

Background: Diabetes increases risk of incident or exacerbation geriatric syndromes in elderly and effect of different aspects of their life. This study was conducted to evaluate related factors in the quality of life of elderly diabetics.
Methods: This is a descriptive and analytic study that 88 elderly subjects with diabetes diabetic patients selected from 1400 cases in the age range 60-83 years have file in Kashan Diabetes Center in 2006. Samples were enrolled during about 2 months. Quality of life and a demographic questionaire were administered. The quality of life tool contained 41 questions that have been investigated in three dimensions: general (13-52 points), specificity (27-108 points) and overall (40-160 points). The relationship between QOL and other variables were analyzed by SPSS 16 using univariate and multivariate logistic regression models.
Results: Overall, 65.9% of patients were female and 34.1% male. Results has showed that there are significant relationship beetwin tingling, numbness and vision loss with the general quality of life and treatment type, kidney failure, tingling, numbness, and limb numbness with the special quality of life.
Conclusion: Considering the low quality of life in the majority of elderly diabetics and its role in the development of diabetic complications, results express severe need to care of the elderly and reaffirm the role of care in improvement the health level of older adults.
Somaye Karimi Moghadam, Elaheh Lael- Monfared, Rouhollah Barghbani, Mohammad Reza Ghezekgharshi, Rezvan Rajabzadeh, Davood Robat Sarpooshi,
Volume 16, Issue 6 (10-2017)

Background: Considering the importance of chronic diabetes and significant impact on patients' quality of life, A study to evaluate health-related quality of life in type II diabetic patients referred to diabetes clinic in Sabzevar  And factors associated with planning and designing health promotion interventions in the areas studied
Methods: This cross-sectional study in which 197 patients with type II diabetes referred to diabetes clinic participated. Of data through a two-part questionnaire that included demographic characteristics, social and Quality of Life Questionnaire, which has a five physical, psychological, social, economic and disease and treatment, collected and then using SPSS version 16 and using Chi-square tests, ANOVA, t-test and Spearman correlation coefficient were analyzed.           
Results: The findings of the study suggests that most participants in the study were in the age group aged 50 to 60, 77.2% female, 85.8% were married, 74.6 percent were housewives. Average quality of life in terms of physical functioning, role limitations due to emotional problems and emotional health and physical pain was good. There was a significant difference between the score of physical function, feeling well and pain according to education (P≤ 0/05).
Conclusion: The findings of this study have informed us about the impact of diabetes on the quality of life of patients with this disease, which can be used to plan the care of chronic patients and improve their quality of life.
Manijeh Dehi , Kian Norozi, Parvaneh Aghajari, Maryam Khoahbakht, Nazila Vosoghi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2018)

Background: The diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. One of the most considerable factor in case of a diabetic patient is quality of life. and the home visit can be effective. The present study aims to investigate the effects of home visits on quality of life type II diabetes.
Methods: the present study is a clinical trial study for which 61 patients suffering type II diabetes visiting healthcare homes in the villages in Maragheh, were selected considering the criteria for entering the study and using random sampling method. Later on, in order to control the limitations, subjects were homogenized according to their age, marital status, education and the period of their illness. Then, they were divided into two control and experimental groups. then all units of study completed Quality of life questionnair before and after the intervention (6 month structured program of home visits). Data were analysed by SPSS and descriptive and analytic stastics (t test)
Results: The finding showed there was a significant difference between mean Quality of life in case group befor and after the intervention (P< 0/01). But there was no significant between mean Quality of life in control group befor and after the intervention (P>o/o5).
Conclusion: Based on the finding of this study, home visit has been effective on the improvement of Quality of life, and the nurses by appropriate intervention and home visit can help to improve quality of life.

Somayeh Ramesh, Akram Alizadeh Moghdam, Ali Reza Safari, Marzieh Feizi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (2-2019)

Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic diseases and the patient's quality of life plays an important role in controlling the disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of quality of life in the relationship between depression, stress and anxiety, with severity of diabetes.
Methods: 108 patients with type 2 diabetes (57 women, 51 males) participated in this study. The participants completed the 21st-DASS Questionnaire, a quality of life questionnaire (SF-36), and a demographic questionnaire.
Results: The results of the study showed that the severity of the disease was negatively correlated with quality of life and positively correlated with anxiety, depression and stress (P <0.01). The results of path analysis also indicated the mediating role of quality of life in the relationship between depression and anxiety and the severity of type 2 diabetes.
Conclusion: Based on the results, it is necessary to consider psychological interventions in order to reduce depression and anxiety and improve the quality of life of patients in the field of diabetes management.

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