Showing 30 results for Resistance Training
Alireza Safarzade, Khadije Esmailpour, Elahe Talebi-Garakani, Rozita Fathi,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (3-2014)
Background: Adiponectin and omentin-1 are adipokines with insulin-sensitizing properties. The aim
of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training on serum levels of adiponectin and
omentin-1 in Streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Methods: Twenty four male Wister rats (12-14 weeks’ old) were randomly divided into three groups:
non-diabetic control, diabetic control, and diabetic training. The rats in diabetic training group were
subjected to a resistance training program (3 days/wk, for 4 wk) consisted of climbing a ladder
carrying a load suspended from the tail. Following four weeks resistance training serum glucose,
insulin, lipid profile, adiponectin, and omentin-1 concentrations were measured.
Results: Serum levels of omentin-1 and adiponectin were significantly lower in diabetic control group
compare with non-diabetic control group (P<0.001). After 4 weeks of resistance training serum
adiponectin levels was significantly higher in diabetic trained group compared with diabetic control
group (P= 0.028), but we did not find any significant difference in omentin-1 levels between two
diabetic groups. Morever, we did not find any significant difference in serum lipid profile among all
groups. Four weeks resistance training did not change serum glucose and insulin concentrations in
diabetic rats.
Conclusion: This study indicated that resistance training could increase serum adiponectin levels in
diabetic rats without significant changes in lipid profile, glucose, insulin, and omentin-1
concentrations. It seems low intensity and short term duration of resistance training had important
roles in failure of significant changes of omentin-1, glucose, and insulin concentrations.
Mehrnoosh Mahrou, Abbas Ali Gaeini, Sirous Chobbineh, Mohsen Javidi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (1-2015)
Background: Exercise is very important factor in control of diseases. It also has been suggested that angiogenesis inhibitor factor is controlled and angiogenesis simulative factor is intensified on those who are suffering diabetic and doing physical activity. This study is aimed to evaluate the effect of Eight-week Resistance Training on unbalanced Angiogenesis in Diabetic male rats.
Methods: Twenty-four diabetic male Wistar rats were divided into two groups of control and training. Resistance training protocol includes one set of 10 times per day climbing the ladder suffering a weight connected to each rat tail [with respect to the maximum volume carrying each rat] for 3days a week and for 8 weeks. After 48 hour of the last training session, blood samples were taken from rat's hearts and VEGF, NO, glucose and insulin were determined regarding to serum sample taken. Analytical statistics examined with the use of SPSS16 software and considering α< 0.05.
Results: this study of Eight-week Resistance Training resulted no significant increase on VEGF [P=0.776] and NO [p=0.946] in diabetic rats serum but there was a significant decrease in blood glucose [p=0.001] however, no significant difference was observed in insulin level between the groups [p=0.93].
Conclusion: Despite resistance training appears to improve glucose levels in diabetic rats it has no positive effect on the stimulation factors of angiogenesis.
Asiyeh Taji Tabas, Mehdi Mogharnasi,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (3-2015)
Background: Nesfatin-1 is an adipokine that released by adipose tissue and participated in the regulation of insulin activity and glucose metabolism. The aim of this research is the investigation the effect of 10 week resistance exercise training on serum levels of nesfatin-1 and insulin resistance index in women with type 2 diabetes. Methods: Eighteen women with type 2 diabetes recruited this study by using of the Purposive Sampling method and were randomly divided into two experimental (n= 10) and control (n= 8) groups. The experimental group participated in resistance exercise training (the exercises training started with 30-50% intensity of one maximum repetition in the first training session and increased to 70-80% intensity of one maximum repetition in the final session) in three times per week for 10 weeks. Also, the control group not participated in exercise program. Blood samples were taken pre-and post-exercise test in the 12 h fasting conditions for evaluation of nesfatin-1, insulin and glucose levels. The resulting data was analyzed by SPSS 21 and used of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t-independent and dependent t-tests at a significance level of &alpha<0.05. Results: Intra-group changes in the experimental group showed that a significant increase in nesfatin-1 levels and a significant reduction in blood glucose and insulin resistance levels after 10 weeks resistance training (P<0.05). However, there was no significant change in insulin levels (P>0.05). In the comparison between groups, the changes of nesfatin-1 and glucose levels were significantly in pre- and post-exercise test in the experimental group compared with the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: According to the results of this research, resistance exercise training could be recommended as adjunctive therapy method for women with type 2 diabetes.
Roya Askari, Mohammad Reza Hamedinia,
Volume 14, Issue 5 (7-2015)
Background: Apelin increases insulin insensitivity but its correlation with exercise training has less been taken in to consideration. The aim of this paper was to evaluation the effect of combined (resistance, endurance) and endurance training on plasma Apelin and in insulin sensitivity.
Methods: Forty -five volunteered students of eligible (BMI: 25-30,Health and inactive) were randomly divided into three groups, combined, endurance and control.The trainedgroups were trained forfour days per week, during 12 weeks. In combined group, endurance interval training was performed fromfivereplication with three minutebeginningand in final weeks reached to thirteen replications of 3 minutes with resting time of 1 to 2minutes. Intensity was 60-80% HRmax and resistance training planning: 2days per week,7 stations(Boat,leg press,buttreflys, Knee extension and flexion, forearm flexion and extension) 8-12 replication, resting time between the intervals and sets consequently: 30-60 ,60-90 second . The endurance group was trained with the same endurance section of combined group. Pre and post weeks, plasma Apelin,glucose and lipid profiles were measured in groups. Data were analyzed by One Way - Anova,significant level was P&le0/05, using SPSS, ver 18.
Results: Plasma Apelin decreased significantly compared with the control group (P=0/0001).In training groups, HDL-c had in the training group increased compared with the control group (P= o/o43). Insulin Insensitivity wasn't different among groups (P&ge0/05).
Conclusion: This paper showed that 12 weeks of combined or Endurance training had significantly decreased plasma Apelin and both training groups had an increase in their HDL-c but all of the exchanges were free of insulin sensitivity.
Rozita Fathi, Sajjad Aslani Moghanjoughi, Elahe Talebi Garakani, Alireza Safarzadeh, Hassan Seyghal,
Volume 14, Issue 6 (9-2015)
Background: Visfatin is an adipokine secreted from visceral adipose tissue and involved in glucose homeostasis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight-week resistance training on plasma visfatin levels and its relation to insulin resistance in insulin-resistant male rats.
Methods: In this experimental study twenty-four Wistar male rats (220±20 gr) were acclimatized with lab condition then were randomly divided into three groups: Control (C), Insulin-Resistant control (IRC) and Insulin-resistant Training (T) groups. Insulin-resistance status induced by %10 fructose solution during 5 weeks. Resistance training group subjected to a three-day per week resistance training program for 8 weeks. Plasma visfatin, insulin, glucose levels, and insulin resistance index were assessed 48 hours after experimental period. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and statistical significance was set at P<0/05
Results: The results showed that insulin resistance induction significantly increased plasma visfatin, glucose, insulin levels and insulin resistance index (P<0.05). On the other hand, resistance training significantly decreased plasma visfatin, glucose, and insulin levels (P<0.05) but visfatin was not altered significantly (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Based on the findings, visfatin increases in diabetes and insulin resistance and is correlated with insulin resistance. The change in plasma visfatin levels was not significant following resistance training and it was not correlated with insulin resistance index. Therefore, visfatin may not have a role in metabolic improvement induced by exercise training.
Rezvane Galdavi, Mehdi Mogharnasi,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (1-2016)
Background: Omentin-1 is recognized as new Adipokine that mostly is excreted from visceral fatty tissue. Circulating levels of Omentin-1 are inversely associated with obesity. The aim of the present study on two training methods of endurance and resistance on Omentin-1 levels of plasma and factors related to obesity and overweight in obese girls, respectively.
Methods: Thirty four obese and overweight girls (BMI>25) were chosen purposefully then they were categorized at random to three endurance group (n=12), resistance group (n=12) and control (n=10). A total of 8 weeks of endurance and resistance training and endurance training was 4 times a week with 65 to 80 percent of HRmax and intensity resistance training was 65-80% of 1RM. Phlebotomizing was done at various stages with similar conditions and plasma Omentin-1 levels by ELISA method was measured. Data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and related t tests for studying the changes within the ANOVA and LSD post Hoc test for comparison between groups at the significance level of p<0.05.
Results: The results showed a significant increase Omentin-1 in both the experimental group (p endurance =0.001, p resistance =0.004) and reduce factors associated with obesity such as weight (p endurance =0.003, p resistance =0.005), fat mass body (p endurance =0.001, p resistance =0.001), BMI (p endurance =0.002, p resistance =0.004) and WHR (p endurance =0.011, p resistance =0.013) in both experimental groups after 8 weeks of training (p<0.05).
Conclusion: It can be stated that both endurance and resistance practices after 8 weeks of training, to improve factors related to obesity, maximal oxygen uptake and increased plasma levels Omentin-1 was.
Mahdieh Molanouri Shamsi, Mehdi Mahdavi,
Volume 15, Issue 5 (7-2016)
Background: Myokines released from skeletal muscle have multiple metabolic and hypertrophic effects. On the other hand, one of proposed pathways for effects of exercise training on metabolic diseases is calcineurin signaling pathway. With considering to relation between interleukin-6 (IL-6) and calcineurin, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether the resistance training has an effect on mRNA expression of IL-6 myokine and regulator of calcineurin 1(RCAN-1) in skeletal muscle of diabetic rats.
Methods: Thirty two Rats randomly were divided into the control, training, diabetic control and diabetic training groups. Diabetes induced by streptozotocin (STZ). Training groups performed the 17 sessions of resistance training. The IL-6 and RCAN-1 mRNA expression were measured in Soleus skeletal muscle using the Real-time PCR method. Two-way analysis variance was used for statistical analysis. Also, Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: The results of this study showed that the mRNA expression of RCAN-1 was increased with resistance training in skeletal muscle of training groups (P<0.05). Also, diabetes was decreased expression of RCAN-1 in skeletal muscle of diabetic groups (P<0.001). Moreover, resistance training was increased mRNA expression of IL-6 in skeletal muscle (P=0.08).
Conclusion: With considering to our results, resistance training with direct effects on skeletal muscle could regulate calcineurin pathway in diabetes and concurrent increase in expression of IL-6 myokine. It seems that activation of this signaling pathway with resistance training could maintain skeletal muscle mass in diabetes.
Rasoul Mohammadi, Hasan Matin Homaee, , Mohammad Ali Azerbaijani, Kazem Baesi,
Volume 16, Issue 1 (1-2017)
Background: Cardiomyopathy is a side effect caused by diabetes. Prolonged hyperglycemia gives rise to an increase in the expression of the receiver gene RAGE subsequently triggering pathogenesis cardiac signaling pathways in the heart of rats with type II diabetes. The present paper aims to examine how a 12 week Resistance training on gene expressions RAGE, ICAM, VCAM in the heart of diabetic rats with STZ.
Methods: 16 male Wistar rats with weight mean ranging from 200 ± 20 g were randomly assigned to two groups of Resistance diabetes (n = 8) and control diabetes (n = 8) and were kept under lab circumstances. A 12 week Resistance training was administered with the experimental group and 48 hours after the end of the last training session the rats were made unconscious and examined. Their hearts were, afterwards, cut out and the extent of gene expressions RAGE, ICAM, VCAM in the left ventricular heart was measured using Real time-PCR method.
Results: The results indicated there was a significant difference between left ventricular heart of the Resistance diabetes and that of control diabetes in terms of gene expression RAGE, yet no significant difference was detected between the two groups in terms of gene expressions ICAM, VCAM.
Conclusion: According to the results, in seems that Resistance trainings effectively reduce gene expressions RAGE and reduction pattern but non-significant in the Gene ICAM, VCAM in left ventricular heart of diabetic rats and therefore can be considered an effective way in reducing pathogenesis cardiac signaling pathways in the heart of rats with type II diabetes.
Babak Hooshmand Moghadam, Mohammad Ali Azarbayjani, Sahabeh Mahdian, Ali Bakhtiyari, Mozhgan Eskandari,
Volume 18, Issue 6 (9-2019)
Background: Diabetes and obesity are associated with a decrease in sexual function and sexual activity due to changes in sex hormones. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Independent and interactive effect of Tribulus terrestris supplementation and resistance training on testosterone, FSH, LH and erectile function in obese men with type 2 diabetes.
Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 40 obese men with type II diabetes (41.97±8.01 years old, BMI 31.97±1.87 kg/m2) were divided into four groups: 1) Resistance training+ placebo 2) Tribulus terrestris 3) Resistance training+Tribulus terrestris 4) Control. Subjects in the first and third groups performed a Resistance training protocol for 8 weeks. Also, the subjects in the second and third groups received Tribulus terrestris 1000 mg daily (two 500 mg capsules) and the first group received the same amount of placebo. Blood samples and questionnaires were collected in two stages before and after the test to assess the biochemical values and erectile function. Statistical analysis of data was performed using t-test, one way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test at a significance level of 0.05.
Results: Results showed that erectile, testosterone, FSH and LH values increased significantly in the three groups of resistance training, tribulus terrestris and resistance training+tribulus terrestris (P≤0.05). Also, were observed significant difference in all variables between resistance training+tribulus terrestris group whit resistance training and tribulus terrestris groups (P≤0.05).
Conclusion: It seams that eight weeks of independent Tribulus terrestris Consumption and performing Resistance training increases sexual and erectile function. But it seams, combining these two, causes more sexual and erectile dysfunction in obese men with type 2 diabetes.
Niloofar Salavati, Farzaneh Taghian, Khosro Jalali,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (1-2020)
Background: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of eight weeks of resistance training with and without the use of aqueous extracts of barberry and saffron on serum levels of RBP4, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance in obese mice.
Methods: In this study, 80 mice with a mean weight of 41± 2 g were exposed to high fat diet for 10 weeks. Then, they were randomly assigned to 8 resistance training groups (10 n), resistance and saffron (10 n), saffron (10= n ), Resistance and barberry (n =10), barberry (n =10), saffron and barberry (10n =), resistance training with extract of saffron and barberry (10n =) and control group (n = 10). The resistance training program included raising the mice from the ladder with weight (three sets and 5 repetitions each) three times a week for 8 weeks. The consumption of saffron and barberry extracts was done at 0.08 for total weight of mice for 8 weeks. After 14 hours of fasting, the initial blood sample was taken at 5 ml of the left ventricle of the rats and RBP4, glucose, insulin and insulin resistance levels were measured. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the data between groups. All calculations were considered at P≤0.05
Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in the levels of RBP4 (P = 0.002), glucose (P = 0.03), insulin (P = 0.02), and insulin resistance (P= 0.004) There are different research groups.
Follow-up test results showed that RBP4 levels decreased in the resistance training group compared to the barberry and control groups. In saffron group, resistance to barberry and control group decreased. The saffron group also decreased compared to the saffron and barberry training groups.
Conclusion: The findings of this study emphasize the effect of resistance training, the use of saffron extract and barberry extract on reducing the metabolic effects of obesity by reducing RBP4 and reducing glucose, insulin and insulin resistance.
Hadis Jafari Sohi, Eidy Alijani, Amir Sarshin, Fariba Aghaei,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (9-2021)
Background: Exercise and the simultaneous use of progenitor cells is a new strategy aimed for reducing diabetic disorders. One of the known mechanisms is angiogenic disorders caused by diabetes. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the simultaneous effect of resistance training with endothelial progenitor cell injection on the expression of angiogenic factors in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rats.
Methods: In this study, 30 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: healthy, diabetic control (D) trained diabetic (DR), diabetic with endothelial progenitor cell injection (DI), diabetic trained with endothelial progenitor cell injection (DRI) were divided. VEGF protein expression was measured by Western blotting and insulin resistance index was measured by ELISA. The data were analyzed using two-factor analysis of variance test with SPSS software version 19 at a significance level of 5%.
Results: In this study, 6 weeks of resistance training or progenitor cell injection caused a significant increase in VEGF and a significant decrease in insulin resistance index in diabetic rats. In the group that used simultaneous exercise and injection compared to the group with exercise and injection and these changes were significant in the group of simultaneous use of exercise and injection compared to the group of exercise with injection.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that resistance training or injection of endothelial progenitor cells can stimulate angiogenesis in skeletal muscle, also the simultaneous use of these two factors is a better way to increase angiogenesis in rats
Iraj Khaleghi, Eidy Alijani, Alireza Rahimi, Mahsa Mohsenzade,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (9-2021)
Background: Diabetes disorders can lead to muscular burnout. The aim of this study was to determine the simultaneous effect of resistance training and endothelial stem cell injection on the factor of degeneration in the muscles of diabetic rats.
Methods: 36 male wistar rats (age 6 weeks with weight of 20±200g) were randomly divided into five groups of basic healthy, diabetic control (D), diabetic and resistance training (DR), untrained diabetic by injection of endothelial stem cells (DI), diabetic training by simultaneous injection of endothelial stem questions (DRI). Western blotting and insulin resistance index were measured by ELISA method to evaluate the changes in MURF1 expression. The data were analyzed by two-factor analysis of variance by SPSS software version 19 at a significant level of α≥%5.
Results: In this study, 6 weeks of resistance training significantly reduced MURF1 and insulin resistance index. The interactive effect of resistance training and stem cell injection also resulted in a significant decrease in murf1 levels, but insulin resistance index was not significantly superior to only training or injection.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be stated that resistance training or injection of endothelial ancestral cells can improve muscular degeneration, but simultaneous use of these two strategies was not superior in reducing atrophy complications in diabetic rats.
Syed Reza Mir Javadi, Alireza Rahimi, Fariba Aghaei, Mahsa Mohsenzadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 5 (1-2022)
Background: Because insulin therapy cannot properly control the progression of diabetes and its complications, other alternative therapies may be desirable. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training and endothelial stem cell injection on skeletal muscle oxidant and antioxidant status in STZ-induced diabetic male rats.
Method: In this experimental study, 36 male Wistar rats (age 6 weeks) were divided into six groups of control (healthy), basal diabetic control, diabetic control, diabetes + stem cell injection, diabetes + resistance training and diabetes + stem cell injection + resistance training. In this study, rats became diabetic intraperitoneally using streptozotocin as a single dose of 40 mg/kg. Resistance exercises including climbing a one-meter ladder with weights hanging from the tail were performed for 17 sessions. 500,000 bone-derived stem cells were injected by a cell counter. The levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in skeletal muscle tissue of rat were measured by using the kit and ELISA method.
Results: The results showed that the SOD level of rats in the resistance training and endothelial stem cell injection group was significantly higher than the diabetic control group (P<0.001). Also, the level of MDA rats in the resistance training and endothelial stem cell injection group was significantly lower than the control group (P<0.001).
Conclusion: Resistance training and endothelial stem cell injections can be considered as a non-pharmacological treatment to reduce skeletal muscle complications in type 1 diabetes.
Hadis Jafari Sohi, Eidy Alijani, Amir Sarshin, Fariba Aghaei,
Volume 21, Issue 6 (3-2022)
Background: Angiogenesis disorders are known mechanisms of diabetes. With the aim of reducing angiogenesis disorders, resistance training and its combination with endothelial progenitor cell injection are new strategies. Therefore, the present study was performed to determine the effect of resistance training with endothelial progenitor cell injection on the expression of angiogenic factors in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rats.
Methods: In this study, 30 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: healthy, control (D) diabetic, trained diabetic (DR), endothelial progenitor cell (DI) diabetic, trained endothelial progenitor cell (DRI) diabetic) Were divided. Ang1 and Tie2 protein expression changes were measured by Western blotting. Data were analyzed using two-factor analysis of variance with SPSS software version 19 at a significance level of 5% α≤.
Results: In this study, 6 weeks of resistance training led to a significant increase in Ang1 and Tie2 proteins. But injection of endothelial progenitor cells was significant only on the amount of Tie2 protein. The interactive effect of resistance training and endothelial progenitor cell injection was significant only on the amount of Tie 2 protein. In other words, the combination of resistance training and endothelial progenitor cell injection was superior to Tie2 protein expression than training or injection alone.
Conclusion: It can be said that resistance training improves angiogenesis in diabetics. Combining resistance training with endothelial progenitor cell injections could possibly stimulate angiogenesis in skeletal muscle and be a new strategy in the treatment of diabetic disorders.
Masomeh Sarmadiyan, Eidy Aliijani, Foud Fazalhi, Davood Khorshidi,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Background: The aim of the present study was to investigate the simultaneous effect of resistance training and stem cell injection on the levels of some indicators of skeletal muscle apoptosis in STZ-induced diabetic male rats.
Methods: In this study, 30 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups. Rats in the diabetic group and the diabetic group + stem cell injection had a total of 17 sessions of resistance training for 5 weeks. The training period for rats with this type of training was 3 days, which was done 48 hours before STZ injection. Western blotting was used to evaluate the changes in Caspase7 and caspase3. The data were analyzed using two-factor analysis of variance test with SPSS software version 19 at a significance level of α≤ 5%.
Results: The results of the present study showed that there was no significant difference between the mean of caspase3 in the resistance training group with simultaneous injection of stem cells and the training group. Also, resistance training with simultaneous injection of endothelial stem cells, compared to resistance training or injection alone, led to a significant reduction in Caspase7 expression in skeletal muscle tissue of diabetic rats.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that resistance training or injection of endothelial progenitor cells can stimulate apoptosis in skeletal muscle.
Bahman Hasanvand, Ahmad Mohammadi Moghaddam, Rohollah Geravand,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Background: The aging process is usually accompanied by a decrease in the function of the body's systems and physiological capacity, along with an increase in susceptibility to diseases, especially metabolic syndrome. This study looked at the effect of eight weeks of resistance training on levels of Irisin, IL-15, CRP, and Cholesterol in elderly men with metabolic syndrome.
Methods: The statistical population was elderly men in Khorramabad, of whom 18 were selected and randomly divided into two experimental groups and control (65/2±2/2, 65/4±2/1). The exercise program included leg presses, chest presses, row movements, bending the knees, head, back of the arm, opening of the knees and front of the arm. The above program started with 30% of a maximum repetition and reached 50% of a maximum repetition at the end of the eighth week. Blood samples were taken 48 hours before and after the training sessions. Correlated t-test and independent t-test were used to examine the research data. The level of significance was also considered (P<0.05).
Results: Eight weeks’ resistance exercise significant increase in Irisin (P=0.01) and interleukin-15 (P=0.007), as well as a significantly decreased levels of CRP (P=0.007) and total cholesterol(P=0.02) in elderly men with metabolic syndrome.
Conclusion: Finding non-pharmacological solutions to improve metabolic indicators is very important. Based on the results of research, doing resistance exercises is recommended as a low-cost and non-pharmacological solution for the treatment of metabolic syndrome in elderly men.
Iraj Khaleghi, Eidy Alijani, Alireza Rahimi, Mahsa Mohsenzadh,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (4-2022)
Background: Diabetic disorders can lead to muscle atrophy. The aim of this study was to investigate the combination of resistance training and endothelial progenitor cell injection on the expression of horseshoe muscle atrophy factor in diabetic rats.
Methods: 30 rats (6 weeks old weighing 200 20 200 g) were randomly divided into five groups: healthy baseline, control diabetic, trained diabetic, non-trained diabetic by endothelial progenitor cell injection, diabetic trained by simultaneous injection Endothelial progenitor cells were divided. Heat 25 was measured by Western blotting to evaluate changes in protein expression. Data were analyzed by two-factor analysis of variance test by SPSS software version 19 at a significance level of α≥ 5%.
Results: In this study, 6 weeks of resistance training had no significant effect on the expression of heat shock protein 25. But injection of endothelial progenitor cells resulted in a significant increase in the expression of heat shock protein 25. The interactive effect of resistance training and progenitor cell injection on heat shock protein 25 was not significant, in other words, there was no significant superiority over training and injection at the same time as training or injection alone.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be stated that injection of endothelial progenitor cells can improve muscle wasting but resistance training alone was not effective. Also, the combination of these two strategies was not superior in reducing the complications of atrophy in diabetic rats.
Elham Mokhtari, Amir Sarshin, Foad Feizolahi, Eidi Alijani,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Background: Type 1 diabetes is associated with decreased skeletal muscle capillary and improper regulation of angiogenesis pathways in skeletal muscle. This research intended to study the effect of resistance training and endothelial stem cell injection on βeta-actin, phosphorylated and total AKT of skeletal muscle in type 1 diabetic rats.
Methods: In this experimental study, 36 male Wistar rats (age 6 weeks) were divided into six groups of control (healthy), basal diabetic control, diabetic control, diabetes + stem cell injection, diabetes + resistance training and diabetes + stem cell injection + resistance training. In this study, rats became diabetic intraperitoneally using streptozotocin as a single dose of 40 mg/kg. Resistance exercises including climbing a one-meter ladder with weights hanging from the tail were performed for 17 sessions. 500,000 bone-derived stem cells were injected by a cell counter. The levels of βeta-actin, phosphorylated and total AKT in skeletal muscle tissue of rat were measured by using the Western blotting method.
Results: The results showed that resistance training led to significant increase in Pho-AKT, β-actin and Pho-AKT/AKT ratio and significant decrease in AKT of muscle tissue in type 1 diabetic rats (P<0.001). Injection of stem cells leads to significant increase in Pho-AKT and Pho-AKT/AKT ratio and resistance training with simultaneous injection of stem cells leads to significant increase in Pho-AKT, β-actin and significant decrease in Akt of muscle tissue in type 1 diabetic rats (P<0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, it is possible that the intervention of resistance training with injection of stem cells can help regulate the pathways of skeletal muscle angiogenesis in type 1 diabetes.
Suren Valafar, Eydi Alijani, Fariba Aghai, Mahsa Mohsenzadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Background: Diabetes, as a progressive disease, can lead to decreased immune function. therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the simultaneous effect of resistance training and endothelial progenitor cell injection on immunoglobulins (IgA, IgM, IgG) of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Methods 30 rats (aged 6 weeks with a mean weight of 200±20 g) were randomly divided into groups including Diabetes + stem cell injection + resistance training (n = 6), diabetes + resistance training (n = 6), diabetes + stem cell injection (n = 6), control diabetes (n = 6) and healthy basal (n = 6) Were divided. Western blotting was used to evaluate the changes in immunoglobulins. Also, two-way analysis of variance was used for comparison between and within the group, and for better understanding of the results, the effect size, and the amount of 95% confidence interval were given.
Results: The results showed that IgA (P = 0.022), IgM (P = 0.017), IgG (P = 0.045) had significant changes between groups. Also, there was a significant difference in all three variables between the control diabetes group and the diabetes + resistance training + injection group (P≤0.05).
Conclusion: Summarizing the results of the present study, it can probably be said that resistance training and simultaneous injection of endothelial progenitor cells improve the status of immunoglobulins by training and injection. These findings suggest that resistance training and injections can be used as a treatment to improve the function of the immune system due to diabetes.
Morteza Chenari, Alireza Rahimi, Amir Sarshin, Foad Feizolahi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (7-2022)
Background: Damage to the heart tissue in diabetics causes inflammation and destruction of heart cells, which in turn leads to apoptosis or cell death. The aim of this study was to investigate compare the effect of six weeks of aerobic and resistance training on apoptotic indice of caspase-8 and catalase in the heart tissue of male diabetic rats.
Method: In this experimental study, 24 male Wistar rats were divided into six groups: aerobic training, resistance training, aerobic sham, resistance sham, control and healthy. Diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a single dose of streptozotocin in the amount of 30 mg per kg. The aerobic and resistance training program was performed for six weeks. Western blotting was used to measure caspase-8 and catalase. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and Tukey post hoc test at the P<0.05.
Results: The results showed that the mean difference of caspase-8 between aerobic training group and healthy group (P=0.752), resistance training group with healthy group (P=0.723) and resistance training with aerobic training group (P=1.00) were significant. Caspase 8 was lower in the aerobic exercise group than in the resistance exercise group. The difference between the mean catalase between the aerobic training group with the healthy group (P=0.024) and the aerobic training group with the resistance training group (P=0.023) was significant and the amount of catalase in the resistance training group was higher than aerobic training.
Conclusion: Aerobic and resistance training can reduce the apoptotic index of caspase-8 and increase catalase in the heart tissue of diabetic rats.