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Showing 2 results for Sport Interventions

Esmat Mosayebi, Maryam Sharifi, Mahgol Tavakoli,
Volume 13, Issue 5 (7-2014)

Background: One of the important indicators of diabetes treatment and control is enhancement of quality of life in patients with diabetes. Therefore, in recent years, quality of life in these patients regarded by therapists and researchers and increased studies in this field. The aim of this study was collection and integration of these studies results to investigate the effect size of sport and psychological interventions on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes by meta-analysis method. Methods: For this purpose, 25 acceptable studies (15 psychological interventions, 10 sport interventions) in terms of methodology (hypothesis, research method, statistic population, volume of sample, sampling method, instrument measure & statistic analysis method) selected, and meta-analysis performed on them. Research instrument was checklist of meta-analysis. Results: The study findings showed that the rate of effect size of psychological interventions on quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes was d=0.95 (p<0.00001) and the effect size of sport interventions on quality of life in this patients was d=2.2(p<0.00001). According to Cohen’s chart both effect sizes of sport and psychological interventions were high. Conclusion: psychological and sport interventions can be effective on improvement of quality of life in patient with 2 diabetes.
Esmat Mosayebi, Maryam Sharifi, Ahmad Abedi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (5-2016)

Background: Diabetes is a chronic and prevalent disease. In recent years, its prevalence has increased because of lifestyle changes, immobility and subsequent obesity. The increase in diabetes prevalence has provoked multiple and scattered interventions by specialists and health care providers in order to control and regulate blood sugar and its related factors. The purpose of this study was to collect and integrate the results of these interventions in two fields of psychological and sport interventions and to investigate the impact of them on control of Glycosylated haemoglonin (HbA1c) in patients with diabetes by meta-analysis method.

Methods: For this purpose 38 acceptable studies (19 sport interventions and 19 psychological interventions), in terms of methodology, were selected and meta-analysis performed on them. This study is based on 38 effect sizes and research instrument is checklist of meta-analysis.

Results: The study findings showed that the effect size of psychological interventions on control of Glycosylated haemoglonbin is 0.67 (p<0.00001) and the effect size of sport interventions is 0.79 (p<0.00001).

Conclusion: according to Cohens chart, the effect size of both psychological and sport intervention on control of Glycosylated haemoglonin in patients with diabetes is medium. However, the effectiveness of sport interventions have been obtained more than the psychological intervention

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