Volume 4, Issue 3 (1 2011)                   ijhe 2011, 4(3): 331-340 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri P, Monazam M, Zare S, Azam K, Yousefi Z, Hematjo R. The Study of the Status of Electromagnetic Waves Resulting from BTS (Base Transceiver Station), 900 Megahertz Frequency in Tehran. ijhe 2011; 4 (3) :331-340
URL: http://ijhe.tums.ac.ir/article-1-64-en.html
Abstract:   (14471 Views)

Background and Objectives: with the developments of technology, contact with various frequencies of electromagnetic fields ( EMF ) has significantly increased, while the abundant benefits of using microwaves in routine life cannot be neglected. During recent years there have been reports of adverse effects caused by contact with electric and magnetic fields of these waves that spread from BTS antennas. The purpose of this study is the measurement of microwaves spreading around BTS antennas in Tehran.
Materials and Methods:  according to the location of BTS antennas in Tehran , power density of electromagnetic waves around 63 antennas in near and distant fields in different distances was measured. The measurements were performed using the standard method of IEEE Std C95.1 by Hi-4333 device .in order to analysis  data we used spss 16 and descriptive and deductive statistical tests.
Results: results of this study show that in the near field, with increase of distance  from the foot of antenna , the  average power density of electromagnetic waves increase in a way that in the distance of 10 meters from the antenna foot , the increase of average power density is hardly conceivable and from 10 to 15 meters distance is perfectly noticeable. But in the distant field, with increase of distance from 20 meters, the average power density of the electromagnetic waves decreases and from 100 meter and further, the gradient of the diagram will get almost linear and the rate of power density reaches the base limit in a way that with the increase of distance there would be no significant decrease.
Conclusion: All the measures of power density of electromagnetic waves caused by BTSs are about 0.06% of recommended measures of environmental standards and 0.0000013% of occupational standards. The results of this study are close to the results of other studies.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2011/06/18 | Accepted: 2011/09/10 | Published: 2011/10/31

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