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Showing 4 results for Ahmadi Orkomi

A Ahmadi Orkomi, A Kamkar, Z Aghajani,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objective: Since mobile resources are the most important sources of air pollution in the metropolis of Rasht and due to the importance of air pollution in wet weather condition in Rasht, this research was carried out in a specific area to determine the pattern governing the change in the monthly emissions of pollutants on a small scale, using the results obtained from that area.
Materials and Methods: In this study, the amount of air pollutants was estimated on a small scale by continuous monitoring of traffic throughout the year (four days per month and six hours per day) and using MOVES software.
Results: The maximum annual average emissions of CO and NOx in the study area were 15.76 (between Gas and Razi squares) and 2 (between Imam Hossein Square and Nirou Daryaee square) g/(, respectively. In addition, the results showed that the average monthly emission of NOX throughout the year in each of the sections was constant and the average monthly emission of CO in the first half and the second half of the year was constant, and its value in the first half was higher than that in the second half.
Conclusion: Hourly distribution of CO emission in different months was affected by events and, in general, the pattern of people's life styles. But the hourly distribution for NOX was roughly constant throughout the year. Also, according to the results, with a single measurement (for CO) and twice measurement (for NOX) of traffic instead of monthly measurements, the pollutant emission estimation in other parts of the city was possible with an acceptable accuracy. Because the generalization of the method used in this study to estimate the emission of pollutants in all roads of the city is not reasonable and cost-effective.

Ali Ahmadi Orkomi, Melika Mirchi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (8-2020)

Background and Objective: Since people spend a lot of time indoors, assessment of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)is the first step to improve working and living conditions in closed environments. This study wasconducted to evaluate the SBS symptoms among staff in Razi Hospital of Chalous, to identify the affecting environmental parameters on these symptoms and to provide solutions to reduce the symptoms of SBS.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conductedrandomly among 72 out of 240 hospital’s staff. Questionnaire MM040EA was used to collect demographic data, SBS symptoms and affecting environmental factors. Statistical analysis was carried out using Pearson’s Chi-squared test and Fisher's exact test in Excel software.
Results: 60% of people showed moderate to severe SBS symptoms. Fatigue, headache, and sneezing were the most common symptoms among staff, with 85%, 75%, and 63%, respectively. Significant correlation was observed between SBS symptoms and room temperature fluctuations (p <0.001), low ambient temperature (p = 0.037), unpleasant odor (p = 0.043) and gender (p = 0.011) with significance level of α=0.05.
Conclusion: Investigating the influence of work environmental related factors on the general symptoms of SBS as well as on fatigue, headache and sneezing symptoms showed room temperature fluctuation and unpleasant odor as the most important driving factors. These symptoms were mainly due to the improper air conditioning system operation at the hospital to control the temperature. Therefore, it is expected that the prevalence of SBS among staff can be reduced significantly by improving the ventilation system performance, especially in winter.

Ali Ahmadi Orkomi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (4-2022)

Background and Objective: Greenhouse gas emission estimation and submitting a regular national report on climate change has been underway since 2003. Given the importance of this issue, estimating emissions at the provincial level and assessing local emission management capacities will make the country more agile in reporting and emission control.
Materials and Methods: The greenhouse gas emission in four sectors as energy, industry, agriculture, forestry and other landuse and wastes and all sub-sectors of these areas was determined in Guilan Province. The annual emission has been estimated using the 2019 activity data and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) software.
Results: The gross and per capita greenhouse gases’ emission of the province are 18.5 Mt and 7.31 tons per year carbon dioxide equivalent, respectively, so that the annual ecological supply of forests to capture greenhouse gases is estimated at 2 Mt. The thermal power plants, residential consumption (except electricity) and transportation sectors are the major emission sectors in the province with 36, 23 and 19% share, respectively. Out of four scenarios, the wind farms development scenario (nominal capacity 3 GW) and 10% energy savings in the residential sector reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 9% and 2.9%, respectively. The cumulative impact of all the proposed scenarios by 2030 will also lead to a 13% reduction in emissions compared to the current situation.
Conclusion: Considering the existing capacities in the clean power generation and energy saving in the residential sector, it is possible to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by 13% by 2030. Since the proposed scenarios are regionalized and do not depend on management decisions in other provinces, they have good feasibility. Consequently, if clean power generation plans are established in other provinces and energy consumption management in the transport sector is applied at the national scale, it may be expected that the country's minimum commitments (4% reduction compared to 2010) will be met.
Mohammad Hssanabadi, Mohammad Sadegh Hassanvand, Mohammad Khanizadeh, Sasan Faridi, Adel Mokammel, Bita Malekian Esfahani, Ali Ahmadi Orkomi, Fatemeh Momeniha,
Volume 17, Issue 3 (12-2024)

Background and Objective: The initial step in managing methane emissions is quantification. This study aims to comprehensively investigate the methods for estimating and measuring methane gas emissions in municipal solid waste landfills.
Materials and Methods: This systematic review includes studies published in English and Farsi between January 2005 and May 2023. English-language articles were included from  PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus databases, while Persian-language articles were included from SID, Majiran and Google Scholar.
Results: After evaluating the studies, 90 studies providing information on methods for measuring and estimating methane gas emissions in urban landfills were selected. The results showed that emission estimates based on widely used models like LandGEM and IPCC, despite being lower in cost and providing faster results, are often associated with relatively high uncertainty. Therefore, quantitative and qualitative methods of direct measurement are preferred for accurately determining methane emissions from landfills. The most commonly used methods for measuring greenhouse gases, especially methane from landfills, include direct reading equipment and closed flux determination chambers.
Conclusion: Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from primary sources allows responsible authorities to understand the current status of methane emissions and to formulate reduction strategies. The findings of estimated methane emissions from landfills can differ significantly from the actual measurements in some situations. Therefore, while these estimation methods are  useful, fast and cost-effective tools, their inherent uncertainties should be considered when using them.

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