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Showing 11 results for Bagheri

Amir Bagheri, Gholamreza Moussavi, Ali Khavanin,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (13 2012)

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background and Objectives: Formaldehyde is a toxic substance and harmful to human beings and the environmental health. Therefore, the effluents containing formaldehyde have to be efficiently treated before discharging into the environment. This study was aimed at investigating the efficiency of Electro-Fenton (EF) Process in pre-treating industrial wastewater containing high concentrations of formaldehyde.
Materials and Methods: The effect of the important operational variables including pH, current density, H2O2 dosage, and reaction time were evaluated on the degradation of 7500 mg/L formaldehyde using batch tests. The EFP batch reactor was consisted of a cylindrical glass column with 5.20 cm in internal diameter and 34.50 cm in height. Working volume of the reactor was 500 mL.
Results: The maximum formaldehyde removal was obtained at alkaline pH of 10, H2O2 concentration of 10 mM/min, current intensity 8.5 mA/cm2, and the reaction time of 6 minute. Furthermore, aerating the EFP cell could enhance the formaldehyde removal. Complete removal of formaldehyde was obtained under the abovementioned operational conditions.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the EFP is capable of reducing high concentration of formaldehyde (7500 mg/l) to the level suitable for biological post-treatment.

Z Bagheri, Ar Riyahi Bakhtiari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (7-2014)

Background and Objectives: The present study was designed to determine total mercury concentrations in sediment and the soft tissues of two bivalve species, Saccostrea cucullata and Callista umbonella, in coastline of Bandar Abbas in 2011. Materials and Methods: Generally, 67 bivalves and 10 sediment samples were collected from two stations (terminal of Bandar Abbas and tourism park of Soro). We measured total mercury concentrations in each sample using Mercury Analyzer (Leco AMA 254). Results: Means of mercury concentration were 145.58 and 151.13 (ng/g dw) in soft tissues of oyster S. cucullata and 34.5 and 63.95 in the soft tissues of Clam C. umbonella in two stations, terminal of Bandar Abbas and tourism park of Soro respectively. Total mercury concentrations were 30.27 and 20.55 (ng /g dw) in the sediment samples in two stations, terminal of Bandar Abbas and tourism park of Soro respectively. A significant difference was found in mercury concentrations between soft tissue of the two species (p <0.01). Conclusion: Considering higher concentration of mercury in the soft tissues of oyster S. cucullata than clam C. umbonella, lower coefficient of variation in soft tissue of oyster relative to clam C. umbonella, and also significant correlations between mercury levels in the soft tissue of oyster and sediments, it can be concluded that the soft tissues of oyster S. cucullata can be used as biomonitoring agent for mercury in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbas. In comparison with food safety standards (FDA, EU Commission and NHMRC), mercury concentrations in oysters were well within the permissible limits for human consumption.

Amir Hossein Javid, Seyed Ahmad Mirbagheri, Arezoo Karimian,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (10-2014)

Background and Objectives: Dez dam located on Karun River is one of the largest Iranian dams. In a field study, EC, NO3, NH4, PO4, turbidity, TS, alkalinity, coli, temperature, chlorophyll a, DO, BOD5, and Secchi disk (at depths of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, and 50 m)were measured at five sampling points during 2011-2012 water year. Materials and Methods: Water Quality Index and TSI were calculated for all sampling points and quality zonation was conducted in GIS. Results: It was found that the best water quality index for reservoir water is at second sampling point with amount of 61 situated at the center of reservoir, and the worst index is at entering point to the reservoir with amount of 46 in April. The main reason of changes was turnover of thermal stratification. Conclusion: The laboratory analysis and assessing the quality indices revealed that the Dez reservoir water is suitable for variety of public uses, however, it needs advanced treatment for drinking purpose. Moreover, in the case of continuity of pollutant entrance into the reservoir, the eutrophication risk would threaten the reservoir water quality. Eutrophication occurrence will cause serious limitations in water use applicability, increase turbidity, produce toxic materials, and increase sedimentation regime.

A Shahbazi, F Bagheri Zonoz, H Aboomaash-Zadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (8-2015)

Background and Objectives: Although amount of hospital waste generation is less than urban waste generation, but because of health risks involved, these wastes need to be managed precisely and specifically. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to survey quality and quantity of waste generation in Emam Khomaini Hospital, Karaj, Iran and to estimate its generation process in future. Materials and Methods: the total amount of different waste percentage and its weight were examined and analyzed through monthly sampling from segregated waste (including general, infectious, pharmaceutical, and sharp wastes) in Emam Khomaini Hospital in Karaj during four years (2010-2013). Results: the hospital waste generation rate became double during four years of study. Among different types of waste, the highest monthly averages per bed for general and infectious waste was 48.3 and 46.5% respectively. In addition, the most and least amount of waste generation was observed in April and September respectively. Analysis of variance showed that the increasing trend of waste generation had a significant difference (P<0.001). Moreover, the estimate of waste generation process through ARIMA time series model represented continuation of increasing trend of waste generation up to 6.3 (kg bed-1 day-1) on December 2014. Conclusion: Waste generation in Emam Khomaini’s hospital follows an increase trend ( average generation from 2.98 to 4.44 kg bed-1 day-1 in 2010 to 2012 respectively, reflecting the increasing trend in the waste generation. ARIMA time series model shows that the waste generation rate would be 1.5 fold more in autumn 2014. Estimate of waste generation is necessary for planning and designing of waste management.

R Bagheri, S Sobhanardakani, B Lorestani,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2017)

Background and Objective: In countries such as Iran that are facing with water scarcity and water crisis, paying attention to the quantity, quality and sustainable use of water resources is very significant. Petrochemical processes discharge pollutants into the environment, contaminating surface water resources. Therefore, treatment of the wastewater of these industries is necessary. Due to the capabilities of AHP process such as generalization, consideration of various parameters, multi-dimensional selection and quantifying the qualitative parameters by experts, the current study was carried out to select the best wastewater treatment alternative for HDPE plant of petrochemical research and technology company-Arak center based on AHP in 2016.
Materials and Methods: In this study, both sequencing batch reactors (SBR) and extended aeration activated sludge (EAAS) systems based on environmental, technical-functional, economic and management criteria's according to the expert's opinion were weighted. Then, the paired comparisons of the selected wastewater treatment systems for each criterion were developed. Finally, the results were analyzed to select the best wastewater treatment systems for HDPE unit of petrochemical industries using Expert Choice 11 Software.
Results: The results showed that the SBR wastewater treatment system was the best method for the wastewater treatment of HDPE plant of petrochemical research and technology company-Arak center as compared with the ESSA system. Also, consistency ratio was ranged from 0 to 0.10 in all emphases. Based on the results of the sensitivity analysis, the SBR system had the highest priority of economic and environmental criteria. The ESSA system had the highest priority of technical-functional and management criteria.
Conclusion: Based on the results, although ESSA method requires more maintainance and management than the SBR method, due to increasing requirement for the compliance of the output effluent quality with permissible limits and the need for less land for the establishment of the treatment plant, the SBR method was selected to be the most suitable process for HDPE plant wastewater treatment.

A Bondori, A Bagheri, M Sookhtanlou, O Jamshidi, A Norozi,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Background and Objective: Farmers in agricultural activities deal with various forms of chemical pesticides and thus their knowledge level can have a positive or negative impact on the food health of a community and the environment. Understanding their knowledge about the consequences of poisoning will provide an effective extension for promoting environmentally friendly methods in farms and maintaining food security. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess the farmers' knowledge of Moghan plain about the consequences of chemical pesticides use for community health, the environment and food security in 2017.
Materials and Methods: The method of this study is descriptive and survey. The statistical population consisted of all farmers (water cultivation) in the Moghan plain. The sample size of 400 was determined by multi-stage sampling method and using Kerjesi and Morgan table (1970). The study tool was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by a panel of experts and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient.
Results: The findings showed that the majority of the farmers had relatively poor knowledge about the consequences of using chemical pesticides. The results of structural equation modeling (using Lisrel software) showed that the use of information resources, in total, predicted 24% of variance of farmers' knowledge about the consequences of chemical pesticides.
Conclusion: Given that more favorable safety behavior and cultivation of more healthy crops are based on the farmers' knowledge about the use and consequences of chemical pesticides, hence, the attention of authorities and planners for conducting various workshops in line with farmers' perceptions about the use of knowledge and the consequences chemical pesticides are needed.
Asghar Bagheri, Naier Emami,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Background and Objective: Pesticides are the major components of production in modern agriculture, however, as their widely usage, the hazards associated with their wastes have become of increasing concern. The aim of this study is to investigate orchard farmers’ attitudes toward proper disposal of pesticide wastes.
Materials and Methods: The statistical population of the study includes all orchard farmers in Meshkinshahr County (N=32,300). A total sample size of 300 farmers was selected and the data were collected. The research instrument was a questionnaire which was validated by a panel of university staff. A pilot study was conducted with 30 farmers outside the sample villages and Cronbach's alpha showed high reliability of the instrument.
Results: Due to the pesticides use, significant amounts of wastes are produced annually. Farmers do not properly dispose pesticide wastes. They leave the wastes on the farm, dump it in canals or river flow, or burn it. Farmers were not well informed about triple rinsing of containers before disposal. Most farmers used masks, hats, and gloves, 53% used boots and 7.7% used goggles, though none of them used coverall during pesticides’ handling. Respondents took negative to moderate attitudes towards proper wastes disposal. Age, education, and participation in extension programs were the most important determinants of the attitudes.
Conclusion: Considering the relatively negative attitude and improper waste disposal, it is necessary to establish centers for waste collection, to inform and encourage farmers to dispose of waste properly. Relevant organizations, such as health and the environment should plan for pesticide waste management.

Fatemeh Bagheri, Mehri Rezayi,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate dust origin particulate (PM2.5) in Mashhad city in a long period of time (2014-2019) based on unhealthy days. Furthermore, changes in meteorological parameters and their relationship with dust storms have also been investigated.
Materials and Methods: In order to locate dust pollution hotspots in mashhad air, first, information about unhealthy days of Mashhad city in a 5-year period was obtained from the site of Mashhad Pollutants Monitoring Center and then HYSPLIT model was used to locate air pollution hotspots caused by particulate matter. To verify the results, the outputs obtained from this model were also compared with the DREAM8b model.
Results: By examining the meteorological parameters and its relationship with the outputs obtained from THEHYSPLIT and DREAM8b models, the maximum wind speed and relative humidity were obtained in autumn. There was no rainfall in the studied days (19 days) and the highest temperature was related to summer, indicating the relationship between the occurrences of polluted days due to particulate matter less than μ 2.5, wind speed and relative humidity in autumn. The results of the two models showed that the southern and northeastern regions of Mashhad city had the highest source of dust particles during the studied days.
Conclusion:  Although in previous articles, the origin of dust in Mashhad city was announced outside the geographical boundaries of the province, long-term investigation at low altitude (below 10m) showed that local origin of dust have an essential role in air pollution in Mashhad city under unstable atmospheric conditions. Inappropriate use of agricultural lands and severe changes in land use often in the northern region and implementation of construction projects such as the southern belt of Mashhad city play essential roles in increasing PM2.5 particles in the air of Mashhad. This finding shows the importance of decision making for the implementation of soil stabilization projects etc... at the local level.

Samira Bagheri, Farhad Nejadkoorki, Seyed Alireza Afshani, Vahid Mousavi,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Objective:  One of the important environmental problems is the mass production of urban waste, which has increased per capita household waste production with the ever-increasing population growth; Therefore, nowadays, the use of intelligent systems has been expanded as a new solution in the analysis of environmental issues. Estimation of household waste through modeling, including the use of the fuzzy-neural network, leads to its better management. Therefore, the current research was conducted to investigate the socioeconomic factors on household waste production using the Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in Tabriz city.
Materials and Method:   In this research, by using the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (AFNIS) with the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method, domestic waste generation in Tabriz city has been predicted. According to the nature of the subject and the investigated indicators, the information collected in descriptive research was collected from the students of schools in Tabriz using a questionnaire. Also, socio-economic factors were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 26 software, and parameters affecting domestic waste production in Tabriz city were used for modeling in MATLAB software.
Results: The results of the study showed that the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with the Fuzzy C-Means method has acceptable performance for domestic waste production in Tabriz city.
Conclusion:  According to the results obtained based on the statistical index, the forecasted model in domestic waste production in the Fuzzy C-Means method with the highest R (0.75) and the lowest error has an acceptable performance model in predicting the production of dry domestic waste in the studied area.

Ahmad Jonidi Jafari, Davarkhah Rabbani, Samaneh Bagheri Arani, Ehsan Zarei, Mohsen Hosami Arani,
Volume 16, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Objective: Compliance with the principles of environmental health is of particular importance in any gathering ceremony. This issue needs more attention in the Muharram and Safar mourning ceremonies due to the position of health in Islam and the presence of different populations in this ceremony. Based on this, the present study was conducted with the aim of environmental health management during Muharram and Safar days using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Materials and Methods: According to the main purpose of the study, a literature review was done. Then, a team of experts was formed and criteria, sub-criteria and programs related to the purpose of the study were determined by brainstorming, and the relevant questionnaire was prepared and after completion by 25 experts, the relevant criteria were prioritized using the Analytic Hierarchy Process.
Results: Based on the weighting with the Analytic Hierarchy Process method, the highest score (0.441) was awarded to the health inspection criteria, and then the administrative coordination criteria(0.186), education (0.182), reporting (0.169) and finally the support and services criterion (0.022) were prioritized.
Conclusion: The results of the study indicate the emphasis on environmental health management during the Muharram and Safar mourning ceremonies from the point of view of experts, that compliance with the three principles of health inspection, administrative coordination and continuous training has the particular importance.

Hooshmand Bagheri Garbollagh, Fatemh Mohammadi,
Volume 17, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Background and Objective: The challenge of fostering healthier societies begins with considering the environment and promoting collective acceptance of environmentally friendly behaviors. Consumer choices regarding the environment impact the health and quality of life for current and future generations. Therefore, it is essential for academics and marketers to understand the concept and characteristics of green consumers. Consequently, the aim of the current research is to identify factors influencing consumers' attitudes toward environmentally friendly products, while also considering the moderating role of green innovation.
Materials and Methods: This study is applied in terms of purpose, descriptive and survey method. The statistical population comprises all consumers of green products in Shahin Dezh city. A sample size of 208 individuals was determined using Cochran's formula selected through simple random sampling. A standard questionnaire was used to collect information. To analyze the research data, structural equation modeling software Lisrel and Smart-Pls3 were used.
Results: The research findings indicated that environmental attitude (significance coefficient of 5.20), health consciousness (significance coefficient of 4.07), and environmental knowledge (significance coefficient of 3.30) positively influence consumers' attitude toward green products. Additionally, the study recognized and confirmed the significance of the green innovation variable as an important moderating factor in this relationship.
These relationships are statistically significant. Additionally, the study recognizes and confirms the green innovation variable as an important moderating variable in this relationship.
Conclusion: Our findings offer valuable insights for tailoring educational strategies targeted at diverse consumer groups to promote the adoption of environmentally friendly products. By fostering such consumer behavior, we aim to contribute to the creation of a healthier environment for both present and future generations.

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