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Showing 3 results for Emamjome

Mohammad Malakootian, Hassan Izanloo, Maryam Messerghany, Mohammad Mahdi Emamjomeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (13 2012)

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background and Objectives: leachate from municipal solid waste landfill is a strong sewage having hazardous toxic substances. It should be treated by choosing a simple, economical, and eco-friendly method. The aim of this study is reduction of COD from the Qom City landfill leachate using electrocoagulation process.  
Materials and Methods: The experimental study was carried out at bench scale using a batch reactor during 2010.  We used a Plexiglas reactor having 0.7 liter capacity, containing nine plate aluminum electrodes connected to a DC power supply (10-60V, 1-5A). Samples were collected in the middle of cell at regular (every 10 minutes) time intervals. The concentration of COD was determined using a COD analyzer. The effects of different parameters including current density (52.08, 69.44 mA/cm2), electrolyte time (10, 20,30,40,50 and 60 min), and voltage range (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 volt) were investigated.
Results: For a voltage of 60 V and electrolysis time 60 min, the COD removal efficiency was increased from 48.7% for 52.08 mA/cm2 to 77.4% for 69.44 mA/cm2. The highest TSS removal efficiency was obtained at the largest current input when the voltage and electrolysis time were kept at 60V and 60 min respectively.
Conclusion: The results showed that the highest COD removal efficiency (77.4%) was obtained when the current density was 69.44 Ma/cm2 and the voltage and electrolysis time were kept at 60V and 60 min respectively. Power consumption for this removal level was measured to be 431.26 kWh per kg COD removal. The results obtained revealed that the electrocoagulation technology is an effective treatment process for landfill leachate.

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Rs Hajimirmohammad Ali, H Karyab, Ha Jamali, Mm Emamjome, F Ansari Maleki, A Arezomand,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Improper and incorrect implementation of sewage collection networks can cause environmental and health problems. It also causes dissatisfaction in urban residents. The purpose of this study was to design a questionnaire for evaluating satisfaction level of urban residents from sewage collection network. Face validity index, content validity ratio and Cronbach-coefficient were used to evaluate validity and internal consistency. The evaluated indexes were assessed in acceptable levels. The designed tool that was included 25 variables can be used to assess satisfaction level by researchers and wastewater companies.

Hamid Kariab, Mohammad Mehdi Emamjomeh, Sheida Zakariaie,
Volume 15, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Background and Objective: Due to the presence of heavy metals (HMs), sludge produced in industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWPT) is classified as special waste and can cause adverse health effects. The present study aimed to identify special wastes and assess the risk associated with the presence of HMs in the sludge of WWTP from an Industrial City.
Materials and Methods: Identifying the special wastes was conducted using a checklist, and classification was performed in accordance with the Basel Convention. Ecological risk assessment was done by determining the geo-accumulation and ecological indexes. The estimation of health risk was done by determining HQ and ELCR indexes.
Results: The highest amount of special waste was allocated to sludge with a value of 3900.0 kg/month. Chromium was detected in the highest concentration (95.89 ± 52.15 mg/kg). The level of chromium and nickel pollution was evaluated in the low range, and cadmium was very severe. The ecological risk of lead was estimated in a significant range and was very high for cadmium. The HQ was less than 1, and the ELCR for inhalation and dermal exposure was estimated to be lower than the acceptable risk level of WHO.
Conclusion: The present study showed that the largest amount of special waste is dedicated to sludge. Although the concentration of  HMs was lower than the acceptable limits, the sludge had a high ecological risk level. Therefore, the accumulation and transfer of sludge must be carried out under the provisions of the Basel Convention and environmental considerations.

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