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Showing 10 results for Hosseini

P. Nassiri, M.r Monazzam, K Azam, N Hosseini Gousheh, S Farhang Dehghan,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (2 2012)

Background and Objectives: Sound of motorcycles plays an important role in noise pollution in big cities. This is due to the lack of national law or standards to control the noise of domestic and also imported motorcycles. This study tries to introduce a practical limit value in different stage of motorcycle life cycle by assessing their noise pollution.
Materials and Methods: First the motorcycles noise standards at different countries were studied and they were compared with the results from noise level of 622 motorcycles in 3 different groups. The sample volume in each group corresponds to the amount of their annual production rate. Then using statistical tests, a limit was determined in which 90% of the domestic motorcycles can be covered. The limit is proposed as the standard for domestic motorcycle noise.
Results: The limit for motorcycles of groups 1, 2 and 3were 84, 86 and 87 dB (A) ,respectively in the TA stage. For the COP stage (Conformity of Production), the limit increases according to certain formula. In the end, a flowchart was proposed as a standard method for measuring the sound of motorcycles in the TA and COP stages was proposed.
Conclusion: Noise level of the domestic motorcycles is at least 9 dB (A) higher than the noise limit value of European motorcycle. If European limit value is considered for producing the national motorcycle, 90% of them will get out of production cycle and this would not be practical.

Farideh Golbabaie, Mohammad Reza Monazam Esmaieli, Rasoul Hemmatjou, Parvin Nasiri, Gholam Reza Pour Yaaghoub, Mostafa Hosseini,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (13 2012)

MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Background and Objectives: Heat stress is considered as a serious threat to the health and safety of workers in many industries, including petrochemical and steel. Assessment of the heat stress is important from the disease prevention point of view and also for the safety and performance of workers at workplace. Although there are many indices to evaluate the heat stress, it is hard to select an applicable index for a wide range of weather conditions. The purpose of the study was to develop an optimal index based on physiological parameters in a petrochemical industry. 
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a petrochemical industry located in Assaluyeh (south of Iran). Twenty one healthy young men at different levels of fitness and heat acclimation volunteered to participate in the study. Physiological parameters including heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, skin temperature and oral temperature were measured during the working day over two consecutive weeks. Simultaneously, we measured the climatic parameters required to calculate the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), required sweat rate (SWreq), and the discomfort index (DI) indices.
Results: All the measurements took place on 2 sites: Kar (working place) and Paziresh (resting room). Our results showed  that the mean values of indices and physiological parameters   in Kar    for both acclimated and unacclimated groups were significantly higher than Paziresh (P<0.05). There was the strongest linear correlation between WBGT and heart rate (0.731), systolic blood pressure (0.695) and diastolic blood pressure (0.375) and skin temperature (0.451) respectively. The amounts of DI were 0.725, 0.446, 0.352, and 0.689 respectively. But the strongest linear relationship existed between SWreq and deep body temperature (0.766).
Conclusion:  There were significant differences in the present indices and physiological parameters of Kar and Paziresh, confirming the previous studies findings. Finally, WBGT was considered optimal index and the results revealed the almost perfect linear correlation between WBGT and heart rate. We propose WBGT can be the most applicable index for evaluating heat stress in this climate.  

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M Malakootian, A. H Mahvi, H Jafari Mansoorian, M Alizadeh, A.r Hosseini,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background and Objective: Phenol and phenol derivatives in industrial wastewater are among the pollutants with priorities. The high cost and low efficiency of some routine treatment processes of industrial wastewater has limited their use. One of the new methods under consideration is, nowadays, adsorption using carbon nanotubes. This study was conducted in order to evaluate the application of alumina-coated multiwall carbon nanotubes in eliminating phenol from synthetic wastewater. Materials and Methods: This study was performed in laboratory at batch scale. Multi-wall carbon nanotubes were coated with Alumina. The concentration of phenol was determined by spectrophotometer through photometry. The effect of pH changes, dosage of adsorbent, contact time, the initial concentration of phenol, temperature, and the concentrations of different salts on the efficiency of absorption was evaluated. Then, the absorption results were described using the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and the synthetics of absorption. Results: It was found that absorption efficiency increased significantly by decreasing the initial concentration of phenol and pH and by increasing the carbon nanotube dosage, temperature, and contact time. On the other hand, the maximum elimination of phenol from the solution (98.86%) occurred at 4 mg/l phenol concentration, under acidic conditions (pH=3), at adsorbent dosage of 0.05 g/l, at temperature of 45°C, and contact time of 10 min. Evaluation of the regressions isotherms showed that the process follows the Langmuir model and second-degree synthetic absorption. Conclusion: The high efficacy (98%) of the adsorption process in this study showed that alumina-coated multiwall carbon nanotubes have a good capability in eliminating phenol and can be used as an appropriate and new method for eliminating phenol and its derivatives from wastewater.

M Rastegari, M Saeedi, A Mollahosseini,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (8-2015)

Background & Objectives: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered as important organic contaminants due to their high toxicity and carcinogenic properties. Among PAHs, phenanthrene is found in most contaminated sites. Sorption and desorption of phenanthrene in soil affect the fate of the contaminant in soil-water system. Presence of organic matter (OM) in the soil matrix can also affect sorption and desorption of phenantherene. In this research, effect of soil organic matter on sorption of phenanthrene in kaolin soil was studied. Materials & Methods: The sorption of sorption of phenanthrene in kaolin clay was assessed in the presence and absence of organic matter. These two soil types were used in batch sorption experiments of Phenanthrene to determine the sorption properties. Results: It was found that organic matter increases the cation exchange capacity, water content, and pH of the soil. Sorption of phenantherene in both kaolin and OM-added kaolin was better fitted with Freundlich linear model. Moreover. soil organic matter increased phenanthrene sorption in soil. Conclusion: It was observed that with 41.04% increase in OM, distribution coefficient of phenanthrene sorption in soil increased by 36.69%.

Sh Hosseini, A Salehi, E Shokry,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Objective: Increasing population growth and construction of high-rise buildings have doubled the amount of environmental pollution in the cities. Moreover, people use the open urban spaces more than before in order to meet their ecological needs. Accordingly, some parameters such as various vegetation and continuous winds streams can be considerably influential in transmittance of the particle pollution.  Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the impacts of different green roofs on the dispersion of pollutants in the standpoint of height and density for urban airflow condition of Shiraz City, Iran.

Materials and Methods: In this study, a literature review in the field computer simulation with the help of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model in Envi-met software environment was used.

Results: Regarding the importance of using vegetation in the urban spaces, vertical dispersion of the particles in presence of vegetation was explored. By comparing the basic model (without vegetation) results with models including vegetation with short, medium and high crowns, it was revealed that vegetation with medium crowns is the closest model to the basic model with a difference of 7.65 m2/s in terms of vertical dispersion of particles; in fact, it was the most optimized condition for maximizing the dispersion of environmental pollutants.

Conclusion: The results showed that the green roofs in the buildings increase the horizontal dispersion of the particulate pollution and decrease this term in the vertical dispersion. Finally, by an expansion of green roof usage in the buildings the sustainability in architecture and urbanism can be achieved.

Mj Sana, Z Hosseini Siahi,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Background and Objective: Food-borne diseases are among the most important public health problems. Among them, Salmonella is one of the most important food pathogens. Different Salmonella serotypes enter body through food and causes food infections in consumers. One of the most important evaluation criteria for health is to determine the microbial load of food.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 245 shrimp samples supplied in Khuzestan province were taken randomly. The samples kept on ice were transferred to the laboratory and immediately tested microbiologically.     
Results:  In this study, in 50.2 percent of the samples, the average number of bacteria per mL of the rinse water used to rinse the shrimps was 2200 bacteria, in 29.8 percent of the samples, it was 13600 bacteria and in 20.0 percent of the samples, the average number of bacteria per mL of the rinse water, it was 36700 bacteria. Based on these results, the average number of bacteria in the total samples was 20000 bacteria per mL rinse water. Out of the total samples assessed 33 samples were positive and 212 were negative for Salmonella, showing a 13.4 percent prevalence of Salmonella contamination in the shrimp production in Khuzestan Province.
Conclusion: Due to the microbial load and Salmonella contamination in shrimp supply in the province of Khuzestan raw or undercooked consumption of shrimps can increase the possibility of problems for consumers.

H Hosseini, A Shakeri, M Rezaei, M Dashti Barmaki, M Shahraki,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and Objective: Chahnimeh water reservoirs in Sistan and Baluchestan Province are the most important sources for drinking water and irrigation purposes. Many factors such as precipitation, the geography of the watershed, atmosphere, geology and Human activities affect on the chemical, physical, and biological compositions of Chahnimeh water reservoirs. Therefore, the main goal of the present study was to monitor and assess water quality in four Chahnimeh reservoirs during two sampling periods.
Materials and Methods: 84 water samples were taken based on the standard methods (in September 2017 and April 2018) for measurement of the most important physicochemical parameters including major anions, total coliform, BOD, EC, TDS, pH and nitrate. Water quality index (WQI) was used to evaluate the overall water quality status in the Chahnimeh reservoirs.
Results:  The results of hydro-geochemical analysis indicated that the water type changed from sodic bicarbonate and sulfur dioxide to radicle chloride during sampling periods. The Gibbs chart showed that weathering of rocks mainly controlled the chemistry of the main water ions. The results of statistical analyses revealed that there was a high correlation between parameters such as chlorophyll, nitrate, sulfate and chlorine with water quality index. Water quality zoning results based on the WQI index indicated a decrease in the water quality of the wells by 3, 2, 1, and 4, respectively.
Conclusion: In this study, the use of WQI was helpful for fast data interpretation for drinking water purposes in the area. Based on the WQI classification, majority of the samples are falling under good to poor water category.

Nayereh Sadat Hosseini, Soheil Sobhanardakani, Mehrdad Cheraghi, Bahareh Lorestani, Hajar Merrikhpour,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (2-2021)

Background and Objective: Monitoring of traffic emissions is a good way to build a safe ecosystem for living organisms. Therefore, the present study was conducted to assess the feasibility of using Achillea wilhelmsii and Cardaria draba located along the suburban roads of Hamadan for Zn, Pb and Ni removal by their aerial and underground organs in 2020.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, after selecting 3 sampling stations, a total of 126 plant samples and 63 soil samples were collected. In the laboratory, the samples were prepared, and were then digested with acid. Subsequentely, the concentration of each heavy metal was measured by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Moreover, bioconcentration factor (BCF), bioaccumulation factor (BAF), transfer factor (TF) and metal accumulation index (MAI) were also calculated. Statistical analyses of the results were performed using SPSS statistical software.
Results: The mean values of BCF and BAF in both A. wilhelmsii and C. draba for all tested elements were greater than 1. On the other hand, A. wilhelmsii showed TF greater than 1 for zinc while C. draba showed TF greater than 1 for zinc and lead. The highest mean values of MAI in unwashed and washed shoots and roots of A. wilhelmsii were 98.48, 64.87 and 72.38, respectively.
Conclusion: Based on the calculated average values of BCF, BAF and TF of each elements, it can be argued that A. wilhelmsii and C. draba species have the potential of phytoextraction and Phytostabilization of the measured heavy metals and can be used for biomonitoring and bioremediation from soil and air in the heavy metals polluted areas.

Navid Ahmadi, Mozhgan Ahmadi Nodushan, Mohammad Hadi Abolhasani, Seyed Abbas Hosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (8-2022)

Background and Objective: The presence of PAHs in the environment can cause a problem as their presence has a deleterious effect on humans and animals. They also have the ability to cause tumors in humans and animals. Generally, to remove crude oil pollutants from seawater, various physicochemical and biological treatment methods have been applied worldwide. A biological treatment method using bacteria, fungi, and algae has recently gained a lot of attention due to its efficiency and lower cost. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, microalgae have features such as a high proliferation rate, and cultivability in various water ecosystems.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, a total of 12 samples of synthetic oil wastewater were prepared at 2.5 g/L, 7.5 g/L, and 12.5 g/L that were called C1, C2 and C3.The gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS) method was used for the determination of PAHs compounds in the samples. Furthermore, water samples were further analyzed for the amounts of biological oxygen demand (BOD), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total organic carbon (TOC). Chlorophyll A, biomass, amounts of nitrate, and nitrite ​​were also measured. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS 9/8 software.
Results: Results indicated that the removal rates from crude oil by C.reinhardtii microalgae were 100% on the 14th day for the three compounds of phenanthrene, fluorine, and anthracene at all concentrations, and 97.8%, 93%, and 92.7% for naphthalene compound at concentrations of 2.5 g in 1L, 7.5 g in 1L, and 12.5 g in 1 L, respectively (p<0.05). In terms of nutrients (NO-2 and NO-3), the highest amount of nitrate removal was observed at a concentration of 2.5 g/L from crude oil (C1) (p<0.05). The highest biomass was observed in the C3 treatment (p<0.05). Moreover, the greatest decline in BOD was observed in treatment C3 at 47.4%, while the greatest COD and TOC decline were observed in C1 treatment with the value of 84% and 94%, respectively (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The results showed that the cultivation of C.reinhardtii in crude oil in terms of nutrient removal potential, hydrocarbon composition, improving water quality and production of suitable biomass can be an acceptable option for exploitation in the biological treatment process.

Parisa Mohammad Hosseini,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (8-2022)

Background and Objective: Due to the negative effects of municipal waste, the need for proper management and selection of appropriate solutions to minimize these effects is strongly felt. One of the methods of recycling waste is preparing compost from organic materials. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental impacts of the two options of implementation and non-implementation of the Karaj compost plant project.
Materials and Methods: Based on the obtained results, the project implementation was determined by gaining more points (0.181) in terms of sustainability and having the least destructive environmental effects, and the project was not implemented by gaining more points (-0.155) in terms of sustainability and having more environmentally destructive effects.
Results: Based on the obtained results, the first option (project implementation) was determined as the best option by gaining more points (0.181) in terms of sustainability and having the least destructive environmental Impacts and the second option (non-implementation of the project) was determined with a lower score (-0.155) in terms of sustainability and more environmental damage than the first option.
Conclusion: According to the research findings, the results of the rapid impact assessment matrix and sustainability model are consistent in confirming the superiority of compost plant performance over non-implementation.

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