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Showing 5 results for Kamal

M Mosaferi, H Taghipour, Am Hassani, M Borghei, Z Kamali, A Ghadirzadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (26 2008)

Background and Objectives: Conducted studies about arsenic have shown that consumption of water contaminated with arsenic can causes different adverse health effects in consumers. World Health Organization (WHO) has enacted 10µg/L arsenic in drinking water as a guideline value. Regarding some reports about arsenic presence in a village of Hashtrood county and related health effects and also considering this fact that determination of arsenic as a poisoning chemical is not included in routine monitoring of water by responsible organizations, in present study all of drinking water sources in Hashtrood county in East Azerbaijan province were studied for arsenic presence.
Materials and Methods: Water supply and its sanitation situation were studied in all of cities and residential villages (200 villages) by field visiting. Arsenic content of water samples were determined using Ez arsenic test kit, a product of Hach Company. For assurance of the kit results, 20 water samples with different concentration of arsenic were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) method and then achieved results was compared together.
Results: Arsenic was present in drinking water of 50 villages that in 9 villages its level was higher than Iranian standard (50µg/L). During the study totally 11087 persons (21.96% of rural areas population) in Hashtrood county were exposed to different levels of arsenic via drinking water. Correlation between kit and ICP results was significant (R2 = 0.9715)
Conclusion: Studied region in present study is a polluted area to arsenic by geogenic sources. It is necessary to replace water source of villages with higher level than national standard with safe drinking water. Annually measurement of arsenic in drinking water of all villages spatially polluted villages should be considered by responsible organization e.g. Health Network and Rural Water and Wastewater Company. Used kit in our study is recommendable for this purpose.

Edris Bazrafshan, Ferdos Kord Mostafapour, Mahdi Farzadkia, Kamaledin Ownagh, Hossein Jaafari Mansurian,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (21 2012)

Background and Objectives: Slaughterhouse wastewater contains various and high amounts of organic matter (e.g., proteins, blood, fat, and lard). In order to produce an effluent suitable for stream discharge, chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques have been particularly explored at the laboratory pilot scale for organic compounds removal from slaughterhouse effluent. The purpose of this work was to investigate the feasibility of treating cattle-slaughterhouse wastewater by combined chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation process to achieve the required standards.
Materials and Methods: At present study, slaughterhouse wastewater after initial analysis was tested for survey of coagulation process using Poly aluminum chloride (PAC) at various doses (25-100 mg/L). Then we measured the concentrations of wastewater pollutants (BOD5, COD, TKN, TSS and fecal Coliforms). Later, we transferred the effluent to the electrocoagulation unit and we evaluated the removal efficiency of pollutants in the range 10 to 40 volts of electric potential during 60 min.
Results: It was found that the efficiency of chemical coagulation process using poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) as coagulant increases with increasing doses (from 25 to 100 mg/L) we achieved maximum removal efficiency during the chemical coagulation for parameters of BOD5, COD, TSS, and TKN at 100 mg/L of PAC equivalent to 44.78%, 58.52%, 59.9%, and 39.58% respectively. Moreover, the results showed that with increasing the electric potential and reaction time, the yield increases linearly so that maximum removal efficiency at a dose of 100 mg/L PAC, an electrical potential of 40 volts and a reaction time of 60 minutes for the parameters BOD5, COD, TSS, and TKN was 99.18% 99.25%, 82.55%, and 93.97% respectively.
Conclusion: The experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of combined chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation processes for pollutants removal from the slaughterhouse wastewaters. Consequently, this combined process can produce effluent compliance with the effluent discharge standards.

Hossein Banejad, Mahsa Kamali, Kimia Amirmoradi , Ehsan Olyaie,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2013)

Background and Objectives: Rivers are the most important resources supplying drinking, agricultural, and industrial water demand. Their quality fluctuates frequently due to crossing from different regions and beds as well as their direct relationship with their peripheral environments. Thus, it is essential to be considered the surveying and predicating changes in the water qualitative parameters in a river. In this study, in order to estimate some of the qualitative parameters (Total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity and sodium absorption rate) for Tehran Jajroud and Kermanshah Gharasu rivers, we used wavelet-artificial neural network (W-ANN) hybrid model during a statistical period of 24 years. Methods: We compared W-ANN model with ANN model in order to evaluate its capability in detecting signals and separating error signals for estimating water quality parameters of the abovementioned rivers. The evaluation of both models was performed by the statistical criteria including correlation coefficient, the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (NS), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the mean absolute error (MAE). Results: The results showed that the optimized W-ANN with correlation coefficient of 0.9 has high capability to estimate SAR parameter in the stations studied. Moreover, we found that W-ANN had less error and higher accuracy in the case of EC and TDS parameters rather than ANN model. Conclusion: W-ANN proved high efficiency in forecasting of the water quality parameters of rivers, therefore, it can be used for decision making and assurance of monitoring results and optimizing the monitoring costs.

Sa Sadeghi, A Kabirifard, Aa Kamali, M Dashtizadeh, Mh Sadeghi, H Khaj,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Background and Objective: Rangeland forage is the main source of feed for sheep and goats in many countries and the concentration of heavy metals in these plants is very important. Bushehr province is also affected by environmental pollution due to its proximity to the Persian Gulf, the occurrence of different wars and the existence of different oil and gas resources. The environment and rangelands, which feed on various livestock, are also exposed to these contaminants. Therefore, knowing the composition of the compounds and health of grassland forages will greatly help experts to better understand the health of meat and milk of animals that graze on these pastures.
Materials and Methods: Based on the rangeland area and the number of livestock in the coastal strip, two rangelands of Bashi and Rostami were selected and their grassland forage was randomly sampled. Plants were sampled at three grazing stages (first, middle and end of grazing season). Samples were dried in shade, then mixed and milled and sent to the laboratory.
Results: The results showed that the average of lead, cobalt, cadmium and chromium were 0.30, 0.15, 0.017 and 3.73 mg/kg dry matter in total rangeland, respectively. Significant differences were observed in the amount of cobalt element in the two study areas and the amount of other elements was not significantly different. The amount of cadmium was significantly different in the various stages of grazing, with the highest concentration in the first stage of grazing.
Conclusion: In general, the concentrations of these elements in the fodder of coastal rangelands of Tangestan area of Bushehr province were at permissible level for grazing animals. No risk of shortage or poisoning for the animals was observed and hence no danger to human health.

Faezeh Kamal, Reza Fouladi Fard, Azam Sabahi Hoveida, Zabihollah Gharlipour, Nayereh Rezaie Rahimi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objective: The most important first step in promoting environmental performance is identifying and evaluating environmental behavior. In this regard the measuring tool is considered an environmental behavior questionnaire. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire before its application is essential. Thus this research was conducted with the aim of assessing the validity and reliability of questionnaires.
Materials and Methods: The environmental behavior questionnaire containing 36 questions was designed using the literature review and expert panel opinions. Then, the validity of the questionnaire was assessed by content validity index (CVI) and content validity ratio (CVR) and its reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient by 14 experts and 40 target groups. Finally, data were analyzed by SPSS 20 software.
Results: The results showed that the questionnaire with 36 items had CVI and CVR of 0.896 and 0.726, respectively, and 4 items should be excluded from the questionnaire due to non-compliance with content validity indices. The questionnaire exhibited high internal consistency and hence was acceptable owing to the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.85.
Conclusion: The questionnaire was designed to evaluate environmental performance of citizens and can be cited in future studies.

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