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Showing 2 results for Meskini

J Derayat, A Almasi, K Sharafi, H Meskini, A Dargahi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9 2011)

Background and Objectives: Microbial quality, particularly parasitic characteristics in terms of effluent reuse in agriculture is one of the most important indices. The aim of this study is determination of removal efficiency of Kermanshah wastewater treatment(conventional activated sludge) and Gilangharb wastewater treatment plants (stabilization ponds) for cyst and parasitic eggs.
Material and Methods: In this study research samples were taken once in five days from both inlet and outlet of wastewater Plants within a period of five months. The identification and counting of cyst and parasitic eggs were carried out by Mac master slide according to Bailenger method.
Results: The findings shows that mean of parasitic eggs and protozoan cysts in effluent of Kermanshah wastewater treatment plant were 0.99±0.42 and 0.90±0.25 per liter respectively, indeed removal efficiency for parasitic eggs and cysts are %98.42±3 and %97.5±4.5 respectively, but, any parasitic eggs and protozoan cysts in Gilangharb wastewater treatment plant was not observed and removal efficiency of these tow parameters was %100. Ascaris lumbricoides eggs had most number in influent and effluent of both plants.
Conclusion: As results show, removal efficiency for cysts and parasitic eggs in both above mentioned are desirable, and the quality of effluent treatment plant of both the rate of nematode eggs Anglbrg index (number of nematode eggs: 1 " number per liter) is consistent.

H Meskini, E Sadeghi, A Nosrati, P Nosrati, M Bashiry,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Objectives: Money as a common tool is exchanged between people all over the world. Thus, it can be a source of chemical and biological contaminations causing serious diseases. The purpose of this research was to determine bacterial contamination of the currency notes and coins collected in Kermanshah.

Materials and Methods: 160 currency notes and 96 coins were randomly chosen from different jobs and parts of the city. Total count experiment was done and bacteria were identified and isolated through standard methods.

Results: Average total count in 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, and 20000 Rials currency notes were 147.6, 147.8, 148.5, 96.3, and 87.9 and in 500, 1000, and 2000 Rials coins were 104.66, 77.66, and 96.56 CFU/cm2, respectively. The research showed that currency notes carries more bacterial load than coins (P<0.05). Additionally, contamination to E. coli on money (13.7 %) and on coins (3.9%) were at maximum levels while Pseudomonas on currency notes was at the minimum level (1.6%) and coins contained 0.2% Enterobacter that was at the lowest amount.

Conclusion: In summary, the most important microorganisms isolated from currency notes and coins (E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus) were pathogenic, causing serious food poisoning and gastroenteritis infectious. Therefore, preventing food from cross contamination with money is necessary.

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