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M Jahangiri-Rad, R Nabizadeh, J Nouri, M Yunesian, F Moattar,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (8-2015)

Background and Objective: Nitrate is one of the dissolved anions having great health importance in water. Human activities and natural sources are considered as the main roots of nitrate intrusion in to water bodies. The main objective of this paper was to study nitrate removal by packed bed column filled with (PAN)-oxime-nano Fe2O3. Materials and Methods: PAN-oxime-nano Fe2O3 were synthesized and used as an adsorbent in glass column for the removal of nitrate from aqueous solution. Nitrate solution tank was set above the prepared column. The effect of factors, such as flow rate (2, 5, and 7 mL/min) and bed depth (5, 10, and 15 cm) were studied. Results: It was found that the data fit well with Thomas model and breakthrough curve was designed accordingly. The column performed well at lowest flow rate. As the flow rates and time increased, earlier breakthrough was observed. The column breakthrough time (Ce/C0 = 0.05) was reduced from 9 to 4 h, as the flow rates increased from2 to 7 mL/min. Conclusion: fixed-bed using PAN-oxime-nano Fe2O3 exhibited good removal of nitrate. The adsorption studies showed that at longer bed depth, better removal of nitrate would be achieved. Thomas model was suitable for the normal description of breakthrough curve at the experimental condition. The data also were in good agreement with logistic regression.

H Zarei, A.h Mahvi, S Nasseri, R Nabizadeh Noudehi, F Shemirani,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Objective and Background: Fluoride is an element widely found in the earth crust. Advantages and disadvantages of fluoride in the human body are depended on its concentration. Long-term consumption of drinking water contaminated with arsenic can cause adverse health effects such as skin lesions and cancer in humans. The aim of this study was to study efficiency of nano alumina on multi walled carbon nano tube  for removal As(V) and fluoride from aqueous solution.

Materials and Method: In this study, nano-scale crystalline alumina was synthesized on single walled carbon nanotube by sol-gel method for using as a sorbent for solid phase extraction of Fluorine ion and arsenic(V). Response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken was used to assess the effect of independent variables on the response function and prediction of the best response value. In this study, effect of different parameters, such as contact time (10 to 120 min), pH (3-9), adsorbent dosage (0.25-1.5 g/L) and initial concentration of fluoride (2-8 mg/L) on efficiency of process was investigated. The structure of nano-scale alumina on multi walled carbon nano tube was determined by XRD and SEM techniques. Moreover, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models were used to calculate equilibrium constant.

Results: It was found that by increasing contact time and adsorbent dosage the rate of fluoride removal increased. However, by increasing pH and initial concentration the efficiency of fluoride removal decreased. High value for R2 (0.94) shows that removal of arsenic(V) can be described by this model. The Freundlich isotherm was the best fitted graph for experimental data with R2 more than 0.997.

Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that efficiency of arsenic(V) and fluoride  removal was greatly increased by using nano-scale alumina on multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).

K Naddafi, R Nabizadeh, S Nasseri, K Yaghmaeian, A Koolivand,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (12-2015)

Background and Objectives: Remaining of crude oil in storage tanks usually results in accumulating oily sludge at the bottom of the tank, which should be treated and disposed of in a suitable manner. The efficiency of in-vessel composting process in removing total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from bottom sludge of crude oil storage tanks was investigated in the present study.

Material and methods: The sludge was mixed with immature compost at the ratios of 1:0 (as control), 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10 (as dry basis) with the initial C:N:P and moisture content of 100:5:1 and 55% respectively for a period of 10 weeks. The moisture adjustment and mixing process were done 3 times a day during the composting period. Sampling and analysis of TPH and pH were done every week and every two days, respectively.

Results: TPH removal in the 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10 composting reactors was 66.59, 73.19, 74.81, 80.20, and 79.91%, respectively. Thus, initial adjustment of sludge to immature compost ratios plays a great role in reduction of TPH. The results of the control reactors indicated that the main mechanism of TPH removal in the composting reactors was biological process.

Conclusions: In-vessel composting by addition of immature compost as amendment is a viable choice for bioremediation of the bottom sludge of crude oil storage tanks.

K Yaghmaeian, N Jaafarzadeh, R Nabizadeh, H Rasoulzadeh, B Akbarpour,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background and Objective: Arsenic is one of the most toxic pollutants in groundwater and surface water. Arsenic could have lots of adverse impacts on human health. Therefore, access to new technologies is required to achieve the arsenic standard.

Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted at laboratory scale in non-continuous batches. The adsorbent of zero-valent iron nanoparticles -Chitosan was produced through reducing ferric iron by sodium borohydride (NaBH4) in the presence of chitosan as a stabilizer. At first, the effect of various parameters such as contact time (5-120 min), pH (3-10), adsorbent dose (0.3-3.5 g/L) and initial concentration of arsenate (2-10 mg/L) were investigated on process efficiency. Then optimum conditions in terms of contact time, pH, adsorbent dose and initial concentration of arsenate were determined by RSM method. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm model equilibrium constant, pseudo-first and second order kinetic constants were calculated. The residual arsenate was measured y using ICP-AES.

Results: The optimum values based on RSM for pH, absorbent dose, contact time, and initial concentration of arsenate were 7.16, 3.04 g/L, 91.48 min, and 9.71 mg/L respectively. Langmuir isotherm with R2= 0.9904 for Arsenate was the best graph for the experimental data. According to Langmuir isotherm model, the maximum amount of arsenate adsorption was 135.14mg/g. . The investigation of arsenate adsorption kinetics showed that arsenate adsorption follows the pseudo-second kinetics model.

Conclusion: This research showed that the adsorption process is depended on pH. With increasing pH, the ability of amine groups in chitosan are decreased to protonation, caused to decrease the efficiency of arsenate removal at high pH.

H Aslani, R Nabizadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2016)

Background and Objectives: Considering the complexity, cost, and time-consuming techniques of detecting Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts,  B. subtilits spores have been introduced as microbial indicators of these pathogens to evaluate the efficacy of disinfection studies. The present study was aimed to investigate the feasibility of B. subtilis spores inactivation using hydrogen peroxide combined with copper and silver ions. A new glutaraldehyde based compound used for surface disinfection was also tested.

Materials and Methods: In order to sporulation, vegetative bacteria were allowed to grow on a medium with insufficient nutrients, and after 5 days incubation at 37˚C, spores were washed and purified. Spore suspension was used to prepare synthetic water. Disinfection efficiency was reported as logarithmic decrease of initial spore count.

Results: This research found that none of the disinfection compounds was able to spore inactivation in low initial concentration. The highest spore reduction efficiency was related to HP/Cu+2 with 1.48 log inactivation, and HP/Ag+ compound placed in the second rank with 1.03 log reduction. Maximum spore reduction of 0.6 log was achieved when glutaraldehyde based disinfectant was used in disinfection process.

Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that spores are very resistant even to combination of disinfectants. Spore reduction potential of the studied compounds was as follows: HP/Cu+2> HP/Ag+> glutaraldehyde based compound.

B Sepehrnia, R Nabizadeh, A.h Mahvi, S Naseri,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Objective: In this study, WQI was estimated using an Iranian software called IWQIS to assess drinking water quality in Ray Township distribution systems.

Materials and Methods: The assessment of 73 samples of drinking water during 2013 and the comparison of 18 physicochemical parameters with the standard Code of 1053 (Iran National Standard) was done.

Results: The results showed that the concentration of 7 parameters is out of normal range in special percentage of the samples. Those parameters are as follow: total hardness (31.5%), Mg (46.6%), nitrate (50.68%), Na (45.2%), F (42.46%), Cl (2.7%), Sulfate (28.76%) of samples. The medium concentration of theses parameters was: total hardness (375 mg/L), Mg (32 mg/L), Nitrate (47.43 mg/L), Na (187 mg/L), F (0.5 mg/L), Cl (169 mg/L), and Sulfate (263 mg/L). It is estimated that 5.6% of the population of this township are highly exposed to nitrate, 79.1% to fluoride and 13.5% are exposed to sodium. The average WQI in Rey Township in a good spectrum is 71.22.

Conclusion: 17 samples (23.2%) were assessed in excellent spectrum, 54 samples (74%) in good and 1 sample (1.4%) in very poor spectrum and 1 sample in unsuitable condition were assessed. No sample was assessed in poor situation. The samples of the autumn showed the worst quality.

A Beiki, M Yunesian, R Nabizadeh, R Saeedi, L Sori, M Abtahi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and objectives: Swimming is one of the most popular sport fields and entertainments that has considerable benefits for human health, but on the other hand microbial water contamination in swimming pools through transmission and spread of infectious diseases is a significant threat against public health. In this study, microbial water quality of all public swimming pools in Tehran were assessed and effective factors on microbial water quality were analyzed.

Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study with the analytical approach was performed in 2013. The whole public swimming pools in Tehran were inspected and water samples were taken for measurement of microbial indicators including thermotolerant coliforms, heterotrophic plate count (HPC), and physicochemical parameters affecting the microbial water quality including turbidity, free residual chlorine and pH and an integrated swimming pool microbial water quality index were used to describe the overall situation. Operational parameters with probable effects on microbial water quality were checked through inspection using a checklist.

Results: The assessment of the swimming pool microbial water quality indicated that the compliance rates of thermotolerant coliforms and HPC were 91.4 and 84.5%, respectively. Compliance rates of free residual chlorine, turbidity, Ph, and temperature were also obtained to be 82.7, 45.5, 85.6, and 65.4% respectively. Based on the integrated swimming pool microbial water quality index, the proportions of swimming pools with excellent and good microbial water quality were 39.6 and 50.4% respectively and the others had not proper microbial water quality. The parameters of water free residual chlorine and turbidity, swimmer density, water recirculation period, dilution amount, cleaning, usage rates of shower and disinfection basin and operation of water treatment systems had significant effects on the microbial indicators (P<0.05).

Conclusion: The study showed that the overall microbial water quality status of public swimming pools in Tehran was acceptable and analysis of the results determined the most efficient interventions for improvement of the microbial water quality of the pools.

M Asghari, R Nabizadeh, H Norzad, H Mortezaee,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Objective: Increasing air pollution and consequently adversely effects on the quality of life for many people has resulted in the use of the air quality indice for determination of the actual amount of pollutants and air quality, as one of the most important and effective measures for air quality control, to be considered further. The air quality health index (AQHI) is a new index related to air pollution developed in collaboration with Environment Canada and Health Canada, in 2001. The purpose of this study was to design and develop a software system for calculating AQHI for the first time in the country that calculates the health effects caused by the presence of several pollutants (NO2, O3,PM10, and PM2.5) at the same time with a new approach.

Materials and Methods: To achieve those aims, the software was designed and coded in Visual Basic. Net. After preparation of the software, it was tested using the real-time database of  six air pollution monitoring stations in Tehran including Aghdasyeh, Setad Bohran, Shahrdari 4, Golbarg, Park-e- Roz, and Shahrdari 11.

Results: This program is a software package installed on the computer with the possibility of exporting Excel file. The performance of software testing was verified using real data.

Conclusion: The results of the verification tests show that the index calculated by the software introduced and presented in this study can be used as a useful tool to assess air quality.

A Gholampour, Ms Hassanvand, R Nabizadeh, Z Alizadeh, Ah Mahvi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the amount and ionic characterization of TSP and PM10 aimed at identifying  the potential emission sources of particulates in the ambient air of Tabriz.

Materials and Methods: TSP and PM10 samples were collected by two high volume samplers during September 2013 to August 2014. Water-soluble ions in particulate matter were extracted using ultrasonic method and were identified by ion chromatography. Using Stata12 software, linear regression analysis was performed between the ions to determination of the major ionic component of the particulates. In addition, in order to identify the potential emission sources of PM10, the rotation varimax model was used.

Results: Total measured water-soluble ions in TSP and PM10 of the urban sampling site were 20.33±20.77 and 16.04±14.08 µg/m3, respectively. Among all detected ions, sulfate (8.69±5.79 µg/m3) and nitrate (8.47±7.9 µg/m3) were the dominant constituents followed by calcium and sodium.

Conclusion: The modeling results revealed that the soils of surrounding ground together with secondary PM and also resuspension of PM from polluted soil account for 80 percent of PM10 mass.

A Koolivand, K Naddafi, R Nabizadeh, A Jonidi Jafari, M Yunesian, K Yaghmaiean, S Naseri,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Objective: The performance of in-vessel composting process, as one of the most effective methods of oily sludge treatment, depends on factors such as nutrients and temperature. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the trend of changes of these factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate the trend of changes of organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and temperature during the composting of bottom sludge of crude oil storage tanks.

Materials and Methods: The sludge was mixed with the immature compost at the various ratios of sludge to compost including 1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, and 1:10 with the initial C/N/P of 100/5/1 and then was composted for a period of 10 weeks. The process of mixing and moisture adjustment of the mixtures was done 3 times a day during the composting period. Sampling and analysis were performed every week for organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus and every day for temperature.

Results: The research indicated that the concentrations of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were decreased sharply during the first weeks of the process and then they were decreased gently. At the final stage of the composting, the ratios of C/N and C/P increased from 20:1 and 100:1 to 26:1 and 166:1, respectively. In addition, the temperature of the reactors was kept in the mesophilic range during the process period.

Conclusion: The similar trend of decrease of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the composting reactors is an indication of decreasing the activity of the microorganisms involved in petroleum hydrocarbons degradation.  

R Nabizadeh Nodehi, Ar Mesdaghinia, S Nasseri, M Hadi, H Soleimani, P Bahmani,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Objective: Water corrosion and scaling are known as destructive phenomenon of drinking water quality and water facilities. In this study, the groundwater tendency to corrosion or scaling in source water, water storage reservoirs and distribution system were studied. Simultaneous use of some qualitative and a quantitative index along with statistical analyses to assess the water scaling or corrosion tendency were investigated.

Materials and Methods: The data analysis of groundwater, water storage reservoirs and water distribution system in rural area of Kurdistan province were analyzed and the amount of Langelier (LI), Ryznar (RY), Pockorius (PSI) and Larson–Skold (LS) and CCPP indices were determined. Corrosion and scaling threshold for qualitative indices were determined based on CCPP index. The mean of indices was compared with the thresholds using independent t-test. ANOVA was used to assess the difference between the indices in different sources of water.

Results: The balance range for LI, RY and PSI found to be -0.1-0.05, 7-9 and 7.1-8.5. The mean CCPP for groundwater, reservoirs and networks were 9.27 ± 1.29, 9.13 ± 1.25, 11.25 ± 1.23, respectively. All three sources of water have some tendencies toward scaling; however, a significant balance status was confirmed statistically. According to Larson–Skold index, sulfate and chloride anions did not play a role in scaling process.

Conclusion: The use of qualitative indices with CCPP index can provide more accurate estimation of water tendency toward scaling or corrosion. The assessment of qualitative indices along with CCPP is recommended in drinking water corrosion monitoring studies.

K Naddafi, M Yunesian, S Faridi, A Rafiee, S Parmy, Gh Safari, R Nabizadeh Nodehi , K Yaghmaeian, N Rastkari, R Ahmadkhaniha, S Niazi, M Hoseini,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Objective: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic pollutants that are mostly generated during the incomplete combustion. The main objective of this study was to characterize potential sources of PAHs in Tehran.

Materials and Methods:, Samples of PM10 were collected at 10 monitoring stations belonging to Tehran Air Quality Control Company (AQCC) and transferred to laboratory for analysis. Besides, a SKC Flite 2 Air Sampling Pump (SKC, USA) equipped with a sampling head and PM10 size-selective inlet was used at four stations to compare the results obtained by collecting AQCC monitors (AQCCMs) tapes with the standard sampling procedures for assessing the interchangeability of two field sampling methods. The principal component analysis (PCA) and diagnostic ratios were applied to identify emission sources and source contribution.

Results: The average diagnostic ratios of phenanthrene (Phe)/ (Phe+anthracene (Ant)), benzo(a)anthracene (BaA)/ (BaA+chrysene (Chry)), fluorantene(Flu)/ (Flu+pyrene (Py)), and indeno(1,2,3cd) pyrene (IcP)/(IcP+benzo(ghi)perylene (BghiP)) in samples were 0.79, 0.52, 0.43 and 0.38, respectively. These ratios showed that the combustion, especially fossil fuels and motor vehicles, was the main sources of PAHs emission in Tehran. The results of  PCA analysis also indicated that 49, 29 and 22% of PAHs sources in Tehran atmosphere were attributed to gasoline-driven vehicles, diesel vehicles and other sources, respectively.

Conclusion: According to the results, the combustion, especially fossil fuel and motor vehicle, was the main sources of PAHs emission in Tehran.

M Heydari, R Nabizadeh Nodehi, M Ali Mohammadi, K Yaghmaeian,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (6-2017)

Background and Objective: Bottled water consumption is rapidly increasing in recent years for various reasons.The main aim of this study was to survey the geological origin of Iranian bottled water and determine compliance or lack of compliance with the experimental data obtained through sampling 71 brands of drinking bottled water and mineral water.

Materials and Methods: In this study the coordinates of access points as a georef of the chosen points were launched on the "Iran geological map" and "Iran mineral and warm water map." The compliance of laboratory data and water types with the geological data were evaluated and compared with the important ionic ratios of the extracted water through using awh software.

Results: In examining 71 brands of the bottled water, 28% of the brands did not agree with the laboratory results, reflected by observing higher levels of bicarbonate in 50% of the bottled waters than those of the geological data.. Additionally, 70% of water types were calcic bicarbonate. In the bottled waters from North Alborz range with coastal Time deposits around the Caspian Sea, there was a source of brine or sea water that was about 55% of this amount.

Conclusion: Water pass through different geological structures and the dissolution phenomenon might be an important factor for the observed disagreement. Because chemical treatment and use of additives on mineral waters are not allowed it prompts further studies to determine the cause and origin of this issue through sampling from the factory and water source.

V Past, K Yaghmaeian, R Nabizadeh Nodehi , Mh Dehghani, M Momeni, M Naderi,
Volume 10, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Background and Objective: Environmental pollution due to dumping construction and demolition wastes has adverse effects on public health. This study aimed to select the best method for managing construction and demolition wastes disposal in Tehran by AHP.
Materials and Methods: This research was a descriptive study. The study population consisted of environmental health experts in the field of construction waste management. Initially, criteria and alternatives for construction waste management, recycling and reuse and landfilling were identified and classified. Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), different outcomes were compared based on scoring by Expert Choice 11 software.  
Results: The results of this study showed that the discharge percentage in the permanent landfills was 68%, in temporary pits was 9% and in recovery centers was 23% in the last 6 years. The final priority of criteria with respect to the economical criterion was reuse (0.492), recycling (0.274) and landfilling (0.235), respectively. Also, according to the environmental criterion, the scores for reuse, recycling and landfilling were 0.492, 0.373 and 0.198 respectively. Based on social criterion the calculated scores were 0.5, 0.279 and 0.222 for landfilling, recycling and reuse, respectively.
Conclusion: In this study, the reuse option with the weight of 0.439 was the best disposal option; and the recycling option with the weight of 0.312 was the second priority. Landfilling showed the lowest score with the weight of 0.250.
N Golchinpour, N Rastkari, R Nabizadeh Nodehi, M Abtahi, A Azari, E Iravani, K Yaghmaeian,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Background and Objective: Triclosan is one of the substances as anti-microbial that is used in many of these pharmaceutical products. This compound can affect human such as reduction of thyroid hormone levels, antibiotic resistant, and increasing skin cancer. This study evaluated the performance nanophotocatalysis process UV/Xe/TiO2-GO on triclosan removal from aqueous solutions.
Materials and Methods: Synthesis of TiO2@GO and its structure was analyzed by SEM, EDX and FTIR. The effects of pollutant concentration, catalyst dosage, and contact time on the removal of Triclosan were studied by DOE software according to response surface methodology. Analysis of variance test was considered for the influence of parameters. Optimum process condition was determined by desirability factor.
Results: Optimum conditions regarding concentration of pollutant, contact time, and catalyst dosage were determined as 0.205 g/L, 14.898 min, and 0.487 mg/L, respectively. Maximum removal efficiency in optimum condition was 97.542 percent. The catalyst dosage was the most effective parameter in removal of Triclosan.
Conclusion: Using of TiO2@GO and xenon lamp had acceptable efficiency for the removal of Triclosan. The use of Xenon lamps alone was economically affordable.  
H Hassanvand, N Dehghan, K Naddafi, Ms Hassanvand, R Nabizadeh, S Faridi, Z Yousefi,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and Objective: Radon gas is one of the environmental risk factors which can increase the risk of lung cancer and it is well known as the second-leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. The aim of the present study was to investigate indoor radon gas concentration in residential and public environments of Nourabad Mammasani city and to estimate the effective dose due to radon exposure.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 52 homes and 8 public places were investigated to measure the concentration of indoor radon gas. Indoor radon concentrations were measured using passive sampling approach, alpha-track detectors (CR-39) for three months, and after that, detectors were sent to the laboratory to count the number of tracks.
Results: The results of this research showed that the average radon concentration (± SD) in the homes and public places was 42.4(±14.7) and 32.9(±20.1) Bq/m3, respectively. All radon concentration values were lower than the US Environmental Protection Agency standard and WHO guideline. The average of annual effective dose due to the radon exposure in homes was estimated to be 1.07 mSv. The evaluation of the results showed that there was a significant relationship between the room type and the number of floors with radon concentration in the residential buildings.
Conclusion: The results indicated that the indoor radon concentration as an environmental risk factor in the studied places was lower than the WHO guideline levels. Consequently, the indoor radon is not likely a major environmental risk factor in the studied environments.

F Sarlak, R Nabizadeh, M Yunesian, N Rastkari,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and Objective: Iodized salt is one of the most important sources iodine in Iran. Former studies show that the iodine levels were insufficient both in distribution and consumption levels. The aim of this descriptive-analytical sectional study was to investigate the iodine content in table salts used by families covered by health services of Tehran University of Medical Sciences during 2017.
Materials and Methods: 315 families from SIB (Integrated Health System) with random sampling method were studied. A questionnaire was filled out through interviews and salt samples were taken for analysis. The iodine in all samples was measured by iodine-meter kits and one third of the samples were also measured by titration.
Results: The average iodized salt consumed by the families was 18.53 µg/g iodine, which is less than the national standard. Iodine amount in %12 of the samples was not in compliance with WHO standards. In %59 of the samples, there was less iodine amount than the previous standard level set by the Iranian Ministry of Health (20-55 µg/g iodine). None of the samples were compatible with the new standards set by the Iranian Ministry of Health (30-60 µg/g iodine).
Conclusion: it was found that there is no meaningful relation between the variables such as Material, type of salt container and the amounts of iodine (p>0.05).  Families are not aware of the effects of iodine deficiency.

J Gorgani, R Nabizadeh, M Gholami, H Pasalari, M Yegane Badi, M Farzadkia, Ha Asgharnia, Ma Zazouli,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Background and Objective: Hospital wastes with the content of infectious, pathologic, sharp, pharmaceupitical and genotoxic materials are classified as hazardous wastes. Of which, genotoxic residues wirh mutagenic and teratogenic effects are of most great concern on human health. Genetic wastes are referred to as cytotoxic, chemical, and radioactive drugs used to treat cancer or treat transplantation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the management of hospital wastes in Mazandaran province with emphasis on genotoxic waste.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 35 governmental and social hospitals in Mazandaran province to determine the satus of hospital waste with focus on geotoxic waste. The quanity, quality and management approaches of hospital and genotoxic wastes in the studied hospitals were surveyed with a validated questionnaire. Results obtained from the present study were analyzed with Excel software.
Results: The average waste per each hospital bed was estimated to be 3.51 kilograms. Of which, 2.2, 1.24, 1.9 kg were categorized as municipal, chemical, and genotoxic wastes, respectively. The average of the hospital waste management index in Mazandaran province was found to be about 84 out of 100, indicating good management of these wastes. The management of genotoxic waste in 7 specialized chemotherapy hospitals was estimated to be 64 out of 100, indicating the average state of genotoxic waste management for these hospitals. In 28 non-chemotherapy hospitals, the genotoxic waste management index was approximated 42 out of 100, indicating poor management of these wastes.
Conclusion: The main weaknesses in hospital waste management are associated with the management of chemical-pharmaceutical and genotoxic wastes. Accordingly, improvement the quality of genotoxic and chemical-pharmaceutical wastes should be concerned in the future planning.

Mehrnoosh Abtahi, Mahmood Alimohammadi, Reza Saeedi, Ramin Nabizadeh, Masoomeh Askari, Babak Mahmoudi, Maryam Ghani,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical and microbial quality of bottled water in Iran and to calculate the water quality index (WQI).
Materials and Methods: Different brands of bottled water (4 samples from 71 brands) were randomly collected from the market. Chemical and microbial characteristics of the samples were examined and determined. Finally, the calculations related to the WQI index were performed and the water samples were classified as excellent, good, poor, very poor and unsuitable.
Results: None of the samples exhibited concentration of heavy metals beyond Iranian water standards, and the concentration of sulfate (SO4), chloride (Cl) and fluoride (F) did not exceed international standards. However, in some samples, nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) concentrations were higher than recommended standards. With Regard to other water quality parameters, 8% to 89% of the samples exhibited concentration higher than the values provided on the water bottle label. 5 species of different bacteria were found in 15 water samples. According to the WQI index, about 63% of the samples were of excellent quality. Also, the water quality of 34% and 3% of the samples fell in good and poor quality categories, respectively. None of the bottled water samples was of very poor quality.
Conclusion: The quality of bottled water investigated in this study was generally suitable, but due to the wide range of bottled water in Iran based on brand and seasons, continuous evaluation of water treatment methods in companies and careful monitoring of chemical and microbial quality of bottled water in all seasons is recommended.

Naseh Shalyari, Ramin Nabizadeh, Mohsen Vijeh, Omid Nasri, Farnaz Saeidi, Masud Yunesian,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Background and Objective: In assessing the risk of community related poisonings due to insecticide use a practical and effective tool is needed to evaluate insecticides Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the reliability and validity of exposure patterns to insecticides.
Materials and Methods: In this study, after performing validity, translation of the final version of the questionnaire was prepared based on the agreement of experts in accordance with the study population. In the next step, the reliability validity of the study was investigated. Finally, the questionnaire reliability was evaluated by test-retest method at a 14-day interval with the participation of 40 resident of Tehran city.
Results:  The results of R-CVI and C-CVI were evaluated as good for all of items (between 0.91 and 0.97). The total CVI index for the whole questionnaire ranged from 0.75 to 1 in terms of proportion and transparency. On the other hand, the total coefficient of kappa for reliability of the questionnaire was obtained between 0.89 and 1.
Conclusion: Considering the acceptable validity and reliability level of the Persian version, this questionnaire is a valid tool and can be applied to assess the risk of insecticide use and its associated injuries in the Iranian population.

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