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Showing 5 results for Isfahan

H. Hashemi, M.m. Amin, B. Bina, H. Movahedian Attar, H. Farrokhzadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2010)

Backgrounds and Objectives:Today, due to health, environmental and economical problems, of chlorine application, UV radiation is better option than chlorine for disinfection of effluent. The aim of this study was disinfection of secondary effluent with UV radiation.
Materials and Methods: Two types of UV disinfection system including low pressure (LP) and medium pressure (MP) was used to disinfection of Isfahan North Wastewater Treatment Plant (INWWTP) effluent without pretreatment. Single and combined lamps were operated to evaluate the removal of total and fecal coliforms (TC and FC), and fecal streptococcus (FS). TSS, iron, hardness, UV absorption and transmittance were analyzed in order to observe the fouling of the quartz sleeves.
Results: After using LP lamp with dose of 161 mws/cm2, TC and FC content was declined to standard level (1000 TC, and 400 FC/100ml). In addition, disinfection with MP lamp was led to FS content of 400 MPN/100 mL. Combination of LP and MP, with dose of 460 mws/cm2 could be met the environmental requirements of TC & FC, and the FS count was reached to 400 MPN/100 mL with dose of 237 mws/cm2. Maximum photo-reactivation percentage of coliforms after LP and MP lamps were appeared 15 and 3 percent respectively, while it was not observed for FS.
Conclusion: High fluctuation in secondary effluent quality of INWWTP mainly TSS concentration was caused to decline of the UVT value. Therefore, disinfection of effluent by LP, MP and even combined both systems are not applicable in conventional UV dose. Hence, using advanced process unit before UV disinfection system is necessary for removal of TSS.

N Navidjouy, M Jalali, H Khorsandi, Hossein Movahedian,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (7-2014)

Background & Objectives: Listeria bacterium resists to the sludge digestion conditions and Listeria monocytogenes is the most important of them. Sludge produced in the north Isfahan wastewater treatment plant is stabilized by anaerobic digesters and is used for fertilizing agricultural lands after drying in the sludge drying beds. Based on the importance of the subject, the objective of this study was evaluation of sludge processing units efficiency, particularly anaerobic sludge digestion for reduction or removal of Listeria. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, samples were collected weekly from sludge processing units 13 times in north Isfahan wastewater treatment plant according to standard methods over three months. Listeria bacteria were enumerated and isolated by triple-tube fermentation method and U.S Department of Agriculture method respectively. Isolated Listeria were confirmed by phenotypic method and then bacterial species were diagnosed differentially by biochemical carbohydrate fermentation and CAMP test. Results: Contamination of raw, stabilized and dried sludge at least to one of L. Monocytogenes, L. Innocua and L. Seeligeri species was 100, 92.3 and 53.8 percent respectively. Anaerobic sludge digesters efficiency to remove L. Monocytogenes, L. Innocua and L. Seeligeri species was determined 64.7, 39.72, and 100 percent while the efficiency of drying sludge beds for L. monocytogenes and L.innocua species removal was 73.4 and 96.68 percent respectively. Conclusion: Listeria monocytogenes is more resistant than other identified species against the sludge processing conditions. Thus, the use of sludge as fertilizer can cause the spread of this bacterium in the environment and agricultural products pollution.

R Mohajer, Mh Salehi, J Mohammadi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (7-2014)

Background and Objective: The contamination of agricultural crops with heavy metals due to soil and atmospheric contamination is a potential threat for their quality and their safety. Heavy metals such as Cd and Pb have been reported for their carcinogenic effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the lead and cadmium concentration in some of crops grown in Isfahan province, Iran. Materials and Methods: During two seasons (spring and summer), 80 samples of four different crops (20 samples from each crop) were randomly harvested from some of the agricultural lands of Isfahan province. After sample preparation, lead and cadmium contents were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The average concentration of Pb and Cd were different in different crops. A significant difference (p<0.05) was observed between mean concentration of lead in beetroot with onion and also cabbage whereas no significant difference was observed for lead between beetroot and lettuce (p>0.05). Means comparison showed a significant difference for cadmium between beetroot and cabbage and also beetroot and onion (p<0.001). Results showed that the concentration of Pb and Cd in most of the samples was higher than the standard limits reported by Iran (maximum tolerance of heavy metal in lettuce, cabbage, rootbeet and onion is 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, and 0.1 for lead and 0.1, 0.05, 0.05 and 0.05 UNIT for cadmium respectively) and FAO-WHO. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that although most of the sampling plants were contaminated with lead and cadmium, the estimated daily intake of each metal (EDI) showed that except lead in lettuce, other crops have EDI below the provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI) recommended by the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran. In order to better management, preventing pollution and also finding the origin of elements, analyzing heavy metals content in soil, water, and dust of this region is recommended.

A Ebrahimi, M.h Ehrampoush, H Hashemi, M Dehvari,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (6-2016)

Background and Objective: Predicting municipal solid waste generation has an important role in solid waste management. The aim of this study was to predict municipal solid waste generation in Isfahan through time series method and system dynamics modeling.

Materials and Methods: Verified data of solid waste generation was collected from Waste Management Organization and population information was collected from the National Statistics Center, Iran for the period 1996-2011. Next, the effect of   factors on solid waste generation such as population, urbanization, gross domestic product was investigated. Moreover, the relationship between each of these factors was identified using generalized estimating equation  model. Finally, the quantity of the solid waste generated in Isfahan city was predicted using system dynamics modeling by Vensim software and time series method by ARMA technique.

Results: It was found that population and gross domestic product have a significant relationship with the amount of solid waste with P value 0.026 and 0 respectively. The annual average of municipal solid waste generation would be 1501.4 ton/day in 2021 estimated by the time series method and 1436 ton/day estimated by the system dynamics modeling. In addition, average annual growth rate achieved was 3.44%.

Conclusion: According to the results obtained, population and gross domestic product have a significant effect on MSW generation. Municipal solid waste generation will increase in future. Increasing solid waste is not the same in different areas and methods. The prediction of the time series method by ARMA technique gives precise results compared with other methods.

Qasim Jalal Smian, Soheil Sobhanardakani, Atefeh Chamani,
Volume 16, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Objective: Nowadays, individuals spend a lot of time indoors; thus they are exposed to hazardous compounds including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with teratogen, mutagen, and carcinogen potential. Therefore, this study was conducted to detect, and determine the content and source apportionment of PAHs in office building dust samples of Isfahan metropolis in 2023.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 84 indoor dust samples were collected from 28 sampling sites. After extraction of analytes, the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC–MS) method was used to determine PAHs content in the samples. Molecular diagnostic ratios (MDRs) were used to determine the origin of PAH compounds. Furthermore, all statistical analyses were performed by SPSS software.
Results: The results showed that 16 priority PAHs were detected in the office building dust samples with the minimum, maximum, and mean values (µg/kg) of 4575, 16589, and 9838. Moreover, based on the results obtained, the mean contents of NAPH, FLU, PHE, FULA, PYR, BaA, CHR, BbF, BkF, BaP, DahA, BghiP, and IcdP species were higher than the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) established by Iran DOE. The results of the MDRs method indicated that although PAHs originated from both pyrogenic and petrogenic sources, the pyrogenic sources had the main role in the pollution of office building dusts with PAHs.
Conclusion: Due to risks arising from exposure to PAHs, detection, determination of contents, source identification, and especially health risk assessment of PAHs in indoor dust of other closed places such as commercial, educational, and recreational buildings as well as households is recommended.

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