Showing 28 results for Nag
M.a Zazouli, A Mohseni Bandpei, A Eslami, A Sadeghi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2009)
Background and Objectives: Recycling is one of the best alternatives in solid wastes management. Recycling has few benefits from the viewpoint of economics and environmental. Paper and cardboard are the valuable recyclable materials in solid wastes. The rate of paper recycling is 35% in world. The major production source of paper and cardboard wastes is private and governmental offices and organizations. To be informed about paper production is very important in the solid wastes recycling.Thus, the aim of this study was to determine production rate of paper and cardboard waste and also to determine paper recycling potential in the 20 head offices of Mazandaran province.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in the 20 head offices of at province center. The offices were selected by chance. This study was conducted four months in 2006. paper waste was separated after suspension of work. Collected material weighed on the sensitive scales. Separation and measuring was done for a week per month.
Results: The results showed that more than 2 tons of paper waste was produced in the twenty offices. The maximum and minimum of paper production was in education and recycling organization, respectively. The maximum and minimum of production rate was 2.08 and 0.192 kg per capita in month that was in the education and Jihad-e-Agriculture organization, respectively. Also the maximum and minimum of paper waste was produced at first work day of week (Saturday) and last work day of week (Thursday), respectively. However, it was not significantly (P >0.05). Paperrecycling operation and marketing was done in an office.
Conclusion: Findings of this study indicated that office solid waste management needs more notice in Iran. And also calculations showed that paper recycling is economical.
K Naddafi, R Nabizadeh, M.s Hassanvand, A.r Mesdaghinia, K Yaghmaeian, F Momeniha,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (11-2009)
Backgrounds and Objectives: Due to having features such as toxicity, corrosiveness, ignitability, reactivity or other similar characteristics, hazardous wastes refer to the wastes that jeopardize man's health and environment. A study was required to identify the hazardous wastes in Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), since it plays an important role in the development of the country's education. The objective of this research was to provide a review of hazardous wastes production and its management at Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods: In this study, four schools that were in the central campus of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, were selected and the necessary data were gathered using a sampling, questionnaire, interviewing those in charge of the units, and referring to the available documents. The information includes the type and amount of waste, method of temporary storage, frequency of waste discharge, and method of final disposal of wastes.
Results: The obtained results indicate that approximately 2072 Kg of hazardous wastes are produced each year, excluding the uncontrolled wastewater. Moreover, schools of dental, pharmacy, medicine, and public health produced approximately 993, 606, 256, 217 Kg/year, respectively, of hazardous wastes in the central campus. Also, the results show that, of total amount of annual hazardous waste that was 2.72 tons, 954, 848, 475, 427, 245, 49 Kg were wastes that the features infectious, toxicity, ignitability, carcinogenesis, corrosiveness, and reactivity, respectively.
Conclusion: It is to be mentioned that hazardous solid wastes were manage with household solid waste and hazardous liquid waste were discharged into sink without any kind of control. Improper practice is evident from the point of waste production to final disposal.
A. A Pourbabaee, F Karami, A Amirkhani, B Rajabpour,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (7-2010)
Backgrounds and Objectives: True cholera with typical clinical features nearly always occurs by serologic groups O1 and O139 but the non-O1 group can produce a disease with same clinical characteristic sporadically. According to the important of climate and environmental conditions in the distribution and abundance of Vibrio cholera, in this study, the distribution of the serologic group was evaluated in different parts of Qom city with relation to the affected patients.
Materials and Methods: In this study 5220 environmental specimens were taken from 12 parts of Qom city and during different seasons of the year 1325, 60 clinical specimens were taken from the patients and all were evaluated for Vibrio cholera with standard methods. The study was of Descriptive and cross sectional and the results were analyzed with statistical soft ware (Epi-info).
Results: The most abundance of Nag strains were related to Emamzadeh Ebrahim and Sheikhabad parts and Shahed Street from Khak faraj and Niroogah area and the least abundance were related to Salariyeh area. The abundance distribution of Nag strain, 7 different specimens was most in hogwash, sewerage and vegetables and least in pipe water which reveal a significant difference (P< 0.05) according to statistical goodness of fit test. The frequency distribution of the patients in each part of area 4 with relevance to sex revealed that the most contamination percentage was attributed to Emamzadeh Ebrahim and Sheikhabad and Shahed from Niroogah area and no positive specimen was taken from Haftado-do-tan and Shahrdary areas.
Conclusion: According to high occurrence of the disease in same areas, and results from other researchers based on increased frequency of non-O1 strains in the environment during the epidemic, so can release a connection between Vibrio cholera O1 strains and non-O1 strains to conclude. On the other hand, none of the clinical and environmental samples, Vibrio cholera O1 was isolated, so probably human carriers in Qom, not the main factor is the emergence of this disease.
M.h Dehghani, F Fazelinia, Gh.a Omrani, R Nabizadeh, K Azam,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2011)
Background and Objectives: Not paying attention to management and control of medical wastes in different stages of production, keeping, gathering, transporting and finally eliminating them all have been creating various setbacks such that the environment and human's health are in danger with the relevant consequences. This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in Vali-e Asr, Amir Kabir, Taleghani, Amir Al-Momenin and Imam Khomeini hospitals of Arak city in 2009. In this research the current condition of gathering, maintaining, transportation and final elimination of hospital wastes of Arak city was investigated .Eventually an appropriate model was introduced.
Material and Methods: Solid wastes were separated, weighed and registered in two sequential intervals. In order to get acquaintance with the management procedure of medical solid wastes in the hospitals studied, a questionnaire approved byW.H.O was used. The questions were then replied by the Managers and Hygiene Experts worked at hospitals and their responses were recorded.
Results: The investigations conducted in 5 hospitals reveal that the average per annual was2.9 Kg in 24 hours per active bed and 4.6 Kg for each patient. This volume consists of 60% for semi-home solid wastes, 39% for infectious solid wastes, 0.34% for sharp wastes, 0.28% for the pathologic and 0.38% for medicinal and chemical solid wastes.
Conclusion: According to the results obtained in this study, in order to reduce pollution create in the hospitals, action should be taken to deal with pollutants at their source of generation. The staff members involved in waste collection and transportation should practice all the personal protection measures.finaly it also should be considered that,success in medical waste management wouldn't be achievable unless all groups of medical staff involved cooperate and participle.
M Ghani, F Golbabaie, A.r Akbarzadeh Baghban, H Aslani, N Moharamnejad,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2011)
Background and Objectives: Particular importance of hazardous wastes is due to having characteristics such as toxicity, flammability, corrosively and reactivity. Some of the chemical wastes due to having hazardous materials must be collected and managed in a proper manner, since they are potentially harmful to the environment. Owing to the fact that educational centers have important roles in developing countries, so the main objective of the present study was to investigate, hazardous waste management in chemistry laboratories of Ministry of Science universities, in Tehran, Iran.
Materials and Methods: Study area of this research includes all chemistry laboratories in Tehran universities which were covered by Ministry of Science. To obtain the number of samples, based on Scientific Principles and identification formula, 64 samples were calculated. In addition, sampling was done by Stratified sampling. Validated checklists were used for data gathering. Data analysis were done by Descriptive statistics (mean, frequency and etc.) and inferential statistics (kruskal- wallis test).
Results: results obtained in this study indicate that Sharif University by obtaining the mean score of 60.5 and Tehran University by obtaining the mean score of 4.5-6 are placed in best and worst rank, respectively. Beheshty, Alzahra and Tarbiat Moallem univesities by acquiring the mean score of 20-28.5 have a same position in ranking table.
Conclusion: Results show that most of the studied laboratories do not have any collection program and only 26.5 percent of them have acceptable programs.The separation and storing program observed in about 12.5 percent . Hazardous wastes' management in chemistry laboratory of Tehran Universities was not in good status. And from the standpoint of management, only 12.5 percent of studied cases are in good status, while 75 percent was in undesirable status.
M. A Karami, M Farzadkia, A Jonidi Jaafari, R Nabizade, M. R Gohari, M Karimaee,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2012)
Background and Objectives: In recent years, poor industrial waste managements have created many crises in human societies. The aim of this study was to investigate industrial waste management located between Tehran and Karaj zone in 2009-2010.
Materials and Methods: This study is descriptive and sectional which was done by site visits, (Iranian environmental protection organization) use of questionnaires, database production and results analysis. The questionnaire consisted of 45 questions mainly about industrial waste quantity, quality and management. Total number of industries with over 50 personnel's, calculated as 283. Class-weighted sampling was used in which the sample size contained 50 industries.
Results: Total generated industrial waste was 123451, kg per day. Major hazardous waste generated in industrial sections included: chemical and plastic making. About 45.28% of waste generated disposed by private sectors. Landfill with 62% and reuse with 17% were the first and second alternative of common methods for final disposal of solid waste in this zone.
Conclusion: In order to reduce hazardous waste generation in this zone, reuse and recovery maximization of the waste must be noted in short-term. In long-term, some industries such as chemical-plastic and electronics which have high rate of hazardous waste production must be replaced with other industries with low rate production, such as wood-cellulose and paper industries.
Mahran Mohammadian Fazli , Jalil Nassiri , Ramin Nabizadeh, Mohammad Reza Mehrasbi,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (5-2013)
Backgrounds and Objectives: Medical waste management is one of the important issues in solid waste managment in each community. This research was carried out to study the quantity, quality and the management practices of solid wastes of hospitals in Zanjan City in 2011.
Materials and Methods: In the present study, the hospital wastes were categoried and weighted into four main categories. Waste management pattern was studied based on a checklist extracted from national guidelines. Then, hospitals were ranked from very poor to excellent classes. For data analysis, Excel soft ware was used.
Results: Waste generation rate was on average 2.402± 0.163 Kg/ in the studied hospitals. The generation rate of domestic waste, infectious waste, sharp wastes, and chemical - pharmacological waste was 1.432±0.059, 0.926±0.096, 0.029±0.0055, and 0.015±0.002 kg/day.bed respectively. The status of the waste management practices was determined as average.
Conclusion: Waste generation rate in the hospitals of Zanjan was lower compared with the expected average value in other cities (e.g. 2.71 Kg/ in Tehran). The percentage of medical waste in Zanjan hospitals was 34, which is higher than W.H.O. recommendations. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to reform and monitor certain solid waste management practices in order to reduce health and environmental issues.
Kamiar Yaghmaeian , Ali Akbar Roudbari, Saeeid Nazemi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (12-2013)
Background & Objectives: The aim of the study was to design and implement integrated solid wastes management pattern in Shahroud industrial area, to evaluate the results, and to determine possible performance problems.
Materials & Methods: This cross - sectional study was carried out for 4 years in Shahroud industrial area and the implementation process included: 1. qualitative and quantitative analysis of all solid wastes generated in the area, 2. determining the current state of solid waste management in the area and identifying programs conducted, 3. designing and implementation of integrated management pattern including design and implementation of training programs, laws, penalties and incentives, and illustrating and implementing programs for all factories, and 4. monitoring the implementation process and determining the results.
Results: Annually, 1,728 tons of solid waste is generated in the area including 1603 tons of industrial waste and 125 tons of municipal wastes. By implementing this pattern, two separated systems of collection and recycling of domestic and industrial waste were launched in this area. Moreover, consistent with the goals, the amount of solid waste generated and disposed in 2011 was 51.5 and 28.6 kg per 100 million Rials production respectively. In addition, 42 and 40% of the industrial waste and paper were recycled.
Conclusion: Results showed that implementation of this pattern, i.e. running source separation, training programs, capacity building, providing technical services, completing chain of industries and strengthening the cooperation between industrial estate management and industrial units could greatly reduce the waste management problems.
S Nasrollahi-Sarvaghaji, R Alimardani, M Sharifi, Mr Taghizadeh Yazdi,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (9-2016)
Background and Objectives: The continuous increase in solid waste generation worldwide due to population growth and industrialization, calls for management strategies that integrate concerns for environmental sustainability. By quantifying environmental impacts of systems, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool which can contribute to answering that call. The aim of this study was to evaluate environmental pollutants resulting from various treatment options including anaerobic digestion, incineration, and landfill of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated daily in Tehran.
Materials and Methods: First, the physical properties of the waste and consumption of inputs in the study area were determined from September to October, 2014- 2015. Then the different steps of LCA in relation to each of the subsystems were followed (with SimaPro software). Finally, the results based on the CML Baseline 2000 were presented and analyzed.
Results: It was found that when the higher rate of separation and processing in any subsystems increases, the emission of environmental pollutants decreases, so that the global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, and abiotic depletion as the most important impact categories in the subsystems of anaerobic digestion were obtained as -125935 kg CO2/day, -449 kg SO2/day, -1690 kg PO43-/day and -0.43 kg Sb/day, respectively and in incineration were obtained as -264872 kg CO2/day, -974 kg SO2/day, -3471 kg PO43-/day and -0.76 kg Sb/day, respectively, while in the landfill subsystem, they were estimated to be 74478 kg CO2/day, 362 kg SO2/day, 118 kg PO43-/day, and 0.13 kg Sb/day, respectively.
Conclusion: According to the constituent processes of each of the subsystems and the results of the evaluation of exhaust emissions subsystems, it can be concluded that in an integrated system of waste management, the energy-generating systems such as anaerobic digestion and incineration should be as the first priority and the traditional subsystems such as landfill should be as the last priority.
H Godini, S Karimpour Roshan, Z Imanian, T Naji, B Mirza Hedayat,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (12-2017)
Background and Objective: The failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is one of risk assessment techniques. The aim of this study was to identify, assess and prioritize the risk associated with the process of medical waste management using the FMEA method and provide appropriate strategies and measures for controlling the risk of this process in the Children's Medical Center Hospital.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in this hospital during the first 6 months of 2016. For data collection, the standard worksheet of FMEA and object-oriented sampling were used. In this method, each error based on the severity, the occurrence rate and probability of finding an error is scored between 1 and 10, which the priority number of the risk is obtained from the product of these 3 indicators.
Results: In this study, a total of 33 potential risks associated with the management of medical wastes were identified using FMEA risk assessments. The highest priority number for non-washed waste containers is 360 and the lowest priority number is the risk of not having the Safety box for disposal of sharp waste in the wards, which is 30.
Conclusion: One of the most important sources of environmental pollution is medical wastes that have high costs in different stages of waste management in the hospital, thus, the use of the FMEA technique can reduce costs and increase the safety and health of the personnel. It also helps to preserve the environment.
N Farrar, Sr Golestaneh, S Rasoulian,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2018)
Background and Objective: The sewer system is one of the important and suitable areas for the growth and reproduction of American Cockroach Periplaneta americana (L.) in Bushehr. This project was implemented for considering the high cost of spraying and environmental pollution.
Materials and Methods: In this study some commonly insecticides were tested in different doses to evaluate the effectiveness on cockroaches in sewer system. Three treatments including the combination of the insecticide with class B diatomaceous earth, solid silica gel and boric acid were evaluated in manholes of sewer system. In this regard, the Bushehr city was divided into ten clusters based on its sewer system and then, ten manholes were selected randomly from each area to survey and conduct field experiments. A random-cluster sampling method was used to generalize the results of the whole system. The mortality rate was corrected on control mortality with the Henderson-Tilton formula.
Results: Experimental insecticides spraying controlled up to 100 percent of cockroaches in the laboratory. However, using insecticide alone reduced the mortality rate in manholes over time. The results of statistical tests showed that the most effective method in destroying cockroach was the usage of the compounds of insecticide, mineral and non-chemical substances which caused mortality rate more than 90% up to 12 months.
Conclusion: As little as 50 g/manhole of a dust consisting of 5% silica gel, 35% boric acid, 60% diatomaceous earth with a commercial insecticide such as Deltamethrin sprayer provided more than 98% control for 12 months.
M Ansari, T Dehdari, M Farzadkia,
Volume 11, Issue 3 (12-2018)
Background and Objective: A scientific questionnaire for assessing the knowledge, attitude and judgment of people on waste management by municipalities has not been developed so far. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design and validation of an instrument to assess the knowledge, attitude and judgment of people on waste management by municipalities.
Materials and Methods: This analytical study was conducted in District 21 of Tehran in 2017. The initial items of the questionnaire were designed based on previous studies and opinions of the team of specialists and people. Then, the face validity and the content validity of the designed questionnaire was examined. The face validity and the content validity was examined qualitatively and quantitatively, respectively. Finally, the reliability of the attitude and knowledge and evaluation of municipal performance items were measured by Cronbach's alpha and a test-retest method, respectively.
Results: The initial questionnaire had 43 items. In the face validity, 8 items were removed and 8 items were edited. In quantitative content validity, 7 items were excluded, with the content validity index of less than 0.79 and the content validity ratio less than 0.49. Pearson correlation coefficient obtained for knowledge component equal to (r=0.77, p<0.0001) and for component performance (r=0.93, p<0.0001), respectively. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was equal to 0.89 for items attitudes, which were in an acceptable level.
Conclusion: The questionnaire can be used as a valid research instrument to collect information on knowledge, attitude and judgment of people on waste management by municipalities.
M Ansari, M Fahiminia, M Farzadkia,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (3-2019)
Background and Objective: Rural wastewater management is recognized as one of the pillars of sustainable development. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess needs and prioritization of establishment of rural wastewater management facilities in order to supply a safe and alternative water source in the provinces of Iran experiencing severe water stress.
Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study which was carried out in rural areas of the provinces with severe water stress (South Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, Fars, Isfahan, Yazd, Semnan, Qom, Sistan and Baluchistan) in 2017-2018. In this study, the number of sample rural areas was calculated by Cochran method and the determination of the sample rural area was done by stratified sampling. The data related to the sample rural area was collected using a validated constructor questionnaire.
Results: The results of this study showed that the difference among all the studied provinces in terms of their priority in establishing rural waste water management facilities to provide a safe and alternative water source was very low. The provinces of Isfahan, Semnan and Fars were rated at 76 out of 100, while the provinces of South Khorasan and Sistan and Baluchestan scored 71 points.
Conclusion: With emphasis on comprehensive decision making criteria based on sustainable development, the results of this study showed that the provinces with severe water stress have a high priority regarding the establishment of rural sewage management projects in order to provide a safe and alternative water sources.
Kh Faraji Mahyari, Sh Rafiee, Ar Keyhani, Z Faraji Mahyari,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2019)
Background and Objective: Knowledge about the quantity of municipal solid waste (MSW) generation plays a key role in formulating policies of waste management. So far, different methods have been applied to estimate the quantity of waste generation. In this study, eight specific forms of mathematical functions were evaluated to predict waste generation by the regression analysis method based on population.
Materials and Methods: The significance test of each model and the existence necessity of predictor parameters were performed using the F- and t-statistic, respectively. The statistical indicators of determination coefficient ( ), adjusted determination coefficient ( ), root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias error (MBE) and mean percentage error (MPE) were used for model’s goodness of fit. The predicted determination coefficient ( ) was calculated to assess the predictive ability of models by method of Leave-one-out cross validation.
Results: The results showed that polynomial models of second order and more are not significant (at 0.01 level) despite good accuracy and are not suitable for long-term prediction. Linear, power and exponential models are best with equal to 0.942, 0.932 and 0.936 and equal to 0.904, 0.893 and 0.898 respectively. However, the uncertainty was greater in the exponential model.
Conclusion: The status of waste generation was investigated in four scenarios based on growth rate of population (increasing, fixing and decreasing births) at Tehran metropolis in 2021-2051. In all scenarios, annual generation and per capita of waste are increased to 2051. The daily waste generation will increase to 12317 ton in 2051.
J Gorgani, R Nabizadeh, M Gholami, H Pasalari, M Yegane Badi, M Farzadkia, Ha Asgharnia, Ma Zazouli,
Volume 12, Issue 3 (12-2019)
Background and Objective: Hospital wastes with the content of infectious, pathologic, sharp, pharmaceupitical and genotoxic materials are classified as hazardous wastes. Of which, genotoxic residues wirh mutagenic and teratogenic effects are of most great concern on human health. Genetic wastes are referred to as cytotoxic, chemical, and radioactive drugs used to treat cancer or treat transplantation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the management of hospital wastes in Mazandaran province with emphasis on genotoxic waste.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in 35 governmental and social hospitals in Mazandaran province to determine the satus of hospital waste with focus on geotoxic waste. The quanity, quality and management approaches of hospital and genotoxic wastes in the studied hospitals were surveyed with a validated questionnaire. Results obtained from the present study were analyzed with Excel software.
Results: The average waste per each hospital bed was estimated to be 3.51 kilograms. Of which, 2.2, 1.24, 1.9 kg were categorized as municipal, chemical, and genotoxic wastes, respectively. The average of the hospital waste management index in Mazandaran province was found to be about 84 out of 100, indicating good management of these wastes. The management of genotoxic waste in 7 specialized chemotherapy hospitals was estimated to be 64 out of 100, indicating the average state of genotoxic waste management for these hospitals. In 28 non-chemotherapy hospitals, the genotoxic waste management index was approximated 42 out of 100, indicating poor management of these wastes.
Conclusion: The main weaknesses in hospital waste management are associated with the management of chemical-pharmaceutical and genotoxic wastes. Accordingly, improvement the quality of genotoxic and chemical-pharmaceutical wastes should be concerned in the future planning.
Ma Zazouli, Z Karimi, R Rafiee,
Volume 12, Issue 4 (2-2020)
Background and Objective: one of the major challenges in urban management in human societies is related to the collection, recycling and disposal of solid waste and sewage. Poor waste management causes pollution of water, soil and air. It will have a major impact on public health. The aim of present study was to investigate the current status and select the best options of management of municipal solid waste in Noor city (Mazandaran, Iran) using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology.
Materials and Methods: This research considered with five scenarios: 1) Recycling, composting and unsanitary landfilling; 2) Recycling, composting and sanitary landfilling; 3) Recycling, incineration and sanitary landfilling; 4) Recycling, composting and anaerobic digestion, incineration, sanitary landfilling; 5) Recycling and unsanitary landfilling. The required data for life cycle assessment inventory were collected through reviewing resources, preparing of questionnaires, completing the questionnaire by staff, and field inspections.The life cycle inventory was approved by the IWM model.
Results: The scenario 5, which is the current situation in the region, had the highest environmental impact in terms of toxic emissions and ecological indicators among all the scenarios. Energy consumption in the scenarios 1 and 5 was higher than the unsanitary landfilling in comparison to the other scenarios. Accordingly, the scenarios 5 and 4 had the most and the least impact on methane gas production.
Conclusion: According to the ecological index, the fourth scenario including recycling, composting and anaerobic digestion, and sanitary landfilling was the best scenario. Fifth scenario with the highest pollution load was the worst scenario evaluated.
Hamid Karyab, Faeze Karyab,
Volume 13, Issue 3 (11-2020)
Background and Objective: Since industrial waste management requires accurate knowledge of quantity and quality of solid wastes, this study was conducted to assess quantitative and qualitative characterization of industrial solid waste in Qazvin province, Iran and investigate its related pattern management.
Materials and Methods: Based on the guideline of Iranian Environment Protection Organization, industries were classified into 10 groups. Then according to the abundance of industries in each group, 276 industries and 4 wastewater treatment plants were selected. The Basel Convention criterion was used to identify special solid wastes. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics and management pattern of industrial wastes were determined by referring to the industries and completing a researcher-made questionnaire.
Results: The total types of identified industrial solid wastes were 1726. According to the guideline of Basel Convention, 33.7% of identified wastes were classified as special wastes. The total amount of solid wastes was 38826 ton/month. The maximum solid wastes production was in the chemical industries with 14,380 ton/month. The recovery and recycling rates were 8.96 and 6.44%, respectively, and 36.44 % of industrial waste was sold directly.
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the management of industrial solid wastes in Qazvin province does not follow a specific pattern. In addition, the quantity and the composition of solid wastes in the study area is a serious potential for environmental pollution and threatening human health. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a center responsible for industrial wastes management and design a centralized industrial waste disposal system.
Ali Daryabeigi Zand, Maryam Rabiee Abyaneh,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (5-2021)
Background and Objective: Due to the increasing trend of municipal solid waste (MSW) production, if a suitable management system is not applied, it will lead to environmental pollution and endanger human health. The aim of this study was to compare different scenarios of waste management in Chalous city with life cycle assessment (LCA) approach and to select the most efficient method in terms of environmental adaptation.
Materials and Methods: After investigation of the quantitative and qualitative characterization of the produced wastes and the current waste disposal method in Chalous city, the obtained results were used to evaluate the life cycle of six different waste management scenarios; including the combination of four methods of composting, recycling, incineration along with energy extraction and sanitary landfilling. Emissions from various scenarios were assessed using IWM-2 model.
Results: The current system of municipal waste management in Chalus (scenario 1) with ecological index of 1.73+06 poses the highest pollution load into the environment. The inclusion of compost disposal methods in the organic waste sector and recycling of biodegradable materials significantly reduces the emissions of environmental pollutants by increasing the amount of materials for recycling and reuse, as well as preventing emissions from raw material production. The fifth scenario (60% compost, 30% recycling and 10% sanitary landfill) with ecological index of -2.00+05 was known as the lowest contamination scenario.
Conclusion: Considering that a high percentage of Chalous municipal solid waste composition is perishable materials (organic waste), simultaneous application of composting and recycling methods can be a suitable option for optimal management of wastes in Chalous city and play an important role in reducing the environmental pollution load.
Azad Mollaei, Reza Rafie, Mazaher Moeinaddini, Sayyed Hossein Khazaei,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (9-2021)
Background and Objective: The purpose of this study was to use the HELP model to estimate the leachate generation rate and its pattern in a landfill located in the semi-arid region of Iran.
Materials and Methods: The input data for the model were collected through fieldwork. To evaluate the accuracy of outputs, the actual amount of leachate production has been measured on-site for 10 months. In addition, sensitivity analysis was conducted to find out the most important parameters in leachate generation in the landfill.
Results: The results showed that the model was able to estimate the rate of leachate generation with an accuracy of 75.5% and the correlation between the model's estimated values and actual values was 60%. In addition. the sensitivity analysis showed that the most important factors affecting the leachate generation in the landfill were waste moisture content and rainfall, respectively.
Conclusion: The model showed satisfactory performance in the prediction of leachate generation in the arid area. The model showed that the moisture content of the waste significantly contributes to leachate generation in Karaj landfill and therefore, it is suggested to identify and implement procedures to reduce the moisture content of the waste at the source of generation.
Zeinab Mousania, Seyed Hassan Mousavi, Farzane Mirza Bayati, Reza Rafiee,
Volume 14, Issue 3 (12-2021)
Background and Objective: Various aspects including the environmental burdens, social and economic consequences of the waste management(WM) scenarios must be considered to come up with a comprehensive WM plan. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is a systematic method to quantify the environmental burdens of each WM scenario.
Materials and Methods: This study used an LCA approach to develop a decision support system to analyze different scenarios of WM. Local and global databases were used to develop a comprehensive life cycle inventory database. The model comes with a graphical user interface in Persian to make it easier to use by a wide range of customers. Finally, to evaluate the model, three scenarios were assessed in Karaj city, Iran.
Results: To the best of our knowledge, this model is the first attempt to automate the process of waste management scenarios evaluation in Iran. The model enables users to easily and quickly simulate a wide range of scenarios. All calculations will be carried out by the software in the background and the user only needs to determine his/her scenario of concern which is very easy owing to the user-friend GUI of the software. The model was evaluated by analyzing the current WM in Karaj. The results showed that the waste collection system is the main source of environmental pollution of the WM in Karaj city due to the inefficient system of the waste collection and poor fleet fuel efficiency.
Conclusion: This tool allows users to gather detailed information about the waste management systems. In this way, the user can make informed decisions about the most suitable waste management scenario in a city.