Fazlollah Changani, Anvar Asadi, Gholam Ali Haghighat, Amir Hossein Mahvi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2012)
and Objectives: since there is not any information about
the quality and quantity of carpet cleaning wastewater, this study was done for
the evaluation of carpet cleaning wastewater
characterization in Tehran.
and Methods: There are 122 carpet-cleaning units in Tehran. Compound
samplings were taken from 10 randomly selected carpet-cleaning units. Each unit
was sampled 5 times and analyzed based on the Standard Methods. Quality
parameters measured included chemical oxygen demand (COD), detergent, color and
suspended solids (SS), and data was analyzed using statistical software spss16.
Results: Results showed that the amount of water usage for carpet cleaning was 30.84
liters per square meter of carpet washed. The average level of COD, color,
detergent and SS in the effluent of carpet cleaning unit was 367.4 mg/l, 171.85 ADMI, 55.51 mg/l and 359.62
mg/l, respectively.
Conclusion: The effluent characteristics of carpet cleaning units are almost with in the
domestic wastewater range. However, since these wastes are disposed untreated
into the environment which are then enter surface and groundwater, all measured
parameter were higher than proposed standards regulated by EPA, So treating
process must be done before disposal.
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