Volume 3, Issue 3 And 4 (18 2008)                   irje 2008, 3(3 And 4): 67-71 | Back to browse issues page

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Razjoyan K, Davari Ashtiani R, Yavari P. Soft Neurological Signs in Hyperactive/Inattentive Children. irje 2008; 3 (3 and 4) :67-71
URL: http://irje.tums.ac.ir/article-1-164-en.html
Abstract:   (17074 Views)
Background & Objectives: This research focused on estimating the mean of Neurological Soft Signs scores in children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and comparing them with normal children.
Methods: We evaluated 25 children with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder in the age group of 7-12 years (mean age: 10.16 ± 1.5y) using the DSM-VI Attention Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder Questionnaire, Conner’s Parents’ Rating Scale, and the 28-item NES Questionnaire. There was no significant age difference between cases and controls. The mean total NES score was 11.4±4.14 in cases and 5.6± 2.79 in controls (P< 0.0001). Compared to the control group, the cases had significantly more problems with the glabellar reflex, rapid alternative movements and right-left discrimination.
Results: Soft Neurological signs are observed with greater frequency among children with ADHD compared to normal subjects and the difference is more significant in certain domains such as rapid alternative movements, right- left confusion, and glabellar reflex.
Conclusions: Considering the relatively high frequency of soft neurological signs in children with Attention deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder, earlier diagnosis and treatment of the disease might be possible through careful neurological examination.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2007/07/7 | Accepted: 2008/01/27 | Published: 2013/09/7

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