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A Bagheri, M Saadati, N Zanjari, A Shabak,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Background and Objectives: Considering the growing trend of aging in Iran, it is necessary to study the factors affecting the health of elderly people. The main purpose of this study was to investigate demographic, social, and economic determinants of self-assessed health of elderly people in Tehran using generalized structural equation model (GSEM).
Methods: The data of the present study was obtained from a cross-sectional study in which 598 elderly people aged 60 years and over were selected from 22 districts of Tehran in 20151394 using stratified multi-stage sampling method and a researcher-made questionnaire was completed for them. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed using and time consistency. To study the determinants of self-assessed health of elderly people, WLSMV and ULSMV estimators of GSEM were compared in Mplus (7.3).
Results: Based on the goodness-of-fit indices, the ULSMV estimator was selected to evaluate factors affecting the self-assessed health of elderly people (RMSEA=0.02, CFI=0.951 and TLI=0.962). The self-assessed health ranks of married and employed elderly people were higher than single (P-value=0.022) and unemployed (P-value=0.048) ones, respectively. An increase in spirituality (P-value=0.016), physical and mental health (P-value=0.001), and health-oriented behavior (P-value=0.016) increased the standard score of self-assessed health of elderly people. Physical and mental health played a complete mediating role in relationships of gender (P-value=0.014), marital status (P-value=0.040), education level (P-value=0.039), self-reported socio-economic status (good/ P-value=0.013 and middle/P-value=0.017) and number of diseases (P-value=0.001) with self-assessed health of elderly people.
Conclusion: According to the results, for policy-making in the field of geritrics, special attention should be paid to structural variables like gender, marital status, education level, and self-reported socio-economic status in addition to physical and mental health.

F Heydari, A Shahesmaeili, M Eslami Shahrbabaki,
Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2022)

Background and Objectives: This study was conducted to compare the personality type and alexithymia between opiates dependents, concurrent opiates and methamphetamine users and control groups presenting to drug abuse treatment centers in Kerman in 2020.
Methods: In this cross-sectional analytical study, three groups with a sample size of 130 participants were recruited through convenience sampling from six drug abuse treatment centers (two governmental and four private centers) in Kerman, 2020. The first group comprised opiates-only users. The second group included concurrent opiates and methamphetamine users. The third group included never-drug users. The data were collected using three questionnaires including a demographic questionnaire, the Friedman and Rosenman personality types questionnaire and Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Comparison of variables between the three groups was done using multivariable multinomial logistic regression.
Results: The research outcomes indicated a higher chance of type A personality in the opiates with methamphetamine dependents (adjusted odds ratio (AOR):1.97; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 3.64, 1.06) compared to the control group. The chance of severe alexithymia was higher among opiates dependents (AOR: 1.86; 95% CI: 3.27, 1.06) and concurrent opiates and methamphetamine users (AOR: 2.7; 95% CI: 4.83, 1.51) compared to the control group. The concurrent opiates and methamphetamine users were more likely to be male (AOR: 3.1; 95% CI: 6.25, 1.53), single (AOR: 2.6; 95% CI: 4.72, 1.43) and unemployed (AOR: 4.01; 95% CI: 9.09, 1.77) compared to the control group. Compared to the control group, the opiates dependents (AOR: 4.14; 95% CI: 7.71, 2.22) and the opiates with methamphetamine dependents (AOR: 1.95; 95% CI: 3.69, 1.03) were more likely to have education levels lower than secondary school diploma.
Conclusion: Considering the relationship between the personality type and alexithymia with opiates and methamphetamine use, early screening, continuous care, and necessary trainings are required to prevent drug dependency in high-risk people, especially at younger ages. 

Aliakbar Haghdoost, Alireza Alikhani, Mostafa Hosseini Golkar, Reza Dehnavieh, Samira Seifi,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: The COVID-19 epidemic and its subsequent effects have become a significant global challenge. In addition to being affected by this crisis, Iran is also facing many other problems, including sanctions and economic problems. So, there is a concern that it will suffer more severe consequences.
Methods: Scenario planning is one of the ways to recognize future changes and environmental uncertainties. This study used the so-called global business network (GBN) method, also known as the scenario matrix method. This method is based on two key uncertainties and six steps have been taken to examine variables related to health and socio-economic factors and use the opinions of relevant experts.
Results: To be expected, Iran's health system will be able to manage the epidemic in the face of various conditions with severity and weakness, and only in the pessimistic scenario or in Worst-case scenario with the default assumption of the continuation of sanctions and the spread of the epidemic. It leads to global restrictions, loss of foreign exchange reserves, loss of performance or collapse of the health system, increasing the number of deaths and diminishing the quality of life.
Conclusion: Regarding the COVID-19 epidemic and the existing background factors, scenarios of Iran’s health and economic conditions were narrated. Given the ability of the scenarios to understand the complexity and help in decision-making, it is considered a useful tool for policy makers to have a broader, comprehensive and reasonable look to achieve a correct consensus. This situation leads to the preservation and continuation of society health and conventional economic decisions.

Vajihe Armanmehr, Hossein Mirzaei, Abdoljavad Khajavi, Toktam Paykani, Reza Esmaili,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: Faster than expected, the COVID-19 disease changed people's lives on an unprecedented scale. The present research aimed to shed light on the economic challenges of the pandemic and the efforts made concerning economic resilience. Thus, this study delved into the experience of families residing in a suburban town.
Methods: The present study was qualitative in type. It used a qualitative content analysis with a guided approach conducted through 17 in-depth semi-structured individual interviews with subjects over 15 years of age living in Tawheed Gonabad town. These subjects had lived in the area for at least three years. The interviews were held and audio-recorded in a purposive sampling method after gaining informed consent from the participants in the spring of 2021. In order to estimate the validity of the data, Lincoln and Goba's criteria were used.
Results: The economic resilience of families during the pandemic was marked by three main categories and nine sub-categories. The categories were:
1) changes to the economic dimension of the family (the sub-categories: employment, income, consumption and socioeconomic status),
2) solutions to the economic changes of the family (sub-categories: reliance on internal resources, family and receiving support from outside of the family), and
3) the effectiveness of economic resilience of families at higher levels (sub-categories: macroeconomics, family social capital and regional resilience).
As more detailed results showed, the pandemic has caused a decrease in the income and consumption of essential items in quantity and quality and imposed excessive costs on the target community. The dominant solution to economic problems has been changing consumer’s behavior and income diversification. The lack of supportive plans, poor social networks and the identity of the neighborhood are the significant barriers to the increase of economic resilience.
Conclusion: The families investigated in the present study were vulnerable in many ways and had low economic resilience. In order to improve the families' level of economic resilience, it is necessary to know the context and carry out interventions and support plans based on the families' internal and external capacities, including the neighborhood's empowering conditions.

Hamid Choobineh, Zeinab Parisay, Fatemeh Shahbazi, Gazaleh Danesh, Mahdi Nasri, Sayed-Saeed Hashemi-Nazari,
Volume 18, Issue 2 (9-2022)

Background and Objectives: Human resources are the center of sustainable development in advanced management. Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is a system that consistently and by means of human resources, facilities and equipment and tries to create a healthy, pleasant, fresh environment away from accident, damage and waste. This study was conducted to assess the health performance, Safety and Environmental Indicators (HSE) in the field of human resources development of Tehran Municipality.
Methods: This study was conducted as a descriptive cross-sectional and, the study base was all 22 districts of Tehran municipality. After designing and validating of HSE performance evaluation protocol, HSE status was evaluated in 22 districts of Tehran. The aforementioned protocol contained seven sections: leadership and commitment, policy and strategic goals, organization and documentation, risk management, planning, implementation and monitoring, audit and review). Its validity and reliability were determined by obtaining corrective opinions from specialists and experts inside and outside the municipal organization.
Results: In most areas of Tehran municipality, the inter-organizational communication index was the highest score. The highest score (68%) is related to this index. The mean overall score for performance evaluation was 46.6.
Conclusion: The HSE situation was undesirable (less than 70%) in more than half of Tehran's municipalities. Regions 4 and 7 were in desirable status (above 70%). Thus, for current situation improvement, we should use long-term strategy planning in the field of HSE.

Fereshteh Eidy, Hoosein Fallahzadeh, Rahman Panahi, Jamshid Jamali,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Background and Objectives: Today, overweight and obesity are among the significant challenges in the world. They can have adverse effects on quality of life. Quality of life is determined by social and physical environment. The present study investigated the construct validity of the Persian version of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life (IWQOL-lite) questionnaire using multilevel confirmatory factor analysis.
Methods: The present study was conducted on 310 people over 18 years old living in Yazd city. The data were analyzed using m-plus6.2 software.
Results: The mean age of the participants in this study was 33.97± 4.70 years. Sixty percent (N=183) of subjects were male. The indices of the one-level model were more appropriate than those of the two-level model, and the one-level confirmatory factor analysis model had a good fitting to the data (CLI: 0.98, TLI: 0.98, RMSEA: 0.038).
Conclusion: The results of this study indicated the need for more effectiveness of urban areas on quality of life. The one-level confirmatory factor analysis model confirmed the construct validity of the IWQOL-lite questionnaire. This questionnaire can be used in the Iranian population.

Zahra Gaeini, Parvin Mirmiran, Zahra Bahadoran, Fereidoun Azizi,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Background and Objectives: Dietary intakes are one of the factors influencing the incidence of chronic kidney disease. The present study was performed to investigate the possible long-term effects of caffeine, tea and coffee consumption on the incidence of chronic kidney disease.
Methods: 1780 adults participating in the third phase of the Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study (TLGS) (2006-2008) were selected for inclusion criteria. Dietary intakes were assessed using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Demographic variables, anthropometrics, and biochemical data were measured at baseline and after six years of follow-up. To estimate the risk of chronic kidney disease, logistic regression analysis, adjusted for possible confounding variables, was used.
Results: Participants’ mean (±SD) age at baseline was 33.96±15.40 years. During six years of follow-up, the incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the population studied was 17.9%. After adjusting confounding variables, the incidence of CKD did not show any significant relationship with tea, coffee, or caffeine intakes (adjusted odds ratio and confidence intervals for CKD in the third tertile of tea and caffeine intake compared to the first tertile and in coffee drinkers compared to non-drinkers were 0.92 (0.68-1.25), 0.87 (0.63-1.21) and 1.17 (0.90-1.51), respectively).
Conclusion: Inverse and non-significant relationship between tea and caffeine consumption with the incidence of CKD and a direct and non-significant relationship between coffee consumption and the incidence of CKD were observed in this study, necessitating further prospective studies to investigate the effects of dietary intakes on CKD.

Zahra Hamidi, Mehdi Ranjbaran, Fateme Qotbi Nia, Akram Bahojb, Hamid Karyab,
Volume 18, Issue 3 (12-2022)

Background and Objectives: Chromium is a heavy metal that toxic to humans in small concentrations. This study aimed to evaluate the cancer risk of exposure to chromium in drinking water in rural areas of Qazvin province.
Methods: Water sampling was performed according to the standard methods for water and wastewater examination and chromium analysis was performed with ICP-OES. Exposure factors were determined using a validated questionnaire. Finally, the risk assessment of oral and dermal exposure to chromium was performed using the risk assessment technique. Monte Carlo simulation was also used to determine the uncertainty caused by point risk estimation.
Results: The mean concentration of chromium in drinking water was 2.8±5.04 μg/l. The excess lifetime cancer estimated by the Monte Carlo simulation was 30.8 cases per 100,000 in the studied population, indicating 100 cases of cancer in the population living in rural areas of the Qazvin province.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that although the concentration of chromium was lower than the maximum allowed in the national standard (0.05 mg/l), the risk of carcinogenesis was higher than the acceptable risk level of WHO (1 case per 100,000). Also, using the results obtained from the Monte Carlo simulation instead of point estimation provides higher confidence in risk management decisions.

Sahar Najafizadeh, Seyed Vahid Ahmadi Tabatabaei, Fatemeh Dehnavieh Tijang, Somayeh Noori Hekmat,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2023)

Background and Objectives: Human resources play a crucial role in delivering optimal healthcare services to the population. Expanding primary healthcare coverage requires a heightened focus on the healthcare workforce due to their pivotal role in service delivery. This study aims to evaluate the current workload and staffing requirements for primary health workers and midwives in Kerman, Iran, employing the Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) methodology.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in four selected health centers in Kerman, Iran, to estimate staffing requirements across two categories. A total of 118 activities for primary health workers and 89 activities for midwives were identified through the collaboration of expert panels and a comprehensive review of the Iran’s integrated health system. Subsequently, all activities were meticulously timed in each of the four health centers using stopwatches, and WISN ratios and proportions were calculated using Microsoft Excel 2010.
Results: The WISN calculations revealed a surplus in the number of primary health workers in three of the centers: B, C, and D. However, in center A, the workforce in this category is deemed sufficient. Conversely, a deficiency of midwives was noted in two centers, A and B, with WISN ratios of 0.67 and 0.50, respectively, while center C demonstrated an excess of the workforce with a WISN ratio of 2.00. Notably, an average of 50% of the staff workload in both categories comprises supportive and additional activities.
Conclusion: Interestingly, despite 75% of the cases indicating an excess or sufficiency of employees, staff members continue to grapple with high work pressures. This anomaly appears to be linked to the substantial volume of support and additional activities. Furthermore, the intense workload during specific days and hours translates into a pervasive sense of pressure throughout the week. As a potential remedy, introducing a queuing system into the primary healthcare sector could alleviate this issue.

Alireza Didarloo, Behrouz Fathi, Raana Hosseini, Habibollah Pirnejad, Sima Ghorbanzadeh, Kajal Yasamani,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2023)

Background and Objectives: Vaccination stands as a paramount achievement in global public health and a key strategy to control COVID-19. Vaccine acceptance is a pivotal determinant of the success or failure of vaccination programs. Leveraging health education models and theories to predict behavioral intention, this study aimed to investigate the determinants of the intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccine among the general population of Urmia using the Health Belief Model (HBM).
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study employed a cross-sectional approach among 575 individuals aged over 18 residing in Urmia. Sampling was conducted through the snowball and convenience sampling methods. Data was collected using a valid and reliable electronic researcher-made questionnaire comprising four sections: demographic characteristics, knowledge, HBM constructs, and intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS version 16.
Results: The HBM effectively explained 67% of the variance in the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19. Within the model's constructs, individuals' perceived self-efficacy (β = 0.505, P = 0.001) emerged as the strongest predictor of the intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. Other influencing factors included perceived susceptibility (β = 0.158, P = 0.001) and perceived barriers (β = -0.109, P = 0.001).
Conclusion: Given the robust predictive ability of the HBM for the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19, this model can be utilized in educational and behavioral programs and interventions. Special emphasis should be placed on effective constructs, particularly self-efficacy, to enhance citizens' willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Abdolahad Nabiolahi, Najmeh Khammari, Nasser Keikha,
Volume 19, Issue 1 (6-2023)

Background and Objectives: Mucormycosis is a severe fungal infection with high mortality, particularly affecting immunocompromised patients. COVID-19 patients, due to their compromised immunity, are also susceptible to mucormycosis. Given the rising prevalence of mucormycosis, this research aims to analyze highly cited articles focused on mucormycosis in COVID-19 patients.
Methods: This research employed a citation analysis approach using bibliometric analysis. The study's statistical population comprised articles related to mucormycosis and COVID-19 indexed in the Web of Science database between 1945 and 2023 that received a high number of citations. Histcite and VOS Viewer software were utilized to draw scientific and co-occurrence clusters of words.
Results: Analysis of highly cited articles revealed that among the 1,082 documents published, the top 100 works primarily focused on mucormycosis and COVID-19, histopathological findings, and fungal co-infections, garnering the highest citations. An article by Singh received the highest number of citations. The journal "Mycoses" was identified as an influential journal in the COVID-19 and mucormycosis domain, publishing 10 highly cited articles. Co-occurrence analysis of words highlighted four key thematic clusters related to COVID-19 and mucormycosis, as well as other types of fungal infections. Analysis of the top 100 articles indicated that mucormycosis and COVID-19 clusters had the highest frequency, focusing on histopathological areas and fungal coinfections.
Conclusion: The co-occurrence map of words and emerging topics in mucormycosis, COVID-19, and fungal infections can guide researchers in laboratory research, enhancing their understanding of the disease, related current issues and potential treatment methods. Moreover, it offers valuable insights for authors, journals, and researchers in selecting future research priorities.

Ali Jafari-Khounigh, Morteza Haghighi, Alireza Razzaghi, Shahram Habibzadeh, Seyed Taghi Heydari, Rasoul Entezarmahdi, Dr. Alireza Ansari Moghaddam, Hamid Sharifi, Mostafa Farahbakhsh, Mahdi Rezaei, Mina Golestani, Ehsan Sarbazi, Naser Nasiri, Homayoun Sadeghi-Bazargani,
Volume 19, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Background and Objectives: Masks play a crucial role in preventing and controlling viral epidemics transmitted predominantly through the air. This study aimed to develop and validate a tool to measure people’s attitudes and behaviors related to mask usage during highly contagious viral epidemics.
Methods: In this psychometric study, the initial questionnaire was developed and face validity and content validity were assessed by 17 experts and three lay experts. Reliability was evaluated through internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha and test-retest reliability using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Construct validity was measured using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with the principal component extraction method and Varimax rotation.
Results: Based on a review of previous studies, an initial 27-item questionnaire was crafted. During the face validity stage, two items were excluded. Through calculating the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and the Content Validity Index (CVI), three and one items respectively removed. The average scale level content validity index (S-CVI/Ave) was 0.95. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be 0.76 for attitude and 0.66 for practice sections; the ICC was equal to 0.873. EFA revealed two factors explaining 63.98% of the total variance.
Conclusion: This questionnaire demonstrated sound reliability and validity in Persian, providing an effective means to assess attitude and behavior related to mask usage during highly contagious viral epidemics. It stands as a valuable tool for use in Iran and other countries.

Faezeh Joghataei, Payam Roshanfekr, Meroe Vameghi, Zahra Jorjoran Shushtari, Neda Soleimanvandiazar, Peimaneh Shirin Bayan, Gholamreza Ghaedamini Harouni,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Objectives: Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) is an approach that has been used in health research since the 1990s, and several guidelines have been designed for it. This study examines and compares different guidelines in this field.
Methods: This review study was conducted on the 6 guidelines published in PubMed and Scopus databases. After the initial review, the main dimensions of these guidelines, including the definition and target group, methods used, steps to conduct the research, and time planning were extracted in the form of a comparative table.
Results: In six guidelines, the RAR approach has been defined in relation to the comprehensive and rapid investigation of a health-related problem. There are differences in terms of the number of 'steps' of rapid assessment and response, as well as in 'time planning'; a period of 12 to 16 weeks is considered. Among the methods used in the reviewed guides, the following can be mentioned: reviewing available information, conducting interviews (open, structured, and semi-structured), focused group discussions, and other methods such as observation, surveys, narrative methods, and mapping.
Conclusion: The rapid assessment and response (RAR) can be used as an approach, with high flexibility and consideration of scientific and practical aspects, to assess health problems and high-risk behaviors in hard-to-reach groups.

Fatemeh Papiri, Sareh Shakerian,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Background and Objectives: Evidence suggests that one of the behaviors impacted by the quarantine measures enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic is sexual activity. This study aims to investigate this phenomenon.
Methods: A descriptive-analytical study with before-after measurement was conducted during both the COVID-19 pandemic and post-pandemic periods in 2021-2022, utilizing the standard Sexual Performance Index questionnaire administered to 250 women in Ilam province. Inferential statistics including paired t tests, correlation and chi square analysis were performed by SPSS software.
Results: The findings revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on all six components of sexual function in women of reproductive age, including sexual desire, sexual stimulation, lubrication, pleasure, satisfaction and pain. The average overall sexual performance during the COVID-19 period (2.01±1.25) and in the post-COVID-19 period (2.94±1.2) was lower than the cutoff point (3.8), indicating poor performance across the entire scale of sexual function. The results showed that there is an inverse and significant (P<0.05) relationship between age, duration of marriage and number of pregnancies with sexual function index and its subscales.
Conclusion: The study findings suggest that research population experienced weaker sexual performance during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to the post-pandemic period, highlighting the impact of the mental and physical burdens associated with the pandemic on sexual function.

Samaneh Dehghani, Masud Yunesian,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (3-2024)

Microplastics refer to plastic particles and fragments smaller than 5 millimeters in various forms, derived from the breakdown of larger plastics or initially introduced into the environment from the primary constituent particles of plastic. The exact date of the emergence of microplastics in the environment is not precisely known, but it certainly predates the naming of these particles (2004). These particles can enter the bodies of living organisms, including humans, primarily through ingestion and inhalation. Their effects on the body depend on their size, chemical composition, and the composition of substances that later absorb these particles. In this article, we will first briefly examine the classification of these particles in terms of chemical composition and their origins, and then review some evidence of their presence in biological tissues and fluids. Given the increasing production and use of plastics in human life and the fact that most microplastics in nature derive from the breakdown of larger plastics, sometimes several years after their disposal, it is expected that even if plastic production decreases or stops, we will continue to see an increase in their presence in nature for years and decades, leading to human exposure to these compounds (whose effects and consequences of this exposure are not yet fully understood).

Ramin Farrokhi, Samaneh Hosseinzadeh, Abbas Habibelahi, Akbar Biglarian,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Background and Objectives: Identifying pregnant women who are at risk of premature birth and determining its risk factors is essential because it affects their health. This study aimed to use an interpretable machine-learning model to predict premature birth.
Methods: In this study, data from 149,350 births in Tehran in 2019 were utilized from the Iranian Mothers and Babies Network (IMaN) dataset. Various factors related to the mother and the fetus, such as the mother's demographic variables and health status, medical history, pregnancy conditions, childbirth, and associated risks, were considered. The machine learning models, including multilayer neural networks, random forest, and XGBoost, were employed to predict the occurrence of preterm birth after data preprocessing. The models were evaluated based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the ROC curve. The Python programming language version 3.10.0 was applied to analyze the data.
Results: About 8.67% of births were premature. The XGBoost algorithm achieved the highest prediction accuracy (90%). According to the model output, multiple births, which account for 46% of pregnant women's births, had the highest importance score. Delivery risk factors had a score of 41%, and other variables, including neurological and mental illness, preeclampsia, and cardiovascular disease, were subsequently ranked in order of importance for this particular individual.
Conclusion: Using an interpretable machine learning method could predict the occurrence of premature birth. Based on risk factors, the interpretable machine learning method can provide personalized preventive recommendations for every pregnant woman, aiming to reduce the risk of preterm birth.

Monireh Rahimkhani, Maryam Gilani,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Antibiotic resistance has increased significantly in recent years. On the other hand, machine learning (ML) algorithms are increasingly used in medical research and healthcare and are gradually improving clinical performance.
Using ML to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most critical areas of interest among the various applications of these new methods. The rise of antibiotic resistance and managing multidrug-resistant infections that are difficult to treat are important challenges.
Both supervised and unsupervised machine learning tools have been successfully used to predict early antibiotic resistance and thus support clinicians in selecting the appropriate treatment. Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in predicting antimicrobial resistance are among today's sciences. Therefore, an antimicrobial stewardship program (ASP) should be implemented to optimize antibiotic prescribing and limit AMR.

Kiumarss Nasseri,
Volume 20, Issue 1 (6-2024)

Background and Objectives: Years of life lost (YLL) or “wasted life” is a measure based on early and untimely death based on the expectation of life at the time of birth. The objective of this study is to measure the YLL during the COVID-19 epidemic in Iran and compare it with a similar antecedent period by age, sex, and province.
Methods: Daily reports of the Ministry of Health and Medical Education on COVID-19 cases and attributed death in the country; Weekly statistics of death and birth, by age, sex, and province reported by the National Organization for Civil Registration; and population data from the Statistical Center of Iran were used in this study.
Results: During the COVID-19 (Corona) epidemic a 27 percent increase in crude death rate was observed compared to similar period before epidemic.  During the epidemic period, 319,136 extra deaths was recorded of which 45% was registered as COVID-19 death by Ministry of Health and Medical Education. During this period, a total of 4,897,995 years of life were prematurely lost.
Conclusion: Although this study lacks some detailed analysis due to the limitation of the available data and, it provides a clear picture of the health and demographic impacts of this epidemic in Iran and we can use Information presented in this report in planning and advance preparation for control and management of similar significant epidemics in the future.

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